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56243036 No.56243036 [Reply] [Original]

Home Owners Association Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>56238077

>> No.56243051

I always thought it was a theater for them to get out of the ukraine situation. and its a way out for the biden situation.

>> No.56243055

If you rent. You're a retard.

>> No.56243071
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The government did not shutdown

Green Monday confirmed?

>> No.56243072

>Buy my box
>Or I get liquidated on my airbnb gamble
Lol boxies

>> No.56243075

I own a home
Or a mortgage I mean

>> No.56243081

Yeah, I'm living with my parents

>> No.56243094

Russia is spreading propaganda on a Northern hemisphere alliance. They might have understand that their bricshitting isn't going anywhere but them getting scammed. Selensky is going to be thrown under the bus after nato emptied its military warehouses and made new orders with Lockheed and co

The grift seems to be over and Ivans becoming the next Saudis

>> No.56243099 [DELETED] 

Yes, they are.


>32 posts

>27 posts

>> No.56243109

probably, not enough bad news for bulls to keep them from niggerrigging the market on doublethink narratives

>> No.56243114

If you rent (pay only interest on your mortgage to the bank). You're a retard.

>> No.56243138
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Are you ready for T+1 settlement on May 28?

>> No.56243140
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>we worked very hard to inflate our home prices beyond all reason
>hold the line
Day of the pillow is coming.

>> No.56243141

it *should* be, hedges should come off, allowing for MM to buy back shares sold short
however it is also the first day of the new quarter, so there may be some weird, unexpected flows, who knows how funds want to position now

>> No.56243144
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Ever since I started coming to /smg/, every single thread has been better than the one before it. So that means, whatever thread you're posting in, that's the best /smg/ ever.

>> No.56243154

Of course it wouldn't shut down, its all theater

>> No.56243160
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Greenish but i'm not expecting huge spike or anything. The sell off wasn't just about the government shutdown and expectation was it would be resolved as it normally is fairly shortly anyway. It's bonds bonds bonds. That's the trouble.

>> No.56243163

So that's the next era. That means concessions to the Russians regarding traditionalism and an end of new libtardism in IR. Good thing. Fink giving up on his Esg bull crap and Japs moving back into glowing pet rocks signals the same.

Finally no bullshit tranny and pseudo prog nigger cultism anymore. The 2015 era sucked ass and was one giant failure in domestic and foreign policy after the other

>> No.56243164

You just know.

>> No.56243179


>> No.56243257

>tfw ywn be a cute slut taking BEC

>> No.56243280

Imagine paying taxes in America lol if you're a business owner or independent contractor I spit on you lol fucking losers
Haven't paid taxes in ten years and not gonna start now thank fuck

>> No.56243295
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>Haven't paid taxes in ten years
Unfathomably based.

>> No.56243297

You don't need to, the USA is going to solve its debt crisis like they solved it in the 70s. Just keep consuming and consider buying more Russian Vodka and firearms to have fun at the range

>> No.56243304

Some kind of shit is bound to happen to the stock market soon. October is usually the worst month in the year for the economy.

>> No.56243328

The price scalping on foriegn imports is fucking crazy holy shit. I bought a bucket of lychee flavored coconut jellies at Kroger out of curiosity for like 7 bucks and looked online to see how much kroger was price gouging me and the shit is selling for 14-30. They aren't even that good. When I finally quit my job, I got to get in on this shit. I am sure I can undercut the amazon sellers by like 50% and make wazoo profits.

>> No.56243330

October is the month of the start of the season of Baäl, fertility, harvest, knowledge, war. Could be some shakeout, a last hunt for gamblers a blood/money sacrifice before the next era is starting. I hope they kill Kennedy, just for the lolz

>> No.56243351

>Goyim means cattle
>Harvesting the cattle
Crash crash crash

>> No.56243357
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>> No.56243378
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>> No.56243382

If the deal was actually made in the background, it's probably the tech bruh prog cattles cult stocks getting fucked. Fagman, Tesla and co. Would be kind of boring, but why not

>> No.56243481

based as fuck. We are americans, pay your taxes faggots. Pay your credit cards. buy bonds. buy stocks. or get left behind by your conservatives and the russian bots

>> No.56243501

I'm starting to think about expanding my BOIL/KOLD/UNG to include UNL. UNL might make a breddy gud place to just park some capital for a while from this particular price point, or near it. Of course, as usual I wouldn't just "all in", but over the longer haul it will probably ramp up. I might get a good seed going, sell *portions* on rises, buy more on dips, and just keep the stock rotated for freshness while it gradually gains as a whole.

>> No.56243516
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>pay your taxes faggots.

>> No.56243543

Yeah. Going to load up on drip over the quarter

>> No.56243556
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My life is going nowhere... financially speaking...

>> No.56243580

You think shorting oil is a safer bet than longing NATGAS for the longer term?

>> No.56243589
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Yeah well you know you do what you can. Lofty aspirations of youth get beaten down to settling for what's available while still trying to get something better.

>> No.56243591

Yeah, the portfolio crabs and then all of a sudden just violently swings one direction or another. A lot of waiting around between the violent screaming

>> No.56243611

Hmmm. Speaking of DRIP, I just did a comparison between GUSH and UCO, and UCO *far* outperformed GUSH over the 1 and 3 month periods during this present oil rally.

>> No.56243629

Midterm, and I would not long natgas for now, neither mid or long-term with the Ukraine charade getting wrapped up

>> No.56243630


How bullish is flooding in major cities for stocks?

>> No.56243654

yes, oil stocks have significantly fallen behind the commodity, especially in the explorers. I have been complaining about it a lot.

>> No.56243659

Bullish for WMT, they sell paper towels and mops.

>> No.56243669
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Why would you even play explorers right now not touching any junior commodity comp until the FED does QE. Producers are superior right now.

>> No.56243675
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I am going to Canadian Tire, ticker CTC.A, this afternoon to purchase the following
>1 can Kleen-Flo Honey Goo All Purpose Penetrating Lubricant
>1 lumbar support pillow as my new car's driver's seat wants to shape my lower back in a ')' shaped curve I do not care for
>1 package of 3 20x25x1 furnace air filters
That will be all.

>> No.56243685

Indeed, and I have directly nooticed it watching oil vs XOM, but am a bit surprised at that level of gap overall (beyond just the company I've been tracking the closest).

>> No.56243688

Because I am a big black gorilla nigger and you can't stop me

>> No.56243698

remember when I told you guys oil topped a couple days ago and everyone laughed at me except one anon

>> No.56243699
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>> No.56243708

I am hoping the release of the XOM 8-k Wednesday evening will start changing the market's minds

>> No.56243715

That seems likely enough to me. What do you think the Ukraine thing is going to do to NATGAS? I suppose it will take a good while for Russia to return to global economic "acceptance" again, and then only if they make some major repentant shifts. Ukraine I do not know of being a NATGAS power on their own, though I know they've been doing some storing of EU stockpiles since the EU's facilities are so full.

>> No.56243725

Yes, I asked you about that yesterday, as I know nothing of that, and very much hope you to be correct on that potential.

>> No.56243744

either way, with russia on the market again and nuclear on the playing field, what do you really expect from energy in terms of returns. oil has absolutely topped.
and with that, treasuries have also bottomed. buy bonds. and pay your taxes otherwise the government will take your gains. pzout ivan

>> No.56243754
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It seems like being alive is a lot of work for very little reward
It's like picking stocks using financial analysis, I guess

>> No.56243763

I don't think it's going to take that much time for Russia to come back, which means natgas is likely going to new lows. Looking at the propaganda on both sides of the former iron curtain something tells me that somebody, likely some jew did a new Salomon deal with the Russians in the background - Russia solving the US debt crisis while Russia gets back welcomed with open arms in the international northern dominated world and everybody going to start to bully the Chinese

>> No.56243803
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Kill yourself old fuck

>> No.56243805

Only bullish if it washes away the illegals

>> No.56243808

>buy bonds and pay your taxes
Yep, I'm buying more OIL

>> No.56243819

>Russia solving the US debt crisis while Russia gets back welcomed with open arms
I hadnt thought of that but that is a great point. Man that would be a good western narrative.

