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56162374 No.56162374 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56162383


>> No.56162386

A shotgun

>> No.56162390

Cut off your balls

>> No.56162399
File: 382 KB, 1866x1093, Screenshot_20230921_113109_WPS Office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save & invest, is even better
Time is your friend

>> No.56162403

Don't be a dumb bitch who blows all their money on frivolous bullshit

>> No.56162411

Not sure it's that bad. Old women of her age otherwise just drink brandy and sit on a dusty armchair.

>> No.56162456

starting from 0 savings, at any income level you need to save 33% of your net pay to retire in 25 years. plan accordingly and most importantly start. today.

play with the numbers for yourself: https://networthify.com/calculator/earlyretirement?

>> No.56162477

Old people working service jobs juat don't want to spend the rest of their days rotting in a retirement home

>> No.56162486
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by stop eating at goysloppery!

>> No.56162526

>spend the rest of their days rotting in a retirement home
this is the worst kind of fate.

i would rather be doing some kind of job just to be doing something.
i mean, i think we all fantasize about being "retired" or not having to work and having all of our time to ourselves.
but after a few months of doing nothing, most people want to get back to doing something.
i mean if your not a serious hardcore hobbyist to keep yourself busy making and selling birdhouses out of your wood shed, or infinitely wealthy and can just travel and fuck around wherever you wish, then you could end up rotting in boredom and loneliness

>> No.56162953

Second amendments yourself when you feel it's too late for you to keep doing this.

>> No.56163015

>Contribute to 401K plan to get match
>Max out an IRA/Roth IRA every year
>Buy a house and pay it off before age 60

This is literally just the baseline, assuming you do this, medicare + social security and retirement accounts will be more than sufficient to not require you to work.

We're starting to see people who didn't plan whatsoever get into their senior years and it's terribly sad.

>> No.56163023

buy LINK

>> No.56163098

Put every spare cent into LINK. It's the only way.

>> No.56163355

By accepting the pod and the bugs

>> No.56163552

America has forced us to become debt slaves due to unsustainable government spending and policies that have undermined the middle class. If our politicians can do what is right and just perhaps we will stand a chance, and if they don't a lot of us will live lives that resemble the Chinese working class

>> No.56163757
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Don't see nothing wrong with it

>> No.56164149
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>> No.56164170


Don’t get divorced.

Better yet, don’t get married.

>> No.56164173

I doubt she has.

>> No.56164183

Surely she could squeeze out a meager existence on social security. She’s either doing this to pay extra bills or interact with people. Be kind to the old people you see having/choosing to do this.

>> No.56164214

I worked at a bank that had several tellers that looked like this, they had plenty of money but came in because their husbands had died and they wanted to be somewhere where they could interact with and talk to people.

>> No.56164230

Die early

>> No.56164254

>Better yet, don’t get married.
What's your plan for kids? just gonna pump and dump the mother of your kids?

>> No.56164435

i note we have never seen an unshaven or bearded Fresco- requesting an image thus

>> No.56164874

Buy your retirement home in an LCOL area, and for the love of god, don't buy a multi-level home.

>> No.56164882

Thats going to be the fate of every millennial and anyone younger retirement is a dead meme now.

>> No.56164988

Stay poor

>> No.56165002

Suck dick

>> No.56165017


>> No.56165089

Yes. You got a problem with that, schmutz?

>> No.56165115

Thanks to the jewry who run this country, you don't.

>> No.56165130

Why did this make me laugh so hard

>> No.56165137

even the infinite wealth gets boring. People need something to work towards to prevent boredom and existential dread

>> No.56165145
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God I can't wait till republicans cut social security and all the boomers end up like this. Libtards will be seething lmao

>> No.56165377

She may be financially fine and just looking for companionship and human interaction. At her age all her family and friends are probably dead. If you live that long you will see.
t. oldfag

>> No.56165619


1000 link now will be worth $100,000,000+ long before you reach that age. At that point, just dont blow it all early

>> No.56165880

What does that chart even mean

>> No.56165937

at that age you'd probably want something to do.

>> No.56166832

You can stay together even if you dont have a ring on your finger though?

>> No.56166861

What's more hilarious is that because of the internet and how fast information travels now. We get almost immediate insight to the people who completely failed throughout life at acquiring a retirement and now we can shine a spotlight on them to teach others to not repeat their failings

>> No.56166866


I remember a story of a middle-aged
woman who inherited a bunch of money

and wasted it on trying to make it into the
nashville music industry (boomer who didn't know the game).

she ended up having to go work at a gas
station because she blew thru over 100k
'trying to make it'

honestly i dont even know how that woman
got that job.

but I would rather it be her than some

just refuse to do that job. simple.

>> No.56166876

Why the fuck should you be kind to low quality people like this working jobs that are for teenagers

>> No.56166887
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Not being a literal retard. Median household income in 1970 was $8.7k, that was 235oz of gold, $450k in 2023 dollars. That dumb worthless elderly cunt could have stashed 10% of her net income under her mattress and be sitting on 200-500oz of gold right now.

>> No.56166909

because you could easily end up that way yourself one day
actually, you could be in a position where you would find it lucky to be able to be working a job like that

>> No.56167366



>just keep working good goy


>rotting away in a retirement home

>aka not being profitable for jews


our generation is probably gonna host counter strike lan parties in our retirement homes by the time we get there

its gonna be maximum comfy

we probably have sick VR technology that makes the nostalgia even better>>56164988
>nooooo you shouldnt retire good goy, oh nooo you will rott away in a retirement home


>> No.56167389

>Old people working service jobs juat don't want to spend the rest of their days rotting in a retirement home

Visit your local Walmart. It's depressing seeing old people working those jobs and dealing with the new demographics

>> No.56167464

It does not matter what you do they will find a way to take everything from you

>> No.56169005

what do you mean "low quality people" based on a job, are you retarded? What makes someone a good person or not isn't the job they work.

>> No.56169019

Based on this statement, you are the low quality person anon

>> No.56169029

>Surely she could squeeze out a meager existence on social security.
it maxes out at like $1900 a month. most apartments are $1500/month minimum these days.

>> No.56169104

something something some uneducated american retard barges in and explain us how old people NEED to wage into their 80s or else they get alzheimer's
no genetics and health/fitness has nothing to do with it

>> No.56169143

you have to understand the american lifestyle, especially the boomernigger/genx generation.

>be obese retard
>daily exercise consists of walking to the car to drive to work
>wageslave 8-12 hours a day for shekelberg for 50 years
>watch talmudvision for 0-4 hours of free time per day
>retire from the nigger cattle plantations
>increase daily talmudvision exposure to 12-16 hours a day
>severe brain rot, IQ drops from 85 during peak wageslavery years to 65 (on a good day)
>get even fatter because daily exercise (walking to the car to drive to work) no longer exists

>> No.56169148

An hero at age 65

>> No.56169176


>> No.56170599

after 28 years of saving 16,500 a year assuming you make 54,000 a year, and spend what you didn't save, you will be able to replace 95% of your total spending. AKA retire comfortably. That's probably an over estimate of how much you'll need as long as you've paid you house off before year 28 anyway.

Im guess the graph is rocky because actual returns in the stock market vary year to year.