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File: 100 KB, 798x824, Leaf Housing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56372345 No.56372345 [Reply] [Original]

>Rent went up another 11% this year
>There's literally zero supply
>You now pay just as much with a roommate as you did alone 3 years ago
>Housing completely priced the fuck out for first time buyers

How are you leaf bros navigating this nightmare post-modernist hellscape?

>> No.56372351

Canada's doing great. Worry about your own people, yank

>> No.56372371


White Canadians are the absolute scum of the Earth. Literal bugmen, nothing noteworthy about them. Their pathetic lives consist of pretending to be olive while being the most passive aggressive retarded shit creatures to walk the Earth. Canadians are sub human and Patel from UpperCurryDesh is an improvement I’m sure.

>> No.56372393

lmao you got bullied by some white canuck in high school didn't you?

>> No.56372404

Nope, I'm a leaf.
Tell us your story. What filled you with this racial hatred? What background do you come from? You'll find that navigating life with a chip on your shoulder only drags you down more than others.

>> No.56372410

Bill C-11 CRTC diversity hires entered the chat to damage control

Did you guys already stop protesting for a raise?

>> No.56372416


>> No.56372419

I live with my parents, still pay them rent, but only $500 a month.

>> No.56372495
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>How are you leaf bros navigating this nightmare post-modernist hellscape?

Busting my ass to make it so I can buy an apartment building, fill it with White people and charge 50% market rent.

>> No.56372496

Same lol. Got accepted into a degree transfer a province over, but the rentals are just too insane for me. Idk man. Might just drop out and pursue a trade, because I don't see things getting better any time soon

>> No.56372498

Mine make me pay 900

>> No.56372502
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Unfathomably based. Holy shit

>> No.56372505

You are a Canadian your “opinion” is irrelevant youTrudeau cum slurping bitch

>> No.56372513

I live in Calgary and in 2019 was paying $1000 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment that pretty much included everything. Last week I took a look at that same apartment complex where I lived and that same 1 bedroom apartment is $1900 per month and there is a waitlist.
Meanwhile, we had 100,000 Indians move to Alberta in the last month alone, this does not include the lefties fleeing Vancouver and Toronto. This place is completely doomed.

>> No.56372537

jesus christ i can't imagine charging my offspring rent, especially when it's my generation that is pricing them out of homes. the absolute state of whiteoids.

>> No.56372552
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Yeah, I remember Calgary and Edmonton being considered the cheap options to fuck off from the higher cost cities and provinces, but it looks like there's literally nowhere left to run to now which can provide cheaper rents and job opportunities. It used to just be GTA and Vancouver that got made fun of for being CoL money pits, but it's everywhere now. AB in the past held off the clownflation because it used to ban TFWs

But even you bros have enough jeets to vote out worker protection laws. It's looking pretty fucken bad man

>> No.56372559

14/88 borther, I already have a couple and their new baby in my basement.

>> No.56372568

im indian ethnicity in canada and my parents dont charge me anything. my dad buys the food i like and always makes sure i have everything. last month he bought me new wheels for my truck because he said they are a good deal and he painted the old ones for me for using in winter. he also gave me a $100k tfsa. my sister just had a baby and all my cousins have multiple kids. im saving up for a ski hill house to buy the family. feels good not having jewed parents who charge u rent. everyone complains about canada and yeah stuff is expensive but its barely noticeable when u have a good family or community to rely on.

>> No.56372587

You're doing an incredibly good deed. o/

>> No.56372590

i want to suffocate every fucking boomer still supporting the liberals

>> No.56372632

Federal retards should of banned all foreign ownership of real estate years ago, especially when it was still only localized to Vancouver and GTA. Instead, they "taxed" it then opened the floodgates to millions of uneducated migrants. I want to escape to the US from this hellhole.

>> No.56372663
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Get out pajeet

>> No.56372676
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They're the only non-oligarch beneficiaries of permanent hyperinflation. The "I got mine" generation doesn't give a fuck, as long as the number goes up and the gee dee pee feeds their pensions and property values. A lot of Gen-X is now retiring as well, and all expect a golden 15 years of gibs, despite having replaced the positions they're vacating with cheap TFWs. Feds won't stop and want us to hit 100m people despite our cup already running over and spilling on the floor everywhere
Given we're ruled by ideologues obsessed with population growth, I have a feeling they're gonna go East-Germany style bans on emigration one day. There's already massive amounts of people looking to get the fuck out, and even many turd world migrants end up taking off. Feds are probably begging for another lockdown event so they can issue travel bans once again.

>> No.56372684
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>> No.56372734

>How are you leaf bros navigating this nightmare post-modernist hellscape?

I'm doing fine, I'm not an urbanite nigger lover. If you stay in Canada to live in the cities, WTF are you doing.

>> No.56372741

What’s the point? Aren’t they all libtards who will not have kids and vote for more immigrants?

>> No.56372748
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>pretending to be olive
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.56372778

I find that unreasonable anger is almost always a type of projection.
In this, you're likely cum hungry homosexual who was spurned by his canadian fag boyfriend.

