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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 425x191, questionfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56242273 No.56242273 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>twitter spaces

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>Icahn Terminates Director Appointment Agreement With Newell Brands. It's Happening

>"Successor Entity" in latest Docket drop

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>The BLIND bid IPO

>311 million shares × 3 = THE END
>Lambos Or Food Stamps

>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>> No.56242277
File: 2 KB, 84x84, kais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kais Maalej The OTC King


>The PP Show Livestreams
>9/12/23 - AJ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwuA35aL1R8&t=14261s [Embed]
>7/26/23 - Bill Pulte Interview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zgpMt5J8Co [Embed]
>7/24/23 - Ross Brown (Oracle) Bullish on BBBYQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2_g1Nz23oA [Embed]

>Real-Time Trades

>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
No trade halts on OTC

>Latest hires
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer

>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain
>umm uhh uhh uhhh uhhh
>As always
Kek bondies
Previousneed on /BBBYQ/

>> No.56242323

dogshit poster is literally ryan cohen himself

>> No.56242324

based bake
kek baggies

>> No.56242335
File: 1.64 MB, 1024x1504, 1689089498254766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies on ledgies has never been more true of a statement.

>> No.56242378

It’s true, hedgies are literally on the ledges of their pools in their million dollar homes right now.

>> No.56242423

OKBet just sparked my imagination and I just set my own price point on my own accord :)

>> No.56242427

lmao you redditors lost. hedgechads won. take the fucking L like a man you bitch.

>> No.56242433

Reminder: My shares are still visible on schwab. "Deleted shares". Sure.

>> No.56242439
File: 203 KB, 675x900, good-shepherd-christian-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nope, you all fucking lost.

Kill yourselves, well you will over the next month anyway :)

>> No.56242442

Why my 6628 share cancelled?

>> No.56242443

I suspect that the remaining shills who have been stringing the baggots along and dumping on them over these two years will be taking extensive vacations soon. This is a community project now.

>> No.56242453

Why is Niggerfaggot baking the m threads of he want us to leave so bad?

>> No.56242469

Im starting my ladder at $200k

>> No.56242473

Retail shorts win. Hedgefunds win. Pump and dumper grifters win. Baggies lose. Simple as.

>> No.56242497

ok sure thing buddy. just remember it's only money don't kys seriously i don't want that. just try to learn from this experience and not to be so naive. enjoy your weekend.

>> No.56242502

You died for cancer

>> No.56242505
File: 1.14 MB, 1263x611, IMG_5148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when you heard the news? Based on the condition of the body they could put the time of death around the docket release…

>> No.56242592

The cope from not being able to answer the question of

>does a company who emerges chapter 11 cancel their cusip and reissue

Is palpable

>> No.56242615

>gets an entire thread dedicated to his faggotry

>> No.56242627
File: 352 KB, 800x771, 1696002969800137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the next PP show? I am really interested in the new cope/Goal post moving.

>> No.56242630
File: 58 KB, 727x758, 1696097573557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not the company name, is not the liquidation company name but is in fact the butterfly transaction project name. The downies are seething "really rolls off the tongue" because as the last thread sperg proved they know nothing, when pressed refuse to answer simple questions and when pressed will admit that a company needs to remove its cusip post chapter 11 and is forced to make a new one with a new ticker. Shareholders WILL receive shares if the NOL's are preserved, which from seeing the statement of fee's appears as part of the butterfly transaction process.

Maybe you can answer it then?

>> No.56242634
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x1024, 4d899d238eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with questions?

>> No.56242643

I've never seen so many experts in CH11 refuse to answer such a simple one.

>> No.56242664

>he doesn't know
Just look at >>56241859, they've already moved on. Like locusts. This won't end unless the SEC comes in and rapes them.

>> No.56242667

>questionnigger is really going to do this for an entire thread again

>> No.56242687
File: 65 KB, 850x400, 27-30-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude its almost like they're paid to ignore it. You think someone could really be so desperate and pathetic? Sell out the integrity for pennies on a mongolian hobbyist subforum? On saturday mornings!?

>> No.56242691

Tried watching the pp show to make sense of what is going on but they just talking about timestamps in a Mr. Beast video and how Bill Pulte ate ice cream. I'm not amused by this, there is real money at risk here.

>> No.56242702
File: 33 KB, 318x318, 1482195184650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked shill baggies
Short baggies are done for
It's over
You fuckin lost
Eat shit
>This. Dougshit is a stupid fat cunt

>> No.56242704

>>56242643 see >>56242042
kill yourself deflecting nigger

>> No.56242723
File: 1.47 MB, 498x278, IMG_7140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did more deflecting than he did Niggerfaggot.

>> No.56242727

show me
>inb4 deflection

>> No.56242732

Literally that whole last thread.

>> No.56242734

>doesn't show me

>> No.56242736
File: 63 KB, 1072x1129, 1696098381561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will also ignore this as well


Kek cohen, 9001000 shares of GME originally

Oh look it's the faggot I BTFO throughly last thread begging for you'd again who admitted he knows nothing. Facts and logic once again beats out appeal to emotion faggots.

Now what? What do you think happens? The company is preserving the NOL's which means shareholders must be made whole.

I'll let you mull that over while I filter you because if anyone wants to see a desperate retard they can just check your posts from the last thread.

