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56297283 No.56297283 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told the truth about the inflation myth and people were livid. Doomers can't handle when people point out that the sky is not falling.

>> No.56297297
File: 2.77 MB, 3978x3024, PXL_20231001_015819725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what $82.60 from the grocery store gets you in 2023(year of our lord)

>> No.56297299
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>"You people done know how to shop"
>doesn't know how to use English, his native language
Seems like a super smart guy I should listen to, thanks /b/ro

>> No.56297305

>3 weeks
Probably not with what he has, but I agree. You can buy a fuck ton of rice, beans, chicken, and eggs with $200. Spices will take up some of that budget tho

>> No.56297326

I agree, but it depends where you shop too. Some people spend $4.50 on a dozen eggs from target when they can get it for $1.10 from Lidl.

I can get a week’s worth of groceries for under $25 from lidl

>> No.56297345

gr8 b8 m8. A little hard to deny inflation's occurring and the prices are going up. Just because you can be more thrifty, that doesn't mean nothing has changed. It would've been even cheaper to do so back before all this crap.

>> No.56297365

>american bragging about purchase
>a few packs of goyslop and toilet paper

>> No.56297384

Is the printer used for putting up "lost father" signs?

>> No.56297430
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Cool story Cohen, but how about the truth about modern civilization?

>> No.56297453


>> No.56297476

Spices also last a long time though. But if you want a sort of all in one, just garam masala covers everything.

>> No.56297536

Anyone complaining about groceries is retarded. I cook for myself and eat healthy delicious meals for about $200 a month, and I live in NYC.

However, its true that inflation is real and fucking shit up, because 15 years ago I used to spend the exact same amount of money on groceries except I bought a bunch of processed prepackaged garbage instead.

>> No.56297557
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil.... rice and pea
And oil

>> No.56297654

>All that plastic

what the fuck Americans

>> No.56298130

ok, you live alone fucktard. i have 3 other people i have to feed. thats 200x4 for a month of food. hate retards who brag about how little they spend at the grocery store. subsisting entirely on protein bars and gruel is no way to live just to save a buck. food is one of the main dopamine releases

>> No.56298835

>just garam masala covers everything

>> No.56298865

>I bought random shit that's on sale or from the discount racks so that means there is no inflation

sure, enjoy paying $90 after 10 page of printing to print another 10 page and it kill itself after pumping entire cartages into the dumping slot

>> No.56298886

>gallons of goblin goyslop oil
>onions laced, corn syrup infused, artificial protein sloppa
>more plastic


>> No.56298959


WTF do you think they make printers out of?

>> No.56298963

These grocery shop pictures are always full of "products" and branded snacks. Is it just an american thing? Where are all the people with sensible shops like eggs, fresh beef, fish etc?

>> No.56298977

They dont feel the need to Post on twitter because their brain isnt rotten from all the goyslop

>> No.56298987

>Ben's Original
That shit is tasty.

>> No.56299006

what will he be eating for three weeks? I see some protein bars, oil, blackberries, a pack of cereal?, 3 maybe 4 packs of Ben's something (i presume this is either a finished dish or something you add to your rice/chicken), there is also a soda can and some lettuce (?)next to it. there is another type of fruit bellow the copy paper and a pack of pancakes (?) next to the oil.
I think there is 3 days of supplies at most; hard to see where the additional 18 days are located in the cart.

>> No.56299065

you absolutely cannot unless all you eat is canned tuna for a week

>> No.56299081

He didn't type 'done know'. You did.

>> No.56299113

Weird that I knew how to ship 10 years ago but now suddenly I don't know how to shop?

>> No.56299182

underated food, its great shit. Its healthy and you can do it in a pan with some water in like 3 minutes. I usally put some eggs in the pan after the rice is done and put it on top of the rice. My favourites are the risotto rice and the one with paprika.
food delivery tip beggars btfo, whole meal is like 2 bucks.

>> No.56299238

>Let's just rename swedish fish to scandinavian swimmers and charge them extra for it. Kek America is a scam wrapped in a scam delivered by a scam to a scam kek

>> No.56299280

he wrote "done believe" which is the same. it's funny that many esl foreigners know english better than some natives.

>> No.56299350

Yo dis nigga done know howma read lmao

>> No.56299356

No you don’t.
You’re just terrible at accounting for your spending habits.
Let’s get in an argument about what you define as groceries.

