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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 569 KB, 1441x785, shut it down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56337368 No.56337368 [Reply] [Original]

I always thought crypto was secure from government intervention?
Explain yourself /biz/

>> No.56337381

I'm a tourist on this board (I mainly browse pol) but I believe I can answer your question.
Bitcoin was created by the NSA and the US government has a backdoor to the Bitcoin protocol that allows them to freeze wallets, Israel asked the US to do it and they did it. it's that simple.
Crypto was and is a scam, it was never safe from the government

>> No.56337386
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>> No.56337388


>> No.56337394

wow, i hate crypto aka crapto now

>> No.56337395


>> No.56337401

Nice cope.
You should get some rope.
He is right, though.

>> No.56337407


>> No.56337412

>He is right, though.
>Israel seizes exchange based wallets.

>> No.56337416

Why are you supporting terrorists, desu?

>> No.56337448

isn’t the person causing the most fear the group propagating a narrative?
It couldn’t be that juuuuustt maybe, you need to pick a side..

Heads up anon, they’re both. VERY wrong.
This isn’t about picking a winning side. This is more about how can we ensure that we don’t allow genocide..

Because we’re about to commit genocide with the full backing of the press. The state and if they get their way. The public.

These arabs just want to live on Arab land. Their foundational documents are problematic. But this isn’t all of them. Let no one tell you otherwise.

Not every Jew wants to murder civilians either..

But this is about to be the worst sanctioned war against civilians we’ve ever seen unless we watch our step.

The new laws coming are powerful, broad and laser focusesd. They are not for the benefit of the public.

The public doesn’t cause wars. The institutions do.
Hold them accountable and stop falling for narratives. Israel counts every death as one of their own, despite who killed them. This is not an honest conflict.
The Palestinians WILL not tell the truth either, it’s against their whole belief structure, that and they are unable to see another perspective.

>> No.56337450
File: 1.19 MB, 2307x3000, Schizo Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone that holds monero please explain why they support terrorism? Last i checked terrorism is illegal. Watch this thread get ignored because you terrorists know I am right.

>> No.56337465

Heads up btw. You don’t need to pick a side unless you’re on the ground.
The rest of us get to be far enough from the issue that we can rationally discuss and observe. That’s the only solution. Because for all of those with final parking lots, don’t realise that’s a precedent case against the party you support.

Let’s take the pot off the boil. It’s done.

>> No.56337485
File: 286 KB, 913x1084, 05c74861925b7f82f19304265e1073a3,ed33c39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The public doesn’t cause wars. The institutions do.
Terrorist spotted.
Imagine not being on her side.

>> No.56337489

I don’t think they do.
I think people just hate (you) not convinced anyone with half a brain actually supports any of these movements.
Seems to be exclusively the alphablet agencies and whatever stupid borderline retarded patsy they can use.
Make no mistake. Of the fear cause by one group one the planet. As scores go, there’s one player way out in front when it comes to scary.

Only one of these groups want to harm you and your family.
And it’s not the ones that are subjects of the articles.

The only thing you know about power has been told to you by those who wield it.

You think they were honest anon?

>> No.56337505

You don’t know what the sides are. Nor what the conflict is about.

I just said no one supports that false dichotomy of a narrative.

If you need to murder women and children to be the good guys you aren’t.
Sadly this applies to ALL of the parties involved here..

Name one group involved here that hasn’t murdered children and women intentionally in operations at one point in recent history?

Why are you supporting terrorism?

>> No.56337531
File: 1.71 MB, 1386x1600, JPM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just said no one supports that false dichotomy of a narrative.
Literally every normie does.
COVID proved it.
You are a relic in these times.
We won and you are coping.
Agree or perish.

>> No.56337548

You’re not going to get an actually answer anon, he’s going to call you autistic and deflect to the fact that you’re not on the right board, to which will simply call you autistic for unironically trying to figure anything out, whilst 15 Ibrahim and rabbi’s try to weaponize you curiosity into killing the other side for some benign semblance of culture differences.

It’s getting tiresome which is why the DOD and five eyes spam 4chan with a plethora of automated IP’s hosting botnets that blanket the board whilst upvoting 9th page threads to keep the most important ones buried.

They’re trying so hard to kill this board without effectively deleting it from the internet because if they did it would akin to a wildfire.

>> No.56337570

No. Everyone does what they are told until they notice what their neighbour is doing.

Sorry. Your echo chambers are on your phone only. You have no power over the thoughts of people aside from reactivity.

>> No.56337582

Google what Binance is

>> No.56337583

This is nothing new. It’s actually one of the ways to tell when the glories are serious.

It gets quiet here. When there’s impotent rage it gets loud.
You’re eithe ruseful enough to them to keep your hands busy. Or you’re a janny.

So when the spam increases, I just make an extra post or two ensuring a message about taking your own side is constantly pushed.

Why would you side with someone who doesn’t have your interest in mind?

Invaders are bad.
People who use children as shields are bad.
People who stole genocide are bad.

We all know this. Stop taking the sides of someone that would ask you not to care about these things. You’re not dumb guys, please don’t act like it.

It’s not demoralising, it’s just maybe a little boring.

If we stick bots on our side this forum ceases to exists with any organic function..

