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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.36 MB, 2548x1336, serefr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56126514 No.56126514 [Reply] [Original]

This is way better than his "all the banks" Singapore talk was. Watching the CCIP section you really start to come to the point that, if the bridge is more secure than the chain, why even keep your tokens on any chain? Just keep them on the bridge.

>> No.56126534
File: 2.10 MB, 540x638, streetz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, bros, listen from this timestamp for 2 minutes.

>> No.56126552

> club won't even turn down the music for his talk
At this point he's just a bog wog selling chainlink tokens alongside aftershave and chewing gum

>> No.56126571
File: 1.79 MB, 2242x1222, guh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the most impressive talk he's given since Consensus
If you haven't watched any Chainlink content in a while, just watch this one. Even just the second half. Fucking huge.

>> No.56126595

He’s gotten even better at summarizing it and keeping it brief. I hope they put up his SIBOS talk

>> No.56126635

Literally the only thing the fudders can do to posts about this talk is slide them. Every single pair of eyes that watches this talk will get a Chainlink hard on.

>> No.56126656

>six million dollars lost in a cross-chain hack?
>totally ridiculous, who would take a loss of six million seriously in our industry
Listen, I'm a Chainlink holder but this is a concerning thing to hear.

>> No.56126659

At this point he’s talking about it like it’s a foregone conclusion, because it is

>> No.56126674

>And theres kind of this like legal wall. But that legal wall is gradually being taken down.....on it's own

Kek Sergey the Wall Destroyer slipped up and revealed the true power dynamic between Chainlink and the goberment.

>> No.56126705

I don't understand why this token is not even 1/50 of the MC of Bitcoin.

>> No.56126730

Remember that price is just a reflection of a relationship between market makers, nothing else.

>> No.56126800

Bumping the 1 good Link post of the week since the fudders aren't here yet with their 50 pbtid low iq shit.

>> No.56126813

Where is Adem and his losers? PANIC at the discord?

>> No.56126854

actors can get fit for a role in a short amount of time, what's his excuse?

>> No.56126884

No shit, he should hire me to do his slides for him. He could add a couple more for a 15 minutes talk and some of them are a bit cluttered / difficult to read.

It also helps as a memory jog for separating topics and pacer for anything more than a one slider.

>> No.56126888

these slides are old.

>> No.56126894

Not a single animation.....

>> No.56126904

That fucking sucked. I hate chainlink.

>> No.56126918
File: 639 KB, 1438x2446, Screenshot_20230917_164154_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what happened the last times the purple line crossed down?


>> No.56126943

the realization just hit me that even a 10x would bring us slightly above ATH

i am fundamentally done

>> No.56126962

Good 15 minute 101 on CCIP, which should explain even to the last brainlet the difference between a standard bridge and CCIP. Good job flannel man

>> No.56126981

Yeah, I appreciate he gave the analogy to VISA and Paypal's to emphasize the importance of the ARM network.

>> No.56126994

the price cratered?

>> No.56127025
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My favorite talk this year so far. Can't wait for Sibos and Smartcon. Thanks for sharing, Anon.

>> No.56127042

Sergey is such a man slut. Fucking disgusting

>> No.56127061

thanks, that is very interesting, chainlink is going to be everywhere

>> No.56127145
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>> No.56127400

>the price cratered?
So. This time it goes back up.

>> No.56127451

I'm already 29, when price go up?

>> No.56127481

you just learned what 90% down meant?

>> No.56127738

imagine showing someone this five years ago.
everything we speculated about turned out to be true, and even more. Chainlink was kingmade by the big banks, sn=sn and we are all going to make it. its beautiful

>> No.56127760

>imagine showing someone this five years ago.
And then telling them Link would be borderline top 20.

>> No.56127791

obligatory oy vey never forget the six million

>> No.56127866

sergey is going on the offensive

>> No.56127964

>if the bridge is more secure than the chain, why even keep your tokens on any chain? Just keep them on the bridge.

