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File: 563 KB, 680x662, F7hdxm0WkAACHPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56283186 No.56283186 [Reply] [Original]

I have yet to hear a single valid argument as to why Ethereum (or any other crypto besides Bitcoin) is actually decentralized. Not a single argument. It all boils down to "trust me bro" or "it will be decentralized in the future!", both of which are unacceptable.

>> No.56283260


Bitcoin is trash.

>> No.56283281

bitcoin is great for what it was intended

>> No.56283313

let me guess you think it was intended as digital gold with 1mb blocksize disabled opcodes lmao

>> No.56283319
File: 2.79 MB, 480x852, 1689876027786331.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56283331

eth is a midwit trap designed to take liquidity away from Bitcoin

>> No.56283432

nor will you hear such arguments, as they are not decentralised nor are they meant to be decentralised. They are meant only to move Bitcoin from the dumbarsed to the pikey

>> No.56283468

So state your case how is bitcoin more decentralized than eth lol?

>> No.56283487

im more interested in the origins of this clearly 2000s photo. like whut is this from? why was it taken? who are these now 40yr old grandmas?

>> No.56283503

Why did this pic make me miss being young so god damn much

>> No.56283510

>that popcorn master moves
a-are you a Wizard?

>> No.56283511

the no bullshit answer is decentralized in crypto means either under american jurisdiction or not, so even if 1 person is checking all the transactions on the chain as long as they don't ask for kyc then it's decentralized

>> No.56283525
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Vitalik can make people stop trading. No one can do that to the KING COIN

>> No.56283538
File: 61 KB, 633x758, why must you hurt me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know these feels
too many feels
it really hurts, bros

>> No.56283549

Ok ill wait OP maybe, just maybe not actually retarded like you

>> No.56283597

yes, the predecessor was literally called bitgold

>> No.56283829
File: 359 KB, 1246x922, 1fbeed9b6a2c0d8d09e5929feccaeaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth is a midwit trap designed to take liquidity away from Bitcoin
eth will be taking the throne next bullrun(in 2030), and no amount of coping will change that. eth does everything bitcoin does and then 100x more

>> No.56283835

Because we’re 30+ and this is what girls wore back in our day

>> No.56284142

>tfw 39 years old

>> No.56284754

Delusional bitcuck

>> No.56285393

imagine the smell

>> No.56285427

simple as 1,3,2

>> No.56285447


>> No.56285599


>> No.56286579
File: 87 KB, 798x552, reductio ad absurdum John Pettie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true, they aren't decentralized. you just destroyed crypto

>> No.56286611

I don't miss it. I'm 35 and never had a gf. These types of girls had a slam book that had notes on every guy in our grade. I was voted the ugliest. And I had never talked to any of them . And this was in middle school. Destroyed me. Just gave up. Became a recluse in high school

>> No.56286640

If not a larp, I feel incredibly sad for you lmao

>> No.56286665

decentralization is a myth

>> No.56286680

nice double digit gets, I hope you don’t kill your self!

>> No.56286693

Yea it's a sad world for people like me. I'm lonely

>> No.56286702

It's been on my mind a long time

>> No.56286734

Are you at least healthy and making good money with a career? You could still land yourself a single mom or import a gf/wife from a poor country.

>> No.56286737

>besides Bitcoin
Bad news bro. Btc is not decentralized. It is controlled by a small number of devs, a crew of social media mods, and a cabal of miners. The project was compromised by 2015.

>> No.56286749

This picture was taken in 2012 I can tell. All these women are roasties and fat now. One of them is a nurse/single mother with a 5 year old son named Byron. The other two say they don't want kids, but one of them stopped taking birth control anyway to trap her boyfriend/sugar daddy in a relationship.

>> No.56288140


>> No.56288176

For me it's Polkadot and ICP

>> No.56288181

Ah wrong thread nvm

>> No.56288303



>> No.56288345

it's obvious why none of them are.
a. every altcoin relies on its technology as its only differentiation to bitcoin
b. every altcoin that dosn't keep improving and upgrading its technology dies
c. an altcoin's technology can only improve fast enough if your development is sufficiently centralized

alts are temporary, designed for you to make money, not to be money. they all exist to sell.

>> No.56288745

Trust the WEF coins bro

>> No.56288751
File: 527 KB, 737x732, IMG_2039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEF coins for all! May all eat the bugs !

>> No.56288789

no it won't, not with ofac sensoring eth transactions

>> No.56288808

-anyone can run a BTC node
-consensus controlled by computational power available to anyone
-computational power hard to monopolize


-need high spec to run a full (actual) ETH node
-the few that can run a node must also stake ETH to validate consensus
-this cut-off allocates power to entities like LIDO (note this is not like mining pools, if a double spend takes place miners can stop supplying power to a pool immediately, if LIDO double spends stakers lose their stake to others, which may be cooperating with LIDO)
-due to PoS, this consensus is open to extra attack vectors (long range attacks, slashing attacks)
-ETH supply can be monopolized without people noticing, computing power cannot due to geolocation requirements.

Does that answer your question? It's the quick rundown, there are many more factors.

>> No.56288852

also I can give a practical example
as >>56288789 mentioned, ofac censored Tornado cash successfully on ETH because they could reach all the big stakers like LIDO, first of all, to censor Tornado txs.

Some txs still get through from independent validators, in fact this caused a discussion if such validators should be slashed by majority like LIDO

this was not necessary because all the big RPC providers, like metamask, were censoring txs from even reaching the validators, so you'd have to run your own node to interact with Tornado which requires high pc specs

average person does not have the specs to run a node, so liquidity for the Tornado mixer has dried up and killed it

compare to Monero which is a mixer that follows the simple BTC PoW setup, they could not kill it if they tried.

>> No.56289661

Monero is decentralized
simple as, please tell me how it could get more decentralized in a reasonable manner...

>> No.56289662
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1692274873278661s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not f**king concerned about centralization or decentralization; my focus is on making profits from my BTC, ETH, XTP, and DOT investments

>> No.56289670

totally agree with everything you said
> compare to Monero which is a mixer that follows the simple BTC PoW setup, they could not kill it if they tried.
this also doesn't consider another huge fact of the inherent fungibility and privacy that monero grants.
i wish people weren't retarded (making the market retarded)
as XMR would already be the top blockchain by market cap, or atleast well above BTC...

>> No.56290444

XMR is cool but I dislike their choice to change the algo to "avoid" ASICS, what that really does is create eternal ASIC insiders for each new algo, better to let it stabilize on one
BTC has a LOT more hashpower behind it than XMR because of this, and therefore more robust security

But yes XMR deserves to be higher for its privacy, people don't care yet but they will
Also Kaspa is a great one imo, the market is slowly catching on to that... but still so much dogshit in the top 100

>> No.56290569

how do you know that.
makes no sense either
you can mine XMR profitably with a CPU
if there were ASIC insiders this would not be true...

Kaspa is literally a scam, the whole chain's history isn't available.
founders fucked off back to israel

>> No.56290775

Kek at Vitalik

>> No.56290803

damn I thought I was talking to someone clever but I guess you're just an XMR baggie

I know it because as an electrical engineer i know that any algo can be made more efficient with asic, you first frontrun the miners, then as others catch up with their own asics you start marketing yours to the plebs, at which point XMR shifts the algo or (if they're more sensible), the asic is perfected and democratized on the existing algo

also tell me, is XMR chain history available? Can you show me the entire history? No? Oh damn, must be a scam.