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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56220591 No.56220591 [Reply] [Original]


jews are so feminine and petty

>> No.56220607
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>bsv is totally anti-jew my goys

>> No.56220657

Craig not wanting to be a Nazi is different than BSV usurping power from the pedovore jews of this world w/ a transparent blockchain that takes away govt’s monopolistic control of identity

>> No.56220688

Craig is a fraud and anyone holding his coin is brown.

>> No.56220740
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I guarantee you couldn’t provide proof you are white anon

>> No.56220742
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Craig is a glownigger and pro-Christian. He's anti-White.

>> No.56220753
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>uses the word "Nazi"

"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and "historical" Nazis exist only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia. The only physically real "Nazis" to ever exist are people in the United States who refer to themselves as such, and controlled opposition organizations like Azov.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and Nationalsocialism as a whole. The jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically jewish.

The jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized among the jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various jewish individuals. The jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeeded in their election.

>> No.56220760

>do a submission ritual for me because I'm upset I baghold a scam and you called me out for it.
lol no, enjoy your weighted bags brownanon.

>> No.56220768
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As opposed to vitalik whom is a communist who doesn’t think child pornography is harmful to society

You are the glownigger anon. Sloppy job

>> No.56220769
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>writes white instead of White

Picrel. You just outed yourself again.

>> No.56220779
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Craig openly admits to his glowniggery.

>> No.56220780
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Get absolutely fucked you GLOWING JUDEN

>> No.56220789

Lol? This is what you fucking glowies resort to? The fucking state of you baiting kikes holy shit


>> No.56220802
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>desperately wants people to think he's satoshi yet is completely unable to provide any proof at all, can't even move a single of satoshi's sats – and will never ever be able to
>is openly a glownigger
>says he wants to destroy crypto
Yeah that's totally Satoshi.

>> No.56220803
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BTC was being used by Epstein to traffick children.

Cope JIDF. Greg Maxwell is a known PEDOPHILE

>> No.56220816

>you're a jew if you don't buy my scam created by a guy who hates European achievements and culture!!!

>> No.56220819
File: 325 KB, 750x723, IMG_8409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your choices are to either hate Craig because he decided to fight the silicon valley CCP/ ISRAELI/ INDIAN technocracy currently suing him (COPA)—

Or accept the WEF banker jew coin ETH as supreme coin of the world

Hahahahaha @ you KIKES

>> No.56220832

Fuck you kike

>> No.56220836
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> "If you're anti Pepsi, you must be pro Coca Cola"
> "If you're anti desert religion X, you must be pro desert religion Y"

>> No.56220843


>> No.56220863
File: 530 KB, 600x1070, 1673216154377785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the BSV shiller writes "kikes" instead of "jews"

Have you guys noticed how JIDF shills, very often when larping as anti-jewish non-jews, almost always use the word "kikes" and avoid using the word jews? That's because of the below:

• It plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity (as "kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• To normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist -- and this of course helps the jews.

• Calling the jews jews helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. The word jews is already a word with negative connotation around the world, but we can make it even more negative/bad sounding. Calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jews, doesn't contribute to that. THIS they are VERY aware of, hence they don't want us to call them jews.

They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kikes", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites". That's why when they larp as one of us they insist on saying "kike".

>> No.56220907
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Fuck you JEW

>> No.56220921
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Denounce the Talmud you kike nigger

I anon, ID h3o1Nc88, denounce th Talmud , the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran

Now your turn kike

>> No.56220937

Oh look another submission ritual by the pajeet spamming an obvious scam. We can tell you're brown by how angry you're getting.

>> No.56220949

denounce the Talmud you kike. You have the audacity to call an anon a brown who posted his own white nose, I guess I can’t expect someone like (((you))) to denounce the Talmud

>> No.56220963

Nah I'm good lol. Pajeet scammer kun.

>> No.56220964
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The S in BSV stands for "serial liar"

>> No.56221007
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>> No.56221023

Reflect on all the posts you've made in this thread. You're essentially shitting all over the thread because you're upset people called out your scam. It's actually fitting since pajeets shit everywhere in real life too.

>> No.56221044

good fuck you, you can see I clearly don’t care anymore about optics

>> No.56221056

>look how badass I am guys
>I talked about JEWS and KIKES
>I don't care about OPTICS
How old are you anon? BTW this is /biz/ not /pol/ you have to try a little harder than just vomiting about jews every post you make.

>> No.56221063

Oh I didn’t know this was /pol/ my bad.

Fuck you faggot

>> No.56221065

>Motley Fool
It's you, you're the fool.

>> No.56221068 [DELETED] 

no sounds jews BSV and will resort to slimy attacks like this

>> No.56221746
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>kvetching this hard after he got BTFO'd
holy shit

>desperately tries to make it about religion instead of race
>capitalizes (gives respect to) every single one of those jewish books
>avoids writing "the Talmud" and instead write "th Talmud" so he technically isn't denouncing "The Talmud"
hooooooooly shit

Craig glows and is a jewfriend and niggerlover. He's pro taxation and government control and anti freedom and anti anonymity. BSV is a trap for midwits. BSV is one of the worst """investments""" you can make. I denounce the talmud. I denounce the torah. I denounce the bible. I denounce the quran. I denounce yahweh the jewgod. I denounce all abrahamic deities and so-called prophets and so-called saints. I denounce zelensky and I denounce putin.