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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56266830 No.56266830 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56266837

lmao pre-recorded talk with kain
Next up @ 10:25 local time
>Interoperability in Global Trade Using CCIP: A Joint POC With Vodafone, Sumitomo, Innowave, and Chainlink

>> No.56266850

did dawn song no-show? lmao

>> No.56267039


>> No.56267045

Link from the demo, kek

>> No.56267060

i clicked this link and now all my links are gone???

>> No.56267063

it's over

>> No.56267064

Nice, just made dinner

>> No.56267067


>> No.56267086

Sumitomo Corporation (Japanese: 住友商事株式会社, Hepburn: Sumitomo Shōji kabushiki gaisha) is one of the largest worldwide sōgō shōsha general trading companies, and is a diversified corporation. The company was incorporated in 1919 and is a member company of the Sumitomo Group.

It is listed on three Japanese stock exchanges (Tokyo, Nagoya and Fukuoka) and is a constituent of the TOPIX and Nikkei 225 stock indices.[4][5] Today, the company is one of the top three sōgō shōsha companies in the world.

Revenue Increase$ 32.16 billion USD (FY 2013) (¥ 3,317 billion JPY) (FY 2013)

>> No.56267110

Pretty insane.
Not to mention fucking Vodafone lol

Literally any crypto would kill to get this kind of PoC.

>> No.56267119

>chainshit partners with the legendary Zaibatsu corporation
what is this insane double standard?

>> No.56267132

Where does it appear? I missed it.

>> No.56267133

hmmmm I don't know... maybe it's because CCIP is still not on mainnet and once again everyone is getting confirmation this is all one big grift.

>> No.56267134

Shit I missed it while listening to the auditing one...

>> No.56267136

>Swift is doing a grift with Chainlink!

You need a lethal dose of meds

>> No.56267141

But did it partner with Gods?

>> No.56267152

>double standard
listen, wallowing in the victim role looks weak. would you buy something where the community is a bunch of whiners? if you want people to buy, grow a pair

>> No.56267158

>2021: CCIP will be live on mainnet by end of year
>October 2023: CCIP is still not on mainnet

Whose the one that needs meds?

>> No.56267164

You do, bro. You're seething about deadlines not being met for world changing technology that has never been built before. The same people that seethe about a lack of communication then seethe when difficult delivery timeframes aren't met. They seethe no matter what because they have clinical depression and high time preference. So you need meds, dude, or at least more wholesome hobbies to fill your time.

>> No.56267166

Right, it's a grift and Swift, DTCC, Vodafone, Sumitomo, ... are in on it.

>> No.56267172
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>NASDAQ coming to you live from SmartCon by Chainlink
This is some glossy corporate shit. Also Ben Chan is a fucking legend,

>> No.56267187

don't forget the government of Hong Kong representative praising CCIP


>> No.56267194

>when difficult delivery timeframes aren't met
they set these deadlines for themselves. if they can't meet them, they shouldn't set them. especially not blatantly lie that something will be delivered soon when development hasn't even started yet

>> No.56267198
File: 219 KB, 491x1025, 1674777675445546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

benny-chan is so small and cute, I want to carry him around in my pocket

>> No.56267201

Chainlink are well known for almost never setting deadlines, and now you know why.

>> No.56267202

uhm I'm a tard, this is not the hong kong representative from the later talk with Sergey, a different hong kong fintech dude

>> No.56267203

>we should trust le traditional financial players because they are le honest!
fucking kek
holy based WAGMI

>> No.56267206

Do you have any idea how many times Swift has delayed ISO20022?
I guess Swift is a grift too then?

>> No.56267209

because they suck at it? i mean, they have zero pressure, money keeps rolling in anyway. it's not surprising that they don't have robust project management in place, that also explains the glacial delivery pace. the company is just as fat as the founder

>> No.56267214

I can't talk you out of your mental illness, man, if you insist on being miserable then that's your life that you're choosing.

>> No.56267215

Dalí Stage |

3. Okt. | 11:45 - 12:00 MESZ

Inside CCIP and the Future of Cross-Chain Innovation

Maybe they will mention dates there?

>> No.56267224

that's just being realistic. cheering on a company that burns your money in a pit is just bizarre stockholm syndrome

>> No.56267229

>stockholm syndrome
Says the faggot who can't stop obsessing over a company that he thinks mistreated him.

