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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56068120 No.56068120 [Reply] [Original]

Did making it affect the existing relationships in your life, either for better or worse?

>> No.56068122

You never tell people you made it

that's the first rule of making it

you can tell us though because we don't know who you are and we'll call you a faggot liar either way

>> No.56068135

the mexicans at the car wash scratched my Lambo. I used to be friendly with them but I was mad so I reported them and the whole place went out of business

>> No.56068143

This. I tried to help family. They blew all the money and had the nerve to ask for more. Don't tell anyone that isn't already good with money.

>> No.56068152

It always makes the relationship worse

>> No.56068709
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Dad made it. Sister got greedy. Started stealing from the company. Dad fired her and her commie gopnik husband. She took it out on my parents. Sued them for stalking. Dad had his house searched and his computers screened on a warrant from her complaint.
Then she refused to let them see her kids. Mom took it badly. Those kids were everything to her.
Parents disowned her. She only found out when my mom died 6 months after the company was sold. She still got 15% of the inheritance, though. Fucking bullshit Belgian law. She angled for her full share on the assumption that we'd forgive her. We didn't. We said no, to her face.
I could go on.

Either way, fucked the family up.
I hate her. My brother hates her. My dad tries not to think about it.
I want her to suffer. In poverty.

So I guess it made it worse. But only because she was a greedy bitch. I guess you never know someone until you stop indulging them.
I have to wire the last bit to her tomorrow. I hope she chokes on it. I never want to see her again.

>> No.56069379
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>You never tell people you made it
>that's the first rule of making it

>> No.56069386

What relationships? I only talk to my parents

>> No.56069408

Jfc anon, sorry to hear.

>> No.56069601

tell me more please
fuck. Reminds me of the pettiness and ugliness that breaks families who argue over inheritances in their unlimited greed

>> No.56069619

>haven't worked in three years
>still somehow magically keeping up with rent / mortgage payments, running a car, buying groceries
They're definitely never going to ask

And then they'll just assume you're an ambitionless lazy bum; which may be partly true with this being 5chins

>> No.56069627

Harsh story but also quite believable, unfortunately

>> No.56070997

>t. lying faggot

>> No.56071022

just say you have a data entry wfh job
or write code
so many easy ways to mitigate the asking

>> No.56071025

that‘s another infuriating misuse of the ‚le reddit‘ meme. congrats, m8. kys

>> No.56071054

hello grandpa posting at us from 1987
here in the 2020s things are a bit different
afaik none of my neighbors have an actual job
they are of working age but their cars don't move for days/weeks
(and they have cars normal people cannot possibly afford)
none of them are actually rich or they wouldn't be here, the houses are dressed up shitty wooden poverty shacks thrown up for the working class after WW2
they cannot all be working from home

>> No.56071070

>newfag detected

>> No.56071128

The car wash spics broke my windshield wipers and I didn’t even know until 2 weeks later when it was raining and the thing was all fucked up. At that point it was too late to even blame them for it

>> No.56071141

Just tell them you’ve been daytrading or drop shipping

>> No.56071151


>> No.56071160

what a crap idea. they‘ll annoy him with questions about his trading ‚secrets‘.

>> No.56071177

Just ramble on about some schizo bullshit on how you follow the fibonacci sequences or some shit. They’re not gonna know what the fuck you’re talking about

>> No.56073084

Well basically my sister was larping as a business owner, pretending to being profitable, but really she was losing her ass every month. She rents an efficiency for $1800/mo. So what's a girl to do when in financial trouble? Ask her newly wealthy brother of course. I lent her money here and there, and then the amounts and frequency increased. I added up how much money I gave her (just under 20k in about a year) and said I can't give you anymore money. It got to the point where she would only call for money, but would pretend to care how I was doing for a half hour first. So after I cut her off. She's been asking our parents for money, and I've been keeping my distance. I honestly don't like anyone in my family, but that's another conversation.
Oh and she's 44 years old

>> No.56073151

Get a mortgage on a condo and then go there every day but tell your gf/wife/parents that you are going to work.