>> No.56242747


>> No.56242754

>shareholders must be made whole
who's money?
>"i'm filtering you because i know i can't answer a single follow-up question"

>> No.56242768

At what point do you realize that these people are scammers instead of simple retard-zealots. If they truly believed in this crap they wouldn't be already setting up their next pump.

>> No.56242769
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>> No.56242787

Sorry niggerfaggot I'm just not giving you any more (you)s. You made it clear you are a retard last thread so thanks for that but you are the least qualified person ITT to talk about any of this. Your opinion is worthless because it is devoid of not only knowledge but you sperged out about sources you claimed didn't exist, then when given direct sources and quotes you sperged out about the sources themselves.

You are disingenuous as is all your ilk. Facts are

>shares of old cusip get cancelled
>NOL'S are being transferred to successor (lawyer fee statement proves this)
>Shareholders must be made whole for this to happen
>new cusip is coming
>shareholders will receive these
>you will rope

These are just the facts

>> No.56242790
File: 97 KB, 819x180, IMG_1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t baggies ever have a response to this?

>> No.56242796

It’s a Saturday niggerfaggot don’t you have something better to be doing instead of kekking at baggies?

>> No.56242805

Lol we know they're getting cancelled. That's a necessary step of the reorganization why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.56242806

You can keep this act up but it's not very good. If it was on stage I'd be hurling tomatoes at you.

>> No.56242826

Explain this.
I'd really like for you to elaborate on your new ticker. Pitch it to me. Or are you not interested in it now?

>> No.56242840
File: 449 KB, 220x143, 582435735792362467824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a business needs to be running to use the NOLs and it's a tax break to offset future taxes that would be paid on future income, what do you mean 'shareholders receive these'
who is running the 'successor company'
>inb4 cohen ichan pulte
let's say that this schizophrenic fever dream comes true and shares are issued of a new company that will make use of the NOLs
the amount of equity that would have to be distributed to the bondholders before common stock holders see a cent is hilarious, considering that the bonds trade at a literal cent at the moment
>"dude this company will be worth literal billions very soon do not ask me for details on how, it's the NOLs BRO do not ask me what the company will do or who will run it bro stop shilling me"

>> No.56242857

Did you miss the part where it says “extinguished” and “released”? Baggies keep ignoring that.

>> No.56242859
File: 41 KB, 590x442, C-OGsGjVoAALrsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we knew shares would be cancelled all along
personally, i thought it was a typo

>> No.56242866
File: 820 KB, 2441x440, 1696099156911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so there is no kvetching over this, for NOL's to be preserved they must make shareholders whole. If this is as suspected a butterfly transaction then the company is going to preserve them, Butterfly-20230823-DK is not the company name.

>Shills do not know who IEP is and why Carl Ichan is likely involved

I'm not shocked but I believe it is simply more act of pretending to be retarded rather than actually not knowing who IEP is.

>> No.56242884
File: 19 KB, 750x436, 6346793563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for NOL's to be preserved they must make shareholders whole
>do NOT ask me where the money is coming from to make shareholders "whole" (whatever the fuck 'whole' means for shareholders, it's not a bond you fucking nigger... will the $30 baggies be made 'whole'? KEK)
>also carl icahn is buying the company
pic extremely rel

>> No.56242888


>> No.56242890

What’s the baggie cops at this point? There’s a secret unannounced merger? Let me guess, it’ll be public in >2 weeks

>> No.56242896

Sorry niggerfaggot I'm just not able to read whatever kvetching you posting. I don't listen to self declared know nothings

>> No.56242902

You missed the part where they picked which Pokémon everyone represents. That’s really the key to all of this.

>> No.56242910

You got it. Instead of two weeks the date is Monday though.

>> No.56242912
File: 764 KB, 675x900, ppulte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to filter so you can pretend like you didn't get BTFO
how disingenuous

>> No.56242914

They already moved on, if you haven't noticed the change in messaging. You weren't here for the MMTLP pump and dump, but they did the same thing back then.

>> No.56242945

if this stock actually goes to zero i am going to find out where ppseeds lives

>> No.56242956

Austin. He filed for a trademark on theppshow, so his real name will be doxxed in government paperwork soon.

>> No.56242963

Wagmi 80 $

>> No.56242966

based and saved

>> No.56242980

Do you think they explored each other's bodies?

>> No.56242983
File: 853 KB, 1284x1575, IMG_1123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, pp was dumb enough to have Kais file for him. You don’t own it now, PP.

>> No.56242984
File: 69 KB, 677x439, IMG_0480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether Carl is involved in this or not (I think it was always more likely to be him than Cohen), I am excited to see what he’s been teasing. Carl Icahn said he was going to give Hindenburg research, notorious short seller, something they would never forget. If that has literally nothing to do with us, so be it. It’ll still be funny to watch some zoomer new age hedge fund get BTFO by the wrath of a boomer with a few years left of life and a fuck ton of money. I don’t think Hindenburg realized they were strolling into a dragons lair.

>> No.56242988
File: 176 KB, 1242x2208, 1662400511723026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember this hand pp
it's coming

>> No.56242999

In fact, someone can challenge that trademark since it’ll be pretty easy to prove it was in regular use by other people at the time he filed.

>> No.56243022

>bonds became zero
Thank BBBondChad for his cervix THANK HIM RIGHT NOW

>> No.56243028

Oh fuck I forgot about bondchad. He’ll probably get some shares too, though. Or new bonds. Lucky break.