The chain is for accounting. Let's not get the roles twisted. We are communicating through the internet but our data is stored on the computers. The site has to be hosted somewhere on some server that our computers connect to.

>> No.56127972

And the blockchain counterparts for the analogy:

CCIP -> internet
Blockchains -> computers/servers

>> No.56128192

Did this nigga really say eat-ily instead of easily @12:08

>> No.56128359

The chart

>> No.56128369

Are those custom shoes for obese people?

>> No.56128445

yes if you showed it to them alongside the price it would be truly unbelievable

>> No.56128984

bump, saving for later to watch.

>> No.56129034

Solid fat person side profile there. The flannel hides it well. You think you are getting some hipster talking about regional IPAs but you actually get cryptographic truth booyeah

>> No.56129057

this lmao

>> No.56129067

so do we buy when it goes up higher?

>> No.56129095

Buy high sell low this is the way of /biz/ newfag

>> No.56129189

Cool concept, might work.

So when does the price increase? Because it’s literally dumping right now.

>> No.56129197

Price won't increase until banks actually use it... which they won't. They have their own system and they mock blockchain "technology" like stacies mock incels.

>> No.56129219

>There's no "marginal utility," he says, to devoting any brainpower to questions of fashion. Years ago he decided that he liked the comfort and styling of plaid shirts, so now he has a closet full of them. It's the same thing with his shoes, he says, pointing down at a pair of newish-looking Brooks Adrenaline GTX sneakers. After doing extensive research, Nazarov concluded that the GTX was the best shoe for ensuring the overall health of his feet. He's now on his eighth consecutive pair.

>> No.56129233
File: 54 KB, 500x487, ComeAtMeSergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually most accurate analogy is:

CCIP: internet
Chainlink nodes: servers
Blockchains: computers

The state of things can be written to both, oracle networks and/or blockchains

>> No.56129275

no, you take it as a sign that none of this matters to price

>> No.56129347

you buy anything decent including link now as the bull market will start next year
remember that crap like req went from 0.01 to 0.30 in last bull, you can buy basically anything right now and get a 10x (excluding eth and btc)

>> No.56129360

this, so much this. It's way better to buy newer coins which will get 100x returns than link which will get at max maybe a 10x.

>> No.56129385

there is some more risk with newer stuff if it doesn't have vcs all over them though, some just sink but you don't hear about them
safest high returns are rank 5-50, they are assured big returns due to name recognition + lower caps
the other good play is to buy "cheap" coins as normies think it's better to have more of a coin even though they have a massive circulating supply
xrp and ada have done well from this dynamic

>> No.56129460
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It's true, all of it.

>> No.56129483

fresh af

>> No.56129800

You just realize buying the top 50 isnt a good idea generally unless btc is soaring past aths?

>> No.56129869


Go ahead, tell me tokenomics not needed

>> No.56129878

To be clear, my high ass isn't expecting an answer from this based lad (>>56129233), but from the fuddie eunuchs here for our amusement

>> No.56129927
File: 6 KB, 200x252, IMG_1166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Someday we’ll awake, have a reformation of the heart, teach our kids honor and kill a few sex psychologists, put boys in high schools with men teachers (not sissies), close all the girls’ finishing schools, shoot all the efficiency experts and become a nation of God’s people once more.” ~ Harry S. Truman

>> No.56130062

Oracle Data -> 3rd Party APIs
Keepers -> DevOps
Functions -> AWS Lambda
Blockchains -> Redis + Server Side Logic + Distrubted Region Replication

>> No.56130161
File: 396 KB, 1536x2048, 1591215345388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your answer


>> No.56130473


>> No.56130497
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 342353252352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like..a chain wallet?

