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56341020 No.56341020 [Reply] [Original]

Why do female entertainers inevitably whore out? What are the financial implications of this?

>> No.56341046

It's easy money because of simps and coomers

>> No.56341130

The only thing women can meaningfully pursue is being hot. This is just the biological fact of the matter. It's the only truly fulfilling feeling for a woman other than birthing and raising children and subsequently grandchildren.

>> No.56341158

1) they only wanted sexual attention to start with
2) they're not genuinely interested in anything besides attention anyways
3) they were whores to start with

>> No.56341178

If playing piano in your boxer shorts netted you loads of money and attention from the opposite sex would you not do it?

>> No.56341179

Because incels like you can’t stop jacking off to them

>> No.56341182


>> No.56341267

Why are you so defensive sweaties? He didn't even say it's a bad thing and you're already here to defend the maiden's (aka prostitute's) honor

>> No.56341312

No because it would offend Jesus the Lord of all creation and King of Endless Glory.

>> No.56341373

I’m not defending anybody I’m saying that’s an incel take for someone who jacks off constantly

>> No.56341540

Wait that piano bitch is getting dicked down now on camera?

>> No.56341582
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>why is female nature the female nature

>> No.56341714

I haven't been able to find evidence of this so far. Her onlysimps leaks suggest it's just lewd photos.

>> No.56341724


>> No.56341763

Women understand that their only value is their holes.

>> No.56341841

remember when belle was just cutesie lewds

>> No.56341861

I don't know who this person is, but why not? You telling me that if you were a woman and could make easy money posting videos you wouldn't do it?

>> No.56341877

Probably not because I would still be embarrassed about it

>> No.56341997

Of course only woman do this because men have integrity.

>> No.56342028


>> No.56342427


>> No.56343393

only women do this because men literally can't. It's the age old saying, pussy costs money but dick is free. Everyone likes hot women, even women like hot women. Most women are bi.

>> No.56343411

Don’t women pay to get piped down by huge cocks tho?

>> No.56343431

literally where? I honestly have no idea where it's the reverse situation because there's men that are constantly lining up to do that for free.

>> No.56343616

I saw it happen to a loli/shota artist called CasyTay, first she posted softcore nudes of herself she used as models for her drawings, and months later she was sexting her blood related brother and then getting creampied by him.
She has a webcomic where the main character girl is in love with her twin brother.

>> No.56343715

>Why do you assholes pay for female entertainment
>Why do you assholes pay for drugs
>Why do you assholes pay for degeneracy
>Why do you assholes pay for hopes and dreams
Why are you fucking retarded

>> No.56343739

Based beyond mortal desire.

>> No.56343772

Because it pays more. This is not a hard question.

>> No.56343946
File: 2 KB, 140x140, why_are_you_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this a problem for you? Are you gay or what?
>find cute ASMR girl on youtube
>like her content
>want to see her nude
>turns out she started onlyfans recently
>can get it all for free on coomer.party or on ethots forums
This is the best timeline.
Only a retard would complain that a women you only care about for entertainment does this.

>> No.56344012

This, instant satisfaction with zero investment. Imagine actually having to put up with a women, record her and be a cuck and let guys pay to fuck her.

You get everything for free, no risk, full satisfaction and you can choose as many girls as you want. You are kangis kahn without zero liability.

alternatively, you can also do what I did for a bit - run an audition, get women young, be their digital pimp, and whore them out online for your benefit and lure them in with monies that they can't ever do solo.
>but anon, they can just cut out the middle man
Yeah, they could, but they won't if you control all finances, front the money and make them dance for the money. Get them a room in your villa or whatnot, and now you have an excuse to have a several room villa with whores on demand.
t. coomer from /trv/

>> No.56344029
File: 592 KB, 480x640, billie-eilish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever looked at girls before?
They're fucking hot!

>> No.56344047

man, imagine being so deep in the matrix you follow this shit.

I really don't get you simps- the world really has become weak to let your kind surive. I have all the free time in the world, and I double down on projects and schemes. I don't follow incest thot drama.
I will admit the more I incorporate chatgpt plotlines (which has been censored, so been doign mistral 7b from huggingface) has leaned into more audience captured for subscriptions.

I really don't get kids today, and I don't care they all spend mommies money / their McD money on online whores. All I needed to get started was chriasma to get whore, 2 tripods, 2 gopros and an iphone and spare room.

>> No.56344063

Old women but even then its not that common

>> No.56344209
File: 619 KB, 768x1056, 1696377675594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women get off on the idea of men jacking off to them.

>> No.56344532

You’re all missing the point. Three years ago this was a honorable decent woman who played anime covers and was a piano teacher. Now she is some skanky whore who probably sends naked pictures to her top donors. It sad

>> No.56344571

Simple as.
We would if we could, really. She never even shows her face, that's the smart move.

>> No.56344579

Why doesn’t she? I read she had a butter face.

>> No.56345073

Ever played as a girl in an mmo?
It's fun being pretty and getting attention.

