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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 700x465, George-Soros-God[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5621157 No.5621157 [Reply] [Original]

Quite the opposite.

Do you know what people are buying Ripple with?

USD? No. Eth and BTC.

Do you know who holds most of the ripple in this world? Who's selling it? Banks.

What we're witnessing is the reversing of the massive wealth transfer.

The banks KNOW that they can't kill Eth and BTC, now they need to get as much of it as possible. They don't want to pay full price.

Their plan?
Develop XRP, Hold most of it.. artificially manipulate the price by bidding it up, $2, $3...
When retards think it will keep going $4, $5... they are trading precious LIMITED decentralised Ethereum and BTC... for a shitcoin that can be printed on a whim.

In the end the banks will win. They will end up holding most of the Ethereum and BTC.. You will end up holding most of the XRP..

and that's when Macafee's prophecy will occur. BTC will head to 1M, Eth to $500k per coin... and you'll be holding Ripple, basically pegged to the USD valued from $0.5 to $1.50 per coin.

Rich always get richer anon. Even if you start out with more money than ((them))) theyl'l end up with more money than you.

>> No.5621203

this makes sense

>> No.5621232

>printed on a whim

It cab be burned on a whim, but never created. I would like to see your sauce on that.

>> No.5621355

To put this into a clearer perspective, let's assume BTC is already 1M per coin, and Eth is 500k.

Given this The BTC/XRP rate is

0.00019639 BTC.

This means for each ripple you are actually paying the banks $196.39 future dollars to buy it. It's only selling on the market for $2.78 though.

Every time you trade BTC for XRP, you are giving away $194 dollars PER XRP.

The Banks are GAINING $194 PER XRP.

You don't think (((they))) became the wealthiest group in America by working hard do ya?

>> No.5621444

It's controlled by Banks. These people bribe/kill politicians/presidents for profit.

IT's centralised so it can be CHANGED on a whim.

If I wanted to change Ethereum I need to go to every mining node in the world, and suck their dick so they use my fork.

If I wanted to change XRP, I need to threaten the lead developer / Bribe him, and it's done. The only 'trusted' nodes on the network are owned by Ripple labs, which is in-term owned by the banks.

You are deluded as FUCK if you think they won't change the rules on XRP the MOMENT they see a chance to profit more, or avoid loss.

>> No.5621453
File: 45 KB, 350x362, Dear_4e7411_491630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto isn't even really mainstream, and yet, the majority of the market are god damn fucking niggers. There's no hope.

>> No.5621524

>implying I wont just buy the dip of BTC and ETH after I exchange my XRP ATH

>> No.5621537

Just hold Eth and BTC.

The niggers will end up like always being poor niggers dependent on welfare holding XRP whining they were 'tricked' out of BTC by the white man.

The Jews will always hold the nigger's money, and point the finger at the white man, claiming he stole it.

The white man is in a unique position though to do the smart thing, see deception for what it is and ignore it.

HOLD BTC, HOLD ETH. The jews will be wealthy by eating dumb niggers like always (slavery)... but there's no reason you can't be wealthy with them.

>> No.5621538
File: 207 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is the future of digital money. Bitcoin is dying. Merchants are dropping it and users no longer use it for payments. It's nothing but a speculative bubble now. PoW is a broken garbage that relies on inflation or outrageous fees.

XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.

>> No.5621608

Haha "Dip".

If they're selling you XRP, and holding Eth/BTC.. what makes you think Eth is going to "dip".

XRP will start to fall, Eth will start to rise. Youl'l start to hold XRP hoping "Il'l sell it when it goes back to the ATH!".

Next thing you know XRP will be $1. Eth will be $1200...
And GOD help you if you don't liquidate at that point and transfer 100% into Eth or BTC and accept the jews scammed you.. because once they hold Eth/BTC.. they aren't going to give it up.

>> No.5621631

XRP is open source, they cant create more coins. its supply is limited and its power to use the reserves it locked monthly

and even if its true XRP value will be more than 10$ so its not a bad deal either

>> No.5621636

Yeah, I guess you're right. And it's not that I don't understand (mountain jew here, so...). It's just that... well, I won't change my prayer any time soon.

>> No.5621673
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>> No.5621703

Actually an interesting theory.

Let’s assume you were part of the banking industry and felt threatened by the rise of crypto as it was a direct competitor to your industry, what would be the best way to take it out? Are you sure they wouldn’t just use the government? We know they’re in bed with the regulators.

>> No.5621739

Perhaps, but true wealth will be measured in BTC, Eth.

Let me give you an example.

There is a currency now that is accepted EVERYWHERE. Almost in every country you can take this currency out and buy anything with it..

Must be a good currency right? Better invest in it right?

Pic related.

There's a reason BTC and ETH are so valuable. They are a natural resource. They can't be synthetically made/printed. You either own it or you don't.

Ripple is not like this. IT is centralised which means if you control the Ripple Labs company (which the banks do).. you control Ripple. You control the AMOUNT of ripple, you control the value of Ripple, you control the burn rate, you control everything.

No one controls Ethereum or BTC. This is why the banks are so eagerly trading XRP it.

>> No.5621872

Get into the crypto business, hype up some shitcoins, make everyone getting in debt to buy some, then crash the whole market to zero, followed by foreclosures, mass suicides etc.
A bunch of new and deeper indebted slaves, and getting rid of the crypto threat by having the government ban them or put them under bank supervision, so that this tragedy can't repeat itself.

>> No.5621886

You can't regulate it across countries. The US might shut it down and slow down BTC, but i think they fear that in the long run like every other BTC crash it will just recover.

Furthermore if other countries don't follow suite and ban it, then they just shot their own economy in the foot by banning the global currency.

Why not just BUY all the bitcoin and own it? These people are rich and want to stay rich. They make money by owning the next big thing.

Normally that's companies, natural resources etc.

This Crypto thing caught them off gaurd and they want a cheap way in now. XRP is it.

XRP is worthless as fiat of course, but the fact that people are trading Ethereum and Bitcoin for it at the moment makes XRP worth a lot.. and what do ya know... banks hold the majority of XRP at the moment.

>> No.5621975

Even on the ripple subreddit you have a guy posting a link to the chain where 1 wallet purchased 450 million ripple.

That's half a billion.

Who the fuck has half a billion? Even whales dont gamble that much.

>> No.5621999
File: 273 KB, 966x500, wkLIyAK[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remmeber, there is a room full of jews RIGHT NOW looking at this graph and thinking:

"Alright we own a majority of the USD, how can we convert it into the most possible BTC for this new economy, clearly we FUCKED the dollar by printing it into oblivion, we need to make sure WE get a lifeboat/cruiseliner in this new economy."

>> No.5622028

>Do you know what people are buying Ripple with? >USD? No.
You're right, it's actually KRW. Also please stop with the reddit spacing.

>> No.5622034

I bought XRP at 10 cents, I don't care OP keep pumping it.

>> No.5622127
File: 37 KB, 560x441, FA938A4B-D2DB-4941-8266-58EAB7B96ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I ain’t buying XRP

>> No.5622145

only good piece of advice I've ever gotten from /biz

>> No.5622180

i dont really care as long as i make money

>> No.5622184

Only thing God knows which of the 3 they use when they decide to pick a winner. Hope it's ETh

>> No.5622230

So I am safe, if I am one of "them".

