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56126718 No.56126718 [Reply] [Original]

Been trying to find a job for almost a year now. I even went back to school to get an MBA and hired someone to make my resume for me and I still never get any interviews. What's the best tool I can use that creates those oh so special bullet points with quantifiable results?

>> No.56126772

The job market is fucked, so nobody is getting interviews right now. I am making my cover letters with GPT-4 and it doesn't make a difference. I graduated with a master's in business from the best university in my state. It still doesn't matter.

>> No.56126780

100 applications, 0 responses.

>> No.56126812


Anon, I hate to tell you this but the MBA (even from an M7 school) is now a meme degree. Thanks to social media, everyone and their dog is "strategizing" by going back to school for an MBA, only to find out that the MBA is the new CS degree aka extremely oversaturated.

It's just how the brutal "free" market works, it's dog-eat-dog out there, and when oversaturation rears it's ugly head, there's less job hirings, salaries are depressed, and the only result is depression and despair and destitution.

Next time, grow your network so you can bypass the thousands of job applicants per job (networking is the only backdoor method of getting a job interview these days, especially in this job market) and if you "go back to school" again, make sure it isn't a meme degree nor meme trade (ie electrician, plumber, etc.)

>> No.56126959

CS is a fuck hard degree though. More like overwatered with no degree retards

>> No.56126974

>Wrote low level C code and built an operating system just to not get job interviews in this market
It’s the market not me

>> No.56127073

Hey, this is actually a pretty good topic as I'm also currently job hunting.

What's a good way to build CVs/cover letters? What are your preferences? I know about the content, but the actual 'illustration' is a complete mystery to me.

>> No.56127087

nobody cares about cover letters. it's all about having a portfolio of projects/work you can show off and talk about.

>> No.56127095

But I'm applying for a trainee position with no previous experience.

>> No.56127138

Yeah you need a good CV. You also need stellar education and some kind of experience doing at least something impressive if not work. Maybe a uniquely impressive charitable cause or sporting achievement.

>> No.56127192

Well, guess I can put "Artificial intelligence model vocal engineer" now that I've been learning how to make AI voice models locally.

This will surely help me get my junior financial analyst role.

>> No.56127226

This seems to be my observations as well
Tech jobs aren't oversaturated, they are watered down. By literally people who watched a few videos on YouTube or took some Coursera and googled all the answers but they believe they are of the same caliber of a CS graduate

I took some higher end CS classes in school like discrete math and I found that's only like, the halfway mark in the curriculum for most people, and I thought that shit was extremely difficult. Most of the CS majors I met were practically geniuses, even the lowest common denominator was probably leaps and bounds smarter than me. But I meet people all the time who "work in tech" and aren't nearly as smart or well versed as those people were. Which has lead me to be of the assumption that, when those REAL CS grads get out of their program, they are the ones ruthlessly headhunted and poached at all times because those are the people who genuinely keep the lights on and the apps running. And these fuckin monkey YouTube coders are just in the goddamn way.

>> No.56127285
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If you are unable to put together your own resume,....
well, i dont know what to say but it sounds pathetic and if you cant even do this one simple thing by yourself i dont know if i would want to rely on you to change a light bulb. holy shit.

>> No.56128006

I can and have, but it's not getting me anywhere. I have all the credientals for the jobs I'm applying for, so there seems to be an issue with the way I'm presenting myself on the resume, hence the need to rewrite it.