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56362377 No.56362377 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I dont feel so good. They are printing ETH like crazy. They are printing now 1500 ETH per single DAY. The ETH foundation is printing like crazy. Dont feel so good right now.
I was told it is deflationary.

>> No.56362410

>he is still holding ETH after it pulled a 10,000x already, kek
this shit is done pumping forever, enjoy your 2x this bullrun. kek

>> No.56362442
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uh oh look what happens when you shill layer 2s and people start using them

gün was right AGAIN

>> No.56362451

Another centralized shitcoin.

Buy Cardano.

>> No.56362455

>printing like crazy
avax inflation rate with the unlocks is like 30%

>> No.56362473

>Buying Cardano or Eth
ngmi lol

>> No.56362480

Ethereum's inflationary and deflationary tokenomics are purely dependent on network usage. EIP-1559 has revolutionized the project, and potentially many other EVMs...but Ethereum is by nature inflationary, although much less so than it was before the move to PoS.

EIP1559 is kind of a feedback loop balancing mechanism, the more gas that's spent the more ETH is burned. But as more gas is burned, staking yields increase due to more fees going to stakers to give more incentive to stake. As more is staked, more ETH is issued and yields gradually decrease.

>> No.56362609

You don't want to talk about avax inflation

>> No.56362655

Tell me a non-shitcoin cryptocurrency that has lower inflation than 0.4%?

>> No.56362686

Bitcoin has 0% inflation. Only 21M will ever be made

>> No.56362692

I wouldn't be surprised if you were serious.

>> No.56362699

Kek - baggie

>> No.56362705

ETH already has 120M coins, that is about 500% higher inflation than Bitcoin with 21M, and the amount of ETH is still increasing

>> No.56362725

Now you've overdone it.

>> No.56363094

i think i've never read stupider poster on that board, congrats.

>> No.56363100


I'm starting to think ADA is the eth killer in the long run. Buy Ada or cry later.

>> No.56363189
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>printing ETH like crazy
even if gas stays 6 gewi forever (it wont lol) it would still inflate 3x les than btc
Larp no way aynone this stupid kek
LMAO avax baggy, usage of layers 2 bad, yes buy my usless 30% /y inflated shitcoin noone wants sirs

>> No.56363218

>Larp no way aynone this stupid kek
I don't think it's a larp. Late stage zoomers are the dumbest generation. I've seen what they're capable of. Expect more and more sub 80 IQ posts.

>> No.56363224

Bitcoin has 21% inflation because the supply is 21 bitcoin

>> No.56363255

That is not how inflation works

>> No.56364682

funny to use words "inflation" and "avax" together, do you even know how much avax they burnt until now? and max supply was known since first day so nothing is surprise except for burns

>> No.56364686

nothing is eth killer just understand it

>> No.56365062

I'd rather go for CTSI or NXRA instead of ADA. Even the bull market was like a bear market for it.

>> No.56365087

>it's not a surprise that I've gotten dumped on for years and lost all of my money but I still did it anyways because I hate money
Ok Ahmad, time for bed. The shawarma won't sell itself tomorrow.

>> No.56365263

The growth of ETH should not be joked with. All big innovations are pointing to it. Investments are all coming on it. StakingReward and SpoolFi are on the way to creating this Index yield.

>> No.56365461

Retard here, why is his post stupid?

>> No.56365469

Not my problem, I'm all in on LINK

>> No.56366280

link's inflation problem is like 10x or more worse than eth's

>> No.56367169

Mining Bitcoin is by definition inflationary as more coins are mined into circulation.

>> No.56367179

BSV is but you faggots have tunnel vision in crypto world because you aligned with literal scammers

>> No.56367294

nobody can change the distribution schedule on BTC

ETH is controlled by a 72m token premine on PoS.
They just make up bullshit like "serendipity upgrade in 2 weeks to prep for xyz pools gib us more funding"

>> No.56367378

It's pretty disappointing how retarded and complex ETH got.

>> No.56367459

Unironically, is eth still a good hold?

Deep down I feel this might be it’s last bullrun cycle. Undoubtedly a lot of big players are behind eth which is both good and bad. I’m actually scared and about to capitulate on my holdings.

>> No.56367512

i bought one eth at about 340 bucks and the rest around 1500, holding 3.5 of em. all sitting on cb and metamask not staking wat do bros i can still get out ahead

>> No.56367531

ETH is more sound than bitcoin, and with PoS will probably flip bitcoin eventually.

