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56324904 No.56324904 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, took Vyvanse this week and it unlocked new transcendental focus for me.

What do you take to augment and become the most focused motherfucker alive?

>> No.56324942

I took Vyvanse for 10 years. Stop taking it as soon as possible. It fries your brain and turns you into an NPC before you know it. It doesn't actually make you more productive at all, it just stimulates you and gets you so high that you feel like you're being productive. You will obsessively and happily do busy work because you're tweaked out. Sometimes it's important to take a slower and more methodical approach to things, lest you desire a life as a slave.

>> No.56324945 [DELETED] 

Amphetamines are what niggers need to pretend they're smart

>> No.56324964


Sounds like everyone who's doing cups of coffee or energy drinks, except those are less effective at what they do. I take a safe 10 mg XR dose of adderall and it does wonders for my general concentration and wellbeing. Nice mild boost to focus, concentration, mood, patience, and lower anxiety, it's what caffeine should be doing.

If you take higher doses you will turn into a zombie, just practice self control.

>> No.56324991

>Sounds like caffeine
No. Just no. It's fucking amphetamines. I thought the same thing and only used 20mg Vyvanse. Just stop fucking taking it seriously you don't need it. The first month of withdrawals are hell, but the boost in creativity I've gotten since becoming fully sober has been insane. I'm far more productive then I was before, and I don't have peaks and valleys of energy like I would before.

>> No.56325002


Just use ketosis.

>> No.56325030


Peaks and valleys of energy, general anxiety, mood swings were what I had before going on this prescription. I don't get what you're trying to say. That was clearly not a superior life. Caffeine added to the problem but I couldn't quit it or else I'd feel like a depressed blob. What if we all don't work exactly like you?

>> No.56325061

You are using drugs to cope with your problems. You are a drug addled NPC. Fix your diet and exercise and stop fucking taking amphetamines.

>> No.56325066

OP you gotta make a habit to ALREADY BE DOING the thing you want to focus on 45 mins after you take the pill when vyvanse starts working. whatever you are doing 45 minutes later will become an obsession so dont be masturbating like a retard

>It doesn't actually make you more productive at all
not true. you can train yourself to stay on task, and even if you do get sidetracked, spending half the day on task is better than not taking vyvanse and doing nothing.

>> No.56325087

Okay, so you're the perfect slave on Vyvanse. Congratulations. What happens when you need to do some work that doesn't involve obsessively tweaking out over small details? You can't do it very well, can you? As you said, you time your doses around obsessing over tasks. Literally methhead cope.

>> No.56325109


I promise I am in better shape than you. Of course I exercise and watch my diet. And I am generally against head drug use. If something is solving a problem for me I'm going to still utilize it within reason.

You keep ignoring the fact that the majority of working America is hooked on caffeine which is arguably worse. It isn't a question of "to use a substance at all" it's "which to use."

>> No.56325138

>Doubling down on comparing caffeine to fucking amphetamines
This place is becoming reddit more and more everyday. Take the pill and get back to work now, goy

>> No.56325151


What creative works have you come up with in your sober enlightenment, anon? Please share with us

>> No.56325197

asian girls are better

>> No.56325201

>What happens when you need to do some work that doesn't involve obsessively tweaking out over small details? You can't do it very well, can you?

vyvanse helps to do any work you would not otherwise do. the crowd preaching "self-discipline" usually are losers without many accomplishments. dunno what kind of "creative work" youre talking about unless its painting lol. any time you spend learning small details is not wasted if the alternative was playing vidya

>> No.56325243

Amphetamines once in a long while, like maybe once a year, are fine for the experience of understanding what your body is capable of. Long term, they are like any crutch. You will experience diminishing returns, and the drawbacks will heavily outweigh the benefits. I am yet to meet someone on Adderall, Vyvanse, or whatever else stimulant that is able to commune with God.

>> No.56325262

>The concept of creativity is foreign to tweakers
Color me shocked

>> No.56325295


Not at all. I'm a naturally creative person. I've always struggled with concentration, focus, and anxiety (due to a wandering mind and imagination), what if I would rather not? It seems I'm the one who's realized he isn't going to be a famous writer or painter and you're the retard who thinks his "creativity" matters. I find I can switch states now, it was a lot harder before.

>> No.56325321
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Not to mention, many of history's great creatives (philosophers/writers/painters) did their best work while boozed, coked, drugged out of their fucking mind. I don't think straight edge water drinkers are going to be lighting the world up with creative achievements any time soon.

>> No.56325325

>Creativity is only writing and painting
Your mind on meth. I could explain this to you but it's funny watching you cope and tweak.