You might spend 6.40 a day on food alone, which at best gets you nutritional minimums. Hardly variety. Possibly, if you’re a monk. But that 6.40 doesn’t cover groceries for you though does it anon?

>> No.56299357

>that amino acid profile

>> No.56299361

>1pbtid discord tranny twitter screenshot thread

>> No.56299376

>main dopamine releases
lamo fat retard detected

>> No.56299411

Americans literally eat "products"
You can't just buy "rice" it has to come in a named branded colorful box with a smiling nigger on it and it also has to be processed so it can be prepared in a microwave. Just think of amerilards as overgrown children, if the food packaging is not colorful, they refuse to feed

>> No.56299435

That's not 3 weeks of groceries

>> No.56299452

A bottle of ranch dressing is like $7. Have you seen the prices of a jar of pickles? Man that shit is crazy.

>> No.56299503
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>> No.56299514

It's kinda funny though because every time someone from outside murica comes here all I hear them say is how they want this and that and this and that and they buy buy buy because "we don't have this in my country."
Legit funny.
I agree with you. But it's circumstance, we are Euros just like you. Behavior dictated by circumstance in most regards.

>> No.56299536

Most prices are dictated by several factors.
The first factor is not the resources used to make the product.
The first factor is "how easily could I achieve this result myself."
Pickles are time consuming, take up a lot of room, and etc. all for basically zero calories.
So the price is dictated by how likely people are to either do it themselves or go without them.
The next factor is "what alternatives exist"?
Then the actual inputs.

>> No.56299556


For the average American, this is about 3 minutes worth of groceries.

>> No.56299559 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, _f66f7826-5db3-42a9-9113-65e1364a6c75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is right. its cheap as fuck filled the cart with money to spare.
ca 0x1142866f451d9d5281C5C8349a332bD338e552a1

>> No.56299574

I started shopping at aldi and now my weekly groceries cost as much as they did when I was shopping at jewel.

>> No.56299583

*points and laughs

>> No.56299621
File: 46 KB, 600x421, TinAnimalMoney001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why doesn't he show the receipt?

>> No.56299650

I’m autistic, so I usually eat a similar thing every day.

Breakfast: egg sandwich with fruit
2 eggs: 20 cents
2 pieces of the generic 50 cent bread loaves: 10 cents
Cheese (I don’t buy the cheapest cheeses): 30 cents
Seasoning: 5 cents
A banana: 20 cents
Total breakfast cost: 85 cents a day or $5.95 a week

For lunch and dinner I usually have rice with a vegetable and a protein

Rice: 20 cents
Beans/spinach/okra/whatever vegetables: 30 cents
Chicken/fish: 80 cents
Total lunch price (x2 to include dinner): $2.60

Weekly breakfast/lunch/dinner: $24.15

Yes, most of my calories do come from rice/beans bought in bulk.

I personally think canned tuna is expensive. Your best bet for cheap fresh fish is going to an Asian market. They usually have some type of fish on sale for less than $2 a pound. You’d have to remove the scales and bones, but it’s quick once you get the hang of it

>> No.56299665

I just know you are full of shit.

>> No.56299680
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>3 weeks without fruits or vegetables

Sure boy, eat that goyslop

>> No.56299859

why? like literally?

>> No.56300003

You're buying all that organic stuff and getting it just for $82.60? I see the chicken is cheap as fuck so there may be some truth to what you say... Even the date is current... Is trader joes just that cheap?

>> No.56300062

its trader joes dude it's not whole foods. Also this was in California with a 10% sales tax so no idea what you're on about

>> No.56300098

Anon... If I were to buy the same stuff you did, it would have cost me around $150. I am on the east coast. It's fucking crazy over here.

>> No.56300172


>> No.56300211
File: 20 KB, 630x311, Average.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do earn more on average than the rest of the nation.

>> No.56300219

That printer will run out of ink after 5 pages. New ink will cost 3x the printer. As soon as you install it, the printer will break

>> No.56300238

You can live off of $20/week for food. You just can't buy fancy shit like you faggots KEEP DOING.

>> No.56300334

I thought you were just joking because those groceries are atrocious.
all that processed shit is worth maybe like $30 but you're shopping at trader joes.
doesn't make sense to me how someone can go to such a pretentious place to buy their groceries, but the groceries aren't even fresh.
I mean for christ's sake they only gave you 2 fuckin bananas.
a bag of green beans. and a squash.
but you have multiple types of frozen dinners.