>> No.56372786

good morning ranjeet!

>> No.56372792
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Not my problem, Anglo scum

>> No.56372801

Basé en caliss.

>> No.56372838

>Montreal isn't swamped with Haitians and nafris

>> No.56372850

Based dude

>> No.56372855

>Québec's population is 100% in Montreal


>> No.56372927
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Just don't live in the wrong province, Québécois here and doing great, life is pretty cheap.

>> No.56372953

Quebec is a shithole. I had the misfortune of having to move here for a job opportunity. Trashiest people in the country. Quebecoise women are all fat, covered in tattoos and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. The birthrate is non existent. French Canadians will be extinct in 50 years, Haitians and Algerians will inherent the province lmao.

>> No.56372958
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Haitians mostly stays in Montreal Nord and Nafris in Saint-Léonard. The only real problem is French people hiking up the rents in the white neighborhoods, but they always go back to Yurope after one or two winters.

>> No.56372996

I'm white and do the same, can't wait till our families meet on the field of battle, gonna be epic af

>> No.56372999

Same but six brown people to a room @ 200% market rates

>> No.56373107

If the government find out they'll steal your apartment, put 500 pajeets in it and send you to mega jail forever

>> No.56373132

Post nose

Cool story bro

>> No.56373136

like 50% of the quebec population is in montreal if you include all the suburbs. and quebec city is a lot of the population as well. theres a lot of nafris and hatians in both those cities

>> No.56373157

is this true? >>>/g/96698968

>> No.56373228

Moved back in with my parents. Have a GF who is moving in with me. Basement apartment. Waiting for our condo downtown to be built.
Rent is a meme at this point. Kill yourself if you pay 70% of your paycheck to some cunt renting out their tiny apartment.

>> No.56373237

Their kids will see the devastation that their lib bleeding heart parents brought in

>> No.56373285

Lol we're flooded with immigrants. They're illegal but it doesn't matter. The government can't go after them and they launder money through NGOs to let them stay in hotels for free. There's nowhere to go.

>> No.56373348

You really think discrimination in renting out a large amount of rooms is gonna be accepted?
I like what you plan to do, but just be careful anon, make sure you research the laws and don't bring too much suspicion on yourself

>> No.56373404

I talk with a lot of zoomers and I don't think they fully grasp the concept that they'll never own their own home in Canada. They think if they vote a certain color then all this will one day go away and everything will be fine.

>> No.56373410

They came in first and got a house cheap
Not anyone problem and I don’t think anyone can cause shit to a rich bastard with multiple rental properties

>> No.56373418

Propaganda is strong
their children will realize that
Either way, more whites means a better future

>> No.56373429

>government imports a bunch of third-worlders and pays for their rent
>rent goes up 20000%

really makes you think

>> No.56373751

I live on my family's farm we've had since the 1890s. That's how I navigate this nightmare and I'd literally go back to the US if I couldn't live this cheap anymore.

>> No.56374481

We need ww3 to save us at this point, as that's the only thing that would disrupt the 1m shitskins flooding in every year.

A couple of nice little black swan events are occurring around the world though. Getting some kino multiculturalism clashes happening. They can stuff the turd world here, but they can't force jeets, Arabs, berbers, jews, and persians to get along.

>> No.56374511

Haha yeah white people in apartments is totally heckin' based right guys? That's totally not slavery and 100% the heckin' 1488 meme goal!

>> No.56374534

Based beyond belief

>> No.56374540

>Tell us your story. What filled you with this racial hatred?
These people got permanently mindbroken by 2015 /pol/ and will now spend the rest of their life posting unhinged racism against whites online trying to fill the black hole that pol created inside of them. It's kind of funny to know that they've become the monster they hate. There is no more severe level of defeat than that but they're too dumb to realize it.

>> No.56374553

Was just in both Montreal and Quebec City. Most white people I've seen anywhere in a long time, probably since I was in Warsaw. North America is just a colony of Mexico and India now and God does it stink.

>> No.56374554

They stay in cheap apartments, paying half price so their children can afford lands and property with the saved money
Based deal

>> No.56374592

No, that's just not how life works at all. As the poojeets and others pump out kids at 50x the rate of whites, apartment dwellers will never see an escape.
Nothing based about being scammed, retard.

>> No.56374609

Whites living in an apartment that is 50% cheaper are incentivized to have more kids.
It’s a fighting chance that anon is giving to them and for their future children to breed like rabbits thanks to the cheap housing provided by him.
Beside, the amount of money saved can pave the way for buying property later on for their children.
If they refuse, well that’s their problem.
At least anon was doing something about it, not complaining like you here

>> No.56374619
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>ywn be real olive

>> No.56374625

the absolute state of white family.

>> No.56374643

Money stays in family
What’s the issue?

>> No.56374644

have you replaced all the old european stock yet?