>> No.5622312

This is the quality I come to biz looking for

>> No.5622336
File: 131 KB, 714x552, 1512781808058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one man who can save us.

>> No.5622366


I took your post seriously until you started talking like an 8th grader. Like come on man, you were doing great, then all of a sudden nigger jew slavery nigger jew white man jew white...

>> No.5622389

btc will never be 1m per coin

>> No.5622392

You can't fight city hall. Might as well join in and make a buck.

>> No.5622393
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We don't deserve someone like him. :(

>> No.5622421

Yes. The bait and switch. Exactly.

>> No.5622464

never trust them u they will backstab u

>> No.5622512

They would use it to their own advantage or lose the position of power to others

>> No.5622525

Good point, a lot of crypto hype is from the East Asians so you couldn't just regulate it out of existence from the US.

Probably some large banking firm

>> No.5622527

You take a risk holding XRP.

Do what the Banks are doing and SELL XRP, for BTC and Eth.

Look at the transaction volumes, where do you think all this XRP is coming from?

The banks that had it from the point it was created.

They are selling it and you're giving them precious Eth/BTC for it.. They will NEVER trade it back to you.

If you want Eth/BTC you now need to scam your fellow man to hold the XRP bags (because lord knows the banks aren't going to want that worthless shit back).

Now if the Banks are holding Eth, and BTC and not selling, how high do you think the price is going to go in 2018?

This is how Macafee's 1M BTC and $500k Eth happens. But it's not YOU holding the BTC and Eth. You're holding the worthless XRP for $1 lmao, while they are holding the Eth/BTC and are back ontop of the economic ladder in the new economy.

This is how the rich stay rich. We likely won't have another opportunity in the next century to be wealthy like this again, and you traded it for 10x XRP gains lmao.

This is how to think about it.

Assume BTC is 1M already. Whenever you buy XRP with BTC, you're not trading $2.78 for it, or even $1. You're trading the fragment of a 1M dollar bitcoin.

In current prices that's $194. You are trading a $194 coin for a $2.5 piece of shit.

>> No.5622594

You're retarded. Get more sleep.

Why do you think the banks want all the ETH in the world to come out on top in the "new" economy...

Yes, like the banks will put all their eggs into a coin developed by an autistic money skeleton

>> No.5622601

>japan moonspeak says to do this
>banks say do that
>groups are saying put a little in all of them

Which one is it you sacks of shit

>> No.5622657

bitcoin will never be 1 million. stop posting this retarded shit. if youre so jealous just buy in now, ripple is going to 10 dollars guaranteed, probably much higher.

>> No.5622663
File: 8 KB, 306x164, toobright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you anon? teach us your ways

>> No.5622695

Banks are washtrading, selling their own XRP and buying it back at inflated prices. They will crash it with no survivors.

>> No.5622717

The Banks CONTROL the Ripple organisation.

The Ripple orgnisations 'official' nodes CONTROL ripple. They CONTROL what the coin is.

They can print more on a whim, they can do whatever they want should they feel like it. They can conceal it as well.

You know what they can't do? They can't print more Eth or BTC. They can't change the Eth protocol, they can't confiscate your Eth from your private wallet. (YOU fucking BET if push came to shove they will legislate the Ripple company to allow governments to access ripple wallets).

Eth and BTC are like natural resources, eg. Gold. They're decentralised and no matter how much you bribe someone, how much you threaten to kill his family, shoot him in the kneecaps, disembowl him.. you can NEVER change the Eth protocol or BTC protocol. Not the same with Ripple.

>> No.5622748

Il'l buy in with BazingaCoin maybe. Because that's probably all ripple is actually worth.

But Trade my Eth BTC for jewcoin Ripple? Hahaha What am i an idiot?

>> No.5622752

what do you have to say about blockstream being basically bankers behind bitcoin?

>> No.5622769

Do you ever think banks are successful because theyre smarter than you. You fucking idiots losers spewing your baby dick clown nonsense like this, you arent supposed to have money, you dont know what to do with it.

XRP is staring you in the face giving your pathetic basement dwelling ass a chance to get in the ground floor of the future and you come up with this.

>> No.5622794

you can trade it back for btc when you have more gains.

>> No.5622954

fuck off pajeet, nobody is buying your shitcoin

>> No.5622999
File: 693 KB, 1201x2109, 20171229_210526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out for size. This was weeks ago too.

>> No.5623009

>t. mr Shekelsteinberg

>> No.5623022

From who though?

If we split the world into two groups. Jewish Banks that have a LOT of fiat, and NO crypto..

and the crypto community made up a large number of low-middle-upper class individuals with varying amounts of crypto...

If the banks swap XRP and hold Eth/BTC... who are you going to sell the XRP bags to?

The banks? They don't want it anymore, that's why they're selling it to you.

You have to scam your fellow man to get your BTC back, the BTC you gave the bank is theirs now.

In essence this is just a wealth transfer from the low-middle-upper class back to the Banks/Jews that missed out on getting into crypto when it was $2 or $20.

Someone loses, and it's going to be you or someone like you, Someone wins, and it's going to be the Banks.

>> No.5623054

Let me start off by saying not only do I hold no ripple, I hold no crypto.

However an acquaintance of mine is a higher up at Ripple. If you guys wanted me to ask him one question what would it be?

>> No.5623063

You missed my point.

My argument is Ripple is worth about as much as Bazinga coin when push comes to shove.

>> No.5623083

it can be created. their code allows for the creation of infinite tokens (including other tokens other than XRP).

>> No.5623088

If there was a bug in the ripple protcol, how would they fix it?

The answer to this question will tell you everything you need to know about Ripple.

>> No.5623143

I agree with OP. The fact that even minor shitcoins are getting pumped right now for no reason is very telling. Bankers are luring fools into parting with their BTC/ETH, in preparation for the 2018 bull run

>> No.5623159
File: 149 KB, 1200x900, 73M6T6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best thread in a long time.....

I'll share my ex wife's picture for everyone to wank over as a small gesture of thank you.

>> No.5623178

This is a far stretch you weenie

>> No.5623187

hot, any pics of her pussy

>> No.5623192

Dumbass. Bitcoin is dead. You lost.

>> No.5623208

post more or giv sauce

>> No.5623211

Lmao buying it back. Banks aren't buying back XRP.

They are trading it for Eth/BTC.

EIther they buy Eth/BTC at $14k for BTC, and $700 for Ethereum.. (Which will skyrocket once they start actually buying it on the market)..

They develop a shitcoin, Hold 90% of the supply. aritificially inflate the price with a few small buy orders until it hits $2/3...

And now every dumb nigger wants to trade his Ethereum and bitcoin.... For a coin they ALREAY HOLD 90%, and they didn't pay a cent to do it.

They basically get huge amounts of Ethereum and Bitcoin for free. That's the scam.

They don't care about Ripple, Ripple is a shitcoin. It has about as much use as the USD.

"Oh but it can transfer money across borders"..

FUCKING PAYPAL CAN DO THIS. I can go RIGHT FUCKING NOW< and buy a polish dildo in PLN, without TOUCHING ripple...