>> No.56243037

>suffered a total of a 10% loss of my small position thanks to the coupon payment
>holding through in case the liquidation ends up paying out something silly like 50 cents+ on the dollar
oh no

>> No.56243038

That would explain why niggerfaggot is seething ITT so hard kek

>> No.56243042


>> No.56243047

If they do get him, I would highly encourage the delusional among us to file a victim impact statement.

>> No.56243054

Careful, he's a hero.

>> No.56243064

you're saying i'm going to get a 100x off the current price of the bonds that i still own
why would i be seething over that kek
i just refuse to willingly be a retarded faggot just because i own a position (that i'll likely still come out with a small profit on) unlike you (who gets $0.00)

>> No.56243068


>> No.56243076

Bets on when Kais will snap and kill PP?

>> No.56243077

I just spoke to a fidelity customer service rep and they said the ticker bbbyq was canceled and no longer exists. I asked if other shares are going be issued to replace them, and he said no.

>> No.56243088

Sleepyheads at the SEC need to wake up. Never early, always late should be their motto.

>> No.56243089

Well that settles it. See you next week.

>> No.56243096

Now that kais owns the trademark, he can sue pp for all the merch money for anything that includes the trademark.

>> No.56243116
File: 204 KB, 666x292, 1696101488907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So rather than address any of what was posted all you seem to do is rail against PP who is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but you need a central hate figure I guess so it's easier to do that than actually discuss the NOL's, which requires shareholders get 50%.

Strange why you would not be able to address any of this but It does appear like the only ones talking to you are shills replying to each other

>> No.56243118

It’s crazy how much you all know about this pp fella.

>> No.56243120

if he doesn’t i know who will

>> No.56243122

Prove it. Call them again and record it. Push it to vocaroo.

>> No.56243125

I hope you called him a fucking shill

>> No.56243126
File: 826 KB, 983x799, 1696101586777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is

>> No.56243127

If they were valuable someone would have bought them.

>> No.56243129

>get shilled extensively both on here and the /gme/ general
Hi PP, kill yourself or let Kais or any of your bagless BBBaggies do it for you. It's up to you.

>> No.56243149
File: 41 KB, 951x465, EEFvyv46C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shares don't exist
Yet I can still see them from the research section on schwab. Sure, niggers. Sure.

>> No.56243156

This settles it. The docket was clearly lying to us.

>> No.56243157
File: 5 KB, 168x300, IMG_7477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get shilled extensively both on here and the /gme/ general

>> No.56243159

the ppshow is getting cancelled in minecraft soon
if you know what i mean

>> No.56243167

>if the ch11 process goal was value maximization then why did dream on me won the auction, despite being the second highest bid?
shills cannot answer this

>> No.56243169

Oh no not the pp show. What will all of you watch?

>> No.56243171

I hope they use a 12 gauge, or at least a .40
I want it to be graphic

>> No.56243184

2nd bid had less onerous terms. The bid price is not the sole determinant of whether a bid is the best.

>> No.56243185

you’ll see it

>> No.56243198

I put a hex on you which will activate if it doesn't happen

>> No.56243200

Stay mad that you were coerced into selling. Doesn't matter what any of your dumb niggers that FUD constantly everyday on these generals. Only two words kek,

>> No.56243207

>implying I held BBBY
I'm just here on behalf of /GME/ and its mega ma'am baker.

>> No.56243214
File: 8 KB, 223x226, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56243217

dougshit cifu, Ken Griffin and steve cohen are about to "kill themselves" in real life, if you know what I mean. And while all that is happening I'll be shopping for a BIG TITTIED GOTH GF!

>> No.56243218

The seething is off the charts about the fact that the company has emerged chapter 11 successfully. Almost like someone short who tried to cellar box a company and got caught out


And boy we got a big ol grizzly with it's dick in the honey jar

>> No.56243222

Oh it’s you. You guys really should’ve got rid of 45. He became a liability a long time ago.

>> No.56243226

>my company is lying to me in court filings
You based your entire investment thesis off of pictures of butterflies, pictures of teddy bears, and video timestamps

>> No.56243234

How much money did you lose on a towel store anon? Be honest

>> No.56243241

They have to figure out how to disable his kill-switch first.

>> No.56243242

>You guys really should’ve got rid of 45
Checked and he's a BBBaggie.

>> No.56243247

I genuinely and humbly kek at you retards now
>You lost
>Stay mad

>> No.56243252
File: 129 KB, 828x395, average BBBaggie post-cancellation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely and humbly kek at you retards now
I have no doubt.

>> No.56243254

You’re forgetting the fact they pulte ate ice cream on live stream. How else do you explain that?

>> No.56243258

There's like 1 dude who thinks he still has a stake in a company itt.


>> No.56243267
File: 273 KB, 1519x1177, 1696102511798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I've seen this one before!

>A shill, stupid and craven, still thinks he can repost a MSM article which omits certain facts like when a company emerges from chapter 11 the cusip is deleted and a new one created

I will now proceed to kek you for your lack of knowledge. Maybe if you didn't get your talking points from other downie retards you might learn something.

>so many 1pbtid's appearing

Amazing isn't it

>> No.56243273
File: 254 KB, 600x500, IMG_7152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56243290

How many teddy shares are currently in your account?

>> No.56243298


>> No.56243301

Everyone I don't like is a BBBaggie

>> No.56243303

>>so many 1pbtid's appearing
You have absolutely no idea how lulzy you are to the 20 actual humans on this board. This board, where retards routinely hold bad bags to negative 99% for years on end, can collectively come together and say
>at least we're not this dude

The company is gone. Dissolved. There are no shares. You have stake in nothing. Grab a fat stack of Enron while you wait 2 more weeks to balance yuppie portfolio.

