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56378302 No.56378302 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over for goldfags. Kek

>> No.56378321

Oh yeah? And what if they find 10000 bitcoins on the moon huh? What then you faggot?

>> No.56378322

Bullish for BTC

>> No.56378335

it will unironically be over for gold as a financial product when asteroid mining begins. but it will be a huge accelerator for tech

>> No.56378407

Fake news
By “shackleton”
You can’t haul an Asteroid back to earth lol
It just going there for discovery mission
Trying to haul such an enormous asteroid wouldn’t even be an investment anymore
And spending energy to go there, mine and then come back is also economically retarded
But then again, we have nations who dismantle nuclear energy because they saw too many Simpson episodes and going back to coal
Or think you can “recapture” co2 or become “carbon negative”
They will undoubtedly try this and increase the price of gold when they fail

>> No.56378426

why bring it back? people already digitally trade gold, what's the difference if it's on a space rock instead of in a bank vault on the other side of the planet

>> No.56378439

What’s the point of “gold” that you can’t even use?
The gold in vaults can be accessed anytime, the gold in space is not.
Might as well sell the entire “energy” of galaxy too
Why not?

>> No.56378445
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A decent lifestyle for a single person costs $3000-4000/month in most parts of the country, so if you make a typical income 3500/month after tax you will save practically nothing. Maybe you will have 100-200 leftover to save at most. But if you can double your income to 7000-8000/month you are now saving 3-4k every single month which is probably 20x your previous savings rate.

This is why for some people, saving 100k takes FUCKING FOREVER because they are only putting a few hundred into savings, while others can save thousands every month and hit 100k in just a few years. This is why it’s crucial to get to an income where you can live comfortably and still save 50% or more of what you make.

>> No.56378465

you can absolutely use the gold mined on an asteroid, if we're capable of mining it in space we're capable of using it in space manufacturing. factories don't have to be on earth

>> No.56378531

It’s called futures
this post alone shows you how all goldbugs are illiterate cattle

>> No.56378541

Good luck mining on zero G, and then manufacturing on zero G.
Even if you could, the industry would be so different to that of earth, that you need an entire separate currency for them

>> No.56378543

we're closer to entering a rich and detailed simulation that has all the gold you want and can't be distinguished from reality than we are to space mining. And we're pretty close to space mining.

give it a decade or two. Humanity won't bother with reality once a better reality is invented.

>> No.56378548

Bullish for silver

>> No.56378553

>China hoards gold like a motherfucker
>US WW3 with China and wins
>Oh my god look at all this gold that we totally mined from asteroids!

>> No.56378557

Sorry, I am not educated nor interested in kikenomic double speak. But if you know, Explain then.
Meanwhile op “news” is literally about hauling a giant asteroid back to earth, when the actual mission is none of this.
Literal fake news

>> No.56378565

We csm touch and smell in VR now and almost get the same sensations.
We are so close
If only it gets less bulky and all tools get unified together

>> No.56378580

that and the cost to haul even one kilogram of cargo in either direction, from earth to space or from space back to earth is probably so expensive it would literally make gold worth even more than it is now

>> No.56378603

They should make test all the politicians on their understanding of thermodynamic laws before letting them hold office.
Literally all our energy issue is the fault of emotionally unstable, uneducated morons who don’t understand thermodynamics

>> No.56378627

But you can recapture CO2 in many ways. Or is there some specific thing you have in mind?

>> No.56378637

Each pound of cargo is about 15k, and each pound of gold is around 30k, so they better get half a pound of gold out each pound of rock delivery or they are toast.
And that’s the price for just going from earth to space station. When you include the energy calculation for going to the asteroid , stopping, ADDING more cargo, and then accelerating back to earth, even getting two pounds of gold out of one pound of rock is not gonna cut it.
Fever dreams lol

>> No.56378653

if we start mining asteroids I will not be so upset about a failed investment in gold and most likely index funds and btc will go crazy if that happens and I'll make a lot of money anyways. if the bond market explodes in a sovereign debt crisis and wwiii happens before we start mining asteroids you will let me fuck your wife raw for a few flakes of gold. So I will sleep OK either way.

>> No.56378658

You CAN.
You can have plant a tree and recapture them for 20 years or so.
You can put them underground or in bottles.
Problem is that it costs ALOT, almost always more that the energy you get from burning the fossil fuels in the first place.
When they say “carbon capture” they mean sometime in the future, there would be a device that make carbon capturing cheap by “breaking” the laws of thermodynamics
Essentially they are kicking the can and people buying it

>> No.56378689

Idiotic thread initiated with introduced false info.
- It's not going to be "captured."
- No dollar value has been placed on the (unknown) content.

>> No.56378722

I see, you mean carbon capture technologies. Yeah I agree. It would be possible, feasible, and maybe even profitable if we had access to unlimited cheap energy. But I think the concept of carbon capture these days is still more geared towards low-tech stuff like carbon credits and basically cultivating grassland or algae or whatever.