>> No.56130544

No need to worry about that, it wont

Source: the chart

>> No.56130571

super linear staking has invalidated this. ari and sergey betrayed you. with SLS, a paltry amount of link can secure millions, meaning the token price will not go up to match function or demand

>> No.56130592

Nothing was true you dumbass

>> No.56130651

I only recommend buying LINK and SDL

>> No.56130862

Personally, for me, its LINK and LPL. SDL is a scam. LPL will let you stake

>> No.56131120

i've never seen this pic before

>> No.56131237

>WAOW more slides with graphics showing a gorillion zillion dollars!
>lets check the price..

>> No.56131520

I’m going to write a movie about this shit one day.

>> No.56131541

Good post

>> No.56131634

You do realise Europe is currently waking up? Imagine what they're going to think when they see those big green dildos

No need to thank them, but link has just unironically touched off the next bully.

Right here. Today.

>> No.56131835
File: 605 KB, 3684x1144, 991165064677435577558480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like OP. He speaks the truth. Europeans are gonna wake up to the sight of big green dildos. Link is gonna be bullied.

>> No.56131978
File: 143 KB, 1012x677, image_2023-09-18_07-58-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alphakek ai tracks trends in crypto narratives including LINK related

>> No.56132312
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Is the Succes Factory behind that one too?

>> No.56132369

>it could be X
>or it could be Y
Thank you AI, very useful. What's the value of this when it can be weighed by someone spamming 'Token Not Needed' 100 times for every genuine post?

>> No.56132377

No, we're independent

>> No.56132389

Just check the historical trend dummy - if it changed from bullish to inconclusive, then it's over

>> No.56132392

$8.5 trillion over 4 years. SWIFT messages direct the transfer of nearly $5 trillion worldwide each day. I'm starting to think the token might actually be needed.

>> No.56132569
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thank you sergey

>> No.56133287

Special Sibos site they put up.

>> No.56133308

Their marketing has been pretty fucking slick since Adelyn got fired.

>> No.56133339
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The big man.

>> No.56133355
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holy fucking based

>> No.56133369
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>> No.56133371

kek the suit looks tailored this time, is that near the toilets?

>> No.56133379

CLG and Crypto_Oracle defended her for years, saying she was doing a great job. How much damage did she cause while those two refused to pass feedback onto the team that people thought their marketing approach was shit.
Think the bigwigs at CLL also lit a firecracker under Chris Barrett's ass and told him to do some fucking work after his years of lazing around.

>> No.56133388
File: 2.76 MB, 3570x2106, Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 9.11.49 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some baller shit

>> No.56133391

Fuck that looks like a small room, thought he was the big opening act?

>> No.56133393

imagine the net worth

>> No.56133398

Yeah bro probably not a stretch to say that you are solely responsible for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Thyey'll build statues of you.

>> No.56133403

L M A O nice makeshit paper room divider. Did they not want to pay for a full conference room

>> No.56133420
File: 1.97 MB, 3024x4032, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standing room only. is this something in addition to his talk with Nigel from ANZ?

>> No.56133423

Still wearing goofy shoes kek.

>> No.56133427

anyone has stream?

>> No.56133430

Those kicks are going to sell out across the planet. Get 10 pairs as Chainlink mementos

>> No.56133439

the sneakers are such a power move

>> No.56133450

Can you tell us what is being said? Anything interesting?

>> No.56133452

That's crazy. I was planning on going to a store to test those exact shoes out this weekend before ordering them. Getting them in black though.

>> No.56133461

where is NIgel? this is a 30 minute slot

>> No.56133466

I don't think there's any livestreams. I'm just grabbing shit from Chris Barrett's Twitter:
I imagine Swift will have videos from the conference up later in the week.

>> No.56133478
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Looks like Nige was a no show? Fucking kek

>> No.56133505


>> No.56133561
File: 42 KB, 717x262, Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 23-34-45 chrisbarrett.x on X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no Nige.

>> No.56133583

Why didn't he show?

>> No.56133601

Nige went to the wrong toilet stall

>> No.56133608

Because he's Australian and Australia is full of useless fuckwits.

