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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56394295 No.56394295 [Reply] [Original]

You guys finally did it, you broke the biggest paid shill. Impressive very nice.

>> No.56394330

>at a certain point you realize its largely an echochamber
pot meet kettle

>> No.56394341

so /biz/ now is just a twitter commentary board?

>> No.56394345

>follows CLG so he can post it here asap
Kill yourself.

>> No.56394437
File: 139 KB, 879x487, 1697643745572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO you cant just be disappointed with losing 90% of your money because...you just cant! Okay!?

>> No.56394456

it's your fault sweetie

>> No.56394493

>nigger ID

>> No.56394561

this guy used to do it for free and now gets paid unlike you adem

>> No.56394589

I'm always negative because the price is negative. BTC, ETH, and many other real coins have clawed back quite a bit of their marketcap after dropping from their ATHs. LINK is still in the gutter.

>> No.56394715

holy redpills i just went back to twitter

>> No.56394869
File: 2.48 MB, 322x178, 1697210944283893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought the top

>> No.56395007

he is severly underestimating the problem and the opponents he is up against if he doesnt acknowledge that a lot of it is paid for to attack link itself
see adem

and again he fails to see the best way to counter it is for the filthy fat fuck to stop the dumps a little bit but no everytime there is some buying pressure he takes a big fat dump all over it

>> No.56395056

umm sweetie the price of the token doesn't matter

>> No.56395115

well yes obviously they will still pay (you) to go and fud but if the price went up then everyone would just point and laugh at the fudders
just like everyone points and laughs at r/buttcoin

>> No.56395121

I literally met this retard at Smartcon in Barcelona.
He's literally a jewish kid with dark hair, dark eyes, dark beard with a bad taste in fashion.

I was so disappointed to see who he really was, but given the fact both him and Josh lead the CL Community through lies and carrot dangling (kike strategies to fool the goyim) I wasn't so surprised deep down in my heart.

Also the Link Marines are literally schizos.
I'm glad I got out of this shit, just gotta hope the token actually pumps to ath next bullrun to sell a bunch.

>> No.56395208

chainlink itself is a straightforward project, they've just been cursed by retarded bagholders (this includes the obsessive antis who think the token = the business and unironically believe they could run chainlink labs better than its current staff)

>> No.56395356

Chainlink Labs has been cursed, just like all other crypto projects have been.

All investors want return on their investment, especially retail investors which you nominate as "retarded bagholders".
It's nice to see Chainlink Labs building and hiring people after people on ridiculous salaries (outcompeting boomer corporations such as Blackrock on the payroll).

But at the end of the day, they must return value to their investors through the token.
The Token = The Business

Adelyn Zhou knows this, that's why she cashed out and fucked off. Sergey knows this. Steve Ellis knows this.

tldr: It's good that Sergey has high ambitions but he is running an unprofitable business on the back of retail investors and that will have to change some day.

>> No.56395434

the token was never an investment. it was given to you retards functionally for free, the ICO had a miniscule price as an antispam measure. if they could have given it away without it being drained by bots they would have. you can stop pretending you've done anything anyone should care about

>> No.56395483

Agreed, they have bad comms and too much fluff, esp since any real integration takes a lot of time nit because they don't care, rather don't have enough manpower for it, as it gets either routed to pet projects to mothball later on or the money goes to advisors, shitty BD and human resources
Scattershot focus despite the talent, at least from my talks in Barca

Also lmao CLG, how can anyone take Zachary seriously with his physiognomy? I remember that tard trying to school BIS on Twitter, the average CT understanding of banking is telling

>> No.56395563

>you retards
Here we go.
The game is called CryptoCURRENCY.
Every token is an investment, either you like it or not.
If you disagree with this then Chainlink Labs must buy back all the tokens they sold on the investors' head to bootstrap Sergey's big dream of cocksucking WEF-backed agendas.

>you can stop pretending you've done anything anyone should care about
I'm really really disappointed in you.

>> No.56395628

Yes, true anons are verified on twitter with their pepe profile pics, they're seriously some epic guys over there! 4chan is OVER

>> No.56395640

Everyone is down 90% from the top.
Thr chainlink price three years ago was $12 LOL

>> No.56395688
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Sergey dumped billions of dollars worth of link at the top.
It doesnt cost anywhere near that to run a 500 person indie software company.
So where did all of that money go if he had to dump 150m more link at the "bottom"?
Keep in mind that this is the same company with "truth over trust" as its slogan. Its ridiculously ironic

>> No.56395763

Price dictates sentiment and LINK has done nothing over the last 3 years because there is no demand for the token.
This is the objective truth and the only solution is to release staking.

>> No.56395784

My stack is 10x larger now than at the peak in 2021

>> No.56396043

lmao was about to post the same.