>> No.56243821
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>> No.56243825
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Bond faggots do not realize that the bond market is the biggest bubble in history. Just gtfo make a containment thread no one gives a fuck about a 4.7% 30y bond that's being inflated out of existence.

>> No.56243844

That's why I can't help but laugh at them. Who the fuck cares about sub 5% returns when they can play the market for double that or more? "Institutions have to buy bonds!" yeah well they also have insider information so they can fuck you over in the stock market for 20%+ every time they feel like it, the bond buying is basically to keep up appearances

>> No.56243846

>oil has absolutely topped
I fairly solidly doubt that considering not only the Saudi production cuts being long term so they can finance national projects, but also US production cutting rigs while the strategic reserve needs refilling and Cushing being down to 22 million barrels. There is nothing going to stop Cushing from needing refilling because when they get below 20 million the floating roofs on the tank bottom out and vapor builds, in addition to the fact that the bottom oil is full of sediment and sludgy. Meanwhile, the present admin has also directly attacked the oil companies and pulled permits/subsidies/etc.
This strikes me as *almost* pure speculation, but I do suspect the El Nino Winter *might* send NATGAS to a little below 2 in the Spring if enough doesn't wind up getting used. I do need to not forget that fact.

>> No.56243853

oil only went up because of the ukraine-russia issue. why do you think the saudis are cutting, they want to get all they can out of oil. maybe im wrong about russian bots here, maybe its the saudis pushing oil.

>> No.56243858

It would be a great narrative for Russia as well. They would be able to strengthen their currency again, while getting acccess to western markets, instead of having to deal with the Chinese, Indian and other scam fuckers in brics that were looking forward to leech of Russia at the cost of Russias economy. And as a bonus on top, the US could continue its dollar devaluation game exporting inflation into the whole wide world

>> No.56243864

bingo. I almost bet that is exactly how it plays out. holy shit lmfao. now we have the stage for ww3.

>> No.56243881

Undisputably based

>> No.56243890

hey its the guys who dont understand inflation adjusted gains and risk management. sup retards
between the russian bot attack last thread and the tax avoiding unamerican fucks in this thread, I think the fbi will have quite the field day here

>> No.56243895

Of course it's speculation its reading tealeafs through propaganda channels and the shifting narratives
The El Niño winter seems more relevant for natgas
Its still speculation, but if it is the case I want to shake whatever jew made that deal hand.

>> No.56243930

Just go back to fucking /pol/ man you continuously shit up a thread about the stock market to spew retarded bullshit

>> No.56243950

we are speculating on the future state of the market you insufferable faggot.

>> No.56243952
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>hey its the guys who dont understand inflation adjusted gains and risk management.
Your literally losing money on bonds and calling people that are making money in oil retards. Let that sink in you stupid ape. Go make your bond containment thread now.

>> No.56243964

found the bot again. jesus christ.

>> No.56243971

Are the others in the room with us now anon?

>> No.56243976

Go play (((community manager))) in your shitcord kid

>> No.56243996

and keked
This is an interesting distinction and *potential* insight, I'd be curious as to not only how you arrived at it, but how you *learned* to arrive at it. I've been considering some "explorers" her lately, though for things other than oil/gas for the most part (metals, rare earths, elements, etc.). It seems to me what with the chinks becoming an unreliable source for the long term, moves are being made into more domestic sources. There are likely even a lot of govt dollars from bills and shit going to be flowing into those things, but I'm nowhere near actually knowledgeable on how all this shit will work out.

>> No.56243997
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You're no different from a GME baggie kek. No one will buy your overvalued bonds you'll have to wait for the FED to buy them, while everyone else makes money.

>> No.56243999

shut the fuck up schizo
you too

>> No.56244019

Go play (((community manager))) in your shitcord

>> No.56244031

Pretty sure that’s illegal

>> No.56244034

well, I was speculating about the market. he started talking about polcel shit.
you are a moron. countries around the world buy US bonds, as we are the most stable country in the world. and the only people who DONT believe that are the polcel faggots, qtards and foreign agent influencers.

>> No.56244063

Wish I could just work hard and make money. I guess those days are gone

>> No.56244107
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The producers are basically making money have clean balance sheets and returning capital to shareholders. I mean if you can find explorers that have cash for 3/4 years and promising acerage you can make money for sure. But if they haven't raised capital and oil goes lower with these interest rates you will blow up your portfolio. Imo it's just best to buy those when the fed inject liquidity because they have easier access to capital. Personally not even looking at them right now not worth the risk reward.
You do realize the FED was more than one third of the bond liquidity right no one is buying your bonds.

>> No.56244113

kek, the fed was 1/3 of the liquidity during COVID you retard. as emergency funds.

>> No.56244114

Any good joke has a kernel of truth to it or it wouldn't be funny and also wouldn't be used as propaganda. There will be turmoil in the bonds markets and it's been a long time coming and the turnover from the decision to finally raise rates and try to kill the elephant in the room that is having to pay an inflated amount to service the debt approaching and soon to eclipse 10% of GDP is going to be a rocky road to navigate even if you handle it as best as possible. It won't be the end of the world and anyone saying that is a fool but to ignore the reality of the situation and be bullish about the short to mid term for stocks is actually dumb enough to merit being called retarded.

>> No.56244122

a BIG worry about the "US DEBT" is the interest payments in 2026. if bonds yields go down then that isnt an issue. we can inflate awayeverything else at a modest 2-3% as is american tradition.

>> No.56244156

wow no shutdown
and monday green? fr

>> No.56244162
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>the FED

>> No.56244166
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By the government numbers you're making 1% inflation adjusted per annum. Thank you for your service.

>> No.56244171

never doubt the ability of an american to be cucked and then clap for it.

>> No.56244182
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Hoomers are absolutely braindead.

>> No.56244200
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there is more debt to be paid than money in existence

what the fuck???

>> No.56244236
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Debt in a fiat system is not about money currently in the fiat system but future expectations. Somehow every troglodyte seems to be stuck in a middle age mindset mistaking the treasury and the fed for the royal mint

>> No.56244267

add on to the fact that we export our debt as an asset.

>> No.56244268

I have zero debt
Youre telling me there is negative money?

>> No.56244271

The retards who bought hooms the last year or 2 to "protect against inflation" or to "invest by renting it out" sincerely deserve nothing less than obliterating financial devastation.

>> No.56244286

lol, you cant possibly be this much of a braindead asshole. first of all those people will be fine if anything happens, its the big banks that bought everythign up that will go under. which is great.
the fact that you are actively against the average american just shows how much of a cocksucker you are and how much of a financial retard you might be.

>> No.56244301

>You now remember all the threads convincing anons to go balls deep into debt because it will hyperinflate into nothing and they will score infinite virgin pussy as a result

>> No.56244309
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Damn, I have no debt
That's must be wy I'm so alone

>> No.56244319

How much debt should I take for one (1) virgin pussy?

>> No.56244321

>the average american
People who buy homes as a speculative investment like it's a shitcoin to pump and dump are the average american?

>> No.56244323

Welp just 6 hrs till govt shutdown. Senate has the bill. Watch them fuck around and shat till the last second, then wham let's pass it as the deadline hits. Or who knows maybe those fucks will bluster and fuck off and let it shutdown anyway.