So what's the use case again?

Ripple has one use case. TO be held by banks, pumped in value, and then swapped for Etheruem and Bitcoin so Banks can hold the majority of Eth and BTC, that is its sole purpose.

>> No.5623235


>> No.5623250


Back to /pol/

>> No.5623256
File: 50 KB, 620x330, the-wolf-of-wall-street-matthew-mcconaughey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are some proper fucking milkers my friend

>> No.5623258

Ok I would be willing to ask, but if he asked me to elaborate Id feel like an idiot because I know nothing about the ripple protocol.

>> No.5623262

>core fag
>can't get with the time

>> No.5623285
File: 415 KB, 1600x1005, 10-corporations-in-america-control-everything-that-you-buy-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin might be useless, but it still allows you to purchase any OTHER crypto currency you want. Same with Ethereum.

These two coins hold the value of every other coin in them.

Once the banks amass BTC and Eth, they can buy out the majority of any other coin they want. XRB, NEO, SIA, whatever the fuck. They will again end up as the 'ownership class', that owns 99% of all crypto buisness.

It will be this image all over again, but this time in cryptospace, which hitherto has been resistant to jewery.

>> No.5623359

you core fags sound like a bunch of boomers that can't let go

>> No.5623403


>> No.5623480

So what do I buy

>> No.5623500


>> No.5623522

XRP will be a Use Case in how to launder huge sums of money in a short period of time.
Hi Iran!

>> No.5623529

When a man with experience meets a man with money, the man with experience walks away with the money and the man who had the money walks away with experience. - Vitalik Buterin

>> No.5623554

>true wealth will be measured in BTC, Eth.
yeah lol measure wealth with a standard that fluctuates +-100% every week LEL

>> No.5623572
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cripple is fiat currency

>> No.5623575

And how do we know you're not a fucking kike trying to get everyone to dump their ripple so you can buy all it up?

>> No.5623599

Posted this earlier i had to go and lost the thread if it did go anywhere. I would say thats black pilled op. They cannot stop the free movement and storage of wealth.
Let me educate you retarded ass faggots about something this isnt about idealism or politics. If you are investing in ripple you are investing in the demise of current cryptocurrency itself.
Bitcoin is the reserve currency on the exchanges, its not perfect but it the DECENTRALIZED KING of cryptocurency thats why they blew it up through the media, and now talk about ripple nonstop. To create a fake bubble in bitcoin with normie faggotry hype and then pound the end of bitcoin down peoples throats. Bitcoin is not a perfect king but a fair king; bow down, until a new decentralized scalable king comes close to power. Guess what happens when ripple gets close to the top they go on coinbase, start making deals with all of the exchanges. THEY become the new reserve currency of crypto. They inflate crypto and do insider trading to kill crypto as we know it and turn it into the faggot market. No more large returns no more privacy total tracking of all transactions and taxation possibly. The second bitcoin falls to ripple this will fuck you hard mark my words. Give into the kikes now and lose everything or fight back and protect bitcoin.


>> No.5623606

Comone, you are listening this stupid fuck with conspiracy theory and 100% predictions in crypto? Who the fuck will use BTC with those fees and large energy if they don´t improve that.

>> No.5623622


So what you're trying to tell me is buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) and invest into something real that will help the world for the better?

>> No.5623626


thanks OP just sold 100k

nah for real though I bought into ripple and then sold it for a slight profit. FUCK RIPPLE

>> No.5623683

you are the one sounding like a pc sjw 8th grader lol

>> No.5623693

who gives a shit i 10x ed and am looking for the next moon.

>> No.5623711

>ground floor
deluded extreme

>> No.5623729

i mean, ripple is good for profit right now, but you only need to go on thier website to see why what he says is worth thinking about. i am not saying hes right, but they dont make a secret out of the the fact that 90% of xrp is owned by the company (ran by people from the banking and online transaction sector) and banks. there even is a pie chart on their page that specifically says it.

>> No.5623765

bunch of jealous boomers who didn't buy into ripple at a few cents and where told to buy BTC
fuck wall street
fuck BTC
jews street does BTC futures but BTC is not the jew money

>> No.5623772

Thank fucking god this board is waking up.

>> No.5623797

As of right now. What will happen to BTC price when you can purchase ripple or doge or shitcoin straight from fiat?

>> No.5623833

ethereum and raiblocks imo. but do your own research.

>> No.5623839
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This should be stickied.

>> No.5623864

i want my lambo my mansion and to gtfo if ripple does it so be it.

>> No.5623865
File: 345 KB, 2048x1536, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you trust this faggot?

>> No.5623882

What's the opposite of a butterface?
I'm guessing she's like 50, got the face of a 35 year old and the tits of an 80 year old

>> No.5623960
File: 81 KB, 600x631, 1508204215545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, but what power do we have to prevent this scenario from unfolding exactly as you have described it? We have been blowing the whistle on this project since launch but normies are practically foaming at the mouth for this shitcoin.

>> No.5623969

pajeets are FUMING that their shitcoin pnd schemes are being ignored
so they spam this anti ripple shit lmao

>> No.5623985

picture looks like it was taking in the 90s
i'm guess she is 20+ years older now

>> No.5624005
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i fucking hate my generation...

>> No.5624008

I tried to warn people about doing business with the Juden, but all they could reply with was "muh money lol stay poor fagot".

>> No.5624014
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I'm actually invested in a few, for a lack of a better word, "fringe" hypothesis. For example, I think there's a global syndicate of pedophiles. I think the Las Vegas shooting was linked with the Saudia coup. Along with some other alternative theories on 911 and the United Nations.
Look.... The simplest explanation for XRP is that blockchain technology is proving to be very powerful. A coin with a stable market value to act as a medium between international currencies will improve multinational trading.
I don't believe this coin is going anywhere near $100, nor even $20. It'll be a stable one digit number that'll just hang around. If you're going to make some money off it the time is now.

>> No.5624017
File: 9 KB, 270x187, GOYIM SCUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than this

>> No.5624021

that's not your wife i've seen this posted before in milf threads for years now

>> No.5624030
File: 390 KB, 800x800, asheesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeets are FUMING
>pic related is basically ripples vp

>> No.5624033

They will dillute ur shares bro. Once they get bitcoin its over. OP is right too but its both possibly. Your blind greed will take you nowhere but misery long term.

>> No.5624057

> Hahaha What am i an idiot?
Anon, I...

>> No.5624103
File: 6 KB, 295x171, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't some huge conspiracy at play here. XRP has "bank" as a keyword and mostly everyone associates banks with money, so they're buying it. The same thing happened with eth, except there were less normies and the keywords were "smart contracts" and "autistic genius".
Seriously if you believe (((they))) are smart enough to pull this kind of shit you're really out of touch with reality

>> No.5624114

Let the normies die

>> No.5624118

I'd say spread the word about it being a shitcoin and bring positivity and spirit back to the Ethereum and Bitcoin communities. This is about building a future now of true economic freedom for the people. Control the memes control the planet.

