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56382106 No.56382106 [Reply] [Original]

24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.56382120

>clubbing in Kreuzberg
there are no good clubs in Kreuzberg, it's all bars
>I'm currently in Barcelona
based. go to El Nacional and try the most expensive jamón at the centre bar. shit is divine.

>> No.56382137

Barcelona and Milan are the most amerimuttified shithole cities in southern europe.
Imagine travelling to southern europe to visit amerimuttland where they speak a different language.

>> No.56382159


why are you blogposting about how used up your herpes infected snatch is on /biz/?

>> No.56382185

Is international BBC better than domestic?

>> No.56382195


niggers all have tiny penises

>> No.56382209

>this post is off topic

>> No.56382237

>some r*ddit simp is replying to this obviously bait in hopes it is an actual used goods roastie

>> No.56382337

I know this is bait but I just couldn't stand that absolute shit Alan Watts tier tattoo. You're probably easy bait for Muslim gangs.

>> No.56382378

>travel to anywhere
>immediately get diarrhea and flu from the local "cuisine"
no thanks

>> No.56382445

Matched with a girl on bumble (I get 3 matches a year so not a chad) and she told me she just came back from costa rica.
I asked if she left her costarrican boyfrend there and she confessed she was seeing the local surf instructor. After that the conversation kinda died.

I am on 90 days + semen retention and don't have a libido anymore so her loss.

>> No.56382487

Youre built for BBC

>> No.56382493
File: 953 KB, 1197x2034, 1697513878390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers all have tiny penises

>> No.56382513

what's with women and retarded tattoos?

>> No.56382528


>> No.56382530

They need to remember their own new age concepts so Moroccan niggers ask

>> No.56382535

>I'm not like the other girls intensifies

>> No.56382538

the zoomers never carried the "post tits or GTFO" torch and now people just go around saying "I'm a girl"

nobody is even looking for nip, cleavage with a timestamp is all it takes

but see, in order for that to work, you'd have to be a real woman

you used to have to prove it or nobody cared, that's why troons hate tits or GTFO

>> No.56382540
File: 31 KB, 776x420, Idoubtit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 yo American woman here.
>[3 paragraphs of extremely retarded rambling]

>> No.56382548
File: 37 KB, 552x884, 1695530216920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the zoomers never carried the "post tits or GTFO" torch and now people just go around saying "I'm a girl"

>nobody is even looking for nip, cleavage with a timestamp is all it takes

>but see, in order for that to work, you'd have to be a real woman

>you used to have to prove it or nobody cared, that's why troons hate tits or GTFO

>> No.56383638

dude this is hilarious thank you lmao

>> No.56383661


>> No.56383681


>> No.56383693

You explored your sexuality.. Meaning you spread your legs for a Bunch of tinder guys.

How many did you meet?
Where would you fuck? At his place or in your hotel.
Did they use a condom or do you enjoy it raw?
How did you chose that guy's?
What app did you use for hook ups?

How many times per week?
Did they invite you for food, paid you, or let you sleep for free at their place?

>> No.56383700

this is the most retarded bait i've read this week

>> No.56383719

Nailed it

>> No.56384324

surely they're self-aware enough by now not to broadcast like this anymore, right?
seems like a 2010's thing to mawa00e