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56348456 No.56348456 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.56348481

My thoughts are, why? If the value of the token does not depend on that success of the network why does ETH have to go up like a stock? ETH produces no profits, it’s a nonprofit organization lmfao. Eth can be a success without the token being valuable.

>> No.56348489

>Bank says
>Bank predicts

top signal

ETH to 3 digits soon

>> No.56348498

makes sense if you believe bitcoin is going to $500k by the end of the decade. otherwise it's nonsense.

>> No.56348689

eth is the native currency of the network; if the network thrives, so does the currency - as collateral, as gas, as a store of value, and so on

>> No.56348695

Do the opposite of banks

>> No.56348727

Not sure what you mean by store of value? It will forever cost $0 to produce an ETH. As an ETH Maxi all you can do is PRAY that L2’s don’t continue taking all of your sweet sweet transactions. Lol, LMAO even.

>> No.56348754

>Ethereum is a nonprofit organization
Sir, do you know what a blockchain is?

>> No.56348768

>cost 0 to produce
you think bitcoin mining is "embedded" in the coin? fucking lol
all that matters is supply constraints and faith in the currency - even if it "costs 0" (it doesn't, it requires capital, just like mining) to produce, you cannot produce any more than the protocol allows, which restricts supply (much more so than bitcoin btw, in case you're living under a rock)
>take your transactions
all the relevant L2s use ETH as their native currency
ETH is the money of defi, no matter how mad you are about it, and that drives its value

>> No.56348771

Sir, are you aware that the price of ETH has nothing to do with the networks success? Sir, do you know what speculation is?

>> No.56348807

I stopped reading after you said that ETH restricts its supply more than BTC. Jesus Christ you’re retarded dude. 21M BTC, that’s it. ETH experienced inflation this month because people stopped trading monkey NFT’s. You probably breathe from your mouth.

>> No.56348827
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ETH will hit $15k in the 2025 bull run. Governments will step in because muh terrorists and demand OFAC compliance. The majority of ETH holders will be institutions by this point. They will comply with OFAC compliance. mETHheads will threaten to fork the chain and crash ETH to $880. Cap this. Just know when to get out.

>> No.56348837

If you're a value investor boomer, you might want to take a look at why Ethereum staking has ~5% real yield. If you confuse Ethereum chain with Ethereum Foundation you obviously haven't done your research.

>> No.56348848

>infinite supply
>infinite supply
>infinite supply

>> No.56348851

Ahhh good one bro I completely forgot the foundation and the chain are separate entities even though the foundation switched the chain from POW to POS.

>> No.56348857

>ETH produces no profits
Its literally only blockchain that makes money ("produces profits") by selling blockspace lol and do not just inflate supply for security you mongo lol
L2s pay in eth yes let pray l2s fail

JFC state of biz fud

>> No.56348884

so there's multiple ways to categorically outline how retarded you are:
>ETH restricts its supply more than BTC
current yearly inflation is:
BTC: +1.7%
ETH: -0.207%
>21M BTC, that’s it
-0.2% is more supply restrictive than 0%
>21M BTC, that’s it
0% issuance doesn't work for BTC because no one uses it for anything; there is zero blockspace demand, which means no tx fees, which means no security budget except for new issuance.
>ETH experienced inflation this month because people stopped trading monkey NFT’s
even if you take away ALL burn, it's like 0.5% issuance p.a.

to think you can type 1 sentence and I have to spend all this time outlining how stupid you are - it's actually impressive how densely you pack your idiocy

>> No.56348891

In 20 years Bitcoin has died due to miniscule chain security. In retrospect everyone will see how Bitcoin mining was always on its exponential way to doom due to constantly reducing mining rewards and no solution to the problem. Meanwhile ETH will have deflated by a few percent, or worst case scenario, has the same 120M supply as today.

>> No.56348893

this works for you too, happy reading

>> No.56348952

>parroting stale bait one-liners
Technologically Bitcoin will never be anything close to Ethereum. I wish(ed) it could but just not happening.