>> No.56367540


>> No.56367585


decent probability theres no bullrun in the next 5 years and we all become brokies. but only a matter of time before real adoption happens and eth goes to 10k. might be a couple decades tho

>> No.56367591

Current inflation rate of link is 14%. Eth is 0.4%. So about 35x as much

>> No.56367812
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No, simple as pic related

>> No.56368075
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>> No.56368141
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>Undoubtedly a lot of big players are behind eth

>> No.56368144
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>even if gas stays 6 gewi forever (it wont lol)
>contrary to popular belief, higher fees are actually le heckin based and good, here’s why

>> No.56368158

zoom out dumbass

taking 1/3 of the dataset is disingenuous

>> No.56368171

no. Why the fuck do you think the new gen of coins is Pow again?
People looked at ETH and saw what happens when you stray

>> No.56368190

Now check last 365 days

>> No.56368222
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>nobody can change the distribution schedule on BTC
Literally you need majority of nodes to agree and you can change the distribution schedule on BTC
>But they wont ever do it!
Yeah not before security assumptions fail and and they asses are on the line than they defiantly would lol
If users moves to l2s and looks like things are going that way by metrics-yes, contrary to popular belief, higher fees are actually le heckin based and good, because they secure chain+pay validators+make eth distribution trend to negative
Taking things from euphoric pico tops is also disingenuous, eth/btc still printing higher lows

>> No.56368315

Hashrate keeps hitting all time highs.

It actually preforms a function in the real world like grid demand balancing.

ETH is simply a group of jews who premined 72 million tokens who manipulate the codebase and collect dividends.

>> No.56368360
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>Hashrate keeps hitting all time highs.
Means literally nothing in context "disingenuous" I replied
>It actually preforms a function in the real world like grid demand balancing.
LMAOOOO, yes sir good for environment now sir we also burn metan and shit, our 2/3 KYC-ed LLC miners are going to turn miners on and off to balance grid sir
>ETH is simply a group of jews who premined 72 million tokens who manipulate the codebase and collect dividends.
Beats 5 ppl mining millions of coins before anyone knew about it+codebase manipulated by literally cult

Btw nothing you typed got anything to shit you replied retard

>> No.56368407
File: 66 KB, 300x202, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists-300x202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh environment
and there it is.

>> No.56368436

Ill pass on trabnycoin.

>> No.56368502

You can't even run your own node anymore thanks to (((PoS.)))
Fuck ETH.

>> No.56368699

>You can't even run your own node anymore thanks to (((PoS.)))
sure you can, retard

>> No.56368777

It doesn't matter, it's spaghetti code.

>> No.56368824

The absolute state of eth fud lol

>> No.56369287


worthless pre-mined vc-scam shitcoin

>> No.56369342
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>The absolute state of eth fud lol

>> No.56369444

why wouldn't it be? jesus christ bitcoin shills are fuckwitted beyond belief

>> No.56369488
File: 22 KB, 520x327, angry_greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wouldn't it be? jesus christ bitcoin shills are fuckwitted beyond belief

>> No.56369683

why not, are you too stupid to?

>> No.56369723

ETH nodes don't do anything.

They changed the name of a full node to an archive node and told everyone not to worry about it.
An ETH node cannot reject any changes and bootstrap a fork.

They're forever beholden to a jewish conglomerate established in the premine of 72m tokens

>> No.56369856

What’s a better long term hold, BTC or ETH?

>> No.56369955

50% ETH
30% BTC
20% LINK

>> No.56370076

Forks are still possible and archive nodes are not necessary to validate new transactions. What's the problem?

>> No.56370100

Problem is he's an imbecile lol, from all fuds this cant run node and can't validate chain with node takes the cake lol

>> No.56370146

Yeah the quality of FUD has really gone downhill. It seems all you have to do is talk about shit the average user is never going to touch and beyond that it doesn't matter how stupid the post is.

>> No.56370275
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it was just an example. heres another one, using more data


>> No.56372492

You completely ignored ETH users cannot reject changes to the protocol.

This is why people call you mETHheads.
You keep talking like you're so smart without addressing it's a completely centralized jewish premine on a PoS consensus.

You know how PoS gains consensus?
You know how blockchain governance works?

Look up what Bitcoin did in 2017 with the UASF, and compare that with how ETH goes about changing the consensus.

You're all terribly psyoped chasing shekels that aren't going to be there because jews are parasites not builders.

In this thread mETHheads say bitcoin is bad for the environment.
They haven't even seen the environment grift for what it is.
They know nothing about industry and farmers being destroyed in the west.
They never studied the launch of ETH or the subsequent rollbacks after things don't go their way.

You're all childish and pathetic.

>> No.56372529

>Forks are still possible
This isn't true.

You fork and the 72m premine controls the new consensus too.


Bitcoiners told miners to fuck off while ETH bent the knee because never had any intentions to protect decentralization of the protocol.

You'll argue oh but look at the tech! Vitamin will say 10 cents is too expensive for transactions and we're the world computer without any foresight on how this technology works.

Now it's obvious 2nd layer is the only way forward he changes the narrative to string you along.

ETH gave up user control and it's gone.