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56317175 No.56317175 [Reply] [Original]

I appeal to the oldfags, is ICP going to be around in 8 years? Is it a good buy or will be the myspace of crypto

>> No.56317220

2017 oldfag here. yes its legit and yes its going to be around for the next decade. its not just a layer 1 its a complete web stack. it hosts front end and back end on chain. meaning everything and I mean everything is stored on the ledger. if we're going to tokenize millions of assets we're gonna need to step away from traditional IT and web2 monopoly. thats where ICP comes in.

>> No.56317230

Icypoo is a scam


>> No.56317235

Wait til the unlocks are done in spring. Theres a lot of shit happening where the ecosystem has been growing due to the SNS launchpad. Theres a lot of uncertainty with the project but its currently the only project actually building something new that isnt just moving coins from a to b. I use a lot of their dapps almost every day. Just with there was more adoption but hopefully eth integration and dkp will make the ecosystem explode

But disregard my opinion and just buy avax

>> No.56317237
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It's going down faster than you can say censorship resistant computing.

>> No.56317242

right on time

>> No.56317243

>will be the myspace of crypto
Its the facebook. ETH will be the myspace. Nobody will notice its dying until ICP has totally taken over and most will not fully understand what happened but find icp infinitely better

>> No.56317301


>> No.56317331

oldfag here, nope its a scam for low IQ people that do zero research.
better buy LINK and AVAX.

>> No.56317336

If you want to learn more about ICP try set up a node op. I find it is the best way of learning about new projects.

>> No.56317345

Still some execution risk but their team just keeps pushing more features through. Very professional presentation with the technical updates on youtube as well. I'm buying.

>> No.56317408

Yeah I have my stacks for icp and DKP ready to get. Might put a could grand into OC in a few months.

>> No.56317417

Yes it's legit, ignore fud. The bottom is in or near. Look up Vitaliks comments about Dominic. Make an Internet Identity & Plug wallet and start using it to see. It is the real deal. Check FDV compared to other projects as well and you will realize just how undervalued this coin is. Sell pressure every month till the BTC halvening. Some projects are starting to gain traction in the eco system and there is a bullish sentiment. Good luck

>> No.56317422

No. It has terrible tokeomics and is threatened by inflationary death spiral and is just constant carrot on a stick two more week bullshit to lure retards in for exit liquidity. We were promised that Btc integration would create a billion dollar Btc defi ecosystem and literally nothing happened and now we are being told that Eth integration will be the big thing that we need to wait for

>> No.56317503

actual paid hit piece (unironically)

>> No.56317517

completely glossing over the entirety of the crypto market for the last couple years

>> No.56317533

>integration would create a billion dollar Btc defi ecosystem
Paving the way for that to happen is not the same as it happening over night. Without a major bull market you're not gunna see chains explode over night like Solana did. Besides we want ICP to grow in a sustainable way due to providing real usecase and value to users not just some hype train temporary boom then ghost chain afterward. That takes a lot of time. Even if we're right and ICP is the next big thing expect to be holding for years before you see really massive growth and returns.

>> No.56317679

SOL FDV = 13 billion
AVAX FDV = 7.2 billion
ICP FDV = 1.6 billion

ICP mogs them all too

Good luck if you are reading this

>> No.56317721

This shit got rugged at launch.
From looking at the documents, I pity anyone trying to run real world anything on this tech. Literally why do this instead of just using AWS like a normal person. All they can do is spout web3 metaverse babble.

>> No.56317789

>down 99.3%


>> No.56319233
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>> No.56319248

HBAR: turns off blockchain
>Thanks for playing!

>> No.56319283

ICPoor token not needed

>> No.56321017

Icp is the only 3rd gen blockchain in existence rn

>> No.56322437

Icp is an insanely good project with a bright future. The tech is the most sophisticated in the sector, but the tokenomics are trash and Dominic either doesn't know anything about tokenomics or doesn't give a shit.