>> No.56244324

Question is how to make that debt attractive for foreign investors again. Offering discounts is always a good sales pitch, another one is of course forcing by coercion or making concessions to the buyer offering other goodies to incentivize buying
Kid nothing against your optimism but pull down your pink glasses and maybe take a look at the abyss before running into it like a lemming

>> No.56244334
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well it certainly is one more thing you won't have in common with a woman

>> No.56244341

I rememba. I just wish I got a bigger house. god damnit.
dude you just dont get it. if you paid attention instead of trying to be proven right then maybe you'd be in a house by now.
What abyss? there's a lot of doom and gloom from permabears but the reality is
>inflation is under control
>the government isnt shutting down
>we have a signal to the end in the war of ukraine
>oil has peaked
>treasury yields have peaked
>japan defends the yen
jesus man how many signs do you people need.
you keep waiting for the downfall of america.

>> No.56244343

Discounts would be correctly perceived as desperation. forced coersion is more like it, but can the USA intimidate and force liike it used to? There's a chance that nations will stand up to it and call their bluff, so they had better be on their A game

>> No.56244347

The US serviced 63 trillion in trade in 2022 with a debt of about 32 trillion. There's basically as much currency in use that's paid off as there is money we're still financing the creation of, tl;dr zoom out. The interest payments rising is the only valid worry as it's getting close to 10% of GDP, as a function of how USD works there will basically always be a national debt and a pretty large one. That could change and would make the USD even stronger in some ways but weaker in others, namely that one of the largest sources of soft power the US wields is the fact that bonds for our currency are consistently the best investment anyone could make with a real amount of currency (centimillion level and beyond).

Things will get interesting, the sky isn't falling.

>> No.56244355

Why do you need a discount? You have the backer of NATO on the debt. its the most risk free investment in the world.

>> No.56244365

You come off as an esl poster so that's already funny
> ??? The banking system will be the ultimate loser in a housing downturn
Wtf are you on about? Taxpayers will deal with the fallout as always.

>> No.56244373

You mistake realism with doom.
The abyss is the thing below the plank powell currently tries to land a plane on
Don't know, it's about selling it, was the Saudi deal seen as weakness or a smart geopolitical play. Perception is everything

>> No.56244380

>the fact that you are actively against the average american
Have you met the average american? Why wouldnt i want them to suffer the consquences of their actions? And banks dont go under if people cant pay their mortgage. the bank just takes the house back and rents it out.

>> No.56244393

again, i'm talking about your attitude towards the people who just wanted to buy a home before inflation ran away.
I could care less about the people who got greedy.
there is no doom. you just dont see the signs. pattern recognition is the best financial advice

>> No.56244396
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>> No.56244402
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However much it takes to move to a third world country and buy a child bride. This might be financial advice.

>> No.56244424

you will all wish you just bought a house and participated in american economy instead of being a faggot

>> No.56244450
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Post hands and house

>> No.56244457

The people that want to buy a home at a non-meme price and non-meme interest rates just need to work their asses off and save for a while and preferably have been doing it for the last several years. When we get into 2025 rates are going to be coming back down to earth and a solid fixed-rate mortgage with a 10% downpayment on a 300k starter home will be within reach for the average man again without the note being so big there's just no way they can swing it. Even for the people that are fucked and didn't get a home when they were cheap and rates were still low, they can just play the cycle and suffer for a bit and come out ahead. The real problem is that this isn't explained to the average idiot so they go get a 1% down variable rate mortgage from zillow on some mcmansion way bigger than their means can afford and end up getting raped, often to death.

>> No.56244475

I do wish I owned a home and am actively working towards doing that, but I'm not going to buy a house on a variable fucking rate mortgage while rates are elevated above their standard range of about 2-2.5% from the before times when we didn't just ZIRP our way through all problems. You can participate in the american economy and the cornerstone of a huge segment of that economy without getting blown the fuck out for having done so.

>> No.56244483

ok, at least some interesting considerations to consider. I might do a little looking into those aspects of industry and just expand my awareness on it if nothing else.

>> No.56244485

They're laundering most it back into the US market.

>> No.56244505

It's a few dozen billion dollars, that's not a drop in the bucket for the federal budget. That's barely worth trying to grift a few points off of because of how many eyes would be on it.

>> No.56244511

Weekend wall street is EXPLODING haven't seen it this high since... Well last year I think

>> No.56244540

You know yields have an opposite correlation to the price of the underline.... right?

>> No.56244548

This anon gets it.

>> No.56244570
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>you wish you took out 30 years worth of debt with bankers that hate you and want you replaced
Not every boomer will pass on their home(assuming they even paid it off) to their descendants. And those that do may just see it sold off to pay debts millennials have accumulated. Demographics are on the side of patient buyers towards the second half of the decade.

>> No.56244595

Shut up tripfag

>> No.56244622

>just wanted to buy a home before inflation ran away.
They pumped housing at record highs way before inflation was even a concern.

>> No.56244626

newbie here, can someone help clarify/confirm on this scenario?
In the previous thread, someone was talking about his dad reinvesting his dividends and the principal shrinking (>>56240141)
Digging the archive about dividend and shrinking princicple, it seems the crux of the issue is that the dad is reinvesting the money that he already owns from the stock, which would be taxed from the government upon payout. Furthermore, the divdidends are the money the company could have used to reinvest into itself without incurring tax, thus increase its value and stock price (and the yield).
In short, the problem with reinvesting your dividends into dividend stocks (only) is that you are being inefficient with how you are trying to grow your principle
Please teach me where i am wrong or missing out on. Thanks in advance

>> No.56244630


>United Airlines' pilots have ratified a new four-year contract that includes a significant pay increase and other benefits, the union representing the pilots said on Friday.

kek imagine how much more expensive plane tickets will get, I'm gonna invest in travel stocks

>> No.56244698

the sub 5 return isnt whats that bad, its how marketable bonds tank in value when rates change

>> No.56244707

Then you have people like me; Uh I'm the only heir who even gives a half shat about my family's land holdings. The problem? It's just me and my Wife. No way in hell, will by the time it all gets passed to me, will I have the motivation to keep it all up and going. Several houses and 150+ acres of land. My brother and sister are doing their own thing. My wife's sisters are doing theirs. Wife's brother is a fucking lost cause so that rules him out to. The property has been in the family for uh I'd say over 100 years, maybe longer for all I know. (I know the house I grew up in, which is family owned still, is haunted, a family member died inside. Was built by family so yeah). The thing is my family doesn't sell land assets much. Whole 40 years I've been alive only 50 acres were sold. Other branches of the family tree have their own holdings to in the area.

>> No.56244719

>Digging the archive
Good. This is a very good resource, and I appreciate that you did digging on your own instead of coming here to be spoonfed - keep doing that.
>it seems the crux of the issue is that the dad is reinvesting the money that he already owns from the stock, which would be taxed from the government upon payout
Not necessarily. The real issue is the company that the dad chose. To get what I mean, imagine that instead of the stock price declining (and declining more than the dividends + stock price combined) the stock stayed flat OR went up in price. His dad would have made a lot of money, increased the number of shares he had, and made a very nice return.
There is nothing wrong with using your dividends to buy more shares of good companies.
There is something wrong with using your dividends to buy more shares of bad companies that are paying out too large of a dividend that it is not good for the company (and as a result, for the stock price)
You are on the right page about taxation - if a company wants to maximize value / growth of principal for investors, they should not be paying out a 10% dividend - they should instead be using that money to buy shares outstanding (if and only the shares are cheap!) This prevents the investors from being taxed on the dividends as ordinary income, and the investor only has to pay capital gains if/when they decide to sell.
>Furthermore, the divdidends are the money the company could have used to reinvest into itself without incurring tax, thus increase its value and stock price
Yes exactly - but even if they don't want to invest the money back into the company (which they should, depending on their return on invested capital) they can buy back shares and reduce the number outstanding, and it offers a much, much greater return for investors than the dividend would (if and only if the stock price is undervalued, and it makes sense to be buying the shares)

>> No.56244722

dividends are healthy cause you get paid without having to sell your share, not always sustainable and theres taxes and value can go down, they are better for rich ass people that have a diversified portfolio and live off passive income

>> No.56244745

idk bud Im in a nice neighborhood and my neighbor just took out her for sale sign and all the new houses are sold. I dont think you're doing the research.
yeah like I said, you are going to wish you did. you probably already do.
>30 years of debt
>pump my house
again, retards, please go understand inflation.

