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56186501 No.56186501 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56187005

I wouldn't move to UK, even from a shithole like Pakistan/India, UK is probably a top tier shithole atm

>> No.56187047

a nigger landlord kek

>> No.56187060

Incredibly based. Landlords with mortgages deserve to drown in poverty.

>> No.56187067
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>> No.56187271

He seems to have a variable rate mortgage, too

>> No.56187331

No more nigger land owners. Great Reset the niggers back to Africa!

>> No.56187377

On second thought let’s not go to London’tis a silly place

>> No.56187385

From what I understand fixed rate mortgages aren't really a thing in places like the UK and Canada.

>> No.56187412

It's even funnier when you know that the 'flat' is likely smaller than most American bathrooms KEK
UK 'people' are disgusting trash, nigger or not. They deserve everything that happens to them

>> No.56187470

Thats just asking for trouble

>> No.56187489

>from 550 to 2100
What the fuck that can't just be interest rates. Did insurance and taxes explode too, and he's lumping it together?

>> No.56187709

Next ban Airbnb.
Fuck all landlords.

>> No.56187717

Why not? Interest rates were very low and now have exploded multiple times

>> No.56189002

That's the kind of thing a nigger would do

>> No.56189008

It can actually. Maybe I will post a chart of UK interest rates if this thread stays up.

>> No.56189021

Canada here, 5 year fixed rate mortgages are the norm.

>> No.56189024

London is an amazing city. Scotland has amazing nature.

The rest of England, wales, and Northern Ireland is a shithole though

>> No.56189084
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>> No.56189090

Ban airbnb
Introduce Land Value Tax
You cannot rent out more than one property, companies cannot rent out properties

Welcome to the most fair housing market in the world. Unfortunately it will never happen.

>> No.56189100

based and henry george pilled

>> No.56189690

Wales is absolutely beautiful actually, and London is a shithole

>> No.56189708

Imagine not getting a 100 year fixed rate mortgage.

>> No.56189730

ban private real estate ownership
only large, heavily regulated companies can own and rent out real estate
here, problem solved

>> No.56189796

london is abhorrent dude, i hate that my county is stuck next to it. get so many nogs coming off the trains from london to sell drugs here.

>> No.56189825

Fucking honky bootlicker

>> No.56189842

Why would someone want to pay his mortgage instead of getting their own

>> No.56189849

A greedy nigger. Tell me something new.

>> No.56189854

Kill yourself you commie scum. Go back to your workers paradise.

>> No.56189860

>won't anyone think of the heckin small landlords
Look if even blacks are in on the racket, it's too late. The top is in.

>> No.56189880

He could have rented it out, either worked and saved for a next one, lived in it or just backpack travelled the world. But nah he chose to be a nigger.

>> No.56189935

strikebreakers like you used to be killed 100 years ago

>> No.56189939

Kek good point

>> No.56189941

Says the Auschwitz inmate.

>> No.56189946

we have either fixed rate mortgages or variable rate mortgages but even the "fixed rate" only lasts for 2 or 5 years after which point you have to move on to a variable rate or get another deal on a fixed rate mortgage for 2 or 5 years
the people on their 2 year fixed that got them in late 2021 will be coming off that sweet 1.5% interest and moving up to like 7% now lol

>> No.56190011

>low yield postcode
>no future stress-tested profit modelling
>can't make ends meet
>Airbnb for 90 days a year with 3-4 bunkbeds jammed into each bedroom
>Ad title: this not a CHEAP PARTY FLAT IN ZONE 2
Southern property investors are invariably idiots. There are no exceptions.
I''ve enjoyed telling the smug propertytribes crowd who have enjoyed laughing at as northern oiks and our silly 8% yield targets that my properties have increased in value by about 6% in the last 12 months. They don't respond often - repossession and bankruptcy proceedings must be keeping them busy.
Landlord without mortgages are idiots - inflation reducing nominal leveraged debt values creating equity which then released on refinancing to re-invest is literally the only reason to invest in property. If you own outright your money is better off in an indexed fund.
This. London property is mostly clueless foreigners. I have friends in development who tell me they mostly target Japs who are just happen to get some sort of ROI even it's crap.
No unreasonable right now - mortgages rates are dropping by the month and you don't have to pay an early redemption fee on a variable tracker when they bottom out in the next couple of years. Why he had one years ago when rates were as low as they're going to get is beyond me.
Section 24 reforms hugely incresed the tax burden for anyone in a higher earning bracket that doesn't own through an SPV. They've had 8 years warning about this exact situation being possible now though so fuck them. The rates aren't above what the mortgage will have been stress-tested at for rental coverage at 125% by the lender though.
>Ban Airbnb
Agree. It was great when it was cheaper than hotels but it's got insane now - I can stay in the Hilton in most cities for the price of a whole airbnb flat and a premier inn for the price of a room.

