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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56229685 No.56229685 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56229689

This coding and comp sci fud is jewish, I'm getting another comp degree and coding job in spite

>> No.56229725

I got my degree in CS and now 15 years later I can say with 100% confidence it was a complete waste of time. Only thing that matters in software engineering jobs is experience. "CS fundamentals" is something that only matters to retarded recruiters in huge corporations. I worked on 50+ complex software projects and never have I needed to remember what a linked list is or what's the optimal way of sorting or traversing a graph.

>> No.56230061

This is true of most college degree except maybe math and physics

>> No.56230260

This is a very hard truth.
We spent whole semesters on some of this stuff and it is totally useless in 99.999% of the industry.

>> No.56230270

How do I get my first software job?

>> No.56230273

Shit, I'd better go get that Journalism major instead

>> No.56230274

it's amusing that the companies with the hardest dicks for data structures and algorithms (FAGMAN) also make the worst and most un-optimized software imaginable, to the extent that you need a 64 core CPU and 128 GB of RAM just to scroll normiebook without it lagging.

>> No.56230438

Name other careers I can work from home all the time

>> No.56230444

telehealth mental health professional

>> No.56230448

if the project only takes you 3 months on average then it can't be a complex project
probably codes websites in html

>> No.56230521

You already missed the boat if you weren't a junior dev by the early 2010s.
Literally every Zoomer is majoring in computer science.
>What are you studying?
>Computer science...
>Do you know how to program?
And the more the supply goes up, the more the salary for CS grads (really all college degrees at this point) goes down.
A lot of fags thought IT would be a ticket into the middle class but now there's competition.
Not to mention AI automating the entire profession. There was some fag not too long ago who made a thread explaining how he used GTP-4 to automate is work as a non developer.
It was at that moment I realized the tech gravy train ended.

>> No.56230654

What's the next good major to study then? Business and Finance? Medical? I'm thinking that healthcare is the next big thing since the world is aging and there will be many boomers needing free gibs and shit. Maybe the euthanasia business might finally become mainstream as more countries struggle to deal with boomer healthcare.

>> No.56230684 [DELETED] 

There will always be demand for field work and understanding how to manage projects, people, and systems thinking.

>> No.56230720

Isn't engineering underpaid and also outsourced to pajeets too? Unlike CS it's extremely hard to do and not remote either.

>> No.56230728

Meanwhile healthcare has and always will be
>but but I'm afraid of blood and poop
Too bad

>> No.56230736

If you want remote work just do data entry jobs.

Healthcare sucks avoid it.

>> No.56230745

That direct deposit that hits my bank every 2 weeks is real
>net 15k monthly

>> No.56230751

any real programmer would laugh at you if you didn't know what a linked list is. It's literally what fucking blockchains are and you think it has no use? Just because frameworks abstract everything doesn't mean it's worthless to know what's under the hood and quite a few compsci graduates end up doing low level shit. You are probably a shitty programmer on the same level as a boot camp monkey.

>> No.56230757

>Healthcare sucks avoid it.

We have an aging boomer population with all the money & wealth who are willing to spend any amount it takes to stay alive longer. Yeah, sure sounds not very lucrative at all.

>> No.56230782

>What's the next good major to study then?
Philosophy. All around the world governments are morally bankrupt, leading to most universities abandoning philosophy classes beyond the basic bitch ethics classes. Governments themselves are no longer funding or subsidising philosophy degrees. Students are encouraged more and more to drop the Philosophy major and simply only do the Philosophy classes as a minor, or just one or two Philosophy classes for fun or make up credit. Every year there are less and less students as the social justice warriors and the assorted alphabet people push to erase the classics and label Philosophy classes as racist, white, misogynistic and every other meaningless term they justify cancelling things with. Similarly the Asian students, whether they're of the oriental or currymunching kind, do not take these classes as they require a command of at least one Western European language and their parents disapprove of such wasteful classes as they don't lead to traditional status jobs like doctor or engineer. This sort of soulless hypercapitalism is slowly eradicating the study of formal logic, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind and so on.

With so many mindless drones automating themselves out of a job, it will only pay to be able to think beyond that one step ahead.