>> No.56345102

Jap host clubs

>> No.56345145

No and no it’s not creepy

>> No.56345178

Found the tranny

>> No.56345294

As someone who has chatted with a lot of onlyfans girls, it's literally money + attention. Also wanting to quit your job and whoring yourself online is an easy path to follow. Usually they have a friend circle who push them to start onlyfans or a sexy Patreon because no one is born a whore. Their friends may have their own onlyfans too so it's an environment that promotes and encourages that type of content.
If you have a daughter keep an eye on her friend circle. Even if they are all girls. Maybe more so if they're all girls

>> No.56345329

yeah women love living vicariously through the most influencable member of the group while leaving that one to handle all the negative externalities which come with those decisions.

ime having dated a few women like this, very malleable by other women, it starts with their relationship with their mother. teach then to have some kind of center that isn't rooted in their friends, be it either themselves or men + having good taste in solid virtuous men.

>> No.56346242

women dont do anything men dont allow and enable them to. men are pants on head retarded, gullible, overly emotional, and disposable.
>make society
>give it away
>'nooo you cant do that because... it hurts my feelings!'
>destroys something
>'its all your fault!!!'
every fucking time, get a grip lmao

>> No.56346414


>> No.56346420

>whining about unregulated capitalism on /biz/

>> No.56346435

can confirm. had to dump my gf because she lost her job and turned 30. btfo poor roasties

>> No.56346494

yeah it's unbelievable to think, but I've seen so many girls who were otherwise very decent turn into 2$ tramps in the span of 2 years
There was one girl I know since 19 years, who was very studious and intelligent, and as soon as she hit 18 she turned into a generic party thot who cannot even form coherent sentences anymore, let alone discuss anything eloquently like before

>> No.56346503

I think he was not focusing on "is prostitution wrong", but "how does any girl convert to a turbowhore so easily"

>> No.56346506

unfathomably based

>> No.56346511

>imagine having to put up with women
>lure them with money
>front the money
>get them a room in your villa
whatever you say bottom g.
what colour is your lada?

>> No.56346514

As an addendum to this,
I feel this scenario will only degrade further into the future since women now try to compete with their husband rather than cooperate, and even married wives will try to get extra cash in these cheap ways, and justify it as many do now, saying that it's just videos etc and not prostitute behavior at all

>> No.56346552
File: 7 KB, 427x390, 1680112210925424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone provide a name of the person that OP's pic is based on? I swear I have seen such a woman on youtube that just kept degenerating as the years went on but I can't recall the name

>> No.56346560


>> No.56346572

No one cares retard. Women are below you and have no initiative, blaming them for anything is putting yourself on their level at best. Fix the problem or shut the fuck up

>> No.56346573

no because I have a sense of honor and dignity, unlike you bugman

>> No.56346587

I despise "men" like you who say this. You are no different than the stupid whores. The only thing stopping you from selling your soul for material gain is that you dont have a pussy. Faggot.

>> No.56346598

Panpiano... It's in the OP image

>> No.56346605

this is 2023 not the middle ages or whatever, gramps

>findom paypig
>only get to see what the thot sells you
>build your life around interacting with thots in the hope you get some hot pics
>slave to your cooming

normal well-balanced person
>find selfie or take screenshot of girl
>load auto1111 + cnet + facefusion
>generate infinite pictures/videos of her doing your exact fetishes
>coom at will then close program and all involvement at the exact moment you're done

>> No.56346629

>As someone who has chatted with a lot of onlyfans girls,
you're the issue man

>> No.56347803

Would it? Why? There's literally nothing in the new testament to suggest nudism or exhibitionism was offensive to Jesus. Old testament bastard God, sure - he'd hate it. He'd probably send a horde of snakes after you for doing it; but he was a bastard after all.
I think Jesus would have a bigger problem with the coomers themselves than a nude pianist. Actually I think Jesus would dig nude pianism.

>> No.56348103


>> No.56348197

Simps need to be hamas'd

>> No.56348229

Cuz they’re poor. Simple as.

>> No.56348259

I guarantee you that she was always a whore. Maybe not on the level she is now but it was definitely there

>> No.56348284


Make a topic saying you'll give away 50 link to any dude who posts a pic of a sharpie up his ass and you'll get like 5 dumbasses doing it in an hour.

>> No.56348291

It's the precedent. You don't want half the population of women doing this.

>> No.56348332

Is that even really a thing anymore? Almost every female character is played by a dude nowadays and it's well known. Dudes are shut in agp waifufaggots now. How can people still think they're actually female?

>> No.56348342

asking a woman to be passionate about something after attaining hotness is like asking a new lottery winner to keep working at the 7/11.

>> No.56348345


If too many girls do this, you'll have to worry that any potential girl you want to date and subsequently marry will have also done this.

And if you think it's okay for your wife to have ever whored around, you deserve to have your arms dislocated.

>> No.56348352

Yes we do. It weeds out the detritus. Whores will vanish in a vapor of self gratifying hedonism.

>> No.56348360

if I could earn huge money by playing piano in my bikini without showing my face i would do it in a heartbeat

>> No.56348369

you don't have to live in the villa.
the room rental goes for $1000/month but hosting a thot can generate 2500-4500, why not.

