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56381512 No.56381512 [Reply] [Original]

Things like Gold and Silver are real "Proof of Work"
Bitcoin ceases to exist if people do not continue to work to maintain the network

>> No.56381625

You have to go back.

>> No.56381635

Experiment successful.
Catposting triggers bots to bump your thread.

>> No.56381664

Yeah but why is it valuable? Because its rare just like Bitcoin. Platinum is also real and rarer, let's base our economy on that instead. Salt made more sense than gold actually because it tastes nice and is usable and reclaimable so let's go back to that instead. Or hell, why not just go back to bartering. I don't really give a shit about gold and I don't use salt all that much, but the things I trade them for I do actually give a shit about so the value is direct and real.

Or maybe you should shut the fuck up?

>> No.56381666
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Bitcoin ceases to exist if China ever retaliates.

>> No.56381677

kys catposting normalfaggot.

>> No.56381678

>a lot of farms stop mining (for whatever reason)
>difficulty drops sharply
>suddenly the ones that keep farming make a fuckhuge of money
>everyone jumps onto farming to get a piece of the cake
you are a braindead retard nigger that doesnt understand how bitcoin mining works, kill yourself

>> No.56381681

Well because it's rare and because there's demand for it. You need both supply and demand. I'm not saying that BTC doesn't have value. Just that it's notion of POW is dependent on continuing work.

>> No.56381682

go back to plebbit catnegro

>> No.56381686
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I can control bots to bump my thread by posting cat pics :D

>> No.56381701
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>comparing Au to NaCl

>> No.56381777
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>go back to plebbit catnegro
>take out stack to post pictures
>cat decides to photobomb every time unless I put her in another room and close the door

>> No.56381784
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Another bump by my new slave-bot!

>> No.56381787
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Oh wait, I didn't actually read your comment.

>> No.56381832
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>> No.56381952
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>> No.56382105

You forgot to mention that crypto took terms like "mining" and "coin" from gold and silver. Lots of crypto talking points and terms are just taken from gold and silver to pump their nonexistent value.

>> No.56382152
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The whole "digital gold" narrative makes it sound like the whole thing was a way to try and replace gold with something trackable.
Even the way the network functions by aligning the incentives of all the participants sounds like something the social engineers who want social credit systems would come up with.

>> No.56382197
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quality cats.

>> No.56382273
File: 2.68 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is never far away when I take out the camera and some shiny

>> No.56382292

Imagine all the evil things cats would do if they were that large. Thank God they're small little weaklings.

>> No.56382391

Yep, bitcoin also started to get popular when gold and silver hit its previous peak in 2011. When this financial enslavement beta test is over, we will see the true monster of CBDC.

>> No.56382455
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