>> No.56267234

>what about something else, is that also bad?
yes, it's also bad. it's not a grift, it's just inefficient management that's too comfortable in their position because there is no pressure to deliver

>> No.56267240

You are now aware that every simgle major company in the world has had major delays at some point.

>> No.56267243

I've watched Chainlink go from a whitepaper to a company that holds a conference with tens of TRILLIONS of dollars of assets under management gathering on their stage to talk about how excited they are about developing with Chainlink.
Trying to frame that as anything short of miraculous is just... silly. That's what it is at this point. Just silly. I don't even know who you're trying to convince any more.

>> No.56267244

>"Ugh Chainlink, can you far outpace the wider industry and force global institutions to adopt new technology at a vastly accerlerated pace zo baggies are heppy. Also, can you reach full monetization with trillions in revenue before mass adoption is even close...thanks"

Meds now

>> No.56267247

>what about the general theme, is that also bad?
yes, it's also bad. is that supposed to be an excuse?

>> No.56267252

You’re hilarious

>> No.56267254

>wallowing in the victim role looks weak

also you:

>> No.56267270

He set that deadline when link was twenty fucking dollars so that you wouldn’t sell so he could.

>> No.56267280

Tbh I think we need poc as far from crypto as possible

>> No.56267282

If Sergey was selling after the announcement, then why did Link pump 40% over the course of three days while Bitcoin and then the stock market dumped?

>> No.56267285

Why is chainshit below shib again?

>> No.56267286

When will I get a return on my investment? An investment influenced by a lie produced by the CEO back in January of 2022?

>> No.56267295

anything to look forward today?

>> No.56267299

Anyone have eyes on a red or white whine with Rory?

>> No.56267306

The return you get is the understanding that speculative deadlines for unprecedented technology can be unreliable. As soon as you ingest that lesson and make peace with it you'll be well situated to move on with your life.

>> No.56267307

Seems like it lmao

>> No.56267309

>Why is chainshit below shib again?
CZ bots selling

>> No.56267312

Vodafone et al has already happened and was huge. Digital, international bills of lading with no middleman.

>> No.56267316

hong kong guy is the last hope

>> No.56267321


>> No.56267340

known fact

proof not needed

>> No.56267343

Did anyone notice that Sergey has been MKultra’d? I’m not joking
>Slack jawed during keynote
>Saying “sure” “makes sense” every single sentence (sentences used to make sure he’s still under mind control)
>Dead eyes and no emotion when applause was given last keynote
>Started talking about AI when last year’s fireside he was skeptical of it (Eric is mind controlling him)

Sergey has been kingmade, and by kingmade I mean neutralized as a threat to TPTB like many other celebrities and politicians.

It’s over.

>> No.56267349

>You're seething about deadlines
i want my fucking money you absolute moron

>> No.56267354

Meaning what?

>> No.56267359

So how do I invest in AI to make money?

>> No.56267372

>"Working towards mainnet general admission"
>Doesn't mention "coming soon" like yesterday

At this point the goalpost has been moved to Q2 2024. Absolutely shameful.

>> No.56267374

kek you need a hobby

>> No.56267380

why even have these cons? We knew about voda phone already since 2020

>> No.56267381

I'm literally sitting in the audience at SmartCon...

>> No.56267382

>We knew about voda phone already since 2020

>> No.56267390


>> No.56267392

Your semantics autism is turbocringe.

>> No.56267394

Sadly, I could see this being true, and Schmidt being so duplicitous to openly state to Sergey how sick he is of the conspiracies while knowing that Sergey is essentially a mind controlled slave falls in line with how I would expect the Cult of Saturn elites to behave.

>> No.56267401

Do you honestly think that obsessive /biz/ autists following every single piece of news are the intended smartcon audience?

>> No.56267408

no ico holder
point taken. what happend to the chinses guy from hong kong? im a burger so just got up

>> No.56267417

i cant believe this shit is still rank 19 when anyone with half a brain should see it's a top 3 project

>> No.56267422

Anyone with a full brain can see linkies will INHERIT THE WORLD.

>> No.56267427

if you're retail you dont know or follow this shit. you just buy doge. its going to take retail to move the price because these fat cocksuckers only have demo's and POC's after seven fucking years

>> No.56267432

Why am I more interested in AI than the rest of the crypto projects?
Is it because I know less of it despite it being very important and am bored with crypto?