>> No.56133640
File: 198 KB, 1383x1536, bobochristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years
>no use case
>baggies make up excuses that its bulgarians shorting them
>nexo/celsius go bust
>stinky linky sharts and does nothing
>btc stays above 2017 ATH
>xmr remains stable and gets small pumps to stay around 150

kekbaggies. This shit is worse then a small cap shitstonk that deflated and people atleast have fun with. Why don't you buy stock in real companies that are growing and showing real results with no fatass russian scammer making up buzzwords to steal NEETs money. 3 dollars a stinkie EOY.

>> No.56133650

100% written by a bot

>> No.56133679

What do you mean by this?

>> No.56133712

Twitter dying for anyone else or just me?

>> No.56133785
File: 653 KB, 1375x1697, bobogangsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you are the bot for holding this shitcoin. I'm sure the next btc dump your programming will make you think it was bulgarians to supress your worthless shitcoin.

>> No.56133807

I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s mind blowing to go from those sad ass little conferences with the toilet sounds to seeing Sergey open Sibos.

When you sit back and think how far Chainlink has come since the OG days, it’s unbelievable how right we are.
The only missing piece is for the price to catch up to the progress, which is as close to an inevitability as you can get in crypto.
When that day comes, I’m going to be the most obnoxious person on this board.

>> No.56133874

Token prices are set by big players who are in a constant Mexican standoff with each other, jostling to maximise their market share.
Retail buys when they are told to buy. They buy when the price is already going up, and the more it goes up, the more they buy.
So the dynamics of the Mexican standoff are what sets the price. Not an open market of smaller buyers and sellers. They are just along for the ride.

>> No.56133905

no one knows what this is nor cares outside of crypto. They've raised billions in funding and the biggest accomplishment is attending a conference

>> No.56133957
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 1669690798262149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody outside of crypto knows about Sibos

I admit it, I laughed

>> No.56134071

Nice Photoshop, though you can tell by the shoes there has been some stretching of the screen. Both of the two men in front are 300-400lbs

>> No.56134832
File: 58 KB, 581x596, 1694389812929174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no-one in that nigger's mudhut village knows what Sibos is but in first world we do

>> No.56134911

Can anyone identify the shoes and his typical checkered shirt?
I unironically want to buy them

>> No.56134923
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>> No.56134978

They appear to be the Brooks GTS Adrenaline or Ghost. They're the same shoe but one has guide rails for flatfoot support and the other doesn't.

>> No.56135485

Later than you want. Sooner than you'll be ready for.

>> No.56135541

4 of 9 multisig, how many big macs would it take to bribe 4 fat fucks to blow up chainlink

>> No.56136120

Serg is getting old... Hopefully Chainlink does something before we're all 100.

>> No.56137077

Great point man. Thanks

>> No.56137101

Literally everything except fucking 1keoy has turned out to be true.

>> No.56137115

>everything except the most important thing has tuened out to be true
nice investment retard

>> No.56137257

As Chainlink charts this remarkable trajectory, one cannot help but envision a future where astute investors find themselves propelled into the echelons of financial eminence. The confluence of their visionary investments and Chainlink's transformative potential may indeed herald an era where fortunes burgeon to the billion-dollar threshold. The seeds of billionaire dreams sown within the Chainlink ecosystem seem poised for an opulent harvest

>> No.56137284

>retarded blec fud
you faggots are relentless.

>> No.56137706

Remmeber that early 2018 or so conference where some fucking dumb cuck pushed back at Sergey Ocean something . Good lord what a journey

>> No.56139191

I remember Vitalik acting like a nigger and talking down to Sergey

>> No.56139230


>is this something in addition to his talk with Nigel from ANZ?

It was a keynote speech by Sergey followed up by the fireside chat with Nigv2xr4ge from ANZ

>> No.56140425

Did you just assume my gender?

>> No.56140453

Also why are there a couple of great new slides added with every talk?? Why not present the same information at every conference???