>> No.56300350

I know, I'm just saying it's immediately eaten up by the cost.
I live in flyover and I guarantee $40,000 here is better than that $76,000.
Especially given that it's probably more like $55,000 if you take out the billionaire and banking salaries driving up the average.
$40,000 here gets you a two acre yard and a three bedroom house and a truck and probably even a woman.

>> No.56300370

sounds like you think trader Joe's is whole foods or something if you think one of the cheapest chains is pretentious kek

>> No.56300372

They want to see if it's any good.
I tried your popular crap and would never try it again
Oreo is sugar cardboard. I honestly would not try it for free anymore, how people in USA rave about Peant Butter Reices Pieces I tought it's something special but it's just some mediocre crap
Even the cheapest Lidl house brand stuff is premium compared to your overmarketed crap
I bet Dr Pepper is in the same fashion, probably cheapest possible flavor of some cherry, carbonated,

Its all marketing. Like people get tricked into thinking Times Square is big and impressive, Los Angeles looks like the rich parts of Bervely Hills and that part with stars in the floor is a place to be and not filled with homeless criminals, Atlantic City boardwalk is not a few meters of some cheap shitty food stands, Las Vegas is soddomah and gommorah, Texas being pupulated by hat wearing gun lowers

You also don't have our stuff. Let's say anything made by Mammer, which Napolitaner I'm eating now. But you don't know about it so you will not ask about it if you come here

>> No.56300392

>If I were to buy the same stuff you did, it would have cost me around $150
>that processed shit is worth maybe like $30
All of you are retards in Mommy's basement. I can see none of you ever went to a grocery store

>> No.56300482
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You are correct anon. That's why most people end up retiring in your state or moving there and causing inflation. With all those niggagrants coming in from Texas and Florida, you better believe there is a chance people will move to your location and start inflating your cost.

>All of you are retards in Mommy's basement. I can see none of you ever went to a grocery store
Okay retard.

>> No.56300498

I don’t think you know what you are talking about.

Upstate NY is one of the few parts of the country where you can still buy a house in a safe location where you don’t need a car for under $100k.

In a state like Georgia, you are paying at least $200k for a house if you don’t want to pay for a car, insurance, maintenance, and fuel. Minimum wage is half as much in Georgia too

>> No.56300663

>I don’t think you know what you are talking about.
>then responds about Georgia which is literally on the east coast
NY is a big state, you can get rural and costs go down.
>under $100k
I said under $50k

You may know what you are talking about, but you are blathering and barely responding to what I said in any way.

>> No.56300689

you look at that 'grocery haul', you don't really think it's a good value, do you?
and yea, the fresh produce is cheaper.
there's really about $30 worth of 'food'.
e.g. those chicken thighs are only $3.82.
guarantee you that frozen pizza costs more.
and if I bought the exact same food, like if I didn't buy fresh stuff, but bought all this frozen processed shit, I wouldn't pay more then $50 at walmart.

>> No.56300720

anon have you ever been to upstate new york? i grew up in northeastern PA, about 20 minutes from the border of NY and about an hour from binghamton. the two regions have a lot in common: they're economically depressed shitholes. homes are cheap because wages are low, and they generally scale such that the average home is 3-4 times the annual gross household income. and the only way you're "living without a car" in upstate NY is if you live in one of those shithole rust belt cities -- and guess what, they're overrun with blacks and browns.

utica: 56% non-hispanic white
albany: 54%
binghamton: 68%
syracuse: 49%
rochester: 36%
buffalo: 53%

you suffer all of the inane taxes and gun control laws of jew york shitty but with absolutely NONE of the earning potential.

>> No.56300724

He's a nigger so he stole 90% of what he listed.

>> No.56300746
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what he said but unironically, i bought a month's worth of groceries for 350 and i am a fatass eating a lot, if i can get by each month by gambling on duck race derby and doing odd jobs you lot of burger flippers can too

>> No.56300767
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>> No.56300778
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>just stop eating meat, vegetables and eggs bro
>just live off of rice, protein bars and blackberries and you can afford food for MOST of the month bro
Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.56300780

>people in USA rave about Peant Butter Reices Pieces
no. no they don't. a depressed HR rep from the midwest will *say* what you're saying. but they're mormom and eating some shitty candy is basically the highlight of their week because they can't have any fun.
well, and companies astroturfing you.
>Let's say anything made by Mammer, which Napolitaner I'm eating now. But you don't know about it so you will not ask about it if you come here
no. I'm aware of those brands and candies. they're just not that good.
maltesers are good. who would've thought, bongs make the best candy in the world.