>> No.56243314

>but shares are in my broker
>dockets are lying
>trusting (((lawyers)))
stupid shillie

>> No.56243318

>a company that literally doesn't exist anymore is going to emerge from ch11 bankruptcy

you guys have to be trolling

>> No.56243321

Weird you seem to suck 45s dick in the other thread.

>> No.56243324

>this thread

>> No.56243326

It’ll emerge alright. In a body bag.

>> No.56243332

Can they even write the loss off on their taxes? I guess if the shares are extinguished, the broker just reports it as a complete loss of cost basis to the IRS?

>> No.56243334
File: 273 KB, 1294x596, IMG_0604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what filings are dropping today for them to have to make the thread this unusable.

>> No.56243336
File: 596 KB, 512x512, 1622941173208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faster these generals meet the reply limit is the biggest sign that the apes are going to moon. We've been getting three-four generals daily now for a week. Hahahaha.

>> No.56243349

You can reduce you AGI by up to 3k in one year and one year only. So the total benefits is [your effective tax rate] * 3k, at best.

>> No.56243355

It's impossible to be this fucking stupid, so I take it as an act and a nefarious one. Otherwise I worry you might kill yourself putting on your socks

>> No.56243360

Yesterday, in a move of unparalleled genius, we annihilated those pesky short positions! That's right, folks, not a single short left standing!

In our quest to destroy the shorts, our master plan was executed seamlessly and by cancelling shares and selling of everything, we won!

But hey, let's focus on the positives here: WE DESTROYED THE SHORTS!

So, gather 'round, fellow members and et's celebrate our pyrrhic victory! We might have lost everything in the process, but at least those shorts got what was coming to 'em!

Remember, it's not about the money or the shares; it's about sending a message. And boy, did we send one!

Now I encourage you to read the scripture the teddy books to see what message Jesus Ryan Cohen has reserved for us for his next master 69D chess move!

>> No.56243369

So baggies - which hedge funds have collapsed since yesterday, since you all won?

>> No.56243388
File: 572 KB, 768x777, 1696103567519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd then lol'd and then lmao'd even

>> No.56243390
File: 43 KB, 977x519, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56243434

I've seen boomer rock collectors pop in here and call bbbaggots a bad word

>> No.56243449
File: 77 KB, 407x620, dickhead doug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
>Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
>Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
>Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
>Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch
>Doug Cifu is a fat baggie bitch

>> No.56243450

You are without question the dumbest mother fucker who has ever lived. And you just keep tripling down on your own buffoonery. I honestly hope you are a shill because the alternative shifts my entire paradigm on how stupid a human being can be and still use the internet

>> No.56243462

>You can reduce you AGI by up to 3k in one year and one year only.
that's wrong, you can roll it indefinitely
>For example, Frank realized a capital gain of $10,000. He also realized a loss of $30,000. He will be able to net $10,000 of his loss against his gain, but can only deduct an additional $3,000 of loss against his other income for that year. He can deduct the remaining $17,000 of loss in $3,000 increments every year from then on until the entire amount has been deducted.
>However, if he realizes a capital gain in a future year before he has exhausted this amount, then he can deduct the remaining loss against the gain. So if he deducts $3,000 of loss for the next two years and then realizes a $20,000 gain, he can deduct the remaining $11,000 of loss against that gain, leaving a taxable gain of only $9,000.
irs is merciful

>> No.56243493
File: 160 KB, 1200x1089, g139db34rfr81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be running on minimal sleep, but this is like the grand reveal in 'The Sixth Sense,' where everything suddenly clicks and you realize Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time. All those butterfly hints that seemed inconsequential? They were laying the groundwork for this moment. In hindsight, its so fucking obvious it’s funny. According to the date in the filing, this operation has been in motion since the '70s, adding another layer to its brilliance. After pulling an all-nighter reading about Icahn, it's clear this is a play straight from his book.
I’m absolutely buzzing with excitement. It’s as if we’ve all been engrossed in this complex movie, and we’ve just reached that jaw-dropping twist. We were right all along, and the energy is electrifying. Now the credits are running and we're finding out who were behind this glorious piece of art. All that's left is that post-credits scene where we’re all billionaires, lounging by the pool in the Maldives, sipping piña coladas - all while the hedgies are rotting away in their cells and the shills are crying because they missed the opportunity to buy before it was too late.
We did it, guys. This is our blockbuster ending, and we’ve emerged victorious. People will talk about this in years to come.
My tits are jacked, Fellas!

>> No.56243494

Oh hi, I see you keep hopping ID's but aren't posting anything of substance. Why is that?

>> No.56243498

Why are you spamming Reddit copy pastas?

>> No.56243509
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>> No.56243534

Weve won and heres why

Were you the type of kid in class that questioned the teacher when they taught something that you didnt feel was correct? Are you a person that thinks logically and looks for reasons why a concept cant be true because of physical limitations?

Thats why we all found GME, RC, and BBBYQ. BECAUSE WE QUESTION SHIT UNTIL IT MAKES SENSE. I was this type in high school and was always made fun of for asking questions. Hell my mother always told me i asked too many questions and to just accept whats happening. ALL THE TIME.