>> No.56267438

don't get your hopes up. I'm fed up of this shit. What is the point in having a yearly conference when there has been no real world adoption in six years, just slight variations on the crypto ponzi casino. Wake me up when just one of these non-crypto partnerships goes live with something. Otherwise I don't give a shit.

>> No.56267445

Kek is anyone watching Dali stage .


>> No.56267468
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>SK Telecom

First Sumitomo (one of Japan's biggest companies), now one of Korea's biggest companies.

>> No.56267480
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>> No.56267482

Yeah man, I’m being 100% sincere. I think the Sergs is under some type of mind control.

I mean, Sergey kept saying stuff like giving power to the users, taking power away from institutions and stuff like that. WHY THE FUCK would someone like Schmidt that made his wealth centralizing power want something like that?

I’m extremely interested on how Schmidt came to be an advisor. Was he appointed by TPTB? He doesn’t seem to care too much about chainlink or Sergey, nor seems to be aligned to Sergeys ideals.

Does anyone happen to have any info about why Schmidt is working with link?

>> No.56267486

who fucking cares. its a fucking poc/demo. Where the fuck are the working products?

>> No.56267491

>its a fucking poc/demo

>> No.56267498

Go back

>> No.56267500

That's right, still just a piece of chit

>> No.56267503

He’s giving major SSRI/benzo zombie vibes. His bankless interview vs smartcon mannerisms and attitude is like night and day. You guys turned him into this.

>> No.56267504


>> No.56267506

where is the value accrual to token holders? you do like to make money right? or do you like to give the fat ass your money for nothing?

>> No.56267508

>That's right, still just a piece of chit
lol source?

>> No.56267509

Or maybe Ari is the real mastermind behind it all and Sergey is just a puppet? Ari seems cunning and has a rapey vibe. I think he’d get along with Schmidt pretty well

>> No.56267528

October is not end of year what the fuck?

>> No.56267545

Somebody turned the switch for sure

>> No.56267548

I think the video was just slowed down for whatever reason. I changed the settings to play at 1.25x speed and he sounds normal when you do that.

>> No.56267556

Ignore the fact that this was promised over 2 years ago. It's a known fact that staking for CCIP doesn't come until V1.0 and we are only getting V0.2 the year, what makes you think we are getting mainnet CCIP by end of this year.

This was supposed also to be THE THING announced at SmartCon... now they can't even give rough details on dates.

So I ask you, what's your reasoning this comes EoY?

>> No.56267561


>> No.56267568

It is known that Illuminati handlers have certain code keywords used to turn their protégés into mind controlled slaves. Maybe Schmidt used the keywords just right before his call with Sergey. Sergey looked like a complete zombie during his call with Eric.

>> No.56267571

there is zero incentive to bag hold this as a token holder and i get why retail stays away from it. They want to make money not fund the fat ass hotels stays.

what happend to the hong kong guy?

>> No.56267670

>there is zero incentive to bag hold this as a token holder
Then why the fuck are you here?

>> No.56267704

why are you?

>> No.56267725

Because I don't think that.
You moron.

>> No.56267741

lmao you just like giving your money away for free?

>> No.56267747


>> No.56267748

>another POC
Noone gives a shit, when are we going to see token use putting positive pressure on the price?

>> No.56267755

Oof I feel bad for you. I regretted going last year but it was nyc, not halfway around the globe

>> No.56267760

when you invest in stocks or you buy soemthing from the store you expect to get some type of value right? where it is the value holding chainlink?

>> No.56267769

i don't like that warwick guy and his brothers or whatever cousins i don't like them either

>> No.56267779

>where it is the value holding chainlink?
If you don't see that after all these years, then just don't hold it.
Is that so difficult?

Also, nice English, Ranjat.

>> No.56267789

>If you don't see that after all these years,
you're a pay pig

>> No.56267793

i love the people who keep on coming in and talking shit about chainlink.

i think icp is dogshit. do i frequent their threads to post some trash? of course i don't.

>> No.56267798

Do you really have nothing better to do with your time, than get angry at random internet strangers who happen to have bought some random asset? What else do you have on today?

>> No.56267838

Retard here. Do we have any indication of how long our link will be locked up for in staking v0.2? Any reason it to stake if you're eligible from v0.1?

>> No.56267842

Withdraw from v0.2 at any time with a 2 week cooldown.

>> No.56267886

>with a 2 week cooldown

As in two weeks after staking? Or two weeks between withdrawals?
Also is this just a 2 more weeks meme, I didn't see this in the blog post.

