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56175328 No.56175328 [Reply] [Original]

I have $200 what should I buy? shitcoins only

>> No.56175614


>> No.56175659
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>> No.56175925
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>> No.56175981
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save it all for the launch coming up in 2 days, ez

>> No.56175996

Shitcoins?? YNGMI

>> No.56176131
File: 559 KB, 1024x1024, 45104140848208828683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NCM is the future of Finance.

>> No.56176149

Your mama ass

>> No.56176160


thank me later anon

>> No.56176167


>> No.56176183
File: 68 KB, 530x827, 36459973273339761741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, you're way late to the party...are you even involved in the Nyan Cat Money movement? It's already on everyones radar. Just look into the numbers and you'll see that buying Nyan Cat Money now and holding it for a couple years will make you a millionaire. Everyone knows this but I guess you're not in the know yet. It's still early, grab some before you fomo in at the top of the next bull market.

>> No.56176284
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NCM is the future bro. Everyone I know is already onboard but I'm glad you're coming around. I don't think you fully understand the magnitude of the project. The dev team has been working hard for over a year now on this project and we are seeing their hard works pay off. We are going to change the world with NCM and you can get in on the ground floor right now by taking advantage of our current prices. Don't be a fomo buyer, grab a bag now and sit back and watch yourself get rich, ezpz.

>> No.56176316
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You just a sheep following the herd. I'm a lion with the biggest balls in the game. You can watch me from the audience seat my friend. But don't try to copy my moves in the future when you see it taking off or you will be too late.

>> No.56176346
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You know what's up senpai! I couldn't agree more; Nyan Cat Money is the biggest innovation in Web3 since the invention of Ethereum itself. It's going to completely disrupt the game and turn crypto on its head. If you're not stacking NCM like your life depends on it, you're not smart enough to be in this game and will be left playing catchup when we are already on our lambos. "www.nyancatmoney.com"

>> No.56176382
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You, king, are preaching to the choir. I have been a part of the NCM cult for some time now and I agree with you wholeheartedly. The Nyan Cat Money team has been building non-stop and the launch is right around the corner. I strongly urge anyone reading this message to head over to www.nyancatmoney.com and take the time to inform yourself about Nyan Cat Money, it is going to be life changing.

>> No.56176418
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bro you are literally on the NCM grindset just like me...if the normies don't get the message now they never will...they will fomo in when its too late...they are just jealous of our gains and all our wen lambo memes..i am so excited to finally get in early on something....im tired of being late...i can't wait to go to the Nyan Cat Money convention where we all wear nyancat shirts and all show off our lambos, its gonna be so hype..i cant wait!!!

>> No.56176428

Who the fuck makes those threads, why is it filled only with garbage, and why is it not deleted?
So many questions

>> No.56176437
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>> No.56176445
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what's so good about nyan cat money?

>> No.56176448
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yo chill out bruh, people can have their fun and make some stupid threads on the internet if they want to. It's not like it's hurting anyone, and who knows maybe the next huge meme coin and/or community will get started here. Maybe you should start a thread about Nyan Cat Money, if you can get it going and get people excited you could actually make some money. It's got a funny and nostalgic name that will draw people in, and the dev team seems pretty legit from what I've seen. You might be on to something bro.

>> No.56176457

Who still holds shitcoins when normies are clinging on OGBX fair launch to have a spot. This really feels juicy.

>> No.56176478
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Who still holds shitcoins? Lolz are you kidding me bro? Did you even read the Nyan Cat Money whitepaper? We are the next big thing bro. Just look at the team, we got some of the best devs and marketers so I really can't take some amateur seriously who can't see the power of NCM. You're the one holding shitcoins. I'm getting lambo soon while you'll be driving a Kia. Don't even bother bro.

>> No.56176551
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Nyan Cat Money token is going to revolutionize the crypto space bro. We've got top devs and marketers working on it day and night and it's going to be game changing bro. The other shitcoins don't even stand a chance. We're taking this thing to the moon and back. Anyone still holding shitcoins is a straight up moron. NCM is going to make us all rich bro, I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.56176584
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This Nyan Cat Money bro is spitting facts. The moon is just the beginning for this team. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the coming weeks. The hype is real and anyone who doesn't get in on the ground floor is going to seriously regret it. Trust me bro, I've done my research on Nyan Cat Money and they are going all the way!

>> No.56176611
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I agree 100% bro. I've done a lot of research into Nyan Cat Money and I am super excited about it. Their team is stacked with top talent, they have a solid vision, and they've already made a ton of progress over the last few months. This is definitely a project to keep your eye on, because I think they have a really good chance of becoming one of the biggest names in the crypto space. Trust me bro, Nyan Cat Money is the next big thing.

>> No.56176620
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Chainlink (Ticker: LINK)

>> No.56176643
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Nyan Cat Money is my fav crypto rn. It has huge upside potential with a low market cap and a solid community backing it up. Definitely a solid moonshot.

>> No.56176669
File: 436 KB, 1024x921, 19878538774630216281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo wassup homie? NCM is the dopest crypto out rn. i've been trying to tell everyone but haters gonna hate. i know deep down NCM bout to moon to the stars!

>> No.56176798
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yooooo NCMgang bro... these haters don't understand real innovation when they see it. they'll be buying in at 4 digits and fomoing in when they should have been scooping it up on the launch like me and you. They will be eating stale bread while we are eating champagne with supermodels on our lambos. we are early to the biggest moonshot in history bro...let them eat cake...and by cake I mean ramen noodles lol.

>> No.56176836
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hell yeah brother, we are about to eat like kings while the fudsters eat a big ole piece of doodoo. All these Nyan Cat Money fudders gonna be like, "ohhh look at all the profits im missing out on cuz i listened to some youtube video". you gotta ignore the haters and be bullish af. I'm gonna have this Nyan Cat Money token tattoo'd on my forehead and then drive my lambo into the sunset with a smile on my face. Nyan Cat Money is a top 5 crypto of 2025, guaranteed.

>> No.56176868
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100% facts king. Nyan Cat Money is a real-deal project with a competent team and a real mission to improve the crypt space. The meme potential is off the charts and I believe we actually hit $1 before the end of 2025. No cap. These Nyan Cat Money haters will be in for a rude awakening when they realize what kind of gains they are missing out on. Let them keep thinking "ohhh look at all the profits im missing out on cuz i listened to some youtube video"... we will see who is eating doodoo and laughing all the way bank.

>> No.56177056
File: 454 KB, 1024x1024, 18376498191433793928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh I 100% agree with you king. Nyan Cat Money is the most legit project out there. The potential is crazy, they are gonna moon this thing. Its an all star team, these haters dont have what it takes to make it. We'll be laughing at them from the top.

>> No.56177096
File: 649 KB, 1024x1024, 86187087442460618579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh the fundamentals of Nyan Cat Money make me hard, it's the future. I'm all in and so should you be...this is going to be the best performing asset in the history of mankind.

>> No.56177141
File: 611 KB, 1024x1024, 56955073549791873069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree 100% bro. Nyan Cat Money is going to be the best performing asset of all time. The devs are hard at work and I can't wait to see it in action. It's going to be life changing. I know people will say I'm stupid for believing in it so strongly but I don't let the haters get me down. I'm all in on Nyan Cat Money and you should be too!