>> No.56374706

Dumbass, making more poor people while you live in an apartment is never good ideas.
The "something" the other anon wants to do is have you pay for his shit while he does nothing and virtue signals what a great fuckin' guy he is.
Some reason, you faggots eat that scam up.
Shame on you with Greta Thunberg levels of contempt.

>> No.56374735

What else do you want? He just give them his apartments for free and leaves?
But 50% off is much better than full rent

>> No.56374742

You are a dumbass. You're probably the same guy who originally posted that.
Either way, you're totally fucking clueless. Just fuck off, retard

>> No.56374777

No I am not the same
But whatever
He is based

>> No.56374801

22yo zoomoid here, you're likely talking to direction brains, they're very strong in our demographic, most of us are glued to Insta/Tok/Xitter and lack the ability to think for our selves, the perfect vooters. Most of us are already demoralised coming out of school or uni and finding the job market is utterly fucked and that due to multiple factors won't even pay a subsitance wage for 6 days a week without benefits and that most of us have parents who either don't care or actively work against our own interests. Wait till we all figure out that ve vil live in ze pods, the cope will be somthing else.

>> No.56374821

I shack up with my boomer parents who made their final house flip in 2014. They wanted to kick me out at first, but now that they're facing retirement with no savings they're begging me to stay.

This mess ends one of 3 ways
>Too many renters priced out, breaking the system thought rental property losses
>Immigration slows due to poor word of mouth. Causing a crash through loss of student borrowers and renters
>The landlords crack and the property market crashes due to a credit crunch from high interest rates

>> No.56374902 [DELETED] 
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The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1660!!

>> No.56374910

every problem i've every had in life comes down to unaffordable housing

>can't pursue whatever i want in life. have to go for something that makes decent money or i'll live like a bum until i die.
>can't work 3 or 4 days a week like a want, have to work 5 days + over time or i can't pay the mortgage
>can't afford a place on my own, have to live with parents until my mid 30s, so i will be a virgin until my mid 30s
>can't have kids because i can't afford them. can't find a decent girl because i can't comfortably spend money on her.
>landlords want to maximise their gains so governments keep importing immigrants to drive up demand for housing and make low end jobs worth less
>because housing is unaffordable city planners and developers keep uglyfying neighbour hoods with commieblocks, smaller plots of land, and a billion duplexes/granny flats

>> No.56375070
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why don't you just, you know, build new houses?

>> No.56375103 [DELETED] 
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The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1660!!

>> No.56375150

>heh, nevermind the fact we can set our own prices...
>totally not another crypto scam guys please buy ours!

>> No.56375362

Tell me why i should rent to arrogant whites who want the entire house when i can rent the same space to 10 hardworking indians with bunk beds in each room and earn double?

>> No.56375380
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Plan your exit brothers. If you can't leave the country at least get out of the cities. There are multiple problems that will remain unsolvable with the current mindsets and ideologies. Get out while you can.

>> No.56375386

because the stench of curry and body odor will seep into the drywall.

>> No.56375388
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> wages fell by another 11% in Canada
> people are living like the third world
The Canadian yield curve is massively inverted.
Arctic Mexico is a mess.

>> No.56375395

> I'm going to be a landlord
>> based
You twat

>> No.56375403

This is bullshit, everything is changing in Quebec.
Just like other cities before now, Canadians will put their smug heads in the sand until it's too late.

>> No.56375703


>> No.56375710

>is changing
literally all you have to do is kill the transplants. that's it.

>> No.56375730


>> No.56375757

shut the fuck up dungtesh

>> No.56375857
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>tfw my parents make me pay nothing

>> No.56375887

When your parents are giving you their inheritance, they don't work and pay up the ass in property taxes each year it is least a child can do to show they give a fuck

>> No.56375897

Toronto has been unreporting its population for decades. By a large amount as well

>> No.56376013

I bought my dream home from profits last bull cycle. Nice little acre lot outside of a major city, built within the last 5 years.
Started out variable so monthly mortgage payment went up about 20% before I locked it. Socked away enough cash to pay off the rest come renewal time in 2026 if these rates are still insanely high.

>> No.56376139

I'm a top 2% earner in Toronto, and I've pretty much given up on buying a house.

I know professional workers who are looking for roommates in their late 30's

Its really difficult, I heard even immigrants are skipping Canada as a destination now. Lots of them earn minimum wage here which barely pays for your survival needs, as long as you have 3 other roommates...

>> No.56378417

If you are young and you aren't looking at ways to leave you might as well kill yourself today

>> No.56378447

>One party state
>Country on track to demographically replace whites in full in 20 years
>absurd cost of living with no end in sight

how does this story end

>> No.56378472

Hopefully Israel gets wiped out and we can begin healing healing before it's too late

>> No.56378669

Parents make me pay $450
Kinda fucked up since I save 85% of my paycheck (after rent) and it still costs me 10% of my income
Like buddy, you want me to move out, but you also want to delay it by 10%?