>> No.5624129

>LIMITED decentralised Ethereum

o I am laffin

>> No.5624163
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They've done this several times already. They're called "amendments" and are essentially irreversible code patches. Every 256th block, ripple validators vote on whether or not to patch themselves with any outstanding patches. If 80% of the network agrees, it becomes part of the standard.
You're also wrong about Ripple only running validator servers. They're run by dozens of large, international institutions. Microsoft, MIT, Google, etc. are some of them.
You are right that the banks are behind this, but you aren't going far enough in your realization. They were behind BTC as well. They were behind the very idea of cryptocurrency, which goes back decades.
Please do more reading, anon.

>> No.5624172
File: 682 KB, 1280x720, 1514354628551.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ctrl + f the word "jew" "pajeet" or "nigger" and realize how braindead retarded /biz/ has become.
They're not saying this shit with irony anymore /pol/ has literally melted these kids brains into a puddle whose closest comparison is an 80 year old dementia patient from the south.
If you're wondering why you've been here for so long yet your gains are no where near where they should be this is why.

>> No.5624176

Have you ever read a history book? OPs thoughts are almost exactly what they did during the french revolution and gained domination of the market.

>> No.5624187

it aint

>> No.5624194

fu they do this shit all the time. coinbase is there little monkey. BCH then ripple kill the name kill the use. Checkmate, fightback or fuck off.

>> No.5624220

There IS historically precedent.

Look up Rothschilde and the battle of waterloo. This is something out of their playbook word for fucking word.

Manipulate the market, Then buy up the resources once everyone thinks their worthless, then go back to pretending nothing happened (except you now hold the majority of the most valuable resource).

I can see it happening before my fucking eyes.

Fuck them.

Not this time.

>> No.5624221

yes. look at his tweet on toxic profit whores. he knows.

>> No.5624248

I've seen this posted verbatim twice now.

>> No.5624268
File: 371 KB, 797x796, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I wanted to change Ethereum I need to go to every mining node in the world, and suck their dick so they use my fork.

No, you just need to ask the devs nicely.
Just like what happened after the DAO breach, or the script kiddie massfreeze incident, or...

>> No.5624277
File: 48 KB, 398x398, FEDF9767-781C-4E1E-8A5A-47806262AA10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5624281

>Seriously if you believe (((they))) are smart enough to pull this kind of shit you're really out of touch with reality
not saying OP is correct, but people like you are at the bottom for a reason. your inability to proper credit the opposition is one of your biggest weaknesses.

>> No.5624287

And the key to their scheme was that no one understood what they were doing. It's a very rare event, btw. There's a 99.9% change you're wrong on this. Think on that.

>> No.5624288

Well for starters there's nothing you can do. Second of all if this is what (((They're))) up to... HODL YOUR FUCKING BITCOIN MAN

>> No.5624293

never sell assets. shitcoins yes not assets.

>> No.5624310

International currencies don't fucking exist. That's the scam here.

What you think they'd rather put USD into a crypto, represent it with Ripple, and then cash it out on the other side?

You DO realise that banks at this point just lend money INTO and out of existence?

There is nothing physical to transfer. The Ripple doesn't REPRESENT anything.

If a Bank really wanted to transfer 500M Euro into USD you know how they do it?

They put it on an exchange and the trade gets done in under 5 seconds.

Ripple brings an unnecessary abstraction to the system.

That would be harmless normally 99% of coins are harmless but pointless abstractions.

The difference here is Ripple is pre-mined and owned by the banks massively, and they've managed to trick a huge number of people into handing over Eth / BTC for this scam coin.

>> No.5624321

these kikes in biz will sell their own mothers for nothing more than 10% gains, live in their lambos, and still shit in the streets. Your words are but a fart in the wind here.

>> No.5624325

schills. theyre paid ignore them.

>> No.5624339

>You are right that the banks are behind this, but you aren't going far enough in your realization. They were behind BTC as well. They were behind the very idea of cryptocurrency, which goes back decades.

Not true, otherwise they wouldn't have been trying to step on BTC every few years.

>> No.5624354

I want everyone to know who is passing by this thread: its true

>> No.5624360

>IT's centralised so it can be CHANGED on a whim.
This is why it has potential. The hard supply limits of currencies like Bitcoin make them ultimately worthless, a pure speculation vehicle, because deflationary currency would be a disaster for the world economy. If Bitcoin ever threatened to take over governments would simply stop it, with popular support. If you think they couldn't you are wrong.

>> No.5624367

100$ billion market cap. Under 12 hours. I predicted 24. 5$ EOY 2017 500$ EOY 2018

>> No.5624375

That did spawn a shadow abandoned child ETC that still shows up to parties TODAY and embarrasses everyone.

The Devs didn't choose that btw, the Community did.

>> No.5624386

Even the government wants to hedge against
the banks and the oil/war lobby.

It is a sea of competing interests,
none of which is in your best interest.

>> No.5624391

I know bro, but we must keep spreading the truth and the memes.

>> No.5624425

There's a 99% chance that.. Bitcoin, a currency that is decentralized controlled by no one, and un-printable...

Is going to be worthy to trade to essentially electronic USD, that is Printable, controlled by a central authority that can be bribed/threatened, and that the banks ALREADY own most of?


>> No.5624434

Crypto is over, the banks won with XRP and people don't even realize that it's happened.

How ironic that that the technology that was meant to free us from the oligarchs has been handed to them on a pre-mined platter shaped like a fidget spinner.

>> No.5624448

we need to lobby exchanges to drop ripple.

>> No.5624464

Oh my god that's fucking genius
Do you understand how many politicians want to listen to bass equalized NSYNC songs through their buttholes while on the hill????

>> No.5624479

Why bet against the Jew.

Should've invested with them. It's not to late.

>> No.5624513

You need some self-awareness. You've gone to far down the rabbit hole. Believe me, I used to be there.
Always remember one thing: no one is actually in control of the world. You are, unfortunately, looking at a chaotic mess that is influenced by a lot of powerful backers. By all means, it's very sensible to understand what (((they're))) up to, as understanding what other players from around the world are doing. But the global "Rothschild Zionist" syndicate doesn't exist. I'm sorry.
You've tapped into something though, there is a phenomenon atm. People are trading their BTC/ETH for XRP. Which is a bad move long term. Ffs man, make some money from it. Hodl your bitcoin.
Don't get caught in the rabbit hole for to long or you'll really blow some chances.

>> No.5624536

Well that is a given, Xlm is great!

You won't get your Lambo and mansion with ripple, and you are ensuring that everybody after you doesn't either.

>> No.5624542

>Crypto is over, the banks won with XRP

dude. calm down.
XRP goes on a relatively small run and your screaming about the sky falling and shit.

>> No.5624564

>99.9% chance of jews not jewing
How could you be so stupid? You are like a news anchor standing in the middle of a street during a riot saying 99% chance blacks won't even loot while it's literally happening on camera behind you.

>> No.5624567

>Ripple shilled in Fortune 3 days ago
>Ripple shilled in normie media
>sudden spike because of muh banks
>seeing all the normies flooding in
>not realizing you are being manipulated
I came from crypto to avoid banks and normies. When 3 normie fucks I haven't spoken to in over a year suddenly hit me up asking me about Ripple, a coin not even on Coinbase I sense that (((they))) have finally found a way to capitalize on the craze. I expect even more crypto news in mainstream media in 2018.