>> No.56190029

Having lived all around the UK at this point - yes (from Liverpool and currently in Manchester - lived in somerset, Bristol, London, birmingham and Leeds). The north is cheap but the whole place is just one big council estate with some nice cocktail bars in cities.
Some of the home counies are nice.
Wales / Scotland / Edinburgh are nice weekend trips.
Living in North London is about as good as life in the UK gets IMHO.

>> No.56190031

>You cannot rent out more than one property, companies cannot rent out properties
This is the exact opposite of what is needed. The government don't want single home landlords as they won't build anything or bring unmortgageable stock back into the market through refurbs. If you don't want at least 20-50 properties the government doesn't want you in the BTL game.

>> No.56190128

How is a normal person supposed to plan a budget to buy a house if the payments can change every few years?

>> No.56190136

They're fixed for 2-5 years generally. Lots of people are on trackers ATM as rates are dropping fast and nobody wants to be stuck on a higher one.

>> No.56190137

Add 5% on to the rate you're paying and check if you could still afford it.

Don't buy a property that's more than x3-4 times your income.

>> No.56190204

Britfag here. I have a 10 year fixed rate since 2019, don't know if they still offer them but people who didn't fix for as long as possible so they could play the remortgage kick the can down the road game deserve all they get. Doubly so if they're a buy to let landlord.

>> No.56190603

>wouldn't move to UK, even from a shithole like Pakistan/India, UK is probably a top tier shithole atm
Well.... it is now. M3h m3h m3333333h33333


>> No.56190637

>who then had to move out.
When are we going to see sense and make this a crime?

>> No.56190648

He doesn't own it. He rents it from the bank until it's paid of.

Amazing how many morgies don't get this concept. SAD.

>> No.56190708
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>be big shot investor over last ten years
>see that graph
>first time it's occurred since the Bank opened almost four hundred years ago
>tech analyse it, due diligence style
>take out phat loans and mortgages
I wonder which way it'll go..... from zero.....
Tough call

>> No.56190716

Depends what part you go to.
East Wales such as Newport, Cardiff and Bridgend are shit holes.
West Wales, anything from Llanelli onwards is nice (Tenby, Pembrokeshire in general, parts of Carmarthenshire).

>> No.56190840

>East Wales such as Newport, Cardiff and Bridgend are shit holes.
Taking personal offence to that m8.
>rhondda valley reporting in

>> No.56190965

Living around there seems to have the Stockholm Syndrome affect on people

>> No.56191003

We've got a train. I mean it's switched off, but we've got one.

>> No.56191028

>What we need
>What the government wants
That's retarded.
Anyway, you could still allow for companies that build/rebuild/renovate and resell. Just not companies whose business model is suffocating residential buyers.

>> No.56191073
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nuke london

>> No.56191136

How can I tell you're not white without telling me you're non-white.

>> No.56191164

no they arent
in 2021 until early 2022 majority of new mortgages were variable, now most are going for 2 ir 3 year fixed because these brainlets think rates will 0 again in 2025

>> No.56191313


>> No.56191528

Guys what do you think of this:
I have a house in Colchester £250k with £170k interest only mortgage fixed for another 3 years at 2%. I've got some more money now. Should I
A) Invest that for 3 years then pay off as much of that mortgage as I can.
B) Buy another at £210k now with a £130k mortgage.
I'd be letting them out. The margin on the first one is good but once I remortgage it's pretty thin and I'd mostly be hoping on the houses increasing in value. Thoughts?

>> No.56191652

Not my problem.

>> No.56191670

With option B, just keep in mind you'd then have a third of a milly of debt. Acid test it by calculating how long it'll take, plus the interest at current rates and on the very obvious assumption that interest rates will rise, and work out how long it'll take to pay that off.

I mean, if you're 40 and the answer is 50 years, go with A.