Final question, will we continue to earn build rewards in v0.2 also?

>> No.56267985

Show us what you got

>> No.56268004
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i don't understand a fucking word he saying

>> No.56268011
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this was great in kungfu panda

>> No.56268017
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This is nice
>#1 bond market in asia
>3rd largest market overall
>already taking the blockchain dick

>> No.56268026
File: 214 KB, 720x609, Screenshot_20231003_045739_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just read, nigger
>Do we have any indication of how long our link will be locked up for in staking v0.2?

>> No.56268032
File: 222 KB, 720x603, Screenshot_20231003_045819_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any reason it to stake if you're eligible from v0.1?

>> No.56268040
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>Final question, will we continue to earn build rewards in v0.2 also?

>> No.56268048

15 minutes into the interview and no MAKES SENSE. wtf is going on

>> No.56268058

4 pilot blockchain projects all successful
last year launched a shared blockchain project with HK government
Verification not required.

>> No.56268062

hong kong is adopting chainlink to utilise smart contracts against chinese scammers and spearheading web3 adoption in asia

>> No.56268158

I zoned out.
Was there anything relevant said by the hong kong dude?

>> No.56268175

>Entire conference void of actual companies using chainlink

>> No.56268179

She looks a bit sad :(
I hope she didn't read the comments about her anons speech

>> No.56268181

nothing as always.

another smartcon another nothingburger

fuck its realy gonna take another 5-10 years of waiting lol

>> No.56268183

Just like yesterday, Dovey wan on the Gaudi Stage again:
and so yeah
uh and so and
so we uh yeah
so yeah

>> No.56268188

Who let the babes in, know what i mean men?

>> No.56268203

Sir, bequeath

>> No.56268209

I don't know why I expected anything else desu

>> No.56268239

me too...

yeah make sense make sense yeah yeah poc yeah make sense see you next year guys and enjoy another dump make sense right

>> No.56268244

so uh cornbase
um two hundrrrr
and so like fwom usah perpective like
and so like
um so like
the otha thin is uh so like wha i realize is that every cycle is za same
like like
like nft is basically ??? on steroi
anda also
is de same
das why
and so we are like no uh eff tee ess (FTX) and whateve
um an am
i thin
pwuetty clea
so like

>> No.56268253

i wan to mei a bery interestin analogy
so fundamendally
one draivaa
za entropi righ?
den we die righ?
um an den so

>> No.56268258

and so like
i decide to wear my prada milano pajama top
an den so
i look gud
so de low latency
race agains de time

>> No.56268368


Hahahaha linkies still stuck in 2017. The uncle Rico’s of crypto.

>world changing
>banks currently send money internationally but now they can use MY shitcoin!!!!

WOW crazy innovation!

Bingo. Why end a grift earlier than you need to

Hahahahahah this linnnnkie is so broken he doesnt understand what stockholm is. Im guessing the term is on the “no” list of things you cant say around the cult. Quite a group of snowflakes



The tough question that the advocates cant answer. Sergey is a sociopath

PSA for anyone new - whenever you see an online group of bagholders start to virtue signal about all their hobbies, self improvement, and newfound perspective on life, it’s over. They have to do this to save face after creating their entire identity about the investment, which is now failing.

>> No.56268371

>t. NEET who has never interacted with any organization public or private

>> No.56268386
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Pic related

>> No.56268434

Damn you are one broken linkie. How many do you have? Must be at least 30k to be this broken. You held all the way down, huh?

>> No.56268520
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it's unreal to hear kemal talking about exactly what we used to post about here a couple years ago but might have seemed like fantasy at that point - cryptographically signed photographs, video, gps and other sensors on iot devices

>> No.56268722

>Camera pans to empty crowd after Kemal talk ends

Imagine traveling to Barcelona for this

>> No.56268751
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I have a feeling this talk by ben chan is going to be incredibly important and relevant in retrospect

>> No.56268795

based big ben engaging the crowd kek

>> No.56268810

big daddy benchan

>> No.56268835

What that in Pepe’s right eye? It looks like the symbol a certain discord group would use to make organized shill post to dump on retarded normies while the volume is high.

Nah, that’s crazy kek

>> No.56268875
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oh look its the fuddie who's trying to farm (you)'s in every thread by pretending to schizo post. you can try as hard as you want, you will always be immediately seen for what you are, tourist. filtered.