Apes dont do that. We verify, we dont trust. We prove concepts logically using fact based evidence, not using emotions. Weve all found each other through this wild rollercoaster of events thats been happening since DFV bought in. Cheers guys and gals, we all found each other and are going to make an awesome future! FUCK YEAH!!!

>> No.56243537

Spamming Reddit cringe with multiple ids. I’m sure he does it for free.

>> No.56243539
File: 161 KB, 1080x1077, 0fc6c0a341ae377c90b7f878537e17d4b91e0e1ae56d66e0a318078c7726c796_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most annoying thing for me is that all this coping, smugposting and circling butterflies in children books is happening because of like $5k-10k """""investment""""" tops, because the bbbaggots, just like boomer rock collectors and other cultists, are generally destitute
Like if I'd see this level of coping over $500k, I could at least understand, but this is just mental illness

>> No.56243546

I want to give a shoutout to all the spouses who put up with the last 3 years of this saga.

My wife has her hilarious eyerolls about this entire saga.

But she effortlessly listens, and has been steadfast in supporting me in unwavering conviction despite not going down the rabbit hole herself.

She's away for the weekend, and I told her, when you're gone, shit is going to unravel and you may very well come back and life will be different next week.

When she's home, I get to explain to her:

So RC wrote those childrens books that are a hidden metaphor to be a good person and filled with symbology on how this will unwind. The butterflies honey, the butterflies!

She will say "ok honey, the butterflies"

In the words of Bart Simpson:

"Hehehe, when I die I'm going to come back as a butterfly. Nobody ever suspects the butterfly".

"I didn't burn down the school, the butterfly did!"

Cheers to the spouses!

>> No.56243547

>oh hi
Post hand

>> No.56243548
File: 9 KB, 229x220, images 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most sane BBBaggot

>> No.56243550
File: 36 KB, 854x309, gubment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government shutdown has been averted, now the SEC will have to play ball on monday

>> No.56243555

Holy shit this stuff is gold

>> No.56243558

We Did Not Lose. No Matter What Happens Next. We. Did. Not. Lose.

I have some words for those that insist it’s actually “Game Over” To those spreaders of hate and fear-mongering, and especially to those that laugh at us and ridicule us for still believing today, I say this:

Was this Chapter 7? No. Listen to any of the hearings? Nope again. I did. Judge clearly stated that this WAS NOT A LIQUIDATION. This is/was at all times a reorganization, thus the uncommon expediency of the process.

Are the old shares worthless as to BBBYQ? Absolutely. Do the shares evaporate into some abyss? Nope. They will sit on the expert market under the new name, possibly forever, or…until some entity affiliated with 2023930-DK-Butterfly-1 does.

Some entity may like to have those 1.5-2 billion in NOLs. Maybe not. My guess is yes. The sheer amount of work that has gone into this lighting-speed bankruptcy screams yes.

Some of us don’t and didn’t mind a zero occurrence here—it was always a possibility. Still is. When we say “zero or hero,” we actually mean it. Those of you that can’t fathom that notion aren’t our kind of people anyway, so basically, fuck you for being the very type that would lick Kenny and Doug’s ballsack. That’s on you for not having integrity or purpose and your value as a person is wholly dependent on money—and ironically, most of you that fit this mold are probably broke yourselves.

However, a deep read of the filings, taken with the hearings, circumstantial evidence, and perhaps enough craziness, virtue, and fucking bravery to be truly meritorious of a positive outcome when everyone else laughed, indicates something more may still be at play. That window is not closed, despite what you think to be true by taking one final filing at face value and without a comprehensive understanding of the bankruptcy laws that to this date still allow for a non-BBBYQ entity to do whatever the fuck they want within those constructs.

>> No.56243573
File: 19 KB, 335x208, meltdownie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds

>> No.56243577

kek baggies

>> No.56243600
File: 46 KB, 680x609, 1648313651952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit the short baggies are huffing the copium HARD today lmao

>> No.56243609

They have become the copium

>> No.56243616

Shills are ANGERY, lol.

>> No.56243622


>> No.56243623

they keep multiplying. They can't even make us sell its the weekend what's the point?

>> No.56243625
File: 302 KB, 1024x1024, BBButterflY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56243636

very nice anon.

>> No.56243639

>She's away for the weekend
common baggot jej

>> No.56243643

To be fair it's mainly just one known troll who's shit at his job

>> No.56243663

I do enjoy reading these.

>> No.56243665
File: 616 KB, 1129x665, 1695574920429010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I've never referred to the people trying to get you to sell as "shills" as those were typically people shilling their shitcoins/scams over the past 8 years on /biz/. I still don't get why baggies will call people shills. They would be FUDsters or fudders, etc.

>> No.56243682

What does everyone think will happen Monday? Any chance of Butterfly hitting $1000 on the first day? (It's going past a million dollars per share btw). I'm gonna get some tendies from raising canes right now. I'll brb :)

>> No.56243710

Yeah I don't get it.

>> No.56243723

There's nothing left to FUD though. The shares were cancelled and we're getting new Butterfly shares. The only FUD they can use for the next 41 hours is "nuh uh ur shares don't exist!" Then the only thing they can say after that at market open is "uh oh, baggie! you better sell now that it's at 30 dollars and that's the ATH!" and by friday the shills will be saying "IF YOU DON'T SELL AT $10,000 THE WORLD WILL BE DESTROYED AND IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!" These threads will be going so fast that moderation will be impossible and reading the shill comments will become impossible as well. it's going to be really a beautiful sight.

