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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56372278 No.56372278 [Reply] [Original]

I only act polite as a defense mechanism. I have no power and I have to take it on the chin every day. I am tired of cucking. The niceities sicken me. I am better than all of you and one day you'll see it. Duck you.

>> No.56372293
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No duck you gaggot

>> No.56372307
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>than all of you and one day you'll see it.

you sound like a incel in this part lmfao.

>> No.56372315

At least you are smart enough to rage anonymously
Good luck to you

>> No.56372570

lmao how does it feel to actually not be successful or of any value and you have to silently seethe about being "better" than everyone, when you clearly aren't?

>> No.56372646

The worst part about /biz/ making it will be these tagalong incels who got rich by coincidence, and who never did any of the personal soul work required to actually fix themselves or be a good person.
I apologise for my part in releasing these creatures onto the world, but it's an inevitable side effect of this process.

>> No.56372681

/biz/ already made it and moved on years ago. now its mostly brown NGMIs

>> No.56372711
File: 87 KB, 1080x1089, BEED410E-D274-41A4-9B7C-1F6A761AD405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I feel the same OP. I truly despise it, yet I’m so poor I have to play nice. My only goal is to make enough to escape this hell, so I can finally be my true self. An asshole, an asshole who knows he’s superior to 90% of the mouth breathers who surround him.

>but it’s lonely at the top anon!

Good! I hate being around people.

>> No.56373143
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You are not worthless, your you, and you can be alive every day. Dont wait for something to live your life every day. Its hard but just practice living in the moment.

Your posts look extremely pathetic, but Its ok, ive posted cringe before, it happens.

>> No.56373173

Your so called "value" only exists in the form of imaginary jew coupons given to you by your overlords for doing menial tasks. If it came down to it, in the real world, Id kill you easily and take everything you own

>> No.56373535

Trump is so based. I hope he's not too old to hold office in 2024.

>> No.56375538


>> No.56375557
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When will it be our turn bros? I want to be the alpha for once