>> No.56300818

No. They fill their suitcases with it to take home.
Yea, well. I don't eat shit either. So I don't represent the average murican and you don't represent the average euro.

>> No.56300829

>if you come here
I'll pass, mohammed

>> No.56300893

That’s 3 days of eating for me (plus a printer)

>> No.56301003

>Reese's Pieces
>Dr. Pepper
If you can find it in any shitty gas station across the entire country, it's not good. Try Chukkar chocolate covered cherries.

>> No.56301240

Yeah fuck that guy I buy groceries for 3 other people and suck my ass that fucktard

>> No.56301276
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>Good for you

Yeah, enjoy spending money on sugar water that's more expensive than just sugar in water.

>> No.56301386

Fruits and berries serve a function in all human society. You don't need a lot, but there is a FRUITING SEASON, that comes just before winter.
It's to help plump you up and replenish stores of certain needed things ahead of winter.

Don't need to be eating it year round in large volume though that's for sure.
Berries are better than anything.

>> No.56301400

His native language is simian noises.

>> No.56301473

Grocery stores in America also sell just rice, without any processing.
I generally don't like buying processed foods, with a few exceptions.
I'll occasionally buy Near East Couscous, Chicken Flavored Pasta Roni, Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips, and Freschetta pizza for when I'm too lazy to cook.
But I try not to do that too often.
95% of all the food I eat, I make from scratch.
I'll bulk cook food, and it will last me a week or a week and a half.
Last night I made cashew chicken.
And before that I made cottage pie.
I still end up spending a lot on groceries though, because I only buy organic, and grass fed.
I can taste the difference, and I feel like I have more energy too.
Shit's expensive though.

Check out Brian Lagerstrom on YouTube if you want to get better at cooking.
Dude has the best content and recipes.
He's really good at explaining and demonstrating steps and processes.

For Chinese recipes, I like The Woks of Life.

>> No.56301503
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>Berries are better than anything.

99% of the fruits people eat are just fructose solution. There's some fibre in the skins, but most people chuck that shit out anyway.

Fruits are 100% a meme and you can eliminate them entirely from your diet and not suffer any consequences. You can get all of your nutriments from a wide range of vegetables and organ meats.

Eliminate the sugary water fruit Jew from your lives lads. Your wallet will thank you for it and so will the ecosystem, which is being plowed over for cash crops.

>> No.56301562
File: 3.43 MB, 3312x1824, IMG_20231006_112621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

58 bucks in 2021

>> No.56301565
File: 1.01 MB, 1829x1688, Groceries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you guys start posting your grocery tickets? Pic related separated by 10 months:
+10% on bottled water
+10% on rice
+12% on beef
+12% on pizza

Organic grain fed chicken breasts used to be 23-25 euros/kg, now it's 30.

It's harder to monitor with fruits and vegetables because of seasons and the variability over the week (the older they are the least expensive) but I started to watch for it in the first time in my life.

I used to be able to buy a week of groceries for 65 eurobucks, 70 max, now it's never under 80.

>> No.56301571
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>> No.56301592

Check those eggs at .53 each lmao.

I actually have more pictures from before 2021 but they are on my old phone

>> No.56301647

>wife and I spend 4 hours on Saturday couponing, meal planning, making a list, and looking for deals before we even go to the grocery store
>have saved hundreds of dollars each month
It takes work but it's doable.

>> No.56301664

now this is a good grocery haul.
but should just make real mashed potatoes.
you have the half and half anyways, it'd taste way better.

>> No.56301754

the troll, you're starting to get it. thats 3 days worth of groceries and it's 100 bucks.

>> No.56301796

Oh definitely. I sometimes used instant for quick dinners so I just have to cook a piece of meat after work.

>> No.56302473
File: 1.13 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_3117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> depressed wages
For people on the lower end, those economically depressed rust belt cities are the best place to live. My city in the south has an average home price of over $400k with many people making less than the NY minimum wage.

Also the average cost of car ownership is close to $900 a month. That’s more than a $100k mortgage alone.