>> No.56378814

be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.56378863
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change to zoning laws is happening. I guess at a similar pace to leagalizing weed, we are legalizing housing builds. California is the first state, then other states follow

search YIMBY (yes in my backyard)

>> No.56378867

get help, anon.

>> No.56378906


>> No.56378971
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Canada is doomed, housing here was already extremely overpriced due to lack of supply and now with the current government bringing in people in droves to artificially support the GDP, its only going to get worse. The government also says that "without immigration, we can never meet the demand to build more houses". These people are literal retards, the vast majority is just students from india with no skills and no experience and only work retail jobs which offer nothing to help remedy the already failed housing situation. We can only build so many new houses/housing units per year, especially with the fucked up zoning laws, and bringing in people at a rate that vastly outpaces the housing units being built is only going to make things worse. Unless there is serious and drastic changes, this country is going to be india 2.0

>> No.56378983

Finally lol

>> No.56379060
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I HOPE this one thing taught us something: dump the crypto-ponzi and get into real estate.
Youtube and the library have a ton of free info.
Investor clubs in every city give cheap education.

14 property owner here. Retired at 41.

>> No.56379172

Wait are Canadians really struggling? We have life on easy-mode up here.

My wife and I are going to retire at 34 and 31 because we didn’t squander all the opportunity this country gave us.

>> No.56379209
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Haggled mine down to $400

>> No.56379229

Move out you fucking parasites

>> No.56379299

Fuck you, I got mine

>> No.56379318

Until I either get paid more (already paid $70k/yr) or prices come down, sorry I just won't
Parents want to retire at 55 and if they want to burn every asset the own over the course of their retirement, fine. They can subsidize me until I buy a house in cash as a replacement for no inheritance
>the absolute state of white families

>> No.56379330

Kys and die in a fire subhuman nazi trash

>> No.56379333

My parents didn’t pay for my university or help me buy a home.
I just made something of myself instead of begging mommy and daddy to gibe moneys.

>> No.56379346

>I just made something of myself instead of begging mommy and daddy to gibe moneys.
That's what I'm doing :)

>> No.56379354

I live in montreal, my rent is dirt cheap, I'm just not gonna move, cause when I move my rent will triple

Eventually my boomer parents will die and they've got 2 houses

>> No.56379595

Get some pussy, faggot

>> No.56379691

I don't get it. Canada has all that empty land. Why aren't they building on it?

>> No.56379717

Kill a jew. Get a nice warm and comfy stay in an appartment for FREE.

>> No.56380580


>> No.56380683

Majority of Canada is uninhabitable like the arctic and Tundra. Farm land is private, forest land belongs to government, and any other open land belongs to natives. God forbid you touch native land in Canada as it's literal genocide.

>> No.56380754

Why dont Canadians just leave????

>> No.56381473

Canadians, not refugees

>> No.56381484

I'm going to open a speakeasy in El Salvador

>> No.56381532


>> No.56381683


>canadian boomers charge LITERAL RENT to their own progeny

basically sums up this country in a nutshell. i would hate my parents today if they would have had the gall to charge me rent when I was trying to establish myself

>> No.56382489


Make 50k + a year.
Tuition tax credits at 100k.
Agree to make half mortgage payments with your parents to have have ownership of house. = instant equity. Title should be tenancy in common.

Gf doesn’t like it? Rent an apartment with her and don’t tell about ownership

Renting is expensive because interest rates are high. Landlords can’t keep being saved by higher rents. Eventually this will collapse due to tenants not being able to pay / job losses / competition between landlords.

>> No.56382860

I rented out my 1-bed, 650 sq ft condo in downtown Toronto for $3200.

Yes that is a 1 bedroom condo for $3200.

Seethe and cope

>> No.56382881

>When your parents are giving you their inheritance

>> No.56382931

>God forbid you touch native land in Canada as it's literal genocide.
based protected nativity.

Better off having one built. With more apartments they can compete with suburbs that love to hog up land.

>> No.56382952

As always, rent can be solved with Land Value Tax on all properties except the first house, a ban on corporations who rent property, and a limit on how many houses can be rented out by an individual, set to one.
The market gets instantly fixed.

>> No.56382963

are you sure you didn't move to bc by accident?

option 3 is looking pretty likely at the moment. im hearing stories about people not even understanding how their mortgage works and finally figuring out their renewal is going to be 2-3x more per month.

>> No.56383031

I recommend setting rents well above the norm with a condition that after x months the rent comes down to half market rates as a loyalty reward or something. This should select mostly for white people (low time preference) and exclude niggers (high time preference), while not explicitly violating discrimination laws. Note that this method doesn't filter out Asians.

>> No.56383050

Permitting to even zone a lot for residential already costs like $300k in red tape alone before you can even get permission to build anything. The system is designed to ensure no homes are built, because the politicians are all heavily invested in real estate and make money if number goes up. The problem is the government.

>> No.56383064

>Eventually this will collapse due to tenants not being able to pay / job losses / competition between landlords.
That's where you're wrong bucko, this is why Canada is so hardcore about bringing in massive amounts of immigrants - it drives housing prices higher.