>> No.5624590

bitcoin isn't decentralised u fucking idiot

>> No.5624596

>free (((us))) from the oligarchs
>so (((we))) can become the new oligarchs with far greater wealth and power
No thank you. I'll take the current arrangement if that's alright with you.

>> No.5624597

Hah, right. And Trump wasn't supposed to be president!

>> No.5624605

Exactly why ripple 500$ EOY 18

>> No.5624620

Do all these tards screaming about Jews not realize Ripple has been in development since 2004, 4 years before Bitcoin was even invented? Those Jews are mighty powerful to conspire to kill Bitcoin before it ever existed.

>> No.5624656

OHHH BOY bunch of ppl got PAJEET'D by ripple

>> No.5624660

There's no overreacting. Just look at the volume and market cap of this thing. It didn't just go up a little bit, it went up over 10000% in a month. The banks went all in on their boi and the normies followed.

>> No.5624663

>ripple going anywhere past two digits US
You're more deluded then OP

>> No.5624714

>banks give you fiat
>trusting the people inflating your wealth ever

>> No.5624740

>conspiracy theory
Don’t let the door holocaust you in the ass on the way out, Schlomo

>> No.5624771

>Who the fuck has half a billion

You under estimate how rich some ppl are anon


You act as though destroying the dollar wasn't the plan all along. Parasites will just move to the next host once the current one is dead.

>> No.5624782

Don't underestimate (((them)))

>> No.5624798
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It's going to take some serious meme power to keep the masses from taking the bait and escalating this whole situation out of control. Your average normie investor likely isn't considering what their investment means for the future of crypto. 9/10 times they will choose a profit for themselves today over a decentralized future tomorrow.

>> No.5624799

all these butthurts faggot that didn't x20 gains on ripple
stay poor
keep on believing that crypto is anything more than a away to turn 5k in 2million over a few months.
ripple will last and will go up even higher but i cashed out as a millionaire and that was my goal, to be a millionaire after taxes.
other then making me a millionaire I could give a flying fuck about crypto.
now it's time to go buy a house in the middle of nowhere and live off the interest
enjoy your cuck lives

>> No.5624803

>giving fiat to banks to buy their imaginary money

>> No.5624820
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thank you pajeets

>> No.5624836

even to the richest person, half a billion is 1% of his total wealth. 1% however assumes that he has that in actual fiat, which most dont have. or do you think people like buffest or gates hoard fiat currency? almost all thier money is in assets. be it real world or stocks. meaning: half a billion on crypto in a an actual fiat currency transaction is a lot of money even for the richest individuals walking the earth.

>> No.5624869

Right with you anon. Have fun out there.

>> No.5624879

I'm not saying destroying the dollar wasn't part of their plan.

I'm saying now that it's dead they're looking into how they can get onto the new coin in the best/fastest/cheapest way possible.

They can either hit the exchanges and buy up all the Ether/BTC (pushing the prices to 100x in the process).

OR... they can develop a premined shitcoin to swap out for huge amounts of Ethereum and Bitcoin, essentially getting it for free (because they premined the XRP).

Retards that have No understanding of Forex bank-bank exchange, or how money is handled in the real world will buy into it thinking "HMM YES YOU CAN USE RIPPLE TO TRACK THE FUNDS ACROSS BANKS!"

This isn't a problem banks have... It's not like one bank is going to scam the other bank by taking the money out of the trade window in the last second. It's a retarded idea. Money is 90% electronic these days, the infrastructure for transfers is ALREADY instantaneous, and the prices are GOVERNED by the banks themselves, there IS no transfer fee lmao.

Ripple doesn't sovle any problem other than the problem of how to move Eth/BTC from the goyims pocket, to the chosen people's pocket.

>> No.5624896

> giving imaginary money
> created by banks
> to banks for other imaginary money
> watching the new imaginary money multiply 100x
> "but it's imaginary"

>> No.5624900


I guess once you own an asset you can never sell it right? Even then i guarantee you they have at least a few hundred million lying around for just this occasion.

>> No.5624935

FairX and XLM is the hero we need.... USD to any crypto will help somewhat....

>> No.5624961

Pajeet. Shit the fuck up. You're retarded.
The point of ripple is to replace swift transfers.

The network saves 30% using XRP saves an additional 30% compared to swift and stinky linkies.

Banks and Jews back it because it saves 60% in fees to transfer money. It's that simple.

>> No.5624984

back to plebbit, cuck

>> No.5625029


Which can be done without the XRP token.
Which ((((is)))) being done without the XRP token.

>> No.5625049

>fuck wall street

And you're buying ripple you stupid nigger?

>> No.5625071

So I bought into XRP this morning and sold it off when it peaked at 19k sats. Does that mean I dumped my bags on foolish anons? Does that mean I have become the Jew?!

>> No.5625082

What we really need is brick and mortar stores that accept crypto, and deal 100% in crypto..

Funded by ICOs, and profits redistrubted to token holders.

This will kill the dollar, kill the boomers, kill the jews, kill the banks and restore the middle class to prosperity,.

Enough fucking ICOs about head-in-the-clouds tech startups.

Do people not realise right fucking now they can create 'cornerstore coin' recieve 100s of million in funding, open up corners stores that accept crypto and fiat.. transfer the profits into crypto directly back to token holders... and use the investment as a self-propelling vehicle to build more corner stores?

The same could be done with websites, factories, swimming pools, You can litearlly own fucking anything.. and bazingacoin is the best you can come up with?

And now you're squandering even that giving all this power back to the banks?

I fucking pity this generation.

>> No.5625101

Doesn't the realization of this use case also assume that banks will update all of their legacy systems on the back end to work with the new technology? It just feels like a bunch of dinosaurs trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

>> No.5625116


Dude it can be done with 0 fees lmao.

You're literally deleting numbers from one database, and adding numbers in another database.

As LONG as your talking fiat and NOT decentralzied crypto that's all itl'l ever be. It's as free as the banks want it to be.

Ripple isn't going to help.

>> No.5625119

Assuming all this is true, what's going to stop the reemergence of a global decentralized currency that then proceeds to devalue all the banks newly acquired BTC and ETH?

>> No.5625152
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He took the memes literally!

>> No.5625153
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Selling buying shitcoins to the moon

>> No.5625167

Plausible deniability.

>> No.5625171

Basically, you cucked your fellow man.

I dunno how you feel about it, but in the world Vitalik is speaking of, we should stick together and delete the jew, then we can squabble amonst ourselves once he's dead.

But if we fight before that he will divide and conquer and wel'l all be slaves working 40 hours a week for 60 years of our lives.

Decentralized crypto is a way out. It is impossible to be a parasite with Bitcoin/Eth.

You can't lend money you don't have, you can't charge interest on moeny you don't have... you can't print money.

That's their 3 big tricks, without those they are dead.

>> No.5625177
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>> No.5625187
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yeah...like 80% of population on this fucking planet actually want to get rid of the bank understand the tech behind blockchain.

they are in just for the money

>> No.5625191

see here you filthy kike >>5623009

>> No.5625195

Do the jew bankers understand technology? If they do they won't be trying to acumulate BTC anymore since Core devs sabotaged the project.
Maybe the bankers are behind it too, meaning they already chose something else that is not BTC?

