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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, goldenbearrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56093402 No.56093402 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit, it's literally going to 3c. Just two straight years of constant dumping without relief.

>> No.56093423

Blatant even. A blatant scam, as has been said here many times from the beginning of it.

>> No.56093452

trust the plan

>> No.56093650

Icypoop is a scam


>> No.56093729

We shake out the chumps with dumps
Then go to the moon, grab poon-
ICP to $2000 soon!

>> No.56093999

hey sanjeet, your blockchain moves tokens from A to B and is going to $0 because hosting entire software libraries on the blockchain will be the new normal.
Think about that

>> No.56094162

No, that would be Statera. ICP you could at least short.

>> No.56094208
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many such cases actually

>> No.56094454
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>> No.56097223

Are you saying $0 icypeepee or are you referring to something else? Why are you guys so mean to icyp =(

>> No.56097259

Nothing in the space compares to the internet computer with regards to what the Kohler Treshman mechanism does for money.

You literally pay for cycles (or "swirls) using the token.

>> No.56098678

>hosting entire software libraries on the blockchain will be the new normal

That's not how it works kiddo, icp token and webhosting are separate.

You've been scammed.

oh and it's 100% centralized.

>> No.56098702
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>hey sanjeet, your blockchain moves tokens from A to B and is going to $0 because hosting entire software libraries on the blockchain will be the new normal.
>Think about that

>> No.56098713
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>> No.56098759
File: 42 KB, 445x600, ICP anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is ICP legitimately the worst non-blatant scam coin in history?
Yes, it's clear now the only possible outcome for this trash is $0. We will be in $1 territory before Q2 2024.
I was so mesmerized by Dom it took me too long to realize, and now i'm down to the point selling my bags isn't worth it anymore. Biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.56098786

This and Dragginz will be the killer app that showcases what ICP is capable of to the masses.

>> No.56098831

>non-blatant scam
Please tell me you aren't this naive. This is bait, right?

>> No.56098871

every single ICP thread the exact same replies every time weird

>> No.56099150
File: 35 KB, 640x479, 366102193_3196893430454344_815421049355145124_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it was a scam all this time? what a fucking surprise

>> No.56099339
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this "new internet" will be controlled by one single man, Dominic Williams.

yeah, i think im fucking good on this internet computer bullshit.

>> No.56099520
File: 64 KB, 357x321, 1646247345024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud Manmun Hassan Jeong Huwawei the Conman for his cunningness. He has successfully deployed his friend Tyrone in the canned corn
and watermelon aisle and in the process, many canisters were filled with sub-zero urine, pajeet food poisoning diarrhea and Sam Fren Bankman's tears.
Manmun has succeeded in conning everyone and shall go down in history as the VC that got too mad with money and power and become much too erratic,
incoherent, and paranoid. His VC buddies from back in September were imaginary constructs of his own turbulent mind projecting what his endless
gains can not buy him. It is safe to say that Manmun, known by what were once considered close ones as Munman is no longer - but was - a conman.

>> No.56099694

Too be fair the shill posts are the same as well, both sides are faggots

>> No.56099718

>$94,000 to $370
Is this the worst trade in recent /biz/ history?

>> No.56101329


>> No.56102568

ICP's history since launch.

Avalanche Lawyer Kyle Roach tried to sue Dfinity
SBF rigged ICP-PERP price, rigged the futures price before genesis before ICP spot was publicly available for trading.
Solana founder tried mocking ICP's price on cryptokobie's podcast.
Arkham wrote a fake FUD report
Tyler crew VeriDoctores pushed for $2000 end of year then disappeared
Anons tried attacking the name 'internet computer', old people memes, gay vito memes.
Anons tried promoting FLUX and ICP-reboot as alternatives to ICP.
Yahweh was probably a FTX employee.
Anons from ICPchads were constantly organizing FUD against ICP.
Anons from ICPchads are frequently shilling NFT's, shitcoins like icpinus, tendies,these inorganic threads are never fudded.
Avax fags are constantly shitting up ICP threads.
Get banned on r/cryptocurrency for mentioning anything positive about ICP.
Daily FUD threads about price, neglecting the fact that all altcoins are 90-99% down since 2021.
Emin gun sirer is an advisory panelist for the SEC FINTECH FORUM, colluded with the S.E.C to falsely declare ICP as a security.

Move tokens from A to B is the future bro, businesses will pay $300K to put their website inside a Avalanche smart contract. Look at our partnerships bro, Deloitte bro (No bro they didn't fork avax for free, bro)
ICP is not a protocol that aims to replace tradional cloud, bro. KEK, ICP wallets went offline during the cloudfare outage, bro. Dfinity is lying, bro, ICP is not a virtual machine with smart contract capabilities.
Dfinity is lying bro, we can host websites, games, entire software libraries inside our avalanche smart contracts bro. HAHAHAH ICPOORS have to rely on centralized cloud infrastructure bro, paying $150K a month to Bezos bro.

>> No.56102638

> ID is an anogram for mason.
Yeah, definately trust this guy.