>> No.56383097
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Canucks, Hot Canada is only five years behind you and our government is starting to do the same thing re. bringing in as many migrants as possible to prop up GDP and home values.

As someone who lives in Hot Canada, what can I do to best mitigate the destructive forces this will bring on my life? Do I need to leverage into a property as hard as possible RIGHT NOW so I'm not priced out forever like you guys are?

>> No.56383105

acquire property then airbnb

>> No.56383138

Should I sell my 4.1 BTC and $110k worth of boomer stocks and ETFs to put down on property?

I do have roughly $70k cash and was intending on saving an additional $80k over the next year so that I could put down a deposit without having to sell off my other assets. But my concern is that with the flood of migrants entering the country, by the time I've reached that $150k, property will have climbed another 20% necessitating a $200k deposit.

>> No.56383293

bros I wanna fuck a cute indian girl...

>> No.56383874

That's extremely creative, good thinking.

>> No.56383930

His ex boyfriend that left him for a nigger was a French Canadien faggot named Olivier

>> No.56383970

imagine thinking politicians would let something like this happen anywhere in the world lmao

>> No.56383972
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We're not doing much better down here

>> No.56384026

Quick reminder there's one group that profit the most from this.

>> No.56384082

You forgot boomers starting to die en mass in 5-10 years. All while we are experiencing credit crunch.
This will be glorious.

>> No.56384086

remember when people were jealous of canada during the bush era lmao fucking third world pajeet niggerdump.

>> No.56384091

I've been hearing "boomers are going to start dying en mass in 5-10 years" for about 10 years now. Whatever is going on, it doesn't seem to be helping.

>> No.56384100

>Make their kids pay them the rent
>''It's not money lost, you'll inherit it at some point anyway"
>Have to pay up taxes on money you had to give them, instead of just staying for free without any taxes
God I HATE boomers like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.56384115
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>> No.56384119

You just had to pull out a calculator to understand what you've been reading 10 years ago is bullshit. Boomers wouldn't start to die while they were 60 or 65. You're barking at the wrong tree.

>> No.56384145

>have to take precautions before you leave the house because the air outside can kill you
Canada is fucking Mars. Fuck Canada and fuck Elon Musk.

>> No.56384194

- need mass immigration to sustain their pension
- cost tons of money in the medical sector
- stopped the economy to be protected from the coof
- love mass immigration because it increases their property value

boomers have sacrificed younger generations for their own comfort.

>> No.56386139

In person interviews filter out foreigners 100%, along with being a hard ass about who's on the rental agreement so singles can't suddenly have a shit tier boy/girlfriend move in with them.

>> No.56386157
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw your full of shit. Montreal literally has more black people per capita than Toronto does, and it's by far the most arab'd city in Canada due to all the nafris that go there because it's French speaking

>> No.56386341

Even better is when you inherit retarded trinkets but “they’re valued at $10k, that’s what I paid at the store! You should be grateful that you’re getting anything at all!”
>boomers have sacrificed younger generations for their own comfort.
Yeah but I got mine

>> No.56386423
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Jokes on you fags. I live in Toronto and my parents paid off their mortgage in the early 00s. My dad recently retired and moved to the town he grew up in and left the home for my and my fiance. I'm in my mid 20s and home owner while doing absolutely nothing. Literally some posy war bungalow in East York valued at 1.1 million dollars

>> No.56386428

The Canadian real estate ponzi is on the precipice of a rapid unwinding

Brace yourself

>> No.56386824

I'm leaving you kids my baseball card collection and 5 prize-winning poodles. The family farm goes to the government, they're going to make it a nature preserve in my honor :)

>> No.56387785

As long as we continue to import millions of chinks and pajeets, it's not coming down for a long time.

>> No.56388080

>Artic Mexico
Dont slander noble mexico like that anon. I left Canada for Mexico a month ago and rent is $200, currently working four hours a day Mexican wages to cover room and board then earn in dollars online in my free time. Yesterday i went to a street vendor and bought more food than i could eat for $6. There are tons of new favtories going up here, and you can buy all sorts of machinery for extremely resonable prices. The women are friendly, the food is great, and living is extremely easy.

>> No.56388241
File: 307 KB, 640x988, 1695500663039603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya man you are really living it up, congrats

>> No.56388545

The only things I am certain about is that housing is going to collapse big time and as a result the government is facing a financial crisis in the next couple years.
I hope that somehow trudy and the libs can pull out another victory as they will help to accelerate this nation's downfall.
The best way forward is to rebuild but all of these retards that live here need to first be shown desolation and "multiculturalism" in such an environment.

>> No.56388565

Are you paying any attention? Prices are not going up and the jeets are coming in at record numbers. Also chinks have slowed immigration. I suspect jeets will too once they realize how fucked they are getting.

>> No.56389076

I think it's going to take a long time for immigration to slow down. Most immigrants are coming from third-world shitholes, and even though the standard of living in Canada is declining, it's probably still better than the country they came from.