>> No.5625217

I know retards that own millions in bitcoins. They would never be allowed to own this much wealth if the jej had their way.

>> No.5625219

The only reason crypto is gaining traction in a world that already has a global, electronic currency (USD) is because crypto is decentralized. Now that BTC, and ETH to an extent, are becoming established, a new currency won't gain adoption unless it brings some significant technological improvement or is somehow forced upon people by a government.

>> No.5625240
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fuck, OP is right

>> No.5625261

Well I'm willing to cuck my fellow man, but only for my own gain. Not for the gain of bankers. Sorry guys... I won't piss upstream from my own drinking water anymore :(

>> No.5625270

banks have no incentive for crypto currencies to even be a thing. do you even realize how big the forex market is? its like 4-5 trillion a day. money already moves at lightning speed right now, crypto doesnt offer a bank a single thing. all it does is be an alternative to fiat which is controlled by banks. i really dont get why you people think that a crypto currency could ever be in the interest of the banks.

>> No.5625294

Once they own enoguh BTC (I'm talking hundreds of thousands of coins).. they can buy and sell whatever crypto project they want because BTC is the gateway.

Then it becomes that old case again where jews somehow own 95% of all business.

Except this time itl'l be crypto businesses aswell.

>> No.5625308
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>selling XRP buying ADA

>> No.5625328

Pretty spot on.

Good job.

>> No.5625379


Any reason to not hold XRP til Coinbase starts offering it aside from it being jewcoin?

>> No.5625392

no buy the shit out of it while you can
op is a fucktard

>> No.5625417

Most people are retarded

>> No.5625431

most sensible thing ive read all night

>> No.5625449

>or the script kiddie massfreeze incident
I'm going to have to see some source on that, last I recall there were only rumours of a fork but nothing was actually done about it.

>> No.5625461

Poats like this make me cry inside that despite being rich I wI'll never have a woman like that staring at me wanting sex

Fuck my genes all I want is a qtwaifu I'm going to kill myself desu

>> No.5625485

You are wrong, stop spreading FUD. You clearly haven't read anything about XRP, their contracts, the process, the goal, etc... it's been in the top 3 market cap for a while now, and it got pumped because of some hype and BTC, LTC, and ETH turning to shit. You are so wrong it isn't even funny. I hope nobody is actually listening you your 16 year old angsty youth rant about shit you know nothing about.

>> No.5625514

Even if Bitcoin takes a day to transfer money from one account to the next it's still potentially 7 days faster then Fiat to fiat currency. He can take upwards of a week or more to transfer money from America to Germany America to Russia or America to China. You need to read more about crypto you know absolutely fuck all. Banks are absolutely shiting themselves because they didn't get in this sooner. Every Banker blog I read provided there telling the truth is fatally aware that while this will be a gold mine for the people who get in on it it will be a bloodbath for those who do not.

>> No.5625527

XRP isn’t worth 1 satoshi.

Fuck off with that centralized shitcoin propoganda.

>> No.5625563

3 mining pools control BTC you dolt. They can crash it whenever they want. Banks are not trading XRP, they are partnering with Ripple. Ripple has contracts to release the full amount of XRP over a course of 48 months. After which ripple coins will decline by .0000001 ripple every transaction. You would know this if you literally went and read about them for 5 minutes.

>> No.5625585

XLM is the only coin that can stop XRP.. it’s not owned by them and it’s better. Plus FairX. I hope to god XLM does good.

>> No.5625587

You're clearly not a software developer or a person who understands how cryptocurrencies work. That's not an insult just an observation. Please listen to Andrea Antonopoulos lectures if you're a new to this, they're great introductions to the philosophy of decentralization

>> No.5625598


greedy pajeets don't get it

they're about to be fucked over by the banksters again

>> No.5625624

they have smart contracts that sell their holdings at 1 month increments. in 55 months they'll have 0.

>> No.5625654

is ripple the dump scheduled for this weekend?

>> No.5625666
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>Put your currency under bank supervision banks never fail.

>> No.5625667

Sorry sweetie, xlm is

>> No.5625692

If you don't know what the difference between Blockchain tech and PayPal is, then you seriously don't know anything about crypto. Not even the basics. You sound schizo to be honest, and I'm worried about your health, you are here ranting about n*****s and jews and shit. Get your head together, go for a run, sober the fuck up, and quit playing with crypto, it's rotting your brain, kid.

>> No.5625723

Wait, why would they buy up another coin. You just repeatedly said they'd never do that. If they own the coins, and nobody wants them but them, then they'd be worthless. Your logic is extremely flawed and sounds like someone peaking on acid stuck in a logical fallacy loop.

>> No.5625753


>> No.5625793

>Self censoring nigger
Please leave

>> No.5625805

>sell Ripple
I will when it gets to $100

>> No.5625827
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>the infrastructure for transfers is ALREADY instantaneous, and the prices are GOVERNED by the banks themselves, there IS no transfer fee lmao.

But thats fucking WRONG you pajeet retard fuck. Those 2 reasons are the entire reason for Ripple's existence.

>> No.5625832

He's saying if they own Ripple (which in this case is overvalued) they would trade it for bitcoin, which would be undervalued - there would be a big shift in the market and things would start moving back in favor of btc

>> No.5625833

Ripple is privately owned. XRP however, is a decentralized digital currency.

>> No.5625909
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These gooks are gonna pull out at the slightest rumor or price movement. They're 30% of the total Ripple volume right now.

>> No.5625924

Does anyone here know about the the 55 Billion escrow?

Yes there might be 55 Billion more XRP in 55 months but there will never be more than that, at which point XRP will be a store of value too.

>> No.5625943

This, nobody understands, humans are still so primitive, sometimes I want to cry for the plight of humanity

Everything could be fixed theoretically but people just want to watch TV

>> No.5625945

nope, that would be if you bought at 1 cent. You are just a mild profit taker

>> No.5625969

Ok OP let's assume you might be correct. There is still a 50% chance you're wrong. I will hedge my bets and use Fiat to buy BOTH BTC/ETH "minerals" and actual XRP. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history and I won't funnel valuable mined resources to (them). This is the sensible path to take.

>> No.5626130

>Do you ever think banks are successful because theyre smarter than you
Uhh no sweetie banks are successful because they have a monopoly on currency and can print it out of think air to lend to the goyim at interest.

>> No.5626152

SO buy ripple now and swap it before the banks do?

>> No.5626195

No, boycott it and stop being a good little goyim falling for their traps

>> No.5626201
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Don't listen to OP
Buy all the Ripple you can, goyims!

>> No.5626323

they have used gold for centuries and with gold they: lent more money than they had gold, charged interest on it and later started printing.
They can do all that with btc, give it time. Thats where alt market enters, XRP could be their digital fiat and btc gold for now, though they would prefer to do away with.
They probably own a big % of btc already to do whatever they want with crypto.
You are good a thinker but you need to learn history. Some things havent changed in centuries, methods and procedures stay the same. Just different markets. They have us by the balls with money even crypto. True disrupting and lasting change wont come from digital money or other technology but from the people and its will. This shit is pure greed there is nothing more to it its what drives the whole market, and nothing good will come off it but profits for some.
BTC will never become widely used neither as store of value or currency due to its hoarding nature. Why spend or sell something that keeps going up, unless nobody wants it anymore.

