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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56099921 No.56099921 [Reply] [Original]

Explain chainlink’s tokenomics for me and I will market buy 20k of them

>> No.56099936

Okay so basically LINK tokens have value because you can stake them to earn more LINK tokens which are valuable because you can use them to stake more tokens which can be used to stake more tokens. Thats what gives the token its value.

>> No.56099937

They printed 1 billion tokens for $0 and now you can buy one of the billion tokens from them for $6.

>> No.56099944
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>> No.56099968

Ok so where does this extra link come from? Surely it doesn’t get printed off of thin air… right?

>> No.56100017

1 billion. That is all there will ever be. No more, no less.

>> No.56100025

literal ponzi economic

>> No.56100036

Don’t buy them then I don’t care lmao.

>> No.56100041

Ok I won’t
Enjoy your worthless shitcoin

>> No.56100330


>> No.56100558 [DELETED] 
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Sergey still has about 500,000 tokens to sell to fund his Big Mac addiction, so he would really appreciate the extra liquidity

>> No.56101169

the worst tokenomics ever! t. tg rant

>> No.56101173
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Fat founder has a 65% premine which he dumps massive amounts on a stagnate market because he knows $6 is a great price to sell at.
Link underperformed every major coin because of this, along with the token not actually being needed ofc.

>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56101186

1 billion scarcity. Full stop
After Sergey finishes his final betrayal, still there is only ever 1 billion stinky Link. Absolute scarcity. Get to 1 Link before you're priced out, before it's too late!

>> No.56101193

>give sergey money
>sergey dumps on you
>you feel good because you're a cuck
that's fundamentally the tokenomics

>> No.56101194

Btc is more scarce than link so why the fuck would you buy link?

>> No.56101202

lmao this dude was going to market buy $100,000 worth of something he considers a worthless shitcoin, world is crazy

>> No.56101208

>Amman changes his mind the world is crazy!
Are you retarded?

>> No.56101216

You let 5 replies on /biz/ control your decision to spend $100k lmao you need to do your own research bro it's the only way to learn.

>> No.56101234

Sergay dumps his infinite bag while plowing his harem of hr and esg roasties, forever

>> No.56101291
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So why did it 160x against Bitcorn in the first place ? And it is still 20x against btc when btc was selling for 20k ,

You are still better off hodling LINK with such a loss then BTC in the last 6 years XD

>> No.56101349

Youre better off holding btc and eth for their lifetimes then link.
>BTC ALL TIME GAIN: +42,000,000%
>ETH ALL TIME GAIN: +69,000%
Using your cherry picked method you were better off holding shib all this time.
Btc and eth early buyers are all retired while link chuds are still coping and seething

>> No.56101382
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I mean really, when is enough enough?

>> No.56101395
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>>Youre better off holding btc and eth for their lifetimes then link.

no you are not better off holding BTC XD

25% of bitcoins lost keys forever
most MTgox hodlers still waiting for their money
great majority of BTC investors got cucked XD only a few made it XD the rest of btc holders were cuck for the whole lifetime of btc

1 BTC = 1 BTC
1BTC invested in LINK = 20 BTC today (160 BTC at top)
BTC investors the worst cucks you could find ever
, only holding ETH for lifetime was better then Link , but that's 2x roi time then link

>> No.56101424

Haha cope. 1$ thrown in bitcoin at the start would net you millions today.
That same $1 thrown in link at the start? Youd only have a measly $30 today lolol I guess you could buy a mcdonalds lunch with that? xD
Yeah Chainlink was a very weak investment I think most of its holders are wishing they chose QNT or BNB instead, they would actually be rich today! Lolz rofl

>> No.56102686
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KEK , would ?

did you make millions ? No you didn't , cope better dream boy , and don't forget to buy a bus ticket

Like I said 99% of bitcoin losers who invested since 2012 didn't made your imaginary fortunes , so cope harder , you bitcoin losers even prise the cuck who bought a pizza for bitcoins XDDDDD

>> No.56104910
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>KEK , would ?
>did you make millions ? No you didn't , cope better dream boy , and don't forget to buy a bus ticket
>Like I said 99% of bitcoin losers who invested since 2012 didn't made your imaginary fortunes , so cope harder , you bitcoin losers even prise the cuck who bought a pizza for bitcoins XDDDDD

>link during 2021 bullrun: $20 to $50 a measly 2.5x
>meanwhile every shitcoin during 2021 bullrun: +100x minimum
You underperformed.. sorry bro

>> No.56105994
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KEK , Underperformed by cucks who lost access to their imaginary gains and never cashed out the gains . Take your meds.

Link bull run 2018 - 2021 run from 0.4$ to 52$ , your brain is underperformed XDDD

Fun fact 1 BTC invested in LINK at Dec 2017 top of BTC resulted in 8 BTC returns for linkers when BTC dropped by 50% in middle of 2018 XDDDD

Cope better loser XD KEK

>> No.56106009

this is why you should OP. You won't have any monetary gain but you can win arguments on an anonymous forum about price performance from years ago. This will give you credibility amongst the losers here

>> No.56106072

1. simps buy LINK after it already topped out and tanked >90%
2. sergey uses the money to buy big macs
3. sergey goes to conferences to talk about how awesome chainlink is, and how there are partnerships in the pipeline
4. simps buy LINK after it already topped out and tanked >90%
5. sergey goes to Japan and fucks S-tier jap women in their prime (of legal age but under 25). eats Jap burger, gives talk at conferences about how awesome chainlink is, and how there are partnerships in the pipeline.

it's an excellent ecosystem and tokenomics. if you had bought early in the trend between under $1 and sold at $50 you would've made it and you'd be living a similar lifestyle. if you bought after the bubble popped, then you're just bagholding.

>> No.56106099


>> No.56106114


>> No.56106120


>> No.56106439


>> No.56107644

are you fudders off the clock?

>> No.56108017
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don't bother i can educate you on kava instead
>cosmos' sdk + erc-20 smart contracts = kava's sdk
if you aren't sold on that already then
>kinetix + stargate = liquid usdt staking
>aims to make $atom great again and become the #1 defi altcoin (hopefully)

>> No.56109605

Checked and keked

>> No.56111561

join chainlink oldest community. discord invite: vWQQ7a7s

>> No.56111614


>> No.56112282

Stop being poor

>> No.56113668

if they at least sent you a nice card or some stickers if you buy some, it would be fine. you even get those from the linux foundation or wikipedia, get with the times sergey

>> No.56113754

You changed your mind on a $120,000 investment decision after four 4channel posts?a2h82m

>> No.56113775

How about $1 thrown in btc in sept 2017 versus $1 thrown in link (I started in crypto in summer 2017 so this is my relevant timeframe)
Thanks in advance.