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56236145 No.56236145 [Reply] [Original]

Its my only vice but its so hard to quit

>> No.56236155

how the fuck do people even get addicted to nictotine lmao just stop smoking nigga like put the vape away

>> No.56236202

What did you think you would get out of smoking when you started?
I have smoked a stick once and all the food I ate the next day tasted like ashtrays. I don't understand how you retards think it's worth it.

>> No.56236212

Nicotine is based. It's one of the few drugs I really truly enjoy.

>> No.56236227

Ive been vaping since I was 18. I've never touched a cig. Stupid mistake, I know

>> No.56236250

Ween off or switch to a different addiction. Smoking weed instead killed any desire to smoke nicotine. I was vaping 24/7. With vape juice constantly in my mouth.

>> No.56236259

no it's not. stop believing youre addicted to it and it's easy to quit anything. I believed I wasnt able to be addicted to nicotine and I just wanted it and I just stopped.
the whole world is about telling you you're a victim incapable of doing things and if you se you're an anomaly.
it's not hard to lose weight, change how you eat, quit smoking, quit drugs, quit the internet, get a job and make money you just dont want it bad enough to do it.

everytime you light up a cigarette or vape and tell yourself it's your last time or you're quitting after you run out you are lying. if you wanted to quit you would quit before that last one but you dont and you will keep making and breaking promises to yourself so that your word means nothing.

>> No.56236262

What a retarded take, nicotine is not the issue, it's deep rooted habits engrained by years of heaving smoking. Basically being a smoker for 10+ years gives you borderline self induced ADHD, where if you don't have something in your hands, can't blow smoke at regular intervals lot have something in your mouth makes extremely uneasy instantly. Even if you do stop for former heavy smokers l, you either 1) replace your need for mastication by food and will gain a lot of weight OR 2) will have to constantly chew gum or some shit like that.
Well at least that's for addictive personality types, some people smoked for 10+ years they stop and move on, people are just different and don't give me the "addictive personality types is cope" no that's a real studied, peer-reviewed concept, some people have an extremely hard time quitting addictions other don't.

Tl;Dr go fuck yourself

>> No.56236278

im not reading all that

you're a faggot

>> No.56236289

Why the fuck would you quit? Nicotine is actually based if you consume it through cancerous shit like cigarettes.

>> No.56236294


>> No.56236306

Also can the people that smoked than 30,000 cigarettes (very fucking generous). Please shut the fuck up? Why the fuck do you think your opinions are even relevant here? Same with weed losers please go kys

>> No.56236317


>> No.56236320

*less than
Seriously go kill yourselves fucking larp goys, so fucking cringe

>> No.56236330
File: 96 KB, 900x539, 631A1B0D-FA52-4DDE-BDB8-461709CC5ACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Associate cigarettes with something that makes you disgusted like gay sex.

>> No.56236422


>> No.56236424

Weed impairs your thinking
nicotine does not

>> No.56236437

undeniably based

>> No.56236450

I have a cigar from time to time and make an occasion of it. It's almost like a meditative practice, but the real important part is to practice your willpower.

>> No.56236457

Nah my mum quit smoking and oh wait she's fat and an alcoholic

>> No.56236595

lol you sound weak and broke. I smoked 3 packs a day 4 days a week and nothing the other 3 days and didnt think about it and I did it because I liked it and I stopped when I wanted.
of course you're gonna cry about peer reviewed studies. you have to go back.

>> No.56236739
File: 212 KB, 1080x820, 1672969790243499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is physical addiction
You weren't addicted because you barely used it or used a low strength you lying faggot

>> No.56236834

this is the answer, associate it with something negative- like how we biologically learn with neurone synthesis. Atleast flood your brain with something else that isn't smoking. Make going to the gym equally addictive.

>> No.56236846

Dude just stop
Simple as.

