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56188242 No.56188242 [Reply] [Original]

The BTC dump isn't working. Will they double down? Or will LINK finally break free once and for all. Smartcon is right around the corner too..

>> No.56188250

>dark mode

>> No.56188265

>Working with trillion dollar entities
>Connecting all blockchains by 2030
>Worth less than something called Toncoin and Dogecoin


>> No.56188300

>lets example some coins above Link
>BNB dumpsterfire shitcoin that needs to die
>XRP kek
>Lido Staked Ether, idk what the fuck this shit is but its a scam
>Dogecoin the most legit one ive listed so far
>Cardano where the fuck are the dapps charles its dead
>Solana *Breaks down in your path*
>TRON justin sun is a scammer
>Polygon many vishnu sirs *also comes to a grinding halt like SOL*
>Shib kek htfu and die
>WBTC scam
Jesus how is link not in the top 5 yet at least?

>> No.56188302

>holy shit bros my scam token that moves other tokens from A to B is going to make me a millionaire!!!
lmfao kill yourself link jeet

>> No.56188381
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>not top 5
Because you guys need to stop blaspheming God and using His name in vain.

>> No.56188399

Based, the sinners are holding us back from link salvation.

>> No.56188405

It's obfuscation and suppression, no doubt. No major news outlet covered Chainlink being at Sibos. No major news outlet covered Swift confirming a deep relationship with Chainlink.

>> No.56188417
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They will when they let it run

>> No.56188585

>Calls chainlink an oracle blockchain

>> No.56188644

Judged on this sub who've been jerking off about LINK for years, unless you invested in the last 2 weeks you still wouldn't have broken even

>> No.56188905

>my institutional token that moves bank tokens from bank a to bank b is going to make me a millionaire

>> No.56188966

So many things wrong in that screenshot kek
It didn't have to be freely traded, they could have made the token an ERC-1404, or just their own smart contract that acts as a gatekeeper.
The ICO wasn't hard to get into, I got in half a dozen other ICOs around that time and it wasn't more difficult than others. There was a max cap of 7 eth per user (18,200 LINK), but it wasn't even strictly enforced. I got into it twice and used the same address and they didn't even bother checking that.

>> No.56188972

you dare question the great assblaster? stupid fuck

>> No.56188988

you worship tripfags? lmao

>> No.56188995

shut the FUCK up
you just revealed yourself as the biggest newfag of all time
im disgusted to even be in the same thread as you

>> No.56189009

>t. perma buttmad about missing out on the ICO

>> No.56189020
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i bought at 15 cents you pathetic miscreant
meanwhile, you didn't even know who the fuck assblaster was
you fucking piece of shiiiiiiit

>> No.56189030

>he thinks the anon that bought in ICO hasn't been on this board for 6 years
lol, lmao even

>> No.56189035

you fucking larping pile of human pissant milk puke. i bet you don't even own a single fucking cube

>> No.56189069

>he thinks the anon that gave real info about how smart contracts work and super specific ICO info from 6 years ago is just larping
kek no skin off my ass, believe whatever you want

>> No.56189103


>> No.56189117

>I got into it twice and used the same address and they didn't even bother checking that
that shits not documented anywhere and it's true

>> No.56189202

Jesus was a kike scammer. If a retard like Elon can get away with what he did today, imagine what a good scammer could do two thousand years ago.

>> No.56189205

Don't kill yourself over the charts when you should be investing long-term. When they make the massive move you will always know. See you when LBR and SPOOL moons.

>> No.56189220

>you should be investing long-term
The Bitcoin suppression has been long-term.

>> No.56189309

You sound jewish.

>> No.56189434

Says the cucked kike worshipper. Listen to yourself. All I fucking hear about on boomer Jesus loving TV is how much Israel needs us to send them another gorillion dollars. End yourself if you're this fucking stupid and easy to scam.

>> No.56189438

Either a jew or a heretic. Only fire awaits either way.

>> No.56189460
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Link physically can't break through because it has unlimited supply. BTC has an organic pushing force taking it higher due to its limited nature.

>> No.56189474

>Link has unlimited supply
No it doesn't.

>> No.56189560
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Israel is the Catholic Church. Jews lost stopped being Gods children long ago when they denied Christ.

Pic related

>> No.56189567

Then how can sir gay dump eternally

>> No.56189672

Are you drunk or you are just spouting the first garbage coming to your brain retard?

>> No.56189687

holy based

>> No.56190272
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>> No.56190299

Most people dont know that Judaism wasn't restricted to only the descendants of Jacob Israel so even at the start of was always a spiritual race even though there is a biological people of the OT

>> No.56190311

>The BTC dump isn't working
hasn't started yet

>> No.56190546

The jews were mainly to bring out Christ and the true religion to the world. Even the jews being dispersed helped God found the Church and Christianity, as it continued all the prophets and stuff of the old testament. The OT set up the scene and Christ came..

>> No.56190599

I had a dream last night in which Assblaster returned to this board. He said: it was true, all of it. Now enjoy the ride.

>> No.56190639


>> No.56190856

Why are you not holding your gems knowing after the halving the bullrun returns.

>> No.56190997


>> No.56191034
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>> No.56191168

I've got ETH and EGLD, I'm now focused on the ongoing OGBX presale. Don't want to lose out when the bull returns.

>> No.56191237

>Lido Staked Ether, idk what the fuck this shit is but its a scam
You're an uneducated retard then, stop posting you made us LINK holder look bad. Just shut the fuck up and lurk.

>> No.56191267

>trying to derail another LINK thread with dumb christcuck shit
Fuck off nerd

>> No.56191289

>There was a max cap of 7 eth per user (18,200 LINK)
Huh? Wasn't there a minimum? I bought on ED but anons were talking about pooling their ETH to be able to get into the ICO.

>> No.56192738

fudbros im scared..... whats happening?

>> No.56192760
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It's pumping.
My god it's actually pumping

>> No.56192780

lol cant believe people replied

>> No.56192810

Yes, it's surely Jesus that needs to help this coin full of occult symbolism created by two literal practicing hellenistic pagans

>> No.56194633

I don't remember a minimum if there was one, maybe there was a bonus for being early or a limit on the number of signups or something like that though? I forget, but I checked the distribution and there were dozens of addresses that received more than the 18,200 LINK that the 7 eth cap would have gave, so certainly some people were either pooling and used the same address or the contract included larger distributions for other identities.

>> No.56195240
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I scoured the archives a bit, and it seems there were different ICO links with different caps. If you wanted to get into the presale, you had to invest between 100 and 300 ETH. Anons pooled together, against Serg's wishes. See >>/biz/thread/3280223#p3280327 for example.

It seems later, during the main sale, people received emails with links to addresses that had a 7 eth cap but I'm not sure how much of those were floating around. You can find that a lot of people were begging for links to acquire links, so to speak. Some of the links (the url kind) were even offered for 0.3 ETH.

In conclusion, I think the ICO was actually harder to get into than you remember.

>> No.56197093

That's obvious larp anon, I'm already slurping Matic, Xtp, and Inj at the current price before the next market cycle for the long run.

>> No.56197140

top 10 incoming

>> No.56199523

>$9 EOW
I think that will be the sign of a massive pump up. So far September may not end in red as well for BTC which could signal even a bigger bullrun on top of possible ETF.

>> No.56199535
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Link breaking $9 would be absolutely massive.
Akin to breaking 60 cents in 2019, and $5 in summer of 2020.