>> No.56243733
File: 97 KB, 597x591, IMG_0478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but those words sound gay. So I’ll keep using shill. Kek word police.

>> No.56243746

will we be $BUTT or $BTFL? i hope we make it as buttchads

>> No.56243749


Gotta love the Saturday morning ardent concern knights trying to dismantle conviction for my investment after its already allegedly been canceled. Then appearing unhinged when basic follow up questions are asked and pretending to be chapter 11 legal scholars that come out to my anime forum when markets are closed on the weekend. Almost like they're afraid of Sunday night or Monday morning. Weird.

>> No.56243764

This can’t be a real person. Can it?

>> No.56243777

I wish I could explain exactly what it is about your posting style that makes you so easy to spot. I can spot it from the next galaxy. Quite a quandary. Fucking 45. You should have given up a long time ago.

>> No.56243778
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, 1696105473263704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a picture of where the shills are coming from.

>> No.56243780

I think the announcement will drop tomorrow. MOASS starts Monday. No halts on OTC. Someone did the math a while ago about how fast the algo would have to buy.

>> No.56243791

Ok but no one is falling for your act

They are raiding reddit 24/7, they have been spamming comments on the 2 towel stocks subs and live chat since friday literally non stop. Imagine that, doing that for free for "fun" while not understanding how CH11 works and hoping we don't either.

See the above retard, it makes no sense whatever their latest tactic is, their shit flinging is all I need to know. Why their hate subs haven't been shut down I don't know (i do know, we know who the downie mod is, a literal citadel employee)

>> No.56243862

You wasted your digits on accusing me of someone I am not. I'm one of the Christ posters. Which, it's not too late to right your ship.

>> No.56243872

Whatever you say 45. There is no such thing as wasted digits

>> No.56243876
File: 128 KB, 763x763, 1633759394478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the intention was to discourage me, this would be the worst thing someone could say in such a situation

>> No.56243878

So you guys aren't a big believer of Occam's Razor, huh?

>> No.56243883

I don't actually know who 45 is, despite people bringing it up in these threads.

>> No.56243945

Interesting how they drop and ID after a few posts, then post verbatim some of the same things here as they have been on reddit despite being BTFO with facts and logic. It's almost like they have no plan and are in damage control mode. I think what I'll do, is like most companies that emerge from CH11 is wait for the new shares to be issued.

If any shills can refute the fact the company is NOT liquidated, will be changing their cusip and shareholders must be made whole for thr NOL'S to be preserved then I might listen but none of you have a coherent argument outside hysterical autistic screeching whataboutisms and false equivolancies.

>> No.56243948
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>> No.56243966

kek dougies, kek domosissies and most importantly - kek bump baggies

>> No.56243983

Ah yes DOMO capital, the famous "WE DID THE DD ON GME FIRST!!" Claimers.

I'm pretty sure they have been debunked in the comments.

>> No.56243991

Wait for the weapons grade delusion debunking based upon a a 3 year old tweet about beach towels.

>> No.56243994

You schizophrenia is terrible fren. That anons posting style doesn’t match 45 at all.

>> No.56244017

Thanks anon.

>> No.56244023
File: 24 KB, 1158x156, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so confident in their thesis that they don't allow for the opposition to respond. Truly we have been BTFO.

>> No.56244047
File: 29 KB, 613x331, 1696108715478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek a pair of hedge fund shills talking to each other

Also comments have been disabled on their BBBY tweet kek

>featured in Gamestop : rise of the player

Lol imagine being that much of a Dave Lauer kek

>> No.56244053
File: 292 KB, 1024x1024, BBButterflY__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56244090

Even if it weren't a weekend, how would they convince anyone to sell all their shares for a grand total of $0? A snowballs chance in hell of getting any money out of something is still better odds than deliberatly selling shares for no profit. It's not like they can go to negative money.

>> No.56244092

Kek yeah utter clowns. Stand by your convictions after all it should be able to withstand scrutiny.

Methinks they are short lol

>> No.56244096

>comments have been disabled on their BBBY tweet
I know this may surprise you, but they're probably not interested in 20k all caps Pepe Silvia tier replies from a legion of under-medicated reddit zoomers with a combined zero dollar networth.

>> No.56244110

There are no more short positions (or any positions for that matter) since all shares were extinguished.

>> No.56244111

Then just don't reply. We do it to you guys all the time to deprive your (You)'s. It's pretty easy kek

>> No.56244126

kek baggies

>> No.56244139

Baggies will never have a taxable investment gain to offset though

>> No.56244141

Smartest retard on the board

>> No.56244150

>has to be approved in the senate first
I'll believe it when the deal is done and signed after the senate votes on it.

>> No.56244183

It will certainly pass, although Rand Paul will likely object to a UC passage. There maybe a very short shutdown if they have to hold a full vote.

>> No.56244190

It’s interesting to see the posting slow down on this thread and pick up in the gme one.

>> No.56244226
File: 251 KB, 1024x1024, _92730340-5cd7-49a1-adcc-b0fd86566435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56244228

Almost like there is a large overlap between the posters in both threads. Meltdown fuds both and most bbby longs hold gme

>> No.56244237 [DELETED] 

I have always found it odd that Raditz came looking for Goku when +20 years had passed since he was sent on his mission. Why didn't he come earlier? I mean, he never had the curiosity to see how things were going for his brother? My theory is that the Sayans didn't know of the existence of Goku (even Raditz didn't know) and that when they discovered it (maybe in some archives about planet Vegeta) they came to Earth looking for him. What is your take guys?