>> No.56348964

>parroting stale bait one-liners
i have literally seen nothing else from the bitcoin camp since 2017, which is also the time where anyone with a brain migrated to ethereum

>> No.56348988

eth failed. didn't do a btc ath last cycle. it's over. project aborted. vitalik having fun doesn't mean you'll get rich this time.

>> No.56349058

kek, look

>> No.56349071
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Eth at 8k would be enough for me to retire so it won’t happen, I am sorry bros.

>> No.56349155
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blockspace is very much needed ser, gastoken to 10k eoy 2025!

>> No.56349204
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>it didnt go up 10,000% like it did the first time, therefore its over

the only thing that matters is making higher lows on the eth/btc pair. it could fall another 60% on eth/btc and still make a higher low

there is no second best

>> No.56349388

it would be funny if eth grows and the biggest stakers collude with their supply to control the network and kick those who refuse their consensus, since it doesn't cost them anything to do that, and then they keep doing it on any new fork that would catch up

>> No.56349465

so while this will never happen, you're oblivious to the fact that this is a problem for BTC, not ETH
you can fork away malicious stakers (and their stake), you cannot away fork away miners

>> No.56349594

you can easily fork away miners, you cannot get rid of the parasites compromising the eth network on every new forks, because it doesn't cost anything extrinsic to do that (energy works, but it can be something else, like cpus, something physical)
>will never happen
invest where your belief is and wait to see who is right in the very end

>> No.56349730

>you can easily fork away miners
how? they still have their equipment, they'll just point it at your new fork

>you cannot get rid of the parasites compromising the eth network on every new forks,
what are you talking about? you can literally just make a fork where the offending stakers have no stake

>invest where your belief is and wait to see who is right in the very end
I do? haven't had any Bitcoin since early 2017

>> No.56349876

>The majority of ETH holders will be institutions by this point
If only there was a whistle blower who could tell us who bought the most at the ICO, we would have a better idea.

>> No.56349966

There is going to be a lot of selling by 2025. You think the whitehats will still hold 51% of the supply? It's already becoming a problem that Lido is holding so much supply.

>> No.56350046

I've always thought the escrow is meant for the IMF or similar. If course Im probably totally wrong.

>> No.56350136

how:you change the mining algorithm to make the asics worthless. monero did this even though I think asics are better, but you can fork away miners if needed.
what I'm talking about, I'm talking about how those parasites earned the stake to begin with. if they could do it once, they can do it again, because they had the power to achieve this, for various reasons, and I bet those who will be able to will be states, since they have law, taxes and army on their side, they don't have to pay anything to have this power because they already have it.

>> No.56350234

>you change the mining algorithm to make the asics worthless.
why would the attackers proportion of asics be bigger than the remaining network?
>just acquire 51% stake again
you're reaching
the very threat of you being forked away is deterrent enough to not even try - why spend untold billions and years in the staking queue to attack once only to your entire balance deleted instantly?

>> No.56350583

giving up on hypothetical money is not the same thing as spending energy, in one case you get 0, in the other case you have to have the extrinsic resources and spend them, which is exactly why this would be funny >>56349388

>> No.56350643


seriously. $900 incoming.

only worse thing is if Kathie Wood goes bullish.

>> No.56350683

I think no.

>> No.56350694

honestly I have no idea what you just said

>> No.56350785
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Meanwhile kava winning wagmi pool

>> No.56351293

this feminine narrative is always a funny one because if that ever happened bitcoin would just come and steal ethereum's lunch overnight.

the only thing keeping ethereum alive is bitcoin users and developers actively deciding against arbitrary code execution and experimental cryptography to settle arbitrary l2 networks.
if getting fees ever became a matter of survival for bitcoin it's simply lights out for any altcoin that's fallen for the trap of layer 2 scaling.

higher lows but 50% lower highs means eventually it just trends to zero long term. we have nearly 30,000 examples of this.