>> No.56325342

Yes, I dont recall many famous methhead artists and writers if that's the route you'd like to take. Meth and amphetamines are the antithesis of a free mind.

>> No.56325364

Modafinil is less happy feeling but less rough on your body. If you want something less pharma there is always kratom.

>> No.56325369


wow these low effort posts sure are creative

>> No.56325377


You're limiting yourself by pretending like there are simply no ways to optimize your general state of mind and being. It's clear because you have to resort to shit like "durr hurr it's meth!!!" No it's not meth, meth is meth. Caffeine isn't cocaine. Ibuprofen isn't morphine. You're already treating yourself with things. How creative of you to become a dogmatic little asshole that can't figure out how to create the perfect mental cocktail for peak function, getting lost in the fearmongering about more dangerous drugs.

>> No.56325391


It's only "rough" because people chase doses that are too aggressive and emphasize the euphoria over the solution to their immediate problem. It's like killing a bottle of liquor at a party when you should just be sipping a six pack of beers.

>> No.56325464

they look like ugly ducklings without the makeup

>> No.56325526

Modafinil just feels dogshit honestly and doesn't help with my ADHD at all

>> No.56325541

What the fuck is wrong with you retards seriously just have a cup of coffee and some form of nicotine. If anything fuck the coffee off and just keep the nicotine and not too much just a nice low dose and you'll feel Jake

>> No.56325543

Druggy cope, you will never amount to anything (and that's a good thing)

>> No.56325549


t. just another wagie middler like the rest of us

>> No.56325830

because nicotine is so good for us right? retard brain at its finest

>> No.56326007

l-theanine is the only thing I use.

>> No.56326187

Chiming in here as an adhd kid I will say that, addictive properties aside, nicotine is almost perfect. Now smoking sucks and makes you feel like shit yes, but Im talking about gum, pills, or patches with just nicotine. Try it sometime and I promise its better than almost anything else. That said I still miss my vyvanse/concerta.

>> No.56326856

the only reason I even tried Vyvanse was because it's not addictive (I had no problems taking a 2 day break this week). Feels like I get all the benefits and as long as I'm not retarded, there's no side effects.

>> No.56328066

Amphetamines will destroy you in ways you won’t even believe, you will perceive slights where none exist and become aggressive without reason, no pharmaceutical pills are good for you. You are subscribed to a hospital for the sole purpose to make them money.

>> No.56328087

Those drugs altered their senses, emotions, perceptions for them to utilize as expressions in their respective art-forms. They weren’t trying to enhance focus or concentration what bizarre cope is this.

>> No.56328096

>get addicted to nicotine
god this board is retarded

>> No.56328418
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Amphetamines can make you very productive. I took Adderall for 6 or 7 years near the start of my business and it was incredible for my productivity. But low dose, 10-20mg a day. I stopped eventually because returns were diminishing. I was tired and depressed and didn't want to increase dose. You can see a similar chart of boosted performance but diminishing returns in pic related. I would honestly prefer caffeine. Used to drink coffee all day long but now my system doesn't tolerate it, which is why I started the Adderall.

>> No.56328775

ADHD isn't real and you're a coping druggie

>> No.56328785

Holy fucking kek. This nigger thinks legal meth will make him Nietzsche.

>> No.56328833

People like you disgust me, you're too lazy so you have to pretend you need substances to achieve something, you're just a pathetic drug addict that will die young for nothing worth it

>> No.56328834

Did you take it every day for 6-7 years? Any side effects you've noticed?

>> No.56328870

i dont understand you adderal vyvanse junkies they gave me that shit when i was 15 and all it did for me was take away my hunger. Besides all these add meds are literally just amphetamines you're essentially just taking coke/meth with a slightly different chemical makeup

>> No.56328912

I took Vyvanse once and went from being a bench player on my high school basketball team to being the 1# option. You don't need to take it constantly. Once was enough to unlock new ways of thinking.

>> No.56328973

>amphetamine isn't amphetamine
Tweaker cope.

>> No.56328985

I did not take it every day. I would take it 4 days per week on average. On the weekends I would crash to some extent and recharge. The immediate effects are good but on the whole I didn't like it so I didn't want to take it every day. Also, it would weaken my immune system if I took it every day and I would catch colds more. Another reason I kept the dose at low-moderate. Higher doses would make me sick. I was definitely more productive with it, but in other areas like confidence, charisma, general wellness, I am a better person without it. I have been trying modafinil since I quit the Adderall. I feel normal on it, no downsides so far, but it's not as mentally stimulating, and not nearly as strong. I can take mod and fall asleep 2 hours later when it's supposed to be peaking. Would still prefer coffee over both if I could still drink it. I recall the crash on coffee being worse than both though. When I drank coffee all day and then skipped a day I couldn't do anything but sleep.