>> No.56244760

What's gonna happen to all the student loan cucks tomorrow?

>> No.56244764
File: 25 KB, 359x359, OIL618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have completed the Canadian Tire errand run.
Lumbar: supported. This has made a world of difference to my ride comfort.
Secondly I completed the task scheduled for today: make surgical alteration to Toyota plastic hub caps. I have steel wheels for winter because salt is hell on alloy/aluminum and these steelies have hubcaps. Said hubcaps have a retarded design involving plastic pieces on either side of the valve stem giving said valve stem very little clearance. It's very difficult to hammer on the hubcaps while keeping this clearance spot centered and the hubcaps always shift very slightly once mounted after you drive. Hubcap plastic bits inevitably come in to contact with the valve stems and car now makes rotational squeak squeak squeak from that contact. This is unacceptable. I cut the plastic tabs off with oscillating tool. Valve clearance space now 400% wider.

Did you know there is a thing called the Jerome Gambit in chess? It's a highly unsound piece sacrifice popular among Indian players.

>> No.56244768

>In short, the problem with reinvesting your dividends into dividend stocks (only) is that you are being inefficient with how you are trying to grow your principle
Ehh not quite - the problem arises in investing in companies that are paying out too large of a dividend where it impacts their underlying business, and prevents the share price remaining flat (or ideally going up!!)
For example, MCD (McDonald's) first started paying a dividend in 1976 (and fun fact has raised the dividend for 43 consecutive years)
If you got those MCD dividends, and immediately reinvested them into more MCD stock, you would be worth $100M+ haha
You get what I'm getting at?
MCD isn't known for offering a huge dividend - the whole thing is the balance of dividend as well as growth - if the dividend is too large, it impacts the company and thus the share price (for the reasons you've already figured out, that they don't have that money to reinvest in the company and grow more)
Diversification is "okay" but really diversification is just to reduce business risk or industry risk, that's it - but if someone is pursuing a dividend strategy, there is nothing wrong with investing in dividend stocks and using those dividends to buy more shares
You just want to be investing in good companies, where there is a long track record of dividends going up each year, as well as shareholder equity increasing each year

>> No.56244775

Probably nothing, they will just get forgiven, crisis averted, just like the government kicking the can again to avoid a shutdown.

>> No.56244786

I cant accept that, those people should be placed into debtors jails

>> No.56244789

the reality is that a lot of the people who owed money made a lot of money in the stock market. as we end the season of tax harvesting they are going to just pay it off and the deadbeats who dont are going to get IRS'd.

>> No.56244800
File: 317 KB, 707x1000, 1668495609346662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they will just get forgiven
Never in a million years.

>> No.56244824
File: 124 KB, 460x339, 1657209461214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's looking like I'll probably have a few extra $1000 in October. Should I invest it? Or use some of it on a vacation. I haven't taken a vacation since like 2020

>> No.56244834
File: 1.10 MB, 1465x1198, Montney pipeline infra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike oil markets which are global, natural gas markets are local. That's because you can't exactly transport a cubic foot of gas the same way you transport a barrel of oil. Natural gas is either transported by pipeline just like oil, or it has to be compressed or cooled in order to maintain a liquid form. The natgas futures are for the Henry Hub, which is a natgas hub in Texas. Other hubs may have entirely different pricings even inside the USA, for example the Californian Malin hub prices have had a tendency to spike up to or higher than European natural gas prices due to California's terrible energy market with its intermittency and high price of electricity per kWh.

Henry Hub prices are not directly comparable to prices in other markets, although the increase in LNG exports in Canada, USA and Mexico is going to indirectly raise North American natural gas market prices thanks to supply going into the premium priced LNG facilities (which in turn will sell their LNG to global seaborne markets at more or less... global prices, with Asia and Europe competing over those shipments going forward). It'll take some time but NA natty prices are going to have structural pressure to the upside thanks to the market arbitrage between NA natural gas prices, and natural gas prices in Europe and Asia where natgas is priced higher because they have less access to those molecules.

I don't have an image of US pipelines and I'm too lazy to find one so you'll have to do with this WCSB pipeline image

>> No.56244836

Bought my house during the 2008 fallout mess cheap. Pay $400 a month for a 3bed,1.5 bath house w/basement,garage, and an actual fucking yard and not some "2 swipes" and that's it thing called a yard. Suffice to say I'm pleased as hell over its value today. Nice kitchen,floors,bathrooms,and fireplace in it to. (Previous owners remodeled it before things took a dump)

>> No.56244855

They already forgave a bunch of idiots with useless degrees, the catch is that they will likely get taxed. Imagine getting taxed on a $100k+ student debt hellhole, good luck with that starbucks salary.

>> No.56244863

october is the best time to buy stocks. not oil though.
oh so you mean they still have to pay? just not the insane interest payments? alrighty then thats cool with me.

>> No.56244893

>>56244855 >>56244863
Yeah they'll get taxed. That extra money given will be counted as income. Doesn't mater that it immediately went out the door to pay debt. Far as govt/IRS is concerned income is income. The only thing those people will avoid is the interest payments.

>> No.56244907

well they will end up paying a fraction of the original amount in the end. do the math on 100k @ 5% vs 100k taxed as income. its insanely different.

>> No.56244909
File: 71 KB, 929x579, jeromegambit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh they'll reduce interest rates and stuff but they're never forgiving the loan.
Pic related is the Jerome Powell Gambit.

>> No.56244910
File: 184 KB, 1845x1029, LNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh here's a pic that fits the post. LNG demand and pricing. Look at the chart on the right. That's the difference between JKM (LNG hub) prices, which capture global pricing maybe minus transportation, and Henry Hub.

>> No.56244920

Which I don't know what the tax hit would be for someone cause everyone's situation is different but in some cases some of them would actually fucking save money by just paying the student loan off v.s the tax bill due right now when the time comes.

>> No.56244933
File: 450 KB, 1918x1078, LNG hubs and others.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh here you go, a good illustration of different hubs, main pipelines, and LNG ports in Canada and USA.

also go long ARX. this is financial advice.

>> No.56244960

Kek. Govt has already spent almost 113 billion w/ another 6.2 billion planned for Ukraine but that was scraped at the last second. Makes you think. Govt "We must rein in spending" Meanwhile "Oh poor Ukraine, here's 113 billion with zero fucks given". Gee I wish someone would just give me 1 billion with zero fucks given.

>> No.56244963
File: 35 KB, 402x338, 1656468797570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>october is the best time to buy stocks.
Ok... guess it's another month of saving and investing
Some day, maybe I'll enjoy the money I've saved and invested

>> No.56244974

Ironic they care more for other countries but barely spend jackshit on their own soil.

>> No.56244977

your financial future probably won't hinge on that $1k. If you feel like you really need to go on vacation or do something else that's fun, go for it. Wouldn't it be awful if you could only enjoy the fruits of your labor at the ripe age of 70? Get out there and live a little

>> No.56244985

most of us are just hamsters on the wheel. there is no escape from trying to reach bigger numbers

>> No.56244986

If they were so concerned about the attention, FTX would never have touched the Ukraine aid money. It's not a trivial amount.

>> No.56244989

Thank you for the comprehensive response, especially that you point out how i (implicitly) do not consider the quality of a company as a factor.
not only that, you did bring up the company buying the shares outstanding, which is something i need to dig more on.
i didn't consider the share selling as i interpreted that the dad would prefer to hold the existing dividend shares he was having, given the exclamation of him loving these shares.
however, i can see your point, that to reach the comfort of passive income, it is assumed a lot of wealth has already been accumulated

>> No.56244990


>> No.56245000

I wonder why Cove Point isn't on there.

