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56061911 No.56061911 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously I keep hearing that altcoins will never reach their ath again. But these are the same people that sat btc will reach 200k next run

>> No.56061922

I have 1 Bitcoin if it reaches 200k I'll get sminem tattood to my ass cheek

>> No.56061960

just play along to see how retarded they are

>> No.56062628

>he fell for the altcoin meme

>> No.56062638

Your statement appears inconsistent because it criticizes normoids for being skeptical about altcoins' potential while simultaneously believing in Bitcoin's significant price increase, which implies optimism about the overall cryptocurrency market

>> No.56062677

The real question is why do you think altcoins will reach their ATH? Please, tell me. You think normal people are going to buy something and do everyday transactions with something called XRP?

>> No.56064644
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They're too poor to invest and or too stupid to invest so throwing 100 bucks at a low market cap is just much too much for slow brain nigger cattle, I get why Jews call em goyim.

>> No.56064652
File: 211 KB, 1200x853, 375869621_731410205663680_4710184575095935487_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he fell for the altcoin meme
My portfolio is going up, one year chart? still up, it's like a staircase going up.
Learn to DCA into good projects.
Fudd does not work like you think it does.

>> No.56064688
File: 361 KB, 1704x1644, 1692480929355029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think normal people
I do not care about normal people, normal people waste their money on booze and scratch offs, I literally could give a fuck less about people making sub 60k a year and what they do or don't invest in.
Arab billionaires are buying crypto? I am buying crypto.
I do not listen to nor respect people I do not like, If I think you are a fucking foolish faggot fuck I will not entertain your bullshit.
If rich people are crypto, so will I.
Normies can get fucked for as far as I am concerned.

>> No.56064697

Because Bitcoin is the only token with a long term plan and actual tech behind it. Everything else is up for rugging or exchange password thievery because it lacks anything but good will into the creator which if you know about crypto it takes mere days to make one from scratch. Turns out most people aren't trustworthy. Go figure

>> No.56064706

the people saying alts won't reach their (bitcoin) ath again are the people who have been around for >8 years.
don't listen to them at your own peril.

>> No.56064717

rich people are even less likely to reach into the depths of old 2021/2017 alts during a bull run, they'll buy whats the most liquid.

>> No.56064826

Bitniggers are one of the lowest IQ scat enthusiasts on earth. Not only do they have no idea how CBDCs work, they actually think they’ll be able to get away with it AND destroy superior technology working with banks and governments to enhance the global payments infrastructure. They NEED the entire world to stay where it is technology and they want to force it to be that way so they can continue to flourish. Only way for bitfuck to be valuable is in a hyper inflation economy where people walk around with carts carrying millions of dollars to buy bread while interest rates are a flat 0%
Bitniggers don’t understand the tokenization of assets and digitizing payments was planned over 4 years ago.

>> No.56064874

Bitcoin was programmed in 2 days
CBDCS will never exist because the government can't hire trustworthy people

>> No.56064948

>CBDCS will never exist
This is your brain on bitfuck

>> No.56064959

>altcoins will never reach their ath again
this is true

>> No.56065074

Bitcoin took 2 days to make
Digital wallet 5
so far nobody has been able to copy it or make their own hash chain, not sure what evidence you have for any government employee being able to do it.

>> No.56065169

>Bitcoin took 2 days to make
>there is glownigger documentation on it since the 80’s
>not sure what evidence you have
You live with your head inside of a trannies ass. Bitniggers are truly the most retarded subhumans in the history of investments.

>> No.56065180

let's see the documents, I programmed it in 1993 on an MSDOS machine

>> No.56065241

1 whole bitcoin. Nice work anon. Considering the majority of people don’t even have the ability to even purchase .1 Bitcoin. I don’t think anyone can grasp how dystopian this game is going to get when it pumps again. Might turn into some hunger games type scenario looking how much debt the US has accumulated.

>> No.56065244

What documentation? There is only reports on studies, everything important is redacted information. Organizations like the BIS are the ones who are paving the way and establishing standards for CBDC development. There is literally like 10 different US CBDC organizations, the most popular being the Digital Dollar Project by the Federal Reserve. How the fuck are you retards so out of tune with this shit? It’s like you bought bitfuck then proceeded to sniff glue until your attention span became obsolete.

>> No.56065264

Like I said I programmed Bitcoin in 2 days and the digital wallet in 5. It doesn't take a long time to do, but it's highly skilled. Explain to me what a hash chain is and how the chain is completed and how it differs from a linked list. Bitcoin is the only hash chain in the entire world. Anything else is a cypher or linked list.

>> No.56065693
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Old ones usually don't. Largely because after an alt has been around for a cycle there are a bunch of bagholders from the previous bull who either bought the top or just didn't sell. Now they're waiting to dump on new investors when it starts to pump again. Also, once a coin has been around for four or five years a lot of the excitement tends to die down as newer coins steal the spotlight. Sometime a particularly good alt will come around and will have staying power but that's the exception and not the rule.

>> No.56065839
File: 26 KB, 480x360, d799dde3de63ebe3b5fcef578ba6d954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro. It's simple. Stargate's integration into Kava lets you access native USDT on every app-chain on Cosmos and Ethereum. It already has 90 million Native USDT issued, bro. That's NINETY million, bro. So anyway, you use that USDT to interact with dApps, and...

You lost the normie the second you said "integration". Instead, they see the shiny retarded NFT character generated with AI, and they hear 'MAKE MONEY BY PLAYING!!! BUY YOUR HEROES NOW!!!" and they buy the silly NFTs. We are back to the elite era where only mega virgins will invest in the good shit, sadly.

>> No.56065863

Because everything not named BTC is a shitcoin. Everything that isn't PoW is a proven scam and I'm tired of pretending that's not the case here. It's literally THAT simple

>> No.56065876

Throwing money at a low market cap isn't really the best strategy either. You're essentially gambling money.

>> No.56065882

It really pisses me off just how accurate this is. It's like they won't even look into a project unless there's some sort of way for their retarded brain to get constant dopamine shots 24/7 like there's no tomorrow. Goddamn.

>> No.56065889
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You just haven't invested in the right altcoins, nigger. Enjoy being poor.

>> No.56065899

>hurr durr muh accumulate more btc
>hurr durr muh proof of work
holy shit you maxis are some of the most insufferable posters out there. nobody cares that you bought 1/100th of a BTC yet again faggot

>> No.56065905

if you really care about what normies think then you're also nigger cattle. stay filtered

>> No.56065932
File: 528 KB, 1920x1920, 1610026022539721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true normies also hate nfts too. the real problem is that since so many e-celebs in their endless greed and hunger for money straight up robbed millions of people and so the zeitgeist for crypto now is
>where people go to lose money
>logan paul's paycheck

>> No.56065935

My mom asked me about bitcoin a few weeks ago. Asked if we should invest etc. We are slowly healing, bros...

>> No.56065942

Complex projects like kava, chainlink, etc., are also a though sell. Even for autists that know a thing or two about all of this shit in the first place.

>> No.56065949

what the fuck is that pic. why are a bunch of neggresses dressing up in pink masks as if they were about to rob their local convenience store

>> No.56065950

Congratulations. Your mom isn't a completely fucking retarded