Both of you missed the part where you operate the payment gateway and such -

I do agree the deepfakes and such are the future, but it also means cheaper ugly whores, the old deepfake is just called makeup.

>> No.56348384

My dick is happy though
Also I only sub to $5 or below girls, I'm not a big paypig

>> No.56348386

I can smell the fucking teenage/jeet angst

>> No.56348400
File: 90 KB, 934x864, 5b0eae12e53121bf4e7db26f1eb69a204e92b8d085225a5a2c334d912947fd18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol reading this thread makes me want to off myself unironcally. Why do men invest in crypto? to make money. Why do female entertainers whore out? to make money and feel sexy. Despite what the woman you've dated could tell you OP, women do like feeling sexy in a controlled way. Why do linkies invest in link? they like the project. Why do i invest in duck race derby? i like making money with stupid goofy aah ducks, it amuses me.

Some questions don't require you to go into the super sigma grindset mentality and are easier to understand than you could think. Ockham's razor my friend, Ockham's razor

>> No.56348490

>Yes we do. It weeds out the detritus. Whores will vanish in a vapor of self gratifying hedonism.

Anon, women are the most susceptible to outside opinions. If their female friends are doing it, they'll do it too.

This is why most women are no virgins compared to the days of our grandparents. You have to keep these girls in check.

>> No.56348510

But investing link is a noble endeavor that people will praise you for your acumen and foresight. Opening an onlyfans will generate shame. Why would a girl who used to be wholesome go the path of shame to make money?

That's what is being discussed here. We all know women can sell their bodies. Female attention is the most in demand commodity in the world but society puts a limit on this by slut shaming.

>> No.56348513

But you are willing to trade shitcoins by dumping garbage on others for profit? Think about this, trading shitcoins is onlyfans for men

>> No.56348519

no its not.

>> No.56348615

>Why would a girl who used to be wholesome go the path of shame to make money?
'All women are whores, except my mother. Then again, she is a woman!'
- Napoleon Bonaparte

>> No.56348984

Lol mad.

>> No.56349271
File: 35 KB, 500x500, F7NzUqJXUAAyjxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56349384

post kino examples of this. for me its

>> No.56349397

zoomer men are the lowest form of males this world has seen yet. I wonder if alpha gen will be lower than them.

>> No.56350756

"selling your soul?" What the fuck are you talking about retard? I work and make 80k a year, if I could make that in a month by just jerking off on stream I would do it in a second because nothing about jerking off is any more noble than my finance job where I talk to retarded investment advisors all day. You think any rational person would turn down the creation of generational wealth in a year because boohoo someone saw my butthole how will I ever live? Fucking moron.

>> No.56350779


the custom content boomers will pay $800 to get them to film increasingly degenerate shit until they turn into clapped out whores

>> No.56351128

Mouse utopia

>> No.56351151

>instant satisfaction with zero investment.
It says worlds about you that you see this as a good thing rather than a very very bad thing.

>> No.56351185

Reminder that if we all agreed not to fuck whores or cheat then they would be left without recourse and be forced to marry or be absolutely nothing in society and die their 2nd death just mere years after their body dies (when somebody last speaks your name, ever).

>> No.56351261

i like when 4chan board gets turned into twitter, thank you OP

>> No.56351474

idgaf about this particular whore. it is fucking incels like you who get ass mad about whores. yes women like sex, women are whores, some "sell out" for money.
IT is just rich coming from faggot incels who can't stop jacking off and trying to moral fag. Jack off and fuck off instead of seething about some ewhore making money on the internet.


>> No.56351495

nigger shut the fuck up. I will rob your twink ass for $500. Integirty my ass, you soft bitch.
you stupid fartherless bitch.

>> No.56351557

I kneel

>> No.56351566

nigger moment, you were never included in "men".

>> No.56351576

I really don't get the anger/jealousy from everyone - it's a mutual agreement and it's easily scable. But no, enjoy your shitcoin investment.

>> No.56351580

No I am not a naive sheltered retard like you. Your self worth comes from within you. NOT BY SOME BROSEF you fucking CUNT.
MUH mentor
fucking kill yourself, you weakling.
Go offer your ass up to your "men".

>> No.56351603

You are stuck in the nigger's perpetual mindset of pathetic nihilism, to the point you can't fathom people having genuine feelings or beliefs. You wear so many masks you can't even suspect that other's don't.

>> No.56351632

STOP CONSUMMING YOUTUBE AND START GOIND OUTSIDE. your inferority complex is your brain signalling you to go do something.

>> No.56352271
File: 203 KB, 331x498, image_2023-10-12_192752396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56352354

i hope she sees that, bro

>> No.56352359

holy shit i just realized is the same code. is that nigger baiting or he is that pathetic

>> No.56352576

How do I find a college girl and profit off this

>> No.56353813

Supply and demand. There is a natural demand in males so that's a way of earning money, such as other natural demands, like eating or a home.

>> No.56353838

Ooofff now that's based.

>> No.56353901

Yet. This path always leads to that ending.