>> No.56236860

Switch to snus. Then quit

>> No.56237141

I smoked 3 packs a day 4 days a week and they werent "low strength" weak faggot vapes you zoomer faggot

>> No.56237164

Just stop pulling your penis

>> No.56237166

You can transfer to either snus or nicotine gum, OR replace your nicotine habit with ice cream.
Ice cream is easier to quit later, you'll be sick of it eventually and most certainly fatter.

>> No.56237294

I quit smoking 2 years ago with nicotine lozenges and patches. They made my anxiety so bad that I switched to dip instead of just quitting them. I dip all day now. Snus is weak af but easier on the mouth but doesn’t work for me. I’ve been an on and off smoker for 20 years. I feel like a fish out of water without nic. It does something for me that I don’t think it does for other people. It sucks.

>> No.56237330

Try Allen Carr's book. Worked for me.

>> No.56237401

It just takes balls to do, and it isn't even that hard to do at the end of the day. The only way is cold turkey and deal with it instead of being a faggot. Its literally that easy. Withdrawl for a couple weeks. After a month you start going days without thinking about one. Then after years go by you never think about them. But its just having the drive. If you don't have it then you don't have it. Most of the planet in underachievers. This is what happens when we can overpopulate and even the retards get to live.

>> No.56237476

how the fuck does anyone under 40 start smoking? what kind of faggot are you that you think "everyone who tries this ends up spending $8-15 a day on it or else they feel like shit for a couple of weeks" and just go ahead anyway?

>> No.56237504

You start smoking because it makes you high
And relatively speaking, for how much people smoke cigarettes, they are someone harmless.

I mean obviously smoking a pack a day, every day, over many years is going to shorten your life. But what drug, even food have you, can you abuse that much without it doing the same.

>> No.56237592

I can drink 4-5 cups of coffee, at let's say gas station prices, 99c/dollar
let's pretend $6/day in coffee for the taxes
400mg/day is the medically "safe"
8oz coffee, brewed like a gas station would, let's say 100mg per cup
125% of the "safe" dose, and you'd notice twitches or sleep issues if it were unhealthy enough
kicking the habit takes less than a week

>> No.56237633

I was smoking cigs on and off thru highschool, eventually started smoking regularly once I turned 18. A few years later vapes came around and I was hooked on those too. What got me off was nicotine gum. Buy a big package of the strongest gum they have, read the pamphlet inside and actually follow the prescribed regimen that it gives you. I'm now at the point that I can bum a cig off someone every month or so but have no desire to vape or buy packs on the regular.

>> No.56237649

Nicotine isn’t the enemy. It’s tobacco or vamping. Switch to Zyns.

Nicotine is neuroprotective and strong nootropic, by itself is not bad for you. Tobacco and vapes will fuck you right up

>> No.56237721

your pic is unironically the answer. learn to like suffering the withdrawals

>> No.56238145

And so said the half a pack a day smoker

>> No.56238182

By killing yourself.

>> No.56238249

if you really want to quit you can quit. stop lying to yourself

>> No.56238355

I am a loner. I am a 33 years old virgin free and nicotine is my vice too. I personally love the kick it gives me, it's a nice stimulant. I find it better than coffee. It is wonderful in the morning and after eating

>> No.56238371

I've been fighting the urge to buy those gas station vapes for the past 4 weeks. Nicotine addiction is powerful. I'm trying to stay away from it until I go on vacation again in November.

>> No.56238381

based and reading is too hard pilled

>> No.56238401

>10y+ cig smoker here
> inb4: quitting is easy i was doing it 100 times hehe
I finally quited for good 8years ago. Almost cold turkey (came back a couple of time when drunk).
I realized that cigs do not give yiu buzz, or badass look. Waste of money. And you stink too.
Was ez when those git to me.
Good luck. Dropping habbit takes a month. So cut yourself out from your smoking buddies for this period. Good luck

>> No.56238413

Take wellbutrin for a month then stop taking it. It has a weird effect that stops smoking pleasure for some people