>> No.56337584

If the wallets are hosted on an exchange all they have to do is ask the exchange to freeze the wallet. Wallets on exchanges are not real wallets. They are subset wallets of the exchanges own wallet.

That means they are not on the blockchain. The exchange itself has one big wallet with all the coins together in a pool. The tag you send with the transaction identifies which coins are yours. But your actually sending to the exchanges wallet.

>> No.56337585
File: 949 KB, 946x858, dinner is ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's for dinner little fella?

>> No.56337663
File: 1.35 MB, 2202x2836, Schizo Pooping2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger did you just botpost to my meme?

>> No.56337727

has anyone pointed out how her shin tattoos indicate she has insanely high pain tolerance or some kind of weird masochistic fetish?

>> No.56337734
File: 270 KB, 2490x1000, 4987498459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at this thread

>> No.56337743

the syntax in this post is really interesting. to me it suggests a more advanced version of ChatGPT that hasn't been well-tuned.

>> No.56337764


Hamas is using chink exchange?

HAHA sorry BiBi. That's embarrassing

>> No.56337833

Hamas broke the cardinal rule of Crypto.

Not your keys, not your coins.

>> No.56337851

Well that’s rude.
I don’t take it as complimentary.
Im just rambling with free association because im frustrated.

There’s far too much info and history to communicate and none of it is simple.

Sorry if it seems like spam. But it’s very much a person here.
Chatgpt can’t cry.

>> No.56337860

Jim chambers says crickets on cnbc the other day.

Personally I think they’ve already started replacing protein in processed meats.. there’s no legal requirement to tell you what comprises 80% of it..

Like the Michael reeves/osman sawdust video but with artificial meats.

Kinda like how they put recycled water in your drinking supply against your will when you cared against it..
I may be mental, but at least I treat my water..

>> No.56337870

A bot post takes a side to develop a narrative or e cause it has a purpose, to direct your opinion.

What is my side? I’d like to promote thinking and discussion. There isn’t a good side out of this, but one way or another we need to establish how to minimise harm on all sides..

If we aren’t then we need to talk about maximisation of damage to get this over with once and for all in a rapid manner. I don’t like that because there’s only one side winning that..

>> No.56337951

can you post her gory pictures

>> No.56337966


>One report says she 22, others says 30

Is she even real

>> No.56338041

I mean, she chose not to serve in the army of Israel.
That’s illegal.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they did it to themselves and took out some undesirables.. they have a few times before.. it’s sort of their MO..

Fuck Palestine. They aren’t exactly making it easy to fucking solve this shit. It’s seeming more and more efficient to just stop this.

>> No.56338170 [DELETED] 
File: 641 KB, 1024x1024, 15167700303849948889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1622. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338257 [DELETED] 
File: 800 KB, 863x1526, 50327305891324010372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1672. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338322 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 736x813, 70903888748923507740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1672. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338415 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, 52601552895316782297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1672. The price has gone up 50% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win.

>> No.56338614

How do you know the Israelis aren't the terrorists?

>> No.56338661


>> No.56338662

AHHAHAHAHAH I called it chaps.


>> No.56338857

As someone who holds monero I don't support terrorists, I assume you don't have any fiat currency as that is used for many many bad things.
Obviously you aren't being serious though.

>> No.56338874
File: 154 KB, 1080x1076, FUCK NPCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always thought crypto was secure from government intervention?
>Explain yourself /biz/

Self-custody hold your own keys you drooling cretin.

>> No.56338967

i wonder if they were KYC-fished and couldnt move their crypto out. once their funds were on binance maybe they asked them plenty of kyc documents over the months without ever being enough, just to keep the funds

>> No.56338973

This is some retard tier FUD btw.

>> No.56339002

You don't have to say you browse pol. It's obvious.

>> No.56339147

Go back.

>> No.56339179

Lots of things I do are illegal
I support freedom

>> No.56339252


>> No.56339268

Then she was well served by BHC (Big Hamas Cock).

>> No.56339329

>have your wallet stored in a bank box at the bank
>bank seizes it

>> No.56340657
File: 412 KB, 1000x1094, end of evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is tanking the crypto market by dumping diamond hands Hamas.
DEATH TO ISRAEL (Peace and Goodwill to all mankind).

>> No.56341536
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, GovernmentsHateHim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there a was a backdoor installed day 1 (still not patched) so that the government can see EVERY transaction on the bitcoin blockchain. Amounts, sender and receiver. The government gets every detail. It's actually a pretty well known vulnerability.

>> No.56341614


>> No.56341645 [DELETED] 

Fuck Israel. Maybe someone will come along and do a better job than world war II.

>> No.56341663

why is Binance cooperating with kikes?
are Chinese allied with Israel?

>> No.56341684

>durr buh durr buh durr
It's like you're shitting out of your mouth with this.

>> No.56341760
File: 1.06 MB, 1123x582, Aardvark 440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56342190

>Imagine not being on her side
back side maybe
btw we prefer asian girls here
to be an approved juice girl she need to have kazhar milkers like shapiro sister or you can keep her

>> No.56343499


>> No.56343621


>> No.56343632


>> No.56343671

ill add to this, the BTC narrative was the way of bringing in the new system, with the new war, they are showing how good the new system is with shutting of resources to the enemy "terrorists"... this is a outline, its a lot more complex than this,