>> No.56268881

All the hype was lost after yesterday. This Smartcon has been extremely disappointing hype-wise. But they've actually refined Chainlink into something truly beautiful this year; the only issue is that iterative improvements aren't so awe-inspiring to most people.

>> No.56268928

What's with Chainlink and Mizuno shoes lol

>> No.56268939

Almost like when you host an annual conference, you should be announcing things that get people excited

If I traveled to Spain for this conference, I would've spent day 2 in bars looking for women. There's nothing coming from these talks except for college lectures and college discussions. Neither makes me money

>> No.56268938

It's the favorite shoe of Sergey-san

>> No.56268948

Chainlink sponsors Mizuno for international table tennis events. They probably get free shoes

>> No.56268961

Yea and now Ben is sporting them too.

>> No.56268968


>> No.56268980

Based. D.O.F Decentralized Oracle Footsteps incoming

>> No.56268982

what a complete waste of investor money. The irony is no one here could afford to go because they're down 90.

In other words linkies, you paid for the team to go party in Spain while you watch on webcam from your wagie job. Ouch

>> No.56268997

she was scheduled to have a talk this morning but it disappeared

>> No.56269045

Where might one acquire such footwear?

>> No.56269120

>I'm miserable, and you should feel miserable too!
No thanks, fuddie. My life is pretty good with or without LINK mooning. I despise you pathetic bagholders who did nothing to improve your lives for the past 6 years and are now blaming the Chainlink team for their failed, miserable lives. Absolutely pathetic. Not to mention the compulsive urge to fud as a way of coping with the negative emotions you are experiencing.

>> No.56269124

They are Brooks, not mizuno

>> No.56269129

Your local Sport shop or the online Mizuno official store ?

>> No.56269159

I see, yea you are right somehow got confused with the 2. thanks for the clarification anon

>> No.56269188

Time for the big one we've been wondering about. But I doubt she'll explain WHY she's researching this.

>> No.56269243
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Stinky nodeoperators :DD

>> No.56269248

I mean the logos look pretty similar lol

>> No.56269500

so... why the fuck is she being paid to research consensus protocols?

>> No.56269514

did anyone actually understand these consensus algos based only on her talk? i'm so lost.

>> No.56269535



>> No.56269559

If you’re wondering where the FUD is coming from it’s cause we’re only months away from the release of CyberCode 2.0 testnet. As an insider, you have no idea what/the importance of CyberCode 2.0 is gonna be for LINK when the alpha releases around the end of June this year (give or take a few months) so I will spoonfeed you out of kindness of heart:

CyberCode 2.0 secures the ledger cryptographically to encode transactions at 20x magnitude of legacy infrastructure. It achieves this by taking blockchain transactions to the BbC-2022 layer and parsing them through the node network incentivized by super linear sequencing which Sergey said is very close to finish line. This activity is incentivized through semi-permeable staking allowing LINK token holders to benefit for verifying data both on main chain and Blockchain Byzantine Consensus 2022 layer.

The obvious benefits of super fast transaction speeds also brings exponential economies of scale! What this means sir is if farmer has 500 Kg cow for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system. Soon any business who wants to stay relevant will have to buy LINK to have access to CyberCode 2.0 feature. A unique proposition. Those who don’t use this system (powered by LINK) will get left behind.

Scammer motherfuckers want you to think that banks and other organizations are not currently fulling their bags with cheap LINK as we speak. DON’T LET THEM WIN. If you hold more than 50 LINK right now, you already made it. Immediately when we breach the $8.50 resistance it’ll be too late for you. You have been warned, sir. So go buy many LINK for you dream to come true.

>> No.56269604

I laready have 10k, but what the fuck are you on about mate

>> No.56269634

lurk more

>> No.56269662

I bought my first link 2017, and have lurked since then, but i must agree that i haven't been on here much lately. this copy pasta is new to me

>> No.56269703

it's a hilarious discord meme just like other enduring comedy discord classics like "wearing pants" and "municipal marmalade". You can really tell the best minds went to discord when they come out with gold like that.

>> No.56269738
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>he actually doesn't know

>> No.56269941
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rory looks so different, he actually looks good cleaned up though

>> No.56269968

kek Dahlia doesn’t like remote work, I I like that she’s not bullshitting with her answer.

>> No.56269991

Based camera man skipping the thots

>> No.56270308

I witnessed one of the camera men zooming in and staring at Dahlia's feet for about 2 minutes.

>> No.56270451

What was the topic?