>> No.56102645


>> No.56102668


>> No.56102720
File: 446 KB, 2500x2000, F56m0jvaEAA-zQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Amazon AWS blackchain token is going to survive the recession bro, trust me bro. No, Amazon is NOT one of the most indebted companies in the US bro, they won't default bro, the government will bail them out bro. We can print money, bro. CPI is under 0.5%, fake news bro.

ICP will NOT eat a share of the traditional cloud market, bro. MEDS now. They're lying, bro...

HAHAHAH icpoors, our blockchain moves token faster than your blockchain bro, hahahah that is innovation bro..
We have USB chargers bro.

>> No.56102732

You're losing it based A to B retard. Get help.

>> No.56102948

Dump this shit and buy RAIL

>> No.56103853

I don’t like raj very much

>> No.56104056

Why? What price did he tell you to buy at?

>> No.56104089
File: 692 KB, 1080x1598, 2 year roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to go to $2.00 first.

>> No.56105879


Who remembers Hey Hey BICONNECT

>> No.56107521

this is all true

third world poorfags

>> No.56107596

quads and quints on /biz/ lately has been a wild wide.
ICP is neat tech but I don't see the coin appreciating in value since txs are so cheap.

>> No.56107878
File: 95 KB, 1071x828, Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11-36-48 Coinbase Inc. and Coinbase Global Inc. - comp-pr2023-102.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its under investigation by the SEC and likely it's domestic area governments.


>> No.56107887
File: 8 KB, 410x103, Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 15-16-55 Internet Computer price today ICP to USD live price marketcap and chart CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every day dfinity mints 7000 icp to the "total"

Every day.

>> No.56107928

There is deflationary mechanics in the tokenomics as ICP is burned to power cycles. We just need more usage and if ICP ever gets mainstream, I am talking millions of users we could easily be burning 10k, no 100k ICP a day!

>> No.56108178
File: 49 KB, 900x851, 1vcutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro. This has been happening for like a year now. Why are you guys still discussing this garbage? Do you unironically enjoy self flagellation? It's obvious this is a slow rug, they sold all of you out to insider traders. Arkham tried to warn you.

Go buy Kava instead or something if you want to bet on something that might get big in the future just like this shit was supposed to.

>> No.56108305

Lmao this meme has aged beautifully. It's in the $2 range now

>> No.56108354

protip: these stupid "bro you are so dumb just invest in this $othercoin retard if you want to get rich" with stupid pictures & no technical arguments gives off a strong curry aroma.
why would normies even use it? bezos AWS works fine

>> No.56108372

Another factor is that thousands of major businesses already use AWS. I don't know too much but I'm sure interoperability would play a giant part in them communicating with each other. Moving to a completely different system wouldn't be practical.

>> No.56108561

The numbers have spoken

>> No.56108576

it was never meant to be anything but a memecoin lol. its called internet computer ffs. ofc its a scam. the thing people were banking on was whether it is funny enough

>> No.56108634
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heh y-yeah, that's the only reason

>> No.56110604
File: 165 KB, 426x426, chrome_dzR4rAGsUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made it sisters, remember database anon has a ton of I See Pee tokens :3

Nothing is sweeter than revenge...hi hi hi

>> No.56110622

Don't care, still buying. Midwits don't @ me.
t. 3k pees and 1 sneed

>> No.56110625
File: 167 KB, 929x1175, IMG_0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche CRUSHES the useless poorfag pisscomputer.

at least try to fight back you worthless niggers, its like beating up a cripple in a wheelchair so far

>> No.56110686


>> No.56110863

buy low sell high

>> No.56110877

top 3 NPC tier replies.

Remind me what happens to your lil blackchain token when cloudfare suffers from an outage.

Yo icp token and webhosting are separate, bro.
This is by far the dumbest reply I've seen in this thread, this nigga thinks ICP is just webhosting token..

Not going to spoonfeed, enjoy holding IOU token.

>> No.56111848

yeah. it might be useful for newer companies - except the tooling is a pain to work with.
speak English.
outages on DARPA's internet happen all the time and the global economy keeps grinding away.

>> No.56112022

Amazon runs a third of the internet, and 95% of the shitcoins in this space are relying on old web2 AWS EC2 infrastructure to remain operational. They all LARP about being WEB3.

Data-carrier > AWS > (your shitcoin) > end user

Data-carrier > ICP > end user.

AWS is the single point of failure, how is this decentralized?

Go google : ''amazon outage crypto''

ICP never suffered an outage, if US and EU get nuked. Data-carriers in Asia will remain operational. I'm tired of spoonfeeding. Yeah, making money takes a lot of research. Not doing it for free, have fun staying poor. Reckoning in a few months, US is bankrupt and China is opening up and this will cause a new paradigm shift in fundamental investing.

>> No.56113393

yes, and yet ethereum is still up and running people still use it.
ICP is nice in theory but it's not needed (yet).

>> No.56113747

You worried about ICP going into a death spiral if the price continues to crash?

>> No.56114085
File: 743 KB, 2840x974, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP drives it’s holders to insanity

>> No.56114122

Nuwu was insane before she posted in icy poo poo threads and left when nobody gave her attention.

>> No.56114368


>> No.56114663
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>> No.56114814
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>> No.56114852
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