>> No.56351807

incorrect. lower highs just means its not going up as explosively as it once did because you cant expect 10,000% gains again when its already #2 mcap

all alts that die vs btc have continuously lower lows. ltc/btc being the quintessential example of this.

bnb is another coin that has been(and will continue) outperforming btc for practically its entire existence. so its not like eth is alone in this. bnb will probably takes bitcoin's #2 spot too, after eth knocks it down

>> No.56351844

Price higher means network more secure, the more secure the more valuable the network is.

>> No.56352170

Are you retarded? Non-mining nodes may reject blocks produced by miners. They're called User Activated Soft Forks.

>> No.56352598

With PoS the higher it sits the more secure the network is.
Also simply demand.
That's why we're waiting for Chainlink to release staking and CCIP.

>> No.56352853

lower highs literally means the days of being able to outgrow bitcoin are over, and your alt is now entirely reliant on bitcoin going up for the rest of its existence. lower lows aren't necessary when new highs will never be made and there's an endless supply of new alts that have yet to make their btc highs.
its the signal to move to a fresh alt or at the very least exit the one that's had it's time already.

bnb is a great example because the only reason it made a second high is binance smart chain. if it can't change the underlying bnb paradigm a third time in a row it's over the same way all alts after their first cycle are, the identical way eth peaked in its first cycle.

if an alt is going to "kill" bitcoin, it's going to happen in its first cycle. nothing has ever come back from missing a cycle entirely like eth did.

>> No.56354947

PoW to POS was the worthless shits ETH ever did

>> No.56354955

This is dumbest shit I ever lmfao
Like everything you typed is wrong

>> No.56355323
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QANX combining PoS and PoW deserves more respect in the space, its developed PoR does not waste precious environmental resources, it keeps high TPS numbers and maintains Decentralization

>> No.56355600
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2076 lil kitties?

>> No.56356839
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Wtf still holds ETH, that shit did me dirty

>> No.56356884

why are you still trying to make it then when people like me already have?

altmaxis are the midwits, the consensus, the crowded trade.

>> No.56357194

Getting in early doesnt mean you understand whats happening
I know this because i got in early too, i made it. And i dont know anything about what yall are talking about
So this is really a poor attempt at appeal to authority and kind of betrays your ignorance. Based on that if i were a betting man (im not anymore, i made it) then id bet on the guy you are arguing with

>> No.56357474

Tbh you are not far kek
Don't know what fool larps as (wtf is altmaxi lol sounds like 2017 pleb capitulated in btc and massing last bullrun), but been around for long timer not wasting time refuting 80 IQ arguments, market will be arbiter anyway
I do think flippening is hardly possible and I do think ETH still have so many risks to overcome but his arguments are nigger tire jfc

>> No.56358191

the fact that i made it doesn't mean i'm right, but it does mean i wasn't wrong.
the fact is if you're holding out hope for ethereum to dominate bitcoin you're betting on the factors that make bitcoin dominant not working for it but still magically working for another arbitrary alt.

you can bet all you like, but the market already proved me right, everyone else is arguing for some nebulous future with nothing but their hopes and dreams to go on.

>> No.56358229

you can't refute any of my arguments though because they're literally flawless descriptions of the market thus far.
just say "i'm praying my old alts go up again" instead of pretending you have a thesis.

>> No.56358317

what arguments kek
>lower lows are bad (fact) because new highs will not be made (speculation)

It's literally fallacy of presumption

I don't have alts lol, you dot know anything about me and only thing I know about you si that you type giberish

>> No.56358399
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Lol @ u WEF kikes. Value = security LOLOL hie many billions of UNBACKED usdt & usdc contributed to eth’s fake price ?

>> No.56358419

i'll let you work out how many alts have ever made new consecutive cycle btc highs. it's even worse if you think an alt can miss making one for an entire cycle and come back to make another.

>> No.56359764

Noone cares about "alts" or "alt maxis" or any other coolaid you drinking topic was eth and how it clearly prints lower lows you are running in circles with copium

>> No.56359770


>> No.56360697

nobody is coping about an alt that can barely retrace 50% of its 2017 high a cycle later