>> No.56378759

Carbon credit is bullshit.
You can’t make your delivery company “carbon negative” by planting trees lol
That’s not how it works
Ye if we had “unlimited” energy then we didn’t need to go to “Astroids” for gold
We could have literally created them out of other atoms
We have the tech for it, chinese even tried it successfully. It’s just too costly
If we had unlimited energy, then we wouldn’t even have money anymore, because everything would have been free

>> No.56378788

>believing, that space exists


>> No.56378792

I’m going to read further into this but I would imagine this is an exploration mission. In the future they would probably influence its gravity to get it to orbit the earth much closer so it becomes economical to send robots up to mine for stuff.

>> No.56378905

It’s an exploration mission
That’s why I said it was a fake news (my ID is probably change cause phone fag)
That future might never come though
With the way society going, I don’t think civ exists to even 2050, at least we knew it
We probably going to have vaulted cities thanks to feral niggers

>> No.56378925

peak talmudo-cretin

>> No.56378974

yeh faggots what's your response to this ?

>> No.56378978

Why can't we spend a trillion dollars to bring these asteroids down to earth?
Opening this up to the public with government contracts would be sure to work.

>> No.56378988

rich from a greedy goldtard

>> No.56378996

Cause we can just spend a a trillion dollariono to produce gold here on earth out of other atoms

>> No.56378998

>haul asteroid back
>it gains too much speed and crashes into city and wipes everyone out
great idea dudes

>> No.56379009

At least he has his golds in a shoebox.
You are trying to sell people gold that is in the sky.
You are the actual jew

>> No.56379012

>Crashes into Detroit
>Still have the gold
Oh no

>> No.56379014

I will pay if it’s going to crash into Israel

>> No.56379018
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>What’s the point of “gold” that you can’t even use?
In situ resource harvesting, and in-space manufacturing is the future. We can produce materials and semiconductors in ways that you can't in gravity heavy environments.

Presently, mankind is limited in space travel due to the burden of cost it takes to lift materials from Earth. For every pound of material, you need several pounds of fuel to transport it. Removing this bottleneck allows mankind to expand beyond your comprehension.

Just as the expansion to different continents made Europe wealthy, the expansion to other asteroids and planets has the potential to grow the economy by several factors of the entire Earth's GDP.

The future is now. PLVS VLTRA.

>> No.56379029

I don't care if people buy and sell gold. there is no tangible meaning in the physical location of mined, manufacturable gold in our existing system of trade, that isn't going to change if that gold exists in an asteroid mining and manufacturing plant instead of buried in your yard

>> No.56379034

We are in an intellectual dark age of globohomo Jewish repression. You are retarded if you actually believe that we are advance enough right now to capture and harvest the resources of an asteroid. This is literally just NASA grifting the public/government for more funding.

>> No.56379037

I like that you used “mankind” instead of gay ass “humankind”
But it’s not gonna work
How do you gonna overcome construction and mining in zero G?
Besides, it’s not like we are ever going to do any ambitious exploration given that our infrastructures are currently paralyzed by nigger-refugee influx and counting

>> No.56379052

Ye, IF you can manufacture and brining the gold back to earth to get in circulation
Otherwise, good luck
It’s gonna get worse

>> No.56379081
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Not like I give a fuck kek, it's not like that will affect the price of kava

>> No.56379090

How can that affect something that is irrelevant to itself?

>> No.56379093

We all know, it's more than obvious now

>> No.56379120

Can't you like, cope harder?

>> No.56379121

This is not related to that kind of Cosmos you faggot

>> No.56379178
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>How do you gonna overcome construction and mining in zero G?
Man will never stop innovating. We will never stop exploring and expanding our domain. We will overcome these minor challenges.
>Besides, it’s not like we are ever going to do any ambitious exploration given that our infrastructures are currently paralyzed by nigger-refugee influx and counting
I have no doubt the old nation-state model will collapse. New entities will rise. Corporate powers, not unlike the Caldari from Eve Online, or the East India trading company from the past, will emerge. Ruling power will always be concentrated by that which can provide.

The wealth of space will dwarf the entire Earth economy. We're at the earliest stage of galactic expansion.

>> No.56379232

Until 2100 it’s estimated that nigs will be 1.2 billion while China and India pop will reduce
We are going into a gridlock

>> No.56379256

Space is fake and gay. Earth is flat with a dome. Seethe and cope.

>> No.56379293
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>> No.56379356
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I've watched as every industrialized nation has dropped in population, not by force, but willingly. Those models are good, until they aren't.

Not only will the old nation-state model collapse, I surmise that the distribution of food in the hands of the corporatists will also re-shape populations. Those unable to provide for themselves may find themselves working off-world out of desperation.

This is all speculation, though. I understand the problem, and I still believe that things will get better after the calamity.

>> No.56379371

I like that its called psyche, reminds me of the late 90s when someone would go to give someone something (Like, i dunno, gold or something) and then grab it back at the last second and say PSYCHE!

>> No.56379375

>Trying to haul such an enormous asteroid wouldn’t even be an investment anymore
Just use solar energy to ablate the asteroid surface to accelerate it.

>> No.56379641

Sorry bro. Ukraine and israel need our help and blacks and trannies are still heckin marginalized. Space will have to wait.

>> No.56379654

Holy based fight like you live