>> No.56329007

Why is her calf thicker than her thigh?

AI or just deformed toastie?

>> No.56329069

Too many amphetamines
Yea I smoked meth once and my dick grew 3 inches

>> No.56329216

ADHD is quite real but these retards don't have it
If you have it then stimulants just make you normal and able to actually use executive function

Even then though drug use is still for the niggers
I say this having ADHD myself
It's a trap that many fall into continuously, but ultimately it is literally the same phenomenon as taking out credit card debt and believing you're rich
Yes, it's possible that a credit card or other loan can be good hypothetically to get you through an emergency where money is tight, but only if you then pay it right off to avoid the interest
And even if you don't incur interest it still means you're not as liquid as you need to be

>> No.56329252

I'm sure waking up to this chick riding you every day would boost your focus

>> No.56329256

that's a man.

>> No.56329333

she looks barely 20 years old you sick fucks

>> No.56329412
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Ick. That's not a blonde.

>> No.56329574 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56329715 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1024, 53312693772398241023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56329781 [DELETED] 
File: 541 KB, 1024x828, 73821357263190750087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56329826

good lord this is such an obvious shill thread

>> No.56329847 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56329913 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56329984 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 127

>> No.56330475

I love women so much it's unreal

>> No.56330848

I took Vyvanse once and became a US Senator the next day.

>> No.56330860

that's called amphetamine induced psychosis

>> No.56332398

Is there anything more delusional than a nigger?

>> No.56332578

Big pharmas gotta pump their bags somehow
A junkie
Actually kill yourself junkies

>> No.56332594

Drugs are not for daily use. D-amphet is on another fucking level of euphoria, tread carefully.

That said I do agree nicotine is insanely helpful, but you just know greaseball Tobacco companies love to guerilla market that shit here so honestly best to not.

>> No.56332657

I got an ADD diagnosis. I already use modafiinil occasionally. Will I get something better soon?

>> No.56332688

It's the opposite really.

>> No.56332827

nicotine gum is the ultimate cheatcode for working life
nicotine has no proven negative effects on the body. people just assume it does because the main vehicle for nicotine is tobacco which does destroy your body. I've even come across some retards who think chewing nicotine gum is the same thing as chewing tobacco.

>> No.56332877

Being hooked on pills to create the illusion of self control is not okay. There is no bigger scam in the world than how big pharma has made it socially acceptable to have an entire generation taking addictive psychotropics like it's a normal and safe thing to do.

>> No.56332936
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Y'all sound like the "I don't need alcohol to have fun" fags. Staking your pride on trivial inane shit like your decision to deprive yourself of things that help or make you feel good. Of course there are degrees in drug usage and something can go from being a boost to a liability. A true maverick in this world does not operate off of a basis of general fear and you are some fearful fags. If something is going to help me focus and turn me into a productive engine with hardly any drawbacks I'm going to utilize it. Keep being pissy little straight edge babies guarding your precious brain that is literally never going to accomplish anything in life anyway.

>> No.56332958

>Acting like popping Vyvanse makes him 'cool' or 'hardcore
>Thinking anyone in this thread is afraid of fucking Adderall
>Thinks being reliant on a drug that turns him into a 'productive engine's is somehow a good thing
>Thinks there's no drawbacks
Anon, you are legitimately fucking retarded.

>> No.56332974


Is anybody doing that? Literally anyone? You fucking retard. People are trying to discuss ways to brainmaxx and you're in here spamming generic D.A.R.E. slogans and churchmarming. Fuck off.

All top med schools are full of people overloading adderall to beat the competition

All top athletes take any and all substances possible that will give them a competitive edge

Meanwhile you're going to sit your pudgy ass there with your cup of water and apple and pretend like you're flexing on people who are exploring the extent of current pharma tech for typical human maladies

Stfu you self important little retard

>> No.56333000

Okay tweaker

>> No.56333146

I wish she would sit like that on muh dick

>> No.56333196
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>> No.56333221


Okay retard. Back to mommy's basement, sweetie.

>> No.56333327

You typed all that out just to cope and seethe that others don’t agree with taking amphetamine like you do. Better check that alarm on your phone bud you seem alittle grumpy are you coming down?