>> No.56230802

>It's literally what fucking blockchains are and you think it has no use?
dude, you can't be serious. worst example possible

>> No.56230842

Why on Earth would you want to spend your days with aging baby boomers?

>> No.56230852

Because they have all the money and will pay you to keep them alive. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.56230861

I'm not that desperate but you do you.

>> No.56230869

Think about it this way, its our best chance of taking money away from these pesky boomers. You can even charge them a premium for an imperfect cure so that they will keep returning and give more of that boomer bux. This is it guys, our revenge against boomers who ruined our futures.

>> No.56230901

I have seen that generation decimate three generations of humans.
The plot twist is that it's mostly unintentional. Just being around baby boomers draws misfortune onto you and causes drama.
Sufferers of chronic dissatisfaction can't be taken advantage of because it doesn't even occur to them that they're being had in the first place. They're that unaware.
But godspeed anyway Anon.

>> No.56230903

You will be soon enough.

>> No.56230926


>> No.56230990

Healthcare can suck but it doesn't have too. Tech's in various roles like ultrasound, radiology, respiratory, etc make decent money and do the same shit every day like in a meat factory. Nursing starts out as being completely awful for your first 1-2 years in acute care bedside roles. After that you can find a decent hospital, travel, or go to an easy specialty and make good money and/or not work hard. The healthcare crisis is real, and the nursing shortage severe. Boomers waste away in ER's for days and have to wait months for primary care clinic appointments just for the doctor to spend 10 minutes pretending to listen then throw a bunch of pills and consults in. Mental health is even shorter with infinite job and pay opportunities in psych nursing, although the patients will try to hurt you, such as the tech that I work with who got stabbed in the face with his pen (not supposed to carry those....)

>t. Med surg LPN who got his BSN and is applying for occupational health jobs

>> No.56231011

All good points actually.

>> No.56231032

You're banking on data entry jobs (lol) which will be replaced by AI in a year's time. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but we're all fucked.

>> No.56231050

Checked and legal drug dealer pilled.

>> No.56231066
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It was a bit obvious the top was in when every CS job is filled by curry ladened thridies.

>> No.56231201

I was a compsci major, with no programming background, but I learned to code via Codecademy while I was doing my core curriculum requirements and ended up getting a programming job when I was 4 semesters in so I dropped out of uni. I didn't learn anything for compsci in school, my only classes were foundational/liberal arts classes.

Computer science requires hands-on training that is more like vocational school. Having practical and applicable experience seems to be favored much more than credentials. Being a drop-out has never been an issue whatsoever for me, and in some ways has actually been an advantage or seen as being entrepreneurial. I don't work at the big-box companies though, so it would probably hinder my chances there.

Generalized business degrees are good because you learn about business operations and processes that apply to any type of business.
If I was of college age today, I'd probably study journalism, english or philosophy. Your communication and ability to think both logically and creatively are things that can be nurtured and expanded upon, but not trained on in a short period of time. Whereas analysis or more practical skills (programming included) you can learn and be trained on in a relatively short period of time.

>> No.56231211

>ypipo can't compete with pajeets cope thread

>> No.56231306


It's not about direct competition it's about the capitalist class using coolies because they are cheaper. Being a less expensive slave isn't something to brag about.

>> No.56231400

They are employable because they accept lower pay and drive down wages due to the increased competition of opening up your applicant pool to a country with 1+Billion people. The quality of their work, however, is not superior. The upside to AI is the automation of Indian roles. One would imagine a work force of Indians equipped with ChatGPT taking over all SWE poaitions, but in reality it will be a handful of competent (so mostly white and east asian) devs augmenting their work to 10x their productivity.

>> No.56231538

You don't have to know CS fundamentals, you're supposed to be able to reason through them. If you can't even *memorize* them then you're fucked.

>> No.56231556

Because they hire the best people available and then have them work as essentially webmasters so they get very board and start writing "frameworks."
This happened at my last company where they had really smart people working on deployment automation and all of the sudden you get fucking frameworks complete with unit tests for "copy all this shit to /app/."

>> No.56231826

Majoring in philosophy is one of the worst mistakes you could do career wise.
>learn to think
>but think only like this !

Better to read philosophy books on the side and develop your own cosmology and set of values, you’d be better overall for this.