>> No.56245006

Honestly anon if you havent taken a vacation in a while and you're feeling on the edge, go take a vacation. spending money on yourself is a lot better than risking losing it.
>this is financial advice

>> No.56245007

You don’t have incriminating evidence of POTUS. That’s why no one gives you a billion

>> No.56245018

Well it's probably going to be closer to $5k. If I buy the dip, that could be significant.
Also... deciding to take a vacation is only the first step. It's a lot of work to actually plan one. It's a lot less work to just hit the buy button
But at the same time I fucking need a vacation
Idk what to do
As soon as you get the numbers up.. they knock them back down
Yeah, that's my other worry. Why bother saving money if someone's just going to jump onto the hood of my car and sue me for $500k of bodily harm or whatever. And just like that... it's all gone
Yes I am on the edge

>> No.56245026

They literally just spent a trillion on the us in infrastructure act and you were whining about it then.

>> No.56245038

careful, you have to give them some kind of cope otherwise theyll get pissy and realize how childish
its amazing isnt it. they whine about spending money here or there. the only thing they dont seem to whine about are the money they got from the PPP loans and other quackery during the scamdemic.

>> No.56245042
File: 451 KB, 898x521, Map of Proposed and Operational LNG Terminals in USA and BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just pointing out the most relevant hubs for ARX. It's also missing Freeport, Sabine Pass and a bunch of others.

>> No.56245043

>careful, you have to give them some kind of cope otherwise theyll get pissy and realize how childish they have been
fuck didnt complete my sentence.

>> No.56245075

Ah yes, didn't nootice Freeport, but I thought Cheniere *is* Sabine Pass.

>> No.56245078

>It's a lot of work to actually plan one. It's a lot less work to just hit the buy button
it's also a lot of work to decide to press the buy button, unless you just look at lines at trade based on those. I think you are just holding yourself back.

>> No.56245083

>it's also a lot of work to decide to press the buy button
No I mostly just DCA into a few funds
Occasionally I gamble with ETF options, but I put about as much thought into that as pulling the lever on a slot machine (if they even have levers anymore, idk, I think most just have buttons these days)

>> No.56245095

why not travel the same way? Just screw all the planning, take a cheap last minute flight somewhere and just figure it out on the way

>> No.56245109

man I used to have free standby flights on delta airlines and I used to fly like that for airline cost. any seat that was open by the time the flight boarded on any delta flight I could get on. I miss those days.
internationally I could get business class seats for cost

>> No.56245124

Ngl, that sounds even more stressful

>> No.56245130

are you that one chad who travels around due to business and goes to those expensive business club lounges? I think you said they should raise prices there to keep the plebaeans out because they're loud or whatever? You seem based and I think it's surprising we have successful people like you here
sounds like you're stressing out for some other reason. Maybe taking one week off from even looking at a chart would do you good.

>> No.56245160 [DELETED] 

I dont think ive talked about that here but they are pretty nice places and they are raising the prices or taking away free guest passes across the board as part of cost cutting measures. the american express lounge is pretty dope.
but I have discussed my escapades with bollywood actresses in these generals
I used to have those passes and I used to travel for work before covid. so I basically have been around the world for next to nothing.
if you can find a corporate job where you can travel, your expenses are mostly paid for by the company.

>> No.56245161

Bidenomics and the inflation reduction act saved the economy. I went to Costco and got a hot dog and 20 ounce soda (with refill) for $1.50, I felt like such an asshole wearing my Trump mugshot shirt. I deserved every dirty look I received. That hot dog was so good I got a second one on the way out.

>> No.56245169 [DELETED] 

nigga I told your drunk ass last night. bonds nigga. buy bonds. dont listen to the russian/saudi bots here shilling oil and the fall of rome.

>> No.56245180

>I felt like such an asshole wearing my Trump mugshot shirt. I deserved every dirty look I received
bet you jacked off right after too you deviant

>> No.56245183

Yields are going higher. They didn't cut any government spending and will be required to borrow even more. This fucks the bond.

>> No.56245188

no, its tied to OIL dude. yields are tied to oil.

>> No.56245193

Nah I went to a bar and had a cocktail.

>> No.56245197

Smg told me their would be a shutdown today and that I would lose my money

>> No.56245201

I've never thought about yields and oil like that. Care to elaborate?

>> No.56245203

For me, it was wearing blatantly anti-vax tshirts in public while still wearing a mask. Did it when the pandemic first started and it was great fun seeing peoples brains start smoking deciding whether they should be mad at me or think I was based, made every trip to get smokes or groceries fun.

>> No.56245211
File: 775 KB, 2223x1211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now oil is high and countries are selling US treasuries in order to buy oil. as soon as oil starts dropping that marks the top of oil. which is why you are seeing the yield maturity curve drop.
TLT has bottomed
this is why you are seeing foreign disinfo agents shilling oil come in here and tell you not to buy bonds.

>> No.56245215

There was no vaccine when the pandemic started. It took like 8 months for the first shots to get rolled out and those were for seniors and diabetics only.

>> No.56245218

It's still getting argued about in the senate and they have about another five hours to get it done before the current budget runs out early tomorrow morning and it officially stops being a nothingburger. The fact that it even got to this point points to McCarthy not ever wanting to get a deal done in the first place, republicans are pissed and since he's their speaker and presumably wants to keep his job there's going to be a shutdown. The budget that's getting voted on right now is unpopular with democrats and unpopular with more than a few republicans. I'd give it 95% odds of happening at this point.

>> No.56245234

I bought the shirt about a week after the jab rollout when people were still very much freaked out and masking in public, before that I was just wearing a mask made from a pair of the old ladies panties. Whatever made someone mald and was funny to me was on the menu, I embraced clownworld.

>> No.56245236

If everyone hates it that means it'll probably pass.

>> No.56245237
File: 642 KB, 1048x831, COST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth the COST membership just for the hot dogs?
I haven't eaten a hot dog in years
I also don't need to buy things in bulk, so...

>> No.56245239 [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 2524x1212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone curious go in the previous thread and look at ID's and replies. this is a shill. learn the patterns and recognize this fagot.


pattern recognition is your best friend

>32 posts

>27 posts

>> No.56245240

>right now oil is high and countries are selling US treasuries in order to buy oil
how does that go along with the USD being high while the long dated bonds are being sold en masse?
>TLT has bottomed
but that's just some random ETF that buys the long end and sells the short end right? I don't think TLT has any real bearing on the direction of the bond markets, but granted I'm not that well informed.

from https://wolfstreet.com/2023/09/21/treasury-market-gets-a-memo-with-subject-line-higher-for-longer-but-someone-scribbled-next-to-it-maybe-forever/
>Future bond buyers are licking their chops at the juicy future yields they see coming at them. Current bondholders that intend to hold to maturity don’t need to worry about it. But bondholders that are wanting to trade, or that have to mark to market, or that invested in a long-term bond fund that by definition trades, that’s where the bloodbath happened.

>For example, the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF [TLT], which focuses on Treasury bonds with a remaining maturity of 20 years or more, fell 2.6% today and has plunged by 47% from the peak in said August 2020. If long-term interest rates continue to rise, the price will continue to fall.

>This instrument is good for betting on the direction of interest rates. But as interest rates fell for most of the 20 years of the life of this fund, interrupted by some increases, the price of the ETF kept rising and made great money, and buy-and-holders began confusing it with a low-risk long-term yield investment, which it is not.

>> No.56245259

I just never wore a mask except one time walking into the dentist's office. Only two places gave me shit over not having a mask and i just never went back to those two businesses.

>> No.56245265

You don't need a membership for the hot dog. Just go in the exit when the guys checking a receipt and get your hot dog.