>> No.56244248


>> No.56244249

Lol angery shills

>> No.56244255
File: 270 KB, 1996x1581, 1696110630503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad that we're going to be millionaires after BBBY flips to BUTTERFLY on Monday.

>> No.56244259

C’mon. Is it just me or is Shin like Michael Scott after Sabre bought out Dunder Mifflin? He was the highest ranking Kai, and this guy has no idea what’s going on. In the Buu saga, he had no idea about anything going on below his realm. He didn’t even know about Dragon Balls?! Elder Kai seems to be about the job, he was not having Dragon Balls. Shin seems incompetent, but I can cede that it’s because he was left without any sort of management training or even references for how to do things. I love Shin, but man in this watch through am I seeing him fall short as a “Supreme” Kai. Also he didn’t even know what the Potata did. Like c’mon.

Please someone prove me wrong.

>> No.56244262

I was sad this all is ending, but sears schizos STILL believe they are gonna be rich. So don't worry, baggies will keep on providing laughs for our amusement.

>> No.56244263
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>> No.56244277
File: 121 KB, 1000x1500, pool's closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56244370

It's a real person, whether they're genuine or not is another question.

>> No.56244387

No halts on OTC, just saying. Algo will algo.
I love Raising Canes sauce.

>> No.56244401

I've asked shills on here, reddit, and twitter to give me any sort of DD on shorting since they believe this is is truly at zero and gone. All I get in response is this snarky Adderall soaked quip in response usually.

>> No.56244419

Sure, but how fast can the algorithm go? A dollar an hour? a dollar a minute? a dollar a second? I don't think anyone really knows. Like I said, i'm really hoping for 1000 per share on the first day because I'm going to sell 10 shares so I can get some quick creature comforts like a new PC, a recliner and a PS5.

>> No.56244438

>what is your short thesis
*presents SEC filing from the company that says the shares are worthless*
>no not like that

>> No.56244486

It'd probably start jumping to different psychological breakpoints for price in the absence of any liquidity. The first big one will be a dollar, then five, then ten, and so on and so forth. It'll take a bit to start hitting true meme numbers, but in theory it could just jump to them instantly.

>> No.56244530

I think it can go to $1K easy. MMTLP was trading at $4K on second level on it's first day when it was halted.

>> No.56244538

I know NYSE does their NBBO~LULD dance for pricing and halts, but for OTC I haven't the foggiest idea.

>> No.56244539
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 00183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negotiations begin at $6900 per bobbyfree.


>> No.56244542

No halts on OTC. Just look at what happened to MMTLP. Jumped to $4K and they U3'd it. This baby is gonna fly. Sell in batches.

>> No.56244556

I was referring to initial price discovery the exchange does at the top of the trading day, but ya I feel ya on the wheels melting off this train as it flies to the moon instantly. Because the buying pressure would be shorts trying to not die/get margin called on EVERYTHING on the way to closing.

>> No.56244580

Every shorted stock is going to explode in tandem as hedgies lose their liquidity.

>> No.56244597
File: 494 KB, 1556x1660, h45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you guys are back on the fever dream calculator game bullshit. The exact same thing the GME baggies were coping with after they missed the boat.

How many playstations can you buy for $0.00 per share?

>> No.56244608

I'll honestly sell 30,000 shares right now for anyone offering $15,000,000. I'll take BTC/ETH as well.

>> No.56244610

This right here. There will also be many other cheapies to slurp as margin liquidity is filled up. I imagine a lot of people even with stacklet size portfolios will be able to confirm trades out of their reach during all of this, if they're inclined to.

>> No.56244641
File: 76 KB, 1792x828, baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56244657


>> No.56244665

Will you take 1 monkey nifty rightclick?

>> No.56244669

>500 a share
Why when they could just stack the bid at 420 and take advantage of the meme number in everyone's heads? Wouldn't be surprised if offers like that start getting entertained in the coming weeks tho. I'd meet a representative for a brokerage or firm in the local police stations parking lot and cut a deal for my own shares if it was a good enough deal.

>> No.56244711
File: 101 KB, 563x662, dismasTrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right click only brings up the context menu for your browser, what do you plan to do? you mean left click, dumbass! so you can filter me.

>> No.56244728

We'll have to see. it's exciting either way
I'd be a multi millionaire after taxes if it hit 4k on the first day lmfao. But if it can hit 10,000 dollars, it can hit a million dollars, so I'll only sell what I need for electronic fun stuff to wait a week and look up different vacation destinations.
lmao shill nigger. Your post wasn't in vain though, because you should know that I will be buying a 5'1 Haley Williams 18 year old look alike to travel with around the world.

>> No.56244735

>filter me.
Who the fuck filters people on 4chan.org/tard/? Are you taking this stupid place serious and expecting high quality dialog about your make believe shares in a non existent company?

>> No.56244778

What the fuck is even the point of these threads?
The stock is genuinely dead

>> No.56244801

The point is to make sure you're still around us so we can dab on your malding hindu faggot ass.

>> No.56244803

What happens to a cusip when a company emerges out of CH11? Answer me that

>> No.56244835

There's like 1 or 2 guys who think the shares being extinguished and the company being sold for scrap is a qanon plan to issue them new shares worth one global derivatives market each... or something equally retarded.