>> No.56389134

>are you sure you didn't move to bc by accident?
kek I guess women are abhorrent coast to coast

>> No.56389158

Mine's at $600, but I earn 215K. My sister paid $1000 to my mom when she was earning $30/hrs, lol. Women do not know how to bargain.

>> No.56389265

Enjoy losing your house in 2026
>it drives housing prices higher.
Not if nobody can afford the houses
Can you even qualify for a mortgage with a stress test near 10%?

>> No.56389330
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If only you knew how bad it really is

>> No.56390043
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Going into massive unsustainable debt.

>> No.56390563

only retards rent

>> No.56390585


>> No.56390587
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By living in Saskatchewan

>> No.56390936
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>Can you even qualify for a mortgage with a stress test near 10%?
Samefag you replied to, ye I could qualify for 10% with a borrow of around $400k. Assuming I sold literally everything (stocks, crypto) and burned all my cash in the process I could front about $300k as a deposit. So I’d have a budget of $700k or so to work with which should get me into a two bedroom unit in a relatively shit part of Sydney.

However, that does mean sacrificing diversification and everything I have gets placed into the property basket which will only ever get more expensive in this faggot country until the end of time itself.

>> No.56391239

They voted for this. Fuck em.

>> No.56392309
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he doesn't get killed too often I guess

>> No.56392545

I hope some hacks into the database of registered owners, sorts it by properties owned then publishes this information. I hope you then wake up to the noise of the mob that is going to lynch you.

>> No.56392557

You stupid Canuck fuck.
There's loads of room.

>> No.56392924

>just build properties on the Canadian Shield bro

>> No.56395533

Not where there's jobs. It doesn't help that all of our infrastructure is designed around everyone having to drive resulting in a poor use of the limited valuable land that we have. Car culture requires low level populations but our government wants to import the entire third world for some reason.

>> No.56395935

How many vaccinations did you get? On double digits now or what?

>> No.56395975

I've talked to a few randoms now. Pajeets and Ukrainians mostly and they all said they would love to leave and go home. Maybe save 50k or something and back they'll go and live large in their countries.

>> No.56395995

Kill yourself subhuman

>> No.56396127

Well that's encouraging. I hope most immigrants come to realize this country is a scam and leave in droves. Perhaps then this country can start to heal

>> No.56396343

made of
Capitalist Insanity

>> No.56396678
File: 2.77 MB, 5147x3242, operation-arsareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a digital nomad living in a tent waiting for the superior courts ruling on the constitutionality of invoking the emergencies act to freeze bank accounts of peaceful protestors.

>> No.56396837

they already decided it was okay to stop people from leaving their own country. the ((courts)) can go fuck themselves

>> No.56397090

Tell me more anon, I'm low on schizo theories

>> No.56397137
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Yes, they wouldnt tak rocco galati's boc vs comer case either then precided with some bullshit rainbow stuff.

This for me is by proxy about the intent of the bank of international settlements cbdc agenda, canada has been guinea pigged by the banking cartel and they never let a good crisis go to waste, if property rights arnt to be practible to the extent do the cleanest capitol protest in history than to me it justifies realigning north america to brics and to risk a neo cuban missle crisis in the northwest

>> No.56397242
File: 3.59 MB, 2999x2998, arsareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this timeline-
After the kangaroo courting of the freedom convoy organizers, the superior court quitely rules in favour of the triangle swirl trudeau foundations evokation of the emergencies act, setting precident that its okay to extrajudicially and retroactively seize peoples property and freeze their funds in -20 degree weather 3 days drive from home without notice.

A disaffected software programmer than sees an opportunity to trigger neo-mercantilist quagmire in the arctic ocean to free the northwest from the black mailed gangsters in parliament by fundraising enough funds though the shadow banking system to purchase an academik lomonosov, a floating nuclear power station from the russians. Making a steal of a deal with the chinese on lignite mining of Banks island he manages to convinese the CCP to send their fishing fleet to go take the horseshoe crabs while delivery of the uranium filled power station is floated to Banks island. Asics are purchased and port construction is under taken.

furious at the development Ottawa is impotent to do anything as they have no standing army and any political capitol with the russians and chinese was expunged funding brother wars and accusing the CCP of election interference. The Quebecois see their opportunity and invite the french foreign legion to its provence and coordinates moving the French economic engine to labrador and nothern quebec

A new port city called Chiagiga is made on the mouth of the Mackenzie river as scandavian ice breakers are invited to open the northwest passage for shipping decades ahead of schedule, if only to ensure there is a back up plan to dispose of the ever accumulating radio active waste from the power plant. London city insures cargos.

Albertans get a new homesteading act, and we stabilize our demographic pyramid while eating red meat, and watch as the great lakes region eats the bugs

>> No.56397595

Thank you, this is good shit, keep spreading the word brother

>> No.56397814

I make 300k/year and can’t afford to move out. This country is a fucking dump

>> No.56398145

But why Banks island, given its west coast is still within Canadian territorial waters. Presumably there can be some enforcement action against a settlement there. What state do you assume Canada and the US to be in by then?