>> No.56245266

TLT basically tracks the bond market. it has bottomed. Here's a hint buddy: if blackrock tells you not to do it, you should probably do it.
if warren buffet tells you to do it, you should probably do it. One of them is your friend, the other isnt.

>> No.56245277

Warren Buffett isn't my friend though, and sometimes these people that aren't my friends say things that are sensible while other times they say the opposite. It's not as simple as just reversing everything they say or do because they themselves are sneaky foxes that mix things up all the time to keep others confused.

>> No.56245280

Then while you're there go help yourself to the free samples too.

>> No.56245281

>tfw 72 accumulated vacation hours
>can only carryover 20
>tfw going to take 10 days off in a row and consume 60h and I will force my workplace to miss me

>> No.56245282

one of them is trying to own everything and the other came from a poor house and still owns a poor house. they arent the same my man.

>> No.56245284

This sounds like a way to get in trouble with the Costco guards though

>> No.56245288

TLT hasn't bottomed yet. This bear market on bonds is just getting started.

>> No.56245297

Alright man. Just remember the ole phrase: AIB

>> No.56245301

They aren't the same but neither is my friend either. They're my competitors. You're my competitor.

>> No.56245306

how am I your competitor? why do you view capitalism like that? do we manufacture the same product?

>> No.56245315

As long as we are in the same market with the intention of scoring personal profits, we're competitors. It's nothing personal and we can both benefit together too. But we're certainly not friends.

>> No.56245316

Nah just say you're only there for the hot dog and play dumb about the membership. They'll just ask you to become a member and at the point you find out how much it costs just say no and leave. No trouble at all.

>> No.56245323

that is the worst retarded take ive ever heard and you would embody the worst of capitalism if that is what it meant to everybody

>> No.56245330

It is meant for everybody. And everybody can benefit. But everybody is also in healthy competition amongst one another. What's so bad about that?

>> No.56245335

Kek I've got 1500 sick hours and 400 vacation hours. The sick hours I never touch cause that can be used as credit time (unlimited) when retirement day comes so I just let it keep rolling up. The vacation time (dollar value) they'll let me dump so much of it into my 401k as a boost option. Or they'll pay me for it but if I take that option I'll get taxed on it at a higher rate. Vacation time doubles once I hit the 20 year mark. (1 month = 2 days)

>> No.56245338

you arent in competition with your fellow citizen. whats wrong with you? You arent even in competition with your fellow shareholders. Are you out of your fucking mind?

>> No.56245344

This sounds dishonest

>> No.56245345

Remember to (3,3) fellow HOHMies! Prices can't go down if we agree to never sell!

>> No.56245347

People compete for jobs
Companies compete for capital and market share
Investors compete for returns

you know not everybody can be a winner right? There's always somebody who loses one way or another.

>> No.56245368

i'm not competing with people for jobs. im competing for the job.
companies do compete for market and the best winner wins. but you viewing people personally as your competitor seems odd.

>> No.56245372
File: 23 KB, 600x338, 1645584328681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I don't feel so good about this market

>> No.56245380

>im competing for the job
...along with other people, for the same job. Just because you ignore your competition doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>you viewing people personally as your competitor seems odd
it's just the logical conclusion of me pointing out that Warren Buffett is not my friend. Why would he be my friend when he's only out for personal gain? Just like you and me?

>> No.56245387

I guess I dont come on here as a competitor. but you do. so you must be a shill

>> No.56245397

The bear market in bonds has been going on since early 2022. It's already wrecked some banks and forced the Fed to plug another hole. About 88 is what I've been thinking as the floor. That's its bottom in 2011.

>> No.56245415

I don't come here as a competitor either, but that doesn't mean we aren't all competitors anyways. Even if we don't like to think of each other that way, we're all still out for personal gain. It's the truth but it sounds a lot more noble and respectable to shun that perception.
>so you must be a shill
granted I did shill ARX just a moment ago, but that doesn't mean I'm above helping others for no gain at all. I like discussing the markets and sharing what I've learned. See the first post I made in this thread where I explained some things about the natgas markets to an anon from the previous thread asking about it.

>> No.56245426
File: 1.77 MB, 4000x3000, 16961201366373211149493140691959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it passed.

>> No.56245431 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x3000, 16961201989176420684494850635919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it passed. I was wrong I thought it was 100% chance for shutdown.

>> No.56245433

financial advice to you baggie, you should probably rotate your television clockwise by 90 degrees

>> No.56245440

It's easier to watch it lying on my side this way fagget.

>> No.56245448

sure but it's harder for me so you should do as I say

>> No.56245449

SOXL +65% monday

>> No.56245455

The bear market started in 1994. Rates have normalized. You'll never see interest rates again. Inflation? Deflation. Disinflation. Dumb dollar. Dumb Money (2023.) You will never. Things will never be. The. Same.

Click clack.

>> No.56245460

baggie, we knew it was going to pass this morning. it had to pass. The senate was going to cuck them anyway. lol. So they got an out with Ukraine but no stops on spending.
Which is GOOD for america. conservatives need to realize this.

>> No.56245462

bear deez nuts lmao gottem

>> No.56245474

there's always this ridiculous doomposting with the spending bills

>> No.56245482

Yeah but now it got the votes from both chambers. Biden can still sit on it for 2 weeks before the pocket veto sends it back, but they got 77 in the senate already. Not sure what they'd need in the house to overturn a veto.

>> No.56245491

do you really think there was a chance that the senate was going to say no? Are you kidding me?
baggie, you really need to learn to read between the lines my friend.

>> No.56245495

The fucking federal government needs to learn to stop spending money it doesn't have, but nobody gets elected on a platform of raising taxes and cutting spending, which is really the only way they'll generate a surplus.

>> No.56245497

>I'd give it 95% odds of happening at this point.
You're a fucking retard, it passed the house with overwhelming support.
There will be no shutdown

>> No.56245498

we have the money. go learn about inflation

>> No.56245502

why would they stop an age old tradition like that?

>> No.56245507

>inflation is le bad
no, controlled inflation at +2% IS BUILT INTO THE AMERICAN ECONOMY.
anything outside of that band for extended amounts of time causes issues

>> No.56245514
File: 337 KB, 1100x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart shows historic inflation. This is crucial to unsterstand if you want to understand the modern keynesian monetary system.
We print money to get ourselves out of debt. The math works out.
2% inflation over time rises the money supply so much that we can stimulate sectors that need help. thats it.

>> No.56245519

>US Senate Has Enough Votes to Pass Bill Averting Shutdown

called it

>> No.56245525

Wait, you faggots unironically thought they might shut everything down`?

>> No.56245529

It snowballs. In another 20 years a big Mac combo at McDonald's will run you $23

>> No.56245533
File: 264 KB, 519x700, 1675269986090926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good good give me my monies americanski

>> No.56245535

yeah, and youll be making a lot more money, unless the CONSERVATIVES aka retards stop them from raising minimum wage.
the sooner you realize that the republicans stole the money using covid as an excuse the better.

>> No.56245543

1976: September 30 - October 11
1977: October 31 - November 9
1977: November 30 - December 9
1978: February 1 - October 18
1979: September 30 - October 18
1981: November 20 - November 23
1982: December 17 - December 21
1983: November 10 - November 14
1984: October 4 - October 5
1984: October 16 - October 18
1986: October 16 - October 18
1987: December 18 - December 20
1990: October 5 - October 9
1995-1996: November 14, 1995 - January 6, 1996
2013: October 1 - October 17
2018-2019: December 22, 2018 - January 25, 2019

>> No.56245544

Why should we raise minimum wage? Lol just let the market supply and demand for labor dictate wages.

>> No.56245548

This is the house version with no money for you bro. Sorry.

>> No.56245552

well, because then you let corporations run away with all the money. you should try having a little more compassion for your fellow american.
the poor little CEO can afford to lose a bit out of his pocket.