I also wouldn't be surprised if more people start choosing the stay at home option and others. E.g. keep in mind that there are lots of office blocks prime for conversion to flats and which people might go for as the economy gets squeezed. I'm pretty sure black rock are onto that, that there may soon be lots of people who need to have a rethink of whether or not they can afford their lifestyle; e.g as all of the turbo woke overpaid positions stop appearing or companies "reshuffle" those departments etc.

>> No.56192081
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>> No.56193027

Imagine being this much of a retarded boomer

>> No.56193359

>being a corporate bootlicker is based
>freedom advocates are "commies"
How much did Blackrock pay you for this post?

>> No.56193501

>the whitest Brit

>> No.56193639
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>> No.56193653

Let's all just hot potato the payments on variable rate loans. What could go wrong?

>> No.56194563

Thanks I'll give it some more thought.

>> No.56194575

>interest only mortgage
what on earth possessed you to take out an interest only mortgage? just pay that shit down asap. jesus

>> No.56194602

not true, I have a 3.29 fixed rate from 2020 which was considered bad at the time but is great now

when renewal comes up in 2025 I will most likely change to a variable as I see rates going down from 2025 onwards

>> No.56194771
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>as I see rates going down from 2025 onwards

>> No.56194813

>Don't buy a property that's more than x3-4 times your income.
Try living in NZ, AU, CAN

>> No.56194953

I have been saving since i was 17. Im 26 now. 50k saved and happy to settle for a 200k house. I will be going full steam ahead to buy a place starting jan 1st. I cant wait to trample the bodies of my fellow buyers who have no savings and want houses they cant afford. Bonus that TND will occur due to poor planning

>> No.56194975
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Fuck off urbanite.

> God's country tier - Northern England, North
and West Wales, Scotland, West England
> Good tier: Rest of Wales, Ulster, Malvern and Herefordshire
> Meh tier: Much of the Midlands, The top 1% of London that is meant for tourist and rich kids with coke problems
> Shit tier: Birmingham, Bradford, Leicester
> Nuke tier: Other 99% of London

>> No.56195001


SE Asians are the worst Landlords. Wherever they congregate, they turn into an Islamabad slum

>> No.56195025

pathetic savings even for a yuro, you will always be cash poor

>> No.56195439

take the BlackRockPill
based and boot-stomping-on-face-forever-pilled

>> No.56196707

God, it's so satisfying seeing cumskins getting displaced in their own countries. Get fucked.

>> No.56197153

based north enjoyer

Northern Ireland property portfolio haver here: watching southoids of both irish and english persuasions seethe at returns in based NI is peak comfy

>> No.56198564


>> No.56198638

there's no capital gains tax here on real estate that you live in. It used to be anyone in your family was included in this so your wife could "live" in one house and you could "live" in another and I think even your kids could "live" in a house and if you did your taxes together you paid 0 capital gains on all these properties when selling. Now it's just the individual though.

>> No.56198854

Anywhere in England that isn't a major city is fucking beautiful you disgusting shitskin. The entirety of the east coast is god tier

>> No.56199392
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>Anglos dumping their soon-to-be bags on foreigners
Holy fucking based. Truly the perfidious Albion.

>> No.56199506

its incredible how easily little brown manlets out themselves by seething every time something gets posted about the uk or the us

imagine being so inferior seeing your superiors just existing sets you into a manic, feminine rage online

>> No.56200275

not for long brownoid, prepare your 80 IQ anus.... and if we don't win then you will be in prison camps run by the changs and they don't give 2 shits about brownoids

>> No.56200963

>oh noes, I can't make my tenants pay the mortgage bawww
how about you get a job, you fucking faggot

also, I love to see how this shit backfires on the british and anglos in general. you promoted this fucked up system, you expanded it to get cheap labor, now you SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES

>> No.56202960

what was the big idea naming this town?

>> No.56203427

You've got that completely inverted you mong
>t. Londoner

>> No.56204677
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Any guesses on what the rate will plateau at?

>> No.56204684

They already stopped raising it, they're terrified they broke the economy and the plebs are going to rise up and burn the City of London to the ground

>> No.56204944

5.5% rest of the year then 3% by Q4 2024.

>> No.56204981

>Defeat national socialism in WW2
>get demographically replaced via liberal globalism
What's the problem, this is what they fought for.

>> No.56204990

>this shit
What shit?

>you promoted this fucked up system
What system?

Are you a nigger, or drug using Portland resident who shits in the street?

>> No.56205590

Fine by me, I'll gladly get sent to an internment camp by China, so long as I get to see whites fall from their pedestal.