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File: 1.99 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-09-06 11.07.00 - Bitcoin as saturn in sky over a rose garden, painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56140446 No.56140446 [Reply] [Original]

My current portfolio is:
634 Avax
.11 BTC
.12 ETH

I'm DCAing $200 into this every week. I want to have at least 500k by the end of 2025, what should I do

>> No.56140579

what is 500k going to do for you realistically? it's enough to make you a juicy target, but not enough to buy the power to protect your assets. just give up and settle for being poor, you'll be happier (and safer) the sooner you do.

>> No.56140592

crypto is dead. Wave goodbye to your money. Banks don't need crypto, they'll just roll their own version and sidestep us.
Google CBDC's.

>> No.56140612

Ah man I hope you make a decent amount anon. I dunno if you’ll get to 500k this run but if you plan it long term and sell high this run you can use the profits to accumulate the following run.

>> No.56140632

Pretty soon you are going to fucking end your own life not putting everything you have there into Link which would give you 4,345 link.

>12 ETH?
>.11 BTC?

There are grandmas out there that own that much BTC and ETH

You have far too little total to be that spread out. But you have more than enough where if you go all in Link you are going to be sitting pretty in 2-3 years.

The reason you will kill yourself is because you had enough to easily make it putting it into link and you are on the only board in the world that’s been spamming this shit for 7 fucking years everyday. One day it’s going to sky rocket and you are going to go buy a shotgun and end it BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING HERE and it was all right for you to take.

Put it all into link. Then take your 200$/week and re-establish your position on one other coin. AVAX ETH whatever. But at the very minimum…. Get 2,000 link and halve all the rest of your stacks and re-accumulate your positions in those coins.

>> No.56141027

Best thing is not to get shaken out of your AVAX. The only legitimate FUD is has is inflation and that goes away 11 months from now. Over 500 will also be a validator stack at some point in the future, once governance gets introduced.

>> No.56141304

Inflation fud is only viable during the bear, Most of current coins had their strongest inflation in 2021 (Sol,Avax,Near etc etc, All had 500-1000% inflation on their first year alone, Now inflation is barely 10% and everybody freaks out) yet they pumped hard.

desu the inflation itself have very little to do with the price, It's the sentiments and fud during low liquidity times that cause this loose correlation, Oldfags already know that muh inflation is the oldest trick in the book yet effective one during bears

>> No.56141335

That's a good folio anon, You'll get your x50 if you don't sell early during the bull (Tho if i were you i would look to swap BTC to alts, It might not be the absolute bottom but risk reward is currently off the charts imo, Maybe add more LINK considering you've a good stack of avalanche already)

>> No.56142459

I plan on putting 3/4 of it into SCHD, the other into a covered call ETF for quick short term gains to put into Bitcoin when the next cycle comes around.

>> No.56143285
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Fucking based

>> No.56143837
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>over 500 avaxxies stack

>> No.56144910
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fucking fat bags, I deeply envy you anon

>> No.56145981
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gmi, I’d swap that ETH for more avaxxies tho

>> No.56146077
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>buying eth because its eth
>buying link like a fucking moron
Replace your shitcoins with POND and KASPA. Maybe you stand a chance that way.
The propaganda machine is strong with these trannies. Stop buying into it.

>> No.56146084

this is why you dont mention you hold this shit even if you actually do op. cockroaches come out of every shadow.

>> No.56146090

Ethereum is the best alt and pretty much integral to crypto as a whole. It's the only alt you can call "bluechip".

>> No.56146095

86 to hero. Also reddit spacing. Go die in a fire.

>> No.56146097
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just liquidate your link and avax for more eth.

>> No.56146101

Kinda based. Kaspa is pumped already, though.

>> No.56146117

because they have the strongest ecosystem overall, so it obviously makes sense for it to be that way

>> No.56146124

best slurping opportunity we've had since november last year. whoever's not buying right now is a fucking retard

>> No.56146134

Cockroaches are literally living in your walls. They come out when they feel like it's safe for them to do so when most of the time it obviously isn't

>> No.56146154

Better get on your knees and pray that smartcon actually does something substantial to your bags mate because otherwise this stuff just ain't gonna cut it anymore. That is, assuming Sergey doesn't just betray you like how he's betrayed linkfags for years now. Lmao.

>> No.56146201

it's a stagnant piece of shit stuck in development hell that still has no viable plan to scale. the only thing holding it up are massive whales that waiting to dump everything they can before gas fees inevitably climb to $1000/transaction next bullrun. I hold almost 100 ETH myself and this is my plan as well.

normies have the layperson belief that dev/hours translates to better tech, when in reality it just means more spaghetti code. ETH was never designed to scale at launch, they basically winged it and prayed that they would figure something out before collapses under its own transaction pressure. unfortunately they didn't, and when outside solutions like Cosmos and Avalanche came around they couldn't swallow their pride and adopt them.

>> No.56146278

>sudden flood of 1pbtid jeets fudding other alts
more proof ETH is fucking over. last bear it didn't need an army of jeets defending it. ETH whales are scared.

>> No.56146298
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>> No.56147884

I'm definitely going to try to accumulate at least 1k link before 2024 is over