>> No.5626372

that coin is worth more than some countries, anon

>> No.5626539

Fun Fact: The Ripple project PREDATES BITCOIN, Development started in 2004 for the original version. It looks like some cryptonerd got wind of the idea and decided to make some modifications and get it out before the others did.

>> No.5626547

Nazarov is a jewish surname

>> No.5626562


What makes you think all of us normies aren't going to do the exact same thing?

>> No.5626579

Fun fact: Crypto existed before cryptocurrency. I could post some asinine facts, but I'm not going to pretend that's relevant in any way.

>> No.5626593

Do we know about the initial/original plans for ripple? Or did something, something change at some point, for some or the other reason? Just because A predates B, doesn't mean that A couldn't have changed at some point to counter B.

>> No.5626634

Nope, it's a Russian one, more specifically, Rurik.


>> No.5626653

>he thinks, people with hundreds of trillions who own almost all the assets in the world are stupid.
Just kys already, you dumbfuck!

>> No.5626664

>goreans hold 30% of world XRP supply
>rothschilds collapse XRP and bring gorea to a halt
>kim takes this opportunity to launch attacks on south

>> No.5626665
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It is something to think about, moving FIAT -> BTC -> XRP it's the one in the middle that holds the most power. I'm a brainlet but it does seem like it is a sublte power play to get the threshold coin that acts as the shore line between the real life money and virtual.

This also is something that is echoed by big investors like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger that the best opportunities to acquire is when everyone is crying about the red and sell when they are elated. I'm still wondering what move I'll do before 2017 is up and the tax reform is in effect. Lots of temptations everywhere so there's a lot to consider.

>> No.5626717

>But the global "Rothschild Zionist" syndicate doesn't exist
Are you saying that both Rothschilds and Zionists dont exist? You are delusional.

>> No.5626730

This is why i didnt buy this trojan horse piece of shit

>> No.5626745

Just diversify. Why is that so fucking hard?

Just be honest. The people posting here are just trying to make some money. We are not part of your revolution

>> No.5626773

you are the ones buying the top right now not selling. You buy thinking it will go to $5 or $10

>> No.5626853

You guys need to wait for the dip. This shit is so pumped at the moment

>> No.5626870

its called pump and dump, no need to overcomplicate stuff. It can be done with 1m marketcap shitcoins to multiply thousands or with top tier 10b xrp if you wanna multiply millions.
The end is the same, you will get dumped. Never buy after a huge pump

>> No.5626963


Wow the globalist government banking system subverted crypto by offer a super Pajeet coin, no shit Sherlock.

>> No.5627275
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>> No.5627302

not decentralized
IOU trading on ripples servers

>> No.5627390

creating Ripple is literally printing money only now it was literally free and now you're giving them fiat for it lol

>> No.5627543


How much do they pay you to Correct The Record?

>> No.5627555

so what the fuck do we do

>> No.5627562

Buy ripple, get gains...swap for ether or bitcoin...fuck (((them)))

>> No.5627614

dump ripple, bank are controlling this shitcoin

dont forget to pay your taxes

>> No.5627701

does xlm has the same scheme to?

>> No.5627728

no. look at the leadership & business contacts of XLM (IBM, Paypal, etc)

XLM is a tech endevour
XRP is a bank endevour

>> No.5627756
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also xlm is about to break, buy now while it's cheap

>> No.5627768


xlm is the same shit, so avoid

>> No.5628075

Do you even know how automated clearing houses work? Bank transfers at every level rely on intermediaries which necessarily include transaction costs.

>> No.5628475
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OP, I have valid information to contribute to this thread if it hasn't already been mentioned yet. Go look at ZCL on CMC and delete this thread immediately after. All current BTC should be poured into ZCL for the BTCP forking. It may be our only choice against ((them)). Right now it's flying below the radar for normies, shills, and TPTB alike. Once BTCP is secure, it can be a true untraceable store of value and hedge against Ripple. And I agree with all points made by you. There are many shills in this thread attempting to discredit your keen observation. Is this feasible for the "core" community?

>> No.5628557

You had me going till this post.

>> No.5628591

ACH is cheap and is only needed when one entity doesn't trust another entity. Instead, everyone trusts the clearinghouse to settle the transaction. XRP shifts that trust to whoever is operating the XRP chain you're working with. Transactions are close to free in the most naive sense, but factoring in risk cost it really isn't worth it. You're still in a partial trust system, but now the currency you're using to settle transactions is volatile. Why would you use it?

XRP solves literally nothing.

>> No.5628757
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Why? Because its a big number?

>> No.5628797


Finally. A decent thread.

>> No.5628980

Imagine this scenario. Bankers want land for sugar, a land tied commodity. They convince a small island nation to sell a country 'they represent' a majority of their land.

They do so with the nations own currency. Which, after they own the majority of the land, is now worthless. They then make everyone transfer everything into a currency they control.

Look at Hawaii, then look at BTC and ETH, then look at XRP and think.

"On Jan. 17, 1893, Hawaii's monarchy was overthrown when a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate. The coup led to the dissolving of the Kingdom of Hawaii two years later, its annexation as a U.S. territory and eventual admission as the 50th state in the union."

>> No.5629111

You were doing so good until this post.
>muh jews
>muh dumb niggers
>muh white man
Go back to /pol/.

>> No.5629126

Meanwhile XLM silently moons for the 3rd time today. Have fun with XRP.

>> No.5629217
File: 51 KB, 977x539, dump on 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Billion XRP is to be released from escrow Jan 1st 2018 at 9 AM, what do you think is gonna happen ?

>> No.5629569

You must be the dumbest fag here

>> No.5629809


xlm is the same shitcoin ripple is

>> No.5629998

>Look at Hawaii, then look at BTC and ETH, then look at XRP and think.

this is why i won't buy this shitcoin.

>> No.5630264


interesting, thanks anon

>> No.5630355

where's the proof?

>> No.5630441
File: 201 KB, 463x459, IMG_5405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having served in the military, I know that cryptographic tech is a staple for many operations in the modern world and has been for over thirty years at a minimum, and has been developed, implemented and improved by governmental organizations especially mil intel. It's not far fetched that whoever Satoshi is or was could have been actually been the same entity known as "deep state". It's not just rich oy veys, but rich oy veys with their hands in the gubment cheesecake. I imagine to them this quid pro quo would be too much to pass up. Perfect opportunity to put a leash on cryptos.

>> No.5630484

ripple is a pure niggercoin, everyone knows that

>> No.5630556

I fear that they dont.

>> No.5630568
File: 169 KB, 1000x1189, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hodling BTC and ETH and made gains with it
>Also made mad gains with a shitposting of XRP

Feeling comfy here

>> No.5630640

someone buy this beer a man, hes on to something

>> No.5630677


yes OP that theory is interesting but let’s not get into the tin foil hats so soon.

XRP has risen because of huge investments from banks and the like which are buying up now preparing for the end of Jan (jan 31st) when transfer trails complete.
These trials will be announced a great success and the flood gates will be open for XRP to transfer bank $.