>> No.56333372

>Sounds like everyone who's doing cups of coffee or energy drinks

Yes, and they are all neurotic drug addicts. 1/2 of the population of America has some sort of psychological disease, to the point where they renamed the "lighter" diseases into a more hip and cool "neuro-divorgent" label.

Only a Western boy gets "psychologically injured for life" after a female teacher shows him titties.

Only a Westerner shoots up a school because some girl refused to date him.

Only a Westerner chops off his dick and takes hormones because some random strangers on the internet told him to.

And don't get me started on Western women- they are all batshit insane.

And this insanity slowly spreads onto "westernized" nations too.

>> No.56333405
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>Reddit spacing

>> No.56333416

>prescribed 30mg Vyvanse
>stay up for 18 hours
>take two pills (max dose), crawl into bed and drift off to sleep
>wake up 45 minutes later feeling more refreshed and well rested than you could possibly imagine
>carry on for the rest of the day, rinse, repeat
That shit is black magic. I see now why the Germans loved it. Top tier drug.

>> No.56333437
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is this the same guy?
chud bros, the juice are stealing our top tier cuties

>> No.56333494
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>The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
So you are saying, take Vyvanse time release, go to bed exhausted, then let the time release wake you up? Because that is a top tier hack.

>> No.56333569

Mine weren’t the time release, just the regular ones. Unfortunately, since I stopped taking them, I now have regular lapses in concentration that make games like Counter Strike much more difficult. Feels bad man. I’ll be staring at a spot and just zone out and let the enemies kill me, like my brain is buffering. Gotta get back on it for those sweet brain gains.

>> No.56333576

Meat. Potatoes. Vitamin D. Vitamin C. Heavy-ass weights. Sleep.

>> No.56336012


>> No.56336171
File: 324 KB, 785x847, apu_gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hacks for focus?
Unironically go on a 5 day fast and take some LSD. Best thing ever for market insight.

>> No.56336220

Didn’t read but saw Vyvance. Amphetamines and pro-drug amphetamines like Vyvance are a bandaid. Once your brain adapts to them (and it will) any benefit is gone. The first time you take it is just the honeymoon and you’ll be “chasing the dragon” from here on out. Don’t waste your time

>> No.56336242

>bro just take SSRI instead of drinking coffee

>> No.56336246

seriously now.. do biking. I love how my bike helps me concentrate.

>> No.56336266

This. I feel at my sharpest when on Keto

>> No.56336340

Keto is a fucking meme.
Gave me migraines and I couldn’t sleep for shit.

>> No.56336408

Wasn't Hitler hopped up on meth? You may have a point OP, keep fucking yourself up like that.

>> No.56336442

Imagine, if you will, procreating with a female of this caliber

>> No.56336447

>he doesn't know about the thighs

>> No.56336598

Interesting, how much coffee were you drinking? I love it and wind up with about two or three large ones daily, but it completely fucks my sleep schedule, I'll be going to bed at 3 or 4 in the morning on the daily (doing uni) and I'm confident it's catching up to me - what I'm find so hard is kicking the "one more or polish it off" evening feeling, and the quiet of the witching hours is so cathartic

>> No.56337071

you sound like a fucking pussy idiot zoomer. I took about 100mg daily for 2 years of college in 2012 and experienced virtually no withdrawal besides tiredness and extra hunger. Also that boost of focus you get from it only lasts a few weeks. Then it just starts to have the effect of coffee. I will admit that vyvvanse feels nice though. That's about it.

>> No.56337090

How exactly does being reliant on amphetamines make you not a pussy? You are too afraid of life to handle it sober and need a drug to act as a crutch. You're the pussy, retard.

>> No.56337105

The rise of globohomo has coincided directly with the widespread use of amphetamines. Amphetamine usage should be treated as a crisis worse then the opioid crisis.

>> No.56337144

you either needed more electrolytes, more water or just needed time for your body to adapt.

>> No.56338234

Please post your accomplishments that you have made solely because of your drug usage.

>> No.56338416


dont ever take stimulants or you will end up so irreversibly fucked you will want to die, just avoid

>> No.56338712

>D00d all the hecking intellectuals of the world are hecking using drugs!! Drugs are the only reasons for their hecking success!!
You sound like the black man I used to buy drugs from in college.

>> No.56338820

as yuropoor i wonder just how much ameriburger supposedly higher performance is due to widespread drug abuse
there just isn't the same pill culture over here

>> No.56338902

A non negligible amount, but it's also why you see so much soullessness in everything coming out of America nowadays. You can see the fried out brains in the products that get released to the public. It's also exacerbating the mental health problem across the entire country and part of why we are seeing widespread degenerate behavior.

Don't do meth kids.