Mind you, this was a popular store in the 90's that sold designer toilet paper dispensers to women in their 50's.

>> No.56244854

>What happens to a cusip when a company emerges out of CH11
Whatever was agreed upon in court. In this particular case, the company's assets are sold to cover as much debt as possible and the share holder owners can go fuck themselves per the publicly available documents.

>> No.56244865

What company do you see emerging?
>no stores
>no inventory
>no money
>no employees
The only thing I suppose that is worth anything are the losses for tax credits, but that’s offset by billions in debt

>> No.56244892

Jump into the call and use your voice you spineless nigger.

>> No.56244896

As an ape, I have to say that if this doesn’t moon on Monday, I’m definitely joining any lawsuit against pp or pulte. And I’m never watching pp again

>> No.56244898
File: 275 KB, 637x756, 1650913507257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i've seen this one before

>> No.56244919

>admitting to actually watching niggerseeds unironically
anything less than >>56243159 and you're a fucking pussy

>> No.56244932

in 1 week some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on
in 1 month some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on
in 1 year some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on
in 10 years some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on
in 20 years some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on
in 30 years some people will still believe in a miracle. Other baggies will have moved on

>> No.56244959

They must actually have a Jannie on payroll.

>> No.56244961

I don’t play minecraft though. Does he have a server set up or something? Bedrock or Java?

>> No.56244970

We do, we try to get someone in every time applications open up. GME has like 4, and it allows them to ban shills. We only have 2 currently, I believe.

>> No.56245004

Just remember. Monday = $250-500 / $BUTT share (which are traded 1:1 to BOBBY shares)

>> No.56245060

Can someone explain the whole butterfly thing and it’s connection to GME like I’m an uneducated darkie?

>> No.56245081

Shills are trying to say they had to change their name legally. But that’s bullshit. It’s a merger - it’s the name that teddy is doing business as to stay a secret. It’s all over the teddy books.

>> No.56245113

Checklist for the next levels of grift

[ ] There is a secret plan submitted that hasn't been revealed to the court yet

[ ] It could take a week of so for everything to work out, but shorts r fkd!

[ ] The government shutdown meant that the SEC couldn't process the merger, but this wall of text about bankrupcy has the words "30 days" in it, so it is fine, we have 30 days before we get our shares.

[ ] The real play is GME, lets talk about that a lot, and how great RC is

[ ] Ok, so we didn't get our shares within 30 days, but look, this other big wall of text about bankrupcy mentions "90 days", so it is all fine, to the moon!!!

[ ] Why do you keep talking about BBBY, stop trying to distract everyone from how great RC and his best friend in the world Bill Pulte is, SHILL!

[ ] We knew BBBY was always a long shot, we told you that right from the start. But this *other* bankrupt company is definitely going to be the one. HERO OR ZERO!

[ ] Please donate to the stream

[ ] Oh, and we don't talk on reddit anymore, it is overrun by shills. Please join us on our private platform when we can completely control what you see and what you can post, and where noone else can check on us

>> No.56245139

every time I refresh, the shills increase holy shit we are close to the finish line.

>> No.56245156

You don’t own any shares, why do you even care?

>> No.56245162

they will give me one butt for every bobby I have, and do it auto. I wont have to do anything except watch my portfolio increase in the millions by monday - you'll see. Just keep watching.

>> No.56245164

>how great RC is
What the fuck has he even done that has benefitted anyone but himself and his cronies?

>> No.56245166

You don’t have any bbbyq shares.

>> No.56245172

He liked Putle’s tweet before, ok!

>> No.56245179

Hey baker can you make sure to include the BBBY logo somewhere in the next OP pic? I will make your life a living hell if you refuse

>> No.56245200

Actually overstock owns that IP so you would have to ask them permission

>> No.56245206

That logo is now the exclusive IP of another company, though.

>> No.56245227
File: 2 KB, 353x104, hJGAWb5b39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56245253

Oh, you don’t know yet. I’m so sorry. Your shares were canceled yesterday.

>> No.56245290

then why are they still on my broker?

>> No.56245314

You’ll have to take that up with your broker. I’m just a bankruptcy attorney.

>> No.56245317
File: 377 KB, 1178x684, RDT_20231001_0211384017136701259250908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've been told that the shares are worthless and extinguished. Why would anyone borrow them?

>> No.56245326

All I want to know is why do you keep telling me they're nothing when my broker shows them AND the $ value of closing market friday
answer this shills and i'll concede
do ya need a fucking GIF created of it?
>Shares are VISIBLE on schwab
>Shares have VALUE on schwab even if it's low

>> No.56245331

He won't refuse, he just won't read your comment lmao.

>> No.56245358

Try to trade it Monday and find out for yourself I guess. It's been extinguished just like the company said it would. Do you think that was a 69d chess move?

>> No.56245365

I'm just in denial because it's all visible on my broker. Just refreshed the page and it's the same. I guess I'll find out Monday.

>> No.56245381

hey retarded baggie faggots,
when are you getting rich then bitch?
told you so

>> No.56245418

Learning about Dunning-Krueger is the first step to curing it…

>> No.56245439


>> No.56245446

the last step is minecrafting pp

>> No.56245490

>baking at 270

>> No.56245559

Okay so BBBY/GME merger into Teddy with other companies

>> No.56245709

You are not getting anything in the reorganization. If you owned any BBBYQ you get nothing.

>> No.56246202

To remind you what an idiot you've been.