The total market cap of crypto will increase in 2018 immensely (5-10tril). BTC and Eth will remain with high valuations but projects like Ripple that succeed and are rewarded by the market will emerge, it’s inevitable great projects will rival BTC and the top coins.

The fact you are all salty because you didn’t see the potential of XRP and signs is laughable.

Keep playing with shitcoins biz, 2018 willl be the year of coins with real use and deliverables.

>> No.5630755

>tfw you're living in the middle of the great crypto wars of the 10's

>> No.5630830
File: 498 KB, 1400x1400, STS281D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandpa, did you really have an entire milli-BTC...?

>> No.5630894

>he thinks everyone in history was completely retarded and kicked jews out of their countries for no reason
>he thinks anti semitism is an actual thing and people hate jews for no reason
jesus, you're such a conspiracy tard

>> No.5630932

>small run
>marketcap is literally 100 bil

>> No.5630947

This man gets it

>> No.5631019

I feel like Ripple's claimed circulating supply is severely inaccurate or big holders have signed agreements that they are not allowed to sell. This shit would have dumped hard by now.. But no, this trash will never crash, and will stay at the top of the market cap.

>> No.5631025

Tfw XLM becomes the new btc and ripples market caps inevtiably gets funneled into stellar's

>> No.5631061

fuck off shill

Ripple (the corporation) hold 60% of the supply. They have way more power over XRP than the fed has over the dollar.

This is a trap, i hope everyone who buys into this coin dies, they are in the way of freedom, selling out the vision of satoshi for a bad chance at a quick buck

>> No.5631062

Excuse me sir, you clearly do not know what you are talking about, or are talking out your ass cuz you wanna shill. Either way, no bueno

>> No.5631075

someone just dumped 2 million

>> No.5631107

Ripple being a company made employees sign agreements about only being able to dump $USD value worth each week.

>> No.5631192

how do people get this coin (outside of exchanges) if it can't be mined?

>> No.5631237

>selling out the vision of satoshi for a bad chance at a quick buck
nobody gives a flying fuck about satoshi
everybody cares about making money

>> No.5631284

>Tfw XLM becomes the new btc and ripples market caps inevtiably gets funneled into stellar's
Stop. My benis can only get so erect.

>> No.5631287

i care, i am sure there are others...

>> No.5631308

we stand together brother

>> No.5631344

But you're not making money Anon.

BTC is the gate-key into the crypto world. If you hold BTC sure you don't hold a fast transferring cheap currency...

But you hold the ability to purchase into whatever ICO at extremely low prices. This is what is valuable.

This is why BTC will hit 1M. It's a gatekey to purchasing ICOs.

Imagine you had 500k USD, and wanted to purchase a shitcoin. You'd need BTC, if you flat out bought BTC, you'd shift the markets massively meaning you'd get far LESS BTC.

You need a way to convert USD into BTC (or just get BTC for free) without shifting the prices how do you do it?

Ripple ofcourse, pre-mine that shit, throw a few million to lift the prices a bit, normies jump in happily trading BTC (which will be worth $1M per coin for XRP which you literally got for free for signing up to the platform.).

End result:
Normies that wanted to be rich are left poor with XRP worth $1-3.

Banks are left holding BTC and Ether (ya know the thing they CAN'T print themsleves, and we're too old and slow to buy into cheap).... Worth 1M and 500k Each.

>> No.5631351
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] DanMachi - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.28_[2015.04.13_13.02.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year 2017
>supporting the coin that practically shits on satoshi's vision
>supporting the coin that (((banks))) practically control

>> No.5631366


>> No.5631392

>baby dick clown nonsense

>> No.5631399

I feel like all of this is Jew hating FUD on 4chan. Could be wrong, all I know is I bought in at $0.55 and don’t regret it currently.

>> No.5631407
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1510034996261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the faggot that said BTC will never hit 10k?

>> No.5631424

hello (((faggot)))

>> No.5631436

You gave them one currency they dont control an infinite amount of for another currency they control an infinite amount of

>> No.5631447

..the devs themselves you dumb nigger

>> No.5631459

>XRP has risen because of huge investments from banks and the like which are buying up now preparing for the end of Jan (jan 31st) when transfer trails complete.
>These trials will be announced a great success and the flood gates will be open for XRP to transfer bank $.

You really think the banks would buy that muh into XRP, a system that isn't much better than their current transfers systems?

A system that is MUCH MUCH less profitable that forex arbitraging currency transfers between nations?

You think that banks transfer 20USD into EURO for your online dildo purchase?

Banks buy 5 Billion USD paying ~4.5 billion EUR for the sole hope of flipping it for a massive profit. Ripple flies in the face of this. Banks would NEVER do a majority of their foreign exchange using ripple.

>> No.5631463

XLM is going to offer a fiat/xlm pair. It will be easy to change that.

>> No.5631499

Why would banks buy into ripple when they could just own all the ripple from the start?

>> No.5631518
File: 23 KB, 480x360, ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5631569

Here's the thing, BTC is the only reliable way at the moment to ACCESS almost every single ICO on the market.

These are young fresh tech companies in a completely new sector.. There are 100000%s of growth that the jews are missing out on by not being involved.


Because they can't buy BTC from an exchange in the quantities they want it without pushing the BTC price to literally 1M per coin. (What they're actually doing is revealing the true worthlessness of Fiat).

Think about that for a second. They have printed so much shitty currency held in their funds and banks.. that if they were to try to buy something ACTUALLY LIMITED (BTC) with it.. that the market would drive the price of BTC to over a million dollars, (drive the price of the USD down to 0.0000001 BTC.)

There is a huge value in holding Bitcoin because of it's access to fresh ICOs, because it grants access to the 1000% gains we've been getting fat off lately.

You think it's normal for a 22 year old kid to sit in his basement in his underwear for 6 months and come out a millionaire? You they would allow the middle class to aquire that much wealth without getting a slice of it?

That's where Ripple fits in.

>> No.5631628

>If you don't know what the difference between Blockchain tech and PayPal is, then you seriously don't know anything about crypto

Tell me then O wise one, Why would a Fiat currency service for micropayments use a blockchain vs paypal? What ACTUAL advantages does it bring?

For cryptocurrency I understand, you need something that records transactions and keeps everyone honest.

But if your goal was to keep everyone honest, why not just use bitcoin? Why use something that is LITERALLY CONTROLLED by the very same people you're trying to keep honest?

>> No.5631633

a lot of ICOs only take ETH now

>> No.5631641

Damn there's still some smart people left on biz. At what price/timeline do you guys think they'll do the switch?. What signs should i be looking out for?

>> No.5631702

get out before the new year

>> No.5631755

So tl;dr , should i feel comfy holding my 1100 eth?

>> No.5631789

I also want to know this

>> No.5631870

That early? I would have thought mid january at least. The public has only just started getting into ripple

>> No.5631887

We have literally an altcoin fork that constantly talks about being in line with Satoshi's visions but still being centralized crap. People don't care for it

>> No.5632741

I don't disagree, but I'm more worried about tether than nipple

>> No.5632796

>the global "Rothschild Zionist" syndicate doesn't exist
aaaaand i stopped reading