>> No.56245555

I can't wait for the rediscovery of the business cycle. Keynesianism has worked, sort of, but the rising denbts combined with inflationary pressures means we're at a bit of an impasse. Can't exactly stimulate this economy.

>> No.56245575

again, the reason the great depression lasted so long was because keynesian economics was adopted afterwards. Since then, we have had pretty quick recoveries. I mean look at COVID.
We're at all time highs.
I know the next bear argument is
>we'll yeah now we are going to crash.
but thats how it works. But every time its been less and less. I dont think we're goign to have a crash at all.

>> No.56245576

House cucks should have kicked the speaker out. But as always nothing ever happens the uniparty stays happy and they bribe those who question it.

>> No.56245583

I disagree. If you're unhappy with the compensation you're receiving for the job you're doing you're free to find another job. Minimum wages are for commies and socialists. Probably why the people who receive them tend to be commies and socialists.

>> No.56245606

>If you're unhappy with the compensation you're receiving for the job you're doing you're free to find another job
actually honestly you are right on that for the most part. However, as many people argue, salaries have not risen adjusted to output, inflation, revenue, ceo pay, or anything. and thats just not fair. 15$ back then isnt 15$ today.
mom and pop shops are different, maybe you find a way to stimulate that sector or subsidize it. but large caps need to be weaned off the government or start paying their taxes

>> No.56245609

>Since then, we have had pretty quick recoveries
well that goes without saying when every downturn is swiped under the rug by further decreasing interest rates and handing out credit to everybody that asks. Aaaaaall the way down to the good old ZIRP which lead to incredible capital misallocation. I think everybody understands by now that zero rate policies (or even negative rates like in Europe!) are not sustainable and lead to more damage down the line. So those poorly allocated debts have to be dealt with, and interest is going to be paid. And it will hurt many an individual and institution.

not sure about a crash myself. Recession indicators don't look that bad at all right now, maybe aside from yield curve but even that one is far from uninversion.

>> No.56245610

No it lasted so long because you had protectionism and international trade ground to a halt from everyone putting tarrifs on everything combined by bank runs and people holding cash in their mattresses instead of actually putting it to use.

>> No.56245624

>bank runs
>holding cash in mattresses
hence now you know why keynesian economics is necessary. a few assholes can ruin the whole enchilada very easily.

>> No.56245662

No, it's not needed. Some policies like FDIC insurance were required to restore confidence in the banks, but instead of just the last one out getting fucked everyone gets fucked.

>> No.56245664
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bank runs are caused by two ingredients:
>1) banks improperly taking excessive risk while not keeping enough pristine collateral
>2) people being too stupid to do proper due diligence on their own bank so as to not become a CREDITOR to an INSOLVENT INSTITUTION

...you DO know how solvent your bank is right? It's public information after all. Just make sure their equity/total assets at the very least exceeds 10%, and that their cash & eq. relative to their demand deposits is sufficient, or that you understand their derivatives portfolio (or at least the capital at risk), or at least their mark-to-market portfolio value...

....RIGHT??? You wouldn't lend money to an insolvent debtor, WOULD YOU?

>> No.56245671

no in the case of a finite monetary system, eventually someone has all of the dollars. However in keynesian system, that isnt the casae.
lower your tone when you speak to me

>> No.56245676
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>> No.56245680

yeah something's about to happen when they send retards like this

>> No.56245682

Costco is getting normies prepped for the gold bull.


>> No.56245684

i'll lower my casing just for you.

...you do know how solvent your bank is right? it's public information after all. just make sure their equity/total assets at the very least exceeds 10%, and that their cash & eq. relative to their demand deposits is sufficient, or that you understand their derivatives portfolio (or at least the capital at risk), or at least their mark-to-market portfolio value...

....right??? you wouldn't lend money to an insolvent debtor, would you?

>> No.56245686

yep, another dump on these retards
its going to happen all at once. you're either with the world or you're not.

>> No.56245691

The truth is inflation hurts those at the bottom the most. Higher interest rates hurt youthful and ambitious people/businesses than established debt free businesses and people. I dunno where I'm going with this, it's obvious we have 2 separate views on the system but I want to reiterate I disagree.

>> No.56245696

you should do proper due diligence on the institutions you lend your money to. Otherwise you deserve losing it all if the institution ends up not being able to pay up what they owe to you.

>> No.56245700

>The truth is inflation hurts those at the bottom the most.
yeah that is true. thats why its so sad that the people at the bottom vote support wage suppression tactics and massive CEO overpay
oh and also
>not paying their fair share of taxes
I think youve completely misunderstood my argument. i was talking about the faults of a finite monetary system. not bank runs specifically.

>> No.56245708

We've never experienced a finite money supply outside of maybe a poker tournament, they're still mining and producing more gold and silver. Eventually we'll mine asteroids too.

>> No.56245710

are you proposing unlimited access to credit would somehow make for a better monetary system then? That's just MMT, and if that's what you're proposing I want you to know you deserve a swift death, commie scum

>> No.56245720

We should pay CEOs minimum wage, and while we're at it, let's appoint that kid with cerebral palsy to be the CEO so it's fair and equitable.

>> No.56245723

cool and long article on competency being replaced by equitability btw, now that the discussion veered there.

fuck communism

>> No.56245735

What fucking world am I in? Baggie is making sense and some anon is unironically shilling MMT…time for bed

>> No.56245736

Kek govt shutdown adverted. Senate passed it. A thing to note; they said that Ukraine aid will keep flowing long as the war rages. They plan to introduce a separate bill over it. Kek, gee maybe Putin is smarter than first thought. He's draining the U.S dry by letting this end up turning into another Afghanistan type deal. (been almost 2 years now in Ukraine)

>> No.56245737

yeah, who's producing gold and silver? people who have no interest in your benefits. at least the government has a responsibility to its people
this is stock market general, and we are currently in MODERN monetary system, please go back to pol and discuss politics there
oh right, we have to be hyperbolic in the face of a logical argument. You think its OK to curb government spending but not CEO pay? These people are still going to be making INFINITELY more than the common person, and they have since the dawn of time.

>> No.56245743
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>> No.56245748

Like look say im ceo of mega Corp. I'm going to shop my expansion, and what ever municipality gives me the best deal, that's where I'll do some business. I can't make an infinite number of megacorp store fronts or factories whatever I'm doing.... so if this place will give me a 20 year break on taxes, sure I'll employ your whole town. Like why would I invest hundreds of millions or whatever if the politics are going to get in my way of my goal of making more money?

>> No.56245754

Baggie is a boomer retard, but we already knew this

>> No.56245755

my neighbor lost his job two months ago, has no equity in the home yet, so i'm paying his mortgage just to keep the home off the market, as i don't want that going into foreclosure and bringing my value down. not sure how long it makes sense to do this, though.

>> No.56245761

You're barking up the wrong tree kid.

>> No.56245767

looks like some quality intellectual conversation that i don't want to interrupt, but is there a movie tonight?

>> No.56245778

what the fuck anon
here's a better idea, sell your apartment and let somebody else deal with the poorfag

>> No.56245781
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sorry I misread your argument. Sure, there can be bonuses for performance. but they are so exorbitant now. look at a chart of the bonuses of CEO's over time and compare that to minimum wage, inflation, etc.
its not fair, and the fact that you think it is just shows an IQ gap. or a morality gap.

>> No.56245798

Who the fuck is making minimum wage? I mean even when I was 14 and got my first job I was making more than minimum wage.

>> No.56245806

Ukraine has been defunded. How do I profit from this?

>> No.56245808

the fact that you're an MMT advocate disqualifies you from complaining about what's fair and what's not. MMT inevitably leads to economic unfairness based on arbitrary factors. The opposite of meritocracy.

