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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56128215 No.56128215 [Reply] [Original]

>500k MINIMUM for a starter home, even in remote Nebraska
>hardest degrees to attain (engineering) still start at 60k and top out at 90k, just like in 2005
>women more expensive than ever, expect $100 dinner on first date, if you marry them they expect 250k household income to support their insane lifestyles
>cars more expensive than ever
>priced out of most fast food joints and buying meat at the grocery store

What’s the point of participating anymore?

>> No.56128219

It's over

>> No.56128231

No, it's not over. The RD is the worst that it's been in a long time right now, and they cut a notch in my nose to make look like an entirely different race than I actually am.

>> No.56128233

Yes its pretty fucked
Marriage and family is reserved for the rich.

>> No.56128241
File: 158 KB, 817x592, 5B6B3EEC-0580-449E-898F-79479912C7FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over look at this video

>> No.56128249

It's isn't just over, it is OVER
I have read all social and economic statistics, I think by the end of this century there will be a population decline of around 40-60%

>> No.56128276

Current joblessness, abnormally low TFRs, mass loneliness, 8-12 hr screen times, collapse of institutions, competency crisis, IQ decline etc are our great plague

>> No.56128292
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Working builds character

>> No.56128303

no one except incels is lonely

>> No.56128318

>broken English
>jeet opinion
Straight into the trash

>> No.56128322

Normalfags just stare at screens with all of their spare time and only venture out into the real world insofar as it will advance their online persona. Women take vacations to post them on social media etc.

Not even trolling, your average “millennial suburban mom” is a drug addled internet addict psycho

>> No.56128325

nice try shill. the vast majority of men below 35 are de facto incels and significant # of them will remain that way forever unless they want to be a cuck stepfather or wallet for a used up whore. there is a massive shift happening in gender roles as we speak and it makes most men slaves to some now gynocratic feminist state.

>> No.56128338

its unironically over and is the sole reason I think we've topped out waiting for a catalyst to trigger everything

>> No.56128353


>> No.56128380

This is basically the truest blackpill. Any man that gets married in 2023 is enslaving himself not only financially but also giving his soul to a roastie instead of God

>> No.56128447
File: 576 KB, 1280x889, 1686606664373031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the point of participating anymore?
There is none. Stop participating. The only way out is through, it won't get better until it gets much much worse. Never forget what they've taken from you. The median household income in 1970 was $8700 (235oz of gold), the median household income was $450k in 2023 dollars!

>> No.56128452

This faggot is a scammer by the way.

>> No.56128473


>> No.56128614

jews need to leave immediately
the damage they have done is impossible to catalogue

>> No.56128625

Could form a society-spanning union encompassing white men

>> No.56129484


>> No.56129495

>low end wages double ($8-10/hour to $15-20/hour) over the past 5 years
>blue collar wages other than software go up maybe 20-30%
really makes you think.

>> No.56129510

they only increase low end wages to the bare minimum to live so the wagies dont go riot in the streets from starving

>> No.56129532

i mean white collar, fuck.

>> No.56129546

why do men care if other men have sex. there are more women for sex for you to get stds from

>> No.56129810
File: 4 KB, 240x249, 1680155356909671s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Houses will continue to skyrocket in cost due to supply and demand
> Hooooomers will continue to get richer
> Powell will keep fucking us with rate hikes, thereby making the financial + job markets an impossible endeavor for making money from this point forward (unless you're a lucky shorter)
> Cars & RV's are turning into luxuries instead of necessities
> And of course, women only getting pickier and more powerful as time goes on which will make marriage & children obsolete
> Thinking about entrepreneur maxing to escape the matrix? Not so fast kiddo, social media already oversaturated that idea to hell so good luck beating the millions of competitors in every single micro niche that's ever existed.

So that's it, it's a wrap folks. There's absolutely nothing to fight for anymore. Should I live in exile to escape bros? Where would I fucking live? It's all too damn hard and demoralizing. Boomers had something to fight for, but we don't?!

>> No.56130347

>starter home
what does this even mean

>> No.56130359
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>> No.56130365
File: 54 KB, 743x767, TFR income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marriage and family is reserved for the rich.
Low class people have a higher fertility rate than middle class people.

>> No.56130413
File: 15 KB, 400x400, qG1Q1R87_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the point of participating anymore?

>> No.56130416
File: 108 KB, 828x970, decline in american homes over time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56130425

So it's
>Have no kids and be "middle class" with little to show for it except some money
>Have kids and be poor
Fun system, I'm definitely going to participate

>> No.56130448
File: 39 KB, 624x367, what can i say except delete this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8-12 hr screen times

>> No.56131222

Damn I want a tactical shotgun
how much for the shotty?

>> No.56131242


>> No.56131480

Everybody that dropped out of society the past 3 years is doing secessio plebis without realizing it lol