>> No.56398156

I assume the coal deposits are your main reason.

>> No.56398331

Can't call them bums and creeps anymore. Jyoti would never.

>> No.56398435
File: 37 KB, 1200x600, jigsaw eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of vitamin D leads to schizophrenia. Pale skin is an adoption to lack of sunlight to absorb more vitamin D from lesser sunlight. Canada is much farther north of the equator then pakistan and india. The "immigrants" will slowly go insane and become more schizophrenic. This will lead to a mental health crisis and lead to infighting and fall of the state of canada. Justin truedohs children will die violent deaths from the mentally ill pakistani muslims and ranjeet hindus civil war. The clock is ticking for canada's government elite and massive crash in real estate priced in blood and corpses.

>> No.56398475

Get the fuck out of Canada poo skin

>> No.56398608

what's with the schizoposting ITT

>> No.56399109

What job can a white fellow get in Mexico?

>> No.56399173

You stupid fuck.
The space between Montreal and Toronto is bigger than the UK, which has a bigger population.
Your education system sucks shit.

>> No.56399195
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He already told you that land you refer to is not obtainable to build on, SKEEYEE

>> No.56399205
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>> No.56399244
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the only reason i can survive is because my friend only charges me $550 a month in rent since he has no mortgage payment

>> No.56399440

bullshit, there's loads of land in canada.
it's artificial scarcity.

>> No.56399448

Canada somehow took the worst parts of the US and the UK+France and made them even worse.

>> No.56399461

and it costs a fucking fortune.
even shit like having to buy new snow boots for all the family regularly.
winter coats. expensive warm gloves.
all that, shit wages, high taxes and they they say "oh yeah and housing is more than anywhere else".
say what now?

>> No.56399473

Don't most Canadians live in Toronto?

>> No.56399481

just look it up on the fucking internet

>> No.56399491

Well aren't you a faggot. Must have gotten that from your french side.

>> No.56399577
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>I hope most immigrants come to realize this country is a scam and leave in droves. Perhaps then this country can start to heal

No the government will just start targeting worse and worse quality immigrants. We're already scraping at the bottom of the barrel with skill-less pajeets.If pajeets and ukrainians don't want to move here then they'll just increase immigration from sub 80 IQ arab, african and hispanic countries.

>> No.56399593

Kalergi plans doenst need to have any logic behind it

>> No.56399600


Is Toronto house price really crashing? A lot of people on social media say it is, but most price charts on internet are lagging by a few months. Where can I see the current average price?

>> No.56399628
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My heart weeps for those effected by this tragedy.

>> No.56399664

Taking money from the young who need it and giving it to the old who don't.

>> No.56399676


Imagine the smell

>> No.56399791

I'm thinking on just booking it to america

Yes I know, they have niggers but I don't want to be homeless and have cheaper food

I hate america for its culture but they feel like the only place left for a standard of living similar to a decade ago

- clinical lab tech

>> No.56400037

Yes ok artificial or real, you can't go build a house where you're not allowed retard

>> No.56400075
File: 281 KB, 575x632, question whorte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Canada just build more homes/apartments? Seems like a pretty easy solution.

>> No.56400101

Because we don't live in reality. Anything that gets past all of the legalities and logistics of building here is expensive as fuck. Most 2 bed condos that are 60 years old still go for over 250k leaf bucks

>> No.56400132

>Anything that gets past all of the legalities and logistics of building here is expensive as fuck.
Why not deregulate housing?

>> No.56400417

I notice bank stocks RY, BMO, BNS, CM are crashing. This likely signals major economic crash is coming

>> No.56400425

Why the fuck is housing such a huge issue in anglophone countries? The UK, Australia, Canada, and even the US are currently having issues with this shit and simply refuse to address it (other than by promising to print more money.)

>> No.56400483

At the beginning of the year I applied for the Young Professionals program but got rejected because of a technicality, I even had a job lined up in Quebec.
I was pretty mad but then I began reading about what's going on in Canada and I get the impression I dodged a bullet back there.

>> No.56400491


>> No.56400522
File: 213 KB, 1080x1480, IMG_4223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay just over 800 dollars for a bachelor suite in Vancouver BC, AMA

>> No.56400527

What's the square footage?

>> No.56400552

Around 400 sqft I think

>> No.56400556


LOL you live in a closet

>> No.56400559

You pay 800/month for that? If so that's a bargain for a big city.

>> No.56400587

What? You're an idiot for coming from out of country let alone to QUEBEC

>> No.56400624


It’s an old apartment which I got 6 years ago when I moved out. Has a nice balcony and a front area in the open where I grow my vegetables and herbs. Parking and storage included, close to the beach and far away from Downtown so no homeless junkie problems

>> No.56400717

Canadians deserve this, knowing that is the only thing that keeps me sane. Stupid niggers voted for it.