>> No.56245812

uh dude some people (waitresses) still dont even get paid. they rely on tips while restaraunts dont even pay taxes
yes ok samefagging shill. shut the fuck up.

>> No.56245825
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"equity" is unfair, and you will either admit it and correct your faulty views or you will forever remain a communist at heart. Stop shilling MMT, it ultimately only serves to push society into more hardship, both economically and socially.

>> No.56245828
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let a friend know

>> No.56245838

>stop shilling the economic system that the world runs on
alright man stay a poorfaggot. if you ever start wondering why you're ngmi, just realize that you're the one who decided to hate the world you live in instead of adapt to it.

>> No.56245843

nah I need to get my daily shitpost in at least

>> No.56245856

wrong retard. The economic system we're currently operating in is called Keynesianism. MMT is literally just a theory for now (thank God), and it's basically a perversion of Keynesianism where access to credit is unlimited and interest rates remain at zero or below zero. You're literally shilling the worst idea in the history of economics.

>> No.56245863

>the worst idea in the history of economics that has skyrocketed us into the superpower that we are
please go back to pol

>> No.56245870

MMT didn't do that stupid. MMT is not Keynesianism.

>> No.56245871

The federal min wage is still 7.25 an hour. Been like that since 2008/9. WTF can you even do with $290 a week (assuming 40hrs) anymore? About half that would get sucked for taxes and shit.

>> No.56245875

you can be a fucking asshole to immigrants, thats what you can do.
>inb4 pol shit

>> No.56245882

I got a friend who went to school got an English degree, but he's never stopped waiting tables. He started at a Mexican place ended up at a fine dining place where it's like minimum $50 a head even if they're not ordering alcohol. He makes way over $15 an hour in tips and since lots of it is cash he's not even claiming that on his taxes.

>> No.56245891

>MMT isnt Keynesian
yeah, just like a square isnt a rectangle
yeah that will work as long as people are willing to give tips. as soon as that breaks, what happens to them? thats the biggest indicator of a recession. ask your waitress friend when her tip money starts going down.

>> No.56245895

Just learn how to do Magic coin tricks and you can work at Mo's and make good money

>> No.56245905

MMT isn't Keynesian. If you think they're the same you're not qualified to continue having a discussion on economic with me.

>> No.56245906

You know they make strippers pay the club to work there? Yet somehow there's still plenty of strippers and strip clubs.

>> No.56245915

Explain how they're not the same for the retards, please.

>> No.56245920
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he is arguing that a square isnt ALSO a rectangle.
well, strippers make a lot of cash and the venue has to have someone who will show up. thats why they make them pay. if they no show the venue still gets paid. strippers do well in recessions I hear, long strippers in january

>> No.56245944

I mean I normally dont support this kind of thing, but we should convince all the strippers to go on strike and have a picket line of women in lingerie giving everyone a free show.

>> No.56245966

Keynesian theory holds that the Central Bank should have the interest rate lever as a tool in order to stimulate or tighten the economy. MMTfags think interest rates should always be at or below zero, while handwaving away inflation. They unironically think we should just issue more free credit (print money) to counter inflation, as if we haven't tried that before lmfao. They then propose that the government should just increase taxes to control spending and inflation. But that just leads to all those funds going to the government. Great idea right? lol
as your pic related aptly managed to avoid the second and third sentences that actually point out the crucial difference, MMTniggers would love nothing more than to keep printing money for free forever while Keynesians are want to stamp out downturns via stimulus. There is a difference. Of course, neither seems a sustainable solution anymore if we are to keep doing things like we always have. Something's got to give, and it's either going to be the economy or liberty. I don't know which will, but I'm on the side of liberty.

>> No.56245967
File: 35 KB, 494x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baggie does this look like the meme bubble chart to you?

>> No.56245990

Zoom out and include the axi values

>> No.56246000

Did that jew in the 7/11 put something up my ass?

>> No.56246006


>> No.56246013

again, you are splitting hairs.you are right that they are not the same thing, but MMT evolved from keynesian economics, end of discussion. they share more characteristics than they dont
I get the bear argument, but sometimes you need to look at another point of view. if soxl pumps dont say I didnt tell you.
its easy to get lost in the bear sauce

>> No.56246015

And yes
It was your foreskin

>> No.56246028

>hey then propose that the government should just increase taxes to control spending and inflation. But that just leads to all those funds going to the government. Great idea right? lol
I mean thats generally 1 way of how you reduce inflation. increase taxation.

>> No.56246034
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this thread will end
and all will be new and clean

>> No.56246038

fair enough, I can agree with that. In any case, if our economy is to "evolve" this way, it'll be at the cost of liberty, competency and efficiency. It's not actually an economically sound or sustainable evolution. It's capital misallocation at its worst, since limited access to credit and having to pay interest on that credit gets rid of uneconomical institutions and rewards economical ones.

>> No.56246042

Where's the picture? Like if nvda misses on any earnings how hard will it hit? 10 15 20 percent? It's like sure they're next level not going to fail, but growth expectations are probably too high, but the company is not going anywhere so it's just lots of uncertainty and I think too much has been bakes into the cake and how much upside is left compared to reversion to mean?

>> No.56246045

>but I'm on the side of liberty
That's the 7% final rate side
Crazy how people that want to defend sovereignty of the individuals against tyranny are on the same side as people like Jamie Dimon. Strange times ahead, alliances that would have been called ludicrous in 2008

>> No.56246052

>In any case, if our economy is to "evolve" this way, it'll be at the cost of liberty, competency and efficiency.
Why? I dont think thats true at all. Again, keep in mind, in a finite monetary system, somebody eventually can have all the cookies
he has no idea what hes really saying. he thinks he does, very confidently in fact. but he just doesnt.

>> No.56246063

We're still on page 1. Nobody is buying bitcoins there was probably 2500 people at Costco today. I mean it was gridlock in the parking lot and it wasn't much easier inside with all the carts going everyway. I just parked as far away as I could and made sure to leave the cart in the grass even further away.

>> No.56246066


>> No.56246069

No he is right. Some if not all zombies of the past 15 years need to die, the same as the tech bruh silicone valley communists need to be put back to their place, else it is straight down into global communist tyranny

>> No.56246077

>normies need to die
buddy what

>> No.56246082


>> No.56246086

I literally just got the hot dogs and free samples pushing an empty cart around until I left. I don't have a membership and wanted the experience.

>> No.56246096

Nobody is going to die, it's either a rewind away from the path into tyranny and letting ivory tower head stuck in ass arrogant communist decide for the people or it's the easy road straight into tyranny. The common people are just going to keep living their lifes and adapt

>> No.56246109

Everyone is going to die. You're fucking so wrong father time is undefeated.

>> No.56246126

Eventually yes, though those that are not of old age yet are going to keep breathing

>> No.56246136
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Bankers of course are against MMT because it replaces private banks with the central bank. But still, strange times indeed to have bankers on the good side.
Well if credit is handed out to uncreditworthy institutions you can get financed for utterly stupid endeavors that never result in growth in equity and that consistently print deficits. Kind of like the many tech startups that increased during ZIRP, many of which have now rightly crashed and burned. Then the argument comes on that "we need to be equitable and fair to everybody equally regardless", we've seen how that works with universities getting rid of standardized tests. Those tests screened competent people from incompetents, and now incompetent people end up as doctors or engineers or you name it. Those people will be in charge of important responsible tasks that the rest of the society trusts. Would you like your doctor to be one who couldn't pass a medical license examination test? And lastly, why liberty is potentially at stake, is that credit may begin to be issued based on factors unrelated to economic creditworthiness. How would you like being given or denied credit based on an ESG score for example, instead of your capability of producing valuable goods and services to society? I don't think that's a recipe for a successful economy.

>> No.56246279
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>Bankers of course are against MMT

Name one

>> No.56246300

Jamie Dimon. Remember MMT wants to put private bankers out of business and only the central bank would remain