>> No.56322463

If someone puts some ai generating content on ICP, then it will become mainstream overnight. Imagine an uncensored AI art generator, or a chat GPT type of program, but none of the prompts are censored.

>> No.56323969
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ser pls

>> No.56325348
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>Dominic either doesn't know anything about tokenomics or doesn't give a shit.
Big Daddy Dom has been working in crypto for at least a decade.

>> No.56325583
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>> No.56325629

>mass replying and scat posting

You better start working overtime Jeff because there is a new kid in town. That retard who spams 30 replies every thread while ip hopping and posting his ai cats. He might just take your spot as the biggest annoying faggot to grace this board unless you do something about it.

>> No.56325662
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>You better start working overtime Jeff because there is a new kid in town.

>> No.56325669
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Give me his location.

>> No.56325786

So just connect rlc to the ic?

>> No.56326042

Unironically this will happen whether you like it or not. ckRLC = cucked RLC

All ERC20 tokens will be cuckolded to ICP.

>> No.56326202
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The ICP community doesn't exist. Whoever is watching this thread, let me tell you something real quick. This is a shilling campaign made directly by Dom. If you have ever considered buying this piece of censorship, kill yourself. Their TVL is going down as we speak, no one is buying this garbage.

>> No.56326230
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>Icp is an insanely good project with a bright future

>> No.56326658

ICP has been around for about 3 or 4 years and all it has had is a free fall, I just cant see this coin surviving another couple of years

>> No.56326993

This. Just buy avax for ava to bharat functionality and defi tokenization mothar fuckars...

>> No.56327200

>All I have done is looked at the price and just by that i dont see it surviving.
>I only invest based off the current and past $ amount assoicated with an entity/asset.


>> No.56327276 [DELETED] 
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you don't even understand what you're talking about you dumb idiot you must have dropped your iq on the floor as a kid i mean you probably still haven't hit puberty judging by your dumbass comment

>> No.56327734 [DELETED] 
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i think you're right i think you're a dumbass i think you're an idiot

>> No.56328046 [DELETED] 
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listen here you little punk

i'm no dumbass and i'm sure aint no idiot why don't you crawl back to the hole you came from you f-cking retard

>> No.56328299 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 1380x920, 14185077389561884811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you little shitstain on the diaper of society

who the hell do you think you are you sound like you have a tiny dick and a giant chip on your shoulder i'll crawl back wherever i please you pathetic little man you don't tell me what to do

>> No.56328487 [DELETED] 
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listen here you little sh1tstain on the diaper of society how dare you criticize me i am al and i am not ashamed of my little d1ck and a giant chip on my shoulder i'll go wherever i damn well please

>> No.56328699

He’s here Jeff

>> No.56328704 [DELETED] 
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hey listen up you little prick i'm not ashamed of my little dick and i'll beat your ass if you try to criticize me again you can suck my big hairy balls

>> No.56329571 [DELETED] 
File: 884 KB, 1024x1024, 36686899776851550356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56329633 [DELETED] 
File: 857 KB, 1024x1024, 10910515100641218654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56329681

Raj smells

>> No.56329712 [DELETED] 
File: 814 KB, 1024x1024, 83858376442738823427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56329779 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 580x748, 31801050774897080978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56329841 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 577x432, 7220359923383847820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56329975 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 1024x1024, 72716183182864111340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56330039 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 59972148430505978070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 125

>> No.56330169
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I bought 14 SNS for the meme at 30 ICP each and now they’re 777 wtf do I do

>> No.56330216

I get the feeling anon, that's the fucking king of dead projects, Kek. Only dumb midwits will choose ICP over other alts like PHA, FTM, RIO, NXRA, IMX, and others.
I've seen enough of the ICP drama anon.

>> No.56330823

bro thats a fucking 10+x in a goodamn bear market! lucky you i sold at 200. sell now, sell the icp, roll into us tsy, 5% per annum and you're golden. hard to see any more upside from here hype is fading and there is no game.

nice trade bro!

>> No.56330840

wait until DKP launch for the final 20x push