>> No.56400752


>> No.56400780

i stopped donating money to charity and volunteering at my food bank after covid. i loathe canadians now.

>> No.56400852

im actually going on a vacation soon soooo

only a major loser would say something so vile desu

>> No.56400929

Make it a permanent vacation. There's a thread for brown people and it's not this one

>> No.56401360

You got a steal. Anyone saying otherwise don't know what it's like out here.

>> No.56401416

>People voted in a rigged system
>So now they deserve to be serfs in a system of global elite
In the face of such evil, I can understand all kinds of cope being reached for, but this kind of malicious, misanthropic condemnation of people who are already being degraded, exploited, and ground down is perhaps the worst. Canada has been subverted and co-opted by certain centers of evil, this is an outrage and a travesty, hardly to be laid at the feet of any particular voter.

>> No.56401566

There's no innocents in Canada. There are fifth columists and the nigger cattle they're embedded within. Your family deserves to die and starve on the street. I spit on you simply because you are Canadian.

>> No.56401812
File: 445 KB, 1600x1200, pisa-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your education system is shit
Better than yours. The stupid fuck here is you for thinking you can build towns on the fucking Canadian Shield.

>> No.56404307

>hardly to be laid at the feet of any particular voter
The word-of-mouth condemnation of people who sought to peacefully make change (truckers) combined with continued retarded voting patterns demands that I lay it at the feet of voters. Rigged or not, they readily admit that they vote for the same parties because CPC is le bad. Canadians are divorced from reality.

>> No.56405045

honestly I'm very underwhelmed after a decade of speaking with Canadians.
I suspect your tertiary education system is shit.

>> No.56405655

Judging from your posts itt your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.56406433
File: 423 KB, 1600x1280, Map-extent-Canadian-Shield-North-America-mass-3698959382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's your biggest weakness: smugness
you have loads of land versus your population.
anyhow enjoy the coming crash.

>> No.56406446

nova scotia is 1/3 the size of the uk, with 1mm population. uk has 70mm.

>> No.56406480

Ah yes, such a reasonable reply from a clearly well adjusted individual
Are the Truckers themselves not Canadian? It seems by your own admission that some Canadians, at least potentially, are redeemable.

>> No.56406537

>It seems by your own admission that some Canadians, at least potentially, are redeemable.
Yeah, some are. At large, however, most Canadians do not see the error in their ways.

>> No.56406605

Like I said, you're too weak to survive. You get on your knees and cuck like the rest of these bitches. When it comes down to it I will eat you and your entire family for food.

And, of course, you deserve it.

>> No.56406645

Relax paco, I understand working 80 hours a week picking alfalfa plants is stressful

>> No.56406725

Mao did nothing wrong. The landlords deserved it.

>> No.56406769

Funny that you think Canadians work real jobs instead of being employed by the government.

>> No.56406800

is that in Canadian dollars? So like $400 US dollars? That seems really cheap

>> No.56407007

There is absolutely zero chance this is true unless you are renting from mommy and daddy

>> No.56407946

did it really devaluate that much? lmao

>> No.56408358
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 452EC7CC-66E1-401F-A9F2-74CA1C6EDB31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah an Indian spotted god you smelly fuckers are so disgusting

>> No.56408377

And that’s a good thing, fucking cucknadians, always shitting everywhere they tourist and showing off their damn flag everywhere.

>> No.56408491

its public knowledge

>> No.56410420

No one got bullied by Canadians. Your entire country is like an American halfway house

>> No.56410480
File: 359 KB, 500x500, 1672308145093260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Glorious superior chink
>Go to Canada
>Buy up all the houses
>Wait for the happening
>Rent them to white slaves at high price
>They all line up to in hope to give me money

>> No.56410507

death to NIMBYs

>> No.56410534

whose cock did you have to lick to get that deal?

>> No.56411545


It's millionaire/billionaire investors all buying. They go to Canada because it's safe from CCP + large population of them in dense urban areas. Literally could be anyone investing.

>> No.56411981

perhaps if people got the message out that since blackrock controls the homebuilders, kimberly clark, lennar, pulte, etc, that they are the ones responsible for the housing shortage and subsequent price gouging. demand that they build more housing, name and shame, start filing lawsuits demanding the right to build, etc. if people made a stink perhaps something would be done, but everyone is ignorant of the system and/or benefiting from property ownership to get pissed off. "middle class" amounts to being able to live in single-family housing as opposed to renting - we have a bounty of basically everything else, why aren't there enough houses? why are they keeping people in slums? why are they growing the underclass instead of expanding the middle class?

>> No.56412143

> can I build in that big field for 300k?
That's err, part of the Canadian shield anon.
You gotta buy an existing apartment in the gulag, err I mean city
> but there's land everywhere
It's just not possible anon
> we can't build now, but they had the wherewithal in 1800?
Yes, now back in the gulag

Your average Canadian believes this

>> No.56412562

Try saying that to the rampant asian and brown incel population in Canada