>> No.56073219
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All my "friends" just give me sob stories about why they need money and then the next day they're buying pizza and weed.
Women who previously wouldn't have given me the time of day suddenly act like im a chad (i am not)
Friends all secretly hate me for my success.
Family all feel entitled to my money.

When i first "made it" my accountant basically begged me not to tell my friends/family but i stupidly didn't listen.

DO NOT tell poor people you have money!

>> No.56073257

I saw a video where this man is getting fucked in the ass by a tranny. Not by choice, but I saw the preview without clicking on the video. Certified faggot.

>> No.56073282

His entire career is fucking trannys anon

>> No.56073283

My brother-in-law made it which is what got me interested in crypto. At his peak net worth, he had around 12 mil usd. After word got out, rando "friends" from his past kept contacting him, trying to ask for money. His drug addict older brothers kept pressuring him for money, getting very malicious after he said no (basically trying to ruin his reputation by spreading rumors about him). Worst of all, people kept trying to hack his email, bank account, or pretty much any social media account

It's really, really hard to NOT tell anyone, and everyone wants the status of making it, being seen as the rich guy and all. Def never tell anyone the exact dollar amount you made because even if you do a favor for your family, they will be ungrateful and only think they deserve more. If you want to flaunt, just get a nice watch and car, and leave it at that. Play smart with your money and let it grow slowly over time (the boomer stock strategy has merit if you already have millions in capital).

>> No.56073298

What is the implication here?

>> No.56073455

I'll surely keep it just for me, not even for my mom and sis lmao, but for that I still have to see kava going to at least $10 kek

>> No.56073532

Based, don't ever tell anyone, enjoy it yourself

>> No.56073534

I wish that was me

>> No.56073537

Why not? I'll buy my mom a nice house and a car so she can move around anywhere she wants

>> No.56073539

And you definitely want to spend your money on trannies and cocaine

>> No.56073544
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I'll just buy a boat and eventually disappear without a trace for some months

>> No.56073549

It’s my money, I’ll do what I want with it.

>> No.56073569

Are you fucking retarded? People will notice the massive house you're living in you absolute dunce

>> No.56073581

>ramble about schizo nonsense
Checked and based.

>> No.56074767


>> No.56074796
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>at gas station, talking to clerk who is my good friend
>casually mention I made $1,000 in crypto this week
>a woman in her 50s behind me in line overhears this, follows me outside to the parking lot and demands I take her money and invest it for her
>"I don't want to have to read anything, I just want you to invest my money"
>tell her absolutely not, never gonna happen, and I lose money all the time
>she pulls out a bunch of worthless lotto tickets from her car and says she's fine with gambling
>hands me a card and asks for my phone number & email

>> No.56074866

Fuck her in the ass

>> No.56074900
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Made it last cycle. I'm stuck supporting my family now, can't enjoy my gains or even live on my own.

>> No.56076734

making it is a curse

>> No.56078736

Literally this.

>> No.56078767

It’s lonely bro

>> No.56079081

So far as I can tell extremes fuck with people. Extreme poverty fucks with people, and extreme wealth fucks with people.

>> No.56079169

Similar situation with me, except instead of asking for more money they simply acted as though I never gave them anything in the first place. Needless to say, never doing that shit again.

>> No.56079208
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>I guess you never know someone until you stop indulging them.

Fucking this. Happened with my ex, she moved out my flat to her parents but "we were on a break" and supposedly she wanted things to work and get better, then she kept saying all this bullshit insulting me and my family one minute then crying that she needs me and can't go on without me, it got to a point were I told her I'm done, we're over. Realised what a shit life she'll have without me in it (She doesn't earn much money, sleeps on a couch at her dad's 1 bedroom) She snapped instantly, went to the flat whilst I was out and stole or destroyed over £500 worth of my shit, left petty notes and everything, it was like a different person, the moment I stopped indulging in her shit and she knew her meal ticket was up.

>> No.56080340


>> No.56080666

Thats unfortunate anon, but at least you gained a valuable lesson. Dont gove your housekeys to bitches

>> No.56080864

Think about it like this, she will eventually spend it and probably blow it all on some stupid shit anyway pretty quickly unless its literally millions, but even then id bet she would manage. And then in 10 years she will have to work as a dishwasher again

>> No.56082485