If you make less than $60k, the only way to make it is living in an area without a car. That’s how a lot of Europeans live a comfy life on $60k without a car.

>> No.56302604

>Organic grain fed chicken breasts used to be 23-25 euros/kg, now it's 30.
Christ dude that's how expensive Steaks are in the US

>> No.56302727
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>protein Bars
>Ben's Original Rice instead of going down to your local asian market and buying a multiple kg bag that'll last forever
>what looks like some kind of cake or baked good in that Walmart Pay bag
>"you people just don't know how to shop"
This isn't exclusive to Americans at all, but why are so many people so clueless about living on a budget?

>> No.56302809

Not edgy. Been heard many times before. Unoriginal and trite. 2/10

Now to respond. Being able to eliminate something entirely without negative side effects is not an argument against being able to gain therapeutic benefits from that something.

You can easily never have a massage or a blowjob and "not suffer any consequences."
However your life and possibly health can be improved by enjoying them.

>> No.56303355

>three weeks groceries
>protein goy bars
>onions oil
>disposable BPA paper towels
What a load of shit

>> No.56303426

You should learn how to cook instead of just eating pre-packaged goyslop, anon.

Download an app called Tasty and it will basically teach you how to cook once you've made enough dishes.

>> No.56303507
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4008, 3k3cx0aflfu41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you're a fat fuck American who eats refrigerated salads and believes yellow leaves hauled across the country containing nothing but water on top of his McGoySlop round out his "healthy" McLifeStyle.
There's nothing in fruits that people need (besides sugar). And I don't take any advice from Muttsharts because of your degenerate physical state.

Now suck on my veiny tuber, fruit cuck.

>> No.56303544

What should you feed your garloid so that he grows up this big?

>> No.56303755

He doesn't mention that he stole the printer though.

>> No.56304155

You can't respond so you insult? You must be very intelligent.
I'm fit. My wife is hot. My kids are fantastically attractive.
We garden, eat pretty much all organic and grass fed. We have chickens and ducks that free range for our eggs.

The fact of the matter is that while you can for sure easily get by without them, it's very likely they can be used to help you.
Carnivore diet is very healthy. But the idea you can't improve with fruit denies nature.

I eat very little fruit. Blackberries I grow myself and apples which I do not grow myself but will be planting trees soon.

Now, can you respond sans insults? Or you don't have a response?

>> No.56304194

>native language english
His native language is nigger american english which is a creole. They can't make the "th" sound and have trouble conjugating verbs, which is funny since english verb conjugation is incredibly easy.

>> No.56304195


>> No.56304205

>protein bars, toilet paper, some kale or spinach, instant rice, and canola oil is good for 3 weeks

>> No.56304216

Do Americans really eat like that?
It looks all processed garbage

>> No.56304361


Ahahaha he posted his physique when people said his "food" sucks

>> No.56305336

Trader Joes is really cheap, organic or not

>> No.56305462

Based poo, thanks for the advice genuinly

>> No.56305488

first time on the internet

>> No.56305528

Inflation in all areas is solved! Just shop like that guy who overpays buying literal wet sloppy feces. Your previous lifestyle never existed. Thanks, Kyle!

>> No.56305533

>ferric orthophosphate

Only in mutt land would it be legal to put that into a product marketed as food. Why don't you just buy normal rice?

>> No.56305564

We're not allowed to have niggers on our food anymore.

>> No.56305569

>brands A, B & C
>exact same product
>exact same factory
>different packaging and label
>'i better get the expensive one, cannot trust the lesser brand, it is for the poors, i'm worth it after all
>rinse, repeat, always repeat

>> No.56305597

>bought an inkjet in 2023 which will instantly cost him a lot more to operate
>you people just don't know how to shop
>clay type litter
>Uncle Ben's LOL

>> No.56305749

shut up you pestering little farm yard faggot. the fact of the matter is
>you can eliminate fruit without health consequences
nobody is saying food or blowjobs don't taste good.
also saying your kids are insanely attractive is very creepy
your wife looks like Caroline

>> No.56305828

Europeans on the high end of salaries make 36k before taxes
Making 60k would put you on the 95th percentile of income in any eu country.
And it would be less than 30k after taxes.

>> No.56306042

40 supplementary pills coupled with synthetic protein+ tren a day keeps the apple away, you degenerate fit fuck

>> No.56306206
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>> No.56306235

most americans dont crack 40k without overtime