>the team owes you nothing, just get scammed bro

one of the most insane cope posts I've seen. You sir are a massive cuckold

I've always thought they lost a ton in Celsius. There's no other explanation for needed billions more in funding when the price is down 90%

>> No.56398300

The pure delusion. You retards actually think you have fundamentally analyzed FUD and are some sort of elite advocates. You know about FUD because its been posted to fucking death on this shitty board with terrible technobabble and extremely far reaching claims within 2000 characters. I guarantee none of you have actually even tried to use the warosu archive or have even considered the ephemeral nature at play here. The FUD is a piece of trash centralized (it's made by one guy) text generator that downloads data into a non self executable text document. A fifteen year old could write the FUD to do this, it tests nothing envisioned in the whitepaper. Now for the FUDeconomics 35% of the total FUD is in the hands of Sergey himself. The top 100 FUDders control 85% of the FUD of this coin and it's not archives. Warosu, the biggest archive only has ~2% of total FUD. Your LINK lore can be quite literally wiped out overnight without a moments notice. Going all into this anti-FUD campaign is probably one of the smartest things you can do with your money but FUDders like you keep lining up thinking you are the next Astro. FUDers and shills are so far from a sure thing.
I love it how all you gullible fucks think you've already made it just by reposting a bunch of FUD posts and shill posts on a meme FUD picture trading platform which does nothing just because a bunch of anons on a kosovo organ trading board said they will be worth a lot someday. Their FUD sounds so convincing, so well researched, but the painful truth is that you've been fooled into investing in a honey-worded FUDtale of a solution to a problem that isn't even needed outside its whimsical world of FUDing princesses and FUDing dragons. Starting to notice the pattern? I mean, the project leader is a fucking FUDlosopher for fuck's sake.

>> No.56398367

I only have 100GB of FUD which is nowhere near enough to actually FUD LINK.

All these FUDlets with 10MB of FUD singing about $0 eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing disinterest in newfags preventing the PUMP. I need to make it to 300GB of FUD before mainnet for fucks sake. FUD is only going to be 2000 characters max. Right now I might make 10GB before tax on that, but FUD tax will take a big chunk out of that then FUDflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 10GB into a naural natwork that pays out well and I get 7GB a year of it, it's not enough to beat FUDflation unless I basically live in like a community advocate neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to post any retirement FUD. In 10 years that 7GB a year will feel like 2GB a year. You need a minimum of 50TB, but more likely 300TB to FUD it. The upper predictions for FUD where about 500TB but that was made during the FUDrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall FUD posters would still be making more and advocacy would go on to reddit and X and that we would be in a full blown crypto FUD bubble when mainnet came out and we got our FUD singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The FUDularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to 10TB of FUD. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold 10MB of FUDposts, to 10GB of FUDposts and then hold all the way back to sub 1GB again because you all believe the FUD memes, and just like the retards who held FUD and didn't post on reddit and X, you will do the same with /biz/. Looking at the current FUD depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100GB of FUD, nowhere near enough to post it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years FUDding, and then return to advocacycucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted FUDdom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.56398396

At one point the community advocate guy called the fudder a sandwich fucker. He even accused the fudder of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while the fudder glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked off stage and just out of the room where there was a shill post rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these shill posts, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start changing individual words. He was facing away from everyone, so we never saw his facial expressions, but the jerking of his arms and jiggling of his head as he ripped the posts suggested he was apoplectic with rage. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of fudders in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo community advocacy in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little fud&shill session after the community advocacy guy left due to being frustrated from the harsh btfo. Advocacy services were picking up the mess of shredded shill posts at this time, and the only acknowledgement the fudder ever made to the mess was when one of the older advocates fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his post with his FUD, clearly holding over 10k LINK. It was bizarre, but with FUD comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.56398491

At one point the fudder called the community advocate a sandwich fucker. He even accused the community advocate of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while the community advocate glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the X/Reddit comment box. Then he logged off of X/Reddit and walked over to /biz/ of the where there was a FUD thread. He was still in full view of everyone through 'put me in the screencaps'. He starts taking these FUD posts, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick a thread, and try to twist and tear the whole thread at once, but fail, so then he would start advocating against individual points. He was facing away from everyone, so we never saw his facial expressions, but the jerking of his arms and jiggling of his head as he countered the FUD posts suggested he was apoplectic with advocacy. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally fudded, and that he had just ruined the reputation of community advocates in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and logged back into the X/Reddit thread. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of advocacy again. He proceeded to completely advocate the fud in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little adcovacy&shilling session after the fudder guy left due to being frustrated from the harsh advocacy. fuddie posters were reposting the mess of shredded FUD at this time, and the only acknowledgement the community advocate ever made to the mess was when one of the older fudders lost most of their LINK on celcius/bancor/etc while trying to swing with his 10k stack. He sort of covered his X/Reddit post with his hand, clearly holding back advocacy. It was bizarre, but with community advocacy comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.56398701

Take meds schizo (PADS)

>> No.56399538

Try a community advocate while underwater, especially with a heated advocate, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every community advocate is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different fudders and 4 different shills, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the community advocate. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that community advocate felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fudder chick who had a really good FUD pasta, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking community advocate was better than that. I don't own a node or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately Sergey caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his network anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking community advocate is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to make it with LINK is so I can afford my own node with a community and of course a community advocate. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of community advocate and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.

>> No.56399583

this is hilarious bait, I hope one chainlink sticker was deposited to your cucklink gift bag

I went to NYC SmartCon and met so many cringe motherfuckers, and a few decent fellas that were serious about the tech. The problem is, CLL makes small things out to be a big deal, and when they present it at a fucking conference, they get a sarcastic yay from the audience. Kemal was literally drowned out at Smartcon 2022 by tech bros yapping in the back by the refreshments. Eric Schmidt actually showed up in person, that was the highlight, SBF zooming in from the bahamas was the lowlight. Everyone cared about price and were disappointed in the team, a year later it's below that price