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File: 802 KB, 1606x1211, jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56054409 No.56054409 [Reply] [Original]

>A group of specialists at Jump Crypto left the top market-making firm in digital currencies to start a new blockchain company that will focus on Pyth Network


>> No.56054414

Context >>56004071

>> No.56054426

So it wasn't BTC whales, Binance, CZ, Triads, KGB, Ukrainian army, and OPEC that manipulated Link price? Goddamn ex - Jump Trading and Jump Capital! I am ANGRY!

>> No.56054436

Literally who?

>> No.56054437

>jump will use pyth to put false price data on chain, encourage reordering, increase mev, bring back every famous crypto scammer, create ridiculous sounding tokens to make the crypto space feel even scammier than it already is and established actors will sell out in exchange for 5% gross profits adjusted for inflation
holy based frens this is it I just chopped off my penis and went all in eth

>> No.56054440
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It was all true.

>> No.56054441
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>> No.56054451

It's the VCs behind all the Chainlink bashing on Twitter and here. They also took over Synthetix DAO and had them use their pull based oracles.

>> No.56054456

This means we're going to pump soon.

>> No.56054458

Oh, this piece of shit? https://thedefiant.io/pyth-solana-bad-pricing-meltdown

> Jump Crypto
> Top market-making fund
> Literally nobody has ever heard of them before this
> Quick google search shows they were a tiny firm in Chicago that hasn't been active for a long time

>> No.56054459

How to buy pyth?

>> No.56054473

Kek you will blame anyone but Chainlink Labs.
Chainlink Labs routinely dump on holders and you'll never mention that because your judgement is impaired at best, and maliciously misleading (because you're working for Chainlink Labs) at worst.

>> No.56054485

This. Chainlinklabs are literally the ETH Foundation dumping on you kek baggies every damn day!

>> No.56054494

When are we transitioning ethxisters?!~~
I can't wait to castrate myself and join the inner MEV circle xoxo

>> No.56054498

Blame anyone but the real culprit. Classic deflecting tactic.
If it wasn't for CL Labs dumping on that CCIP news Link could've jumped to the top of this range effortlessly. Literally killing a potentially massive rally before it snowballs kek fucking greedy morons.

>> No.56054513

I buy ETH I get dumped on by Vitalik so he can fund raise for big hotdog and cheese pizza party at ETH Haiti and the ETH Foundation.
I buy LINK I get dumped on by Sir Gay for HR roasties!

Where does it end?


>> No.56054526
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>> No.56054529
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>> No.56054533

Thanks I'm buying asap

>> No.56054534
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>> No.56054541
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>> No.56054549
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>> No.56054648

This is much bigger news than, check notes, SWIFT working with chinalink

>> No.56054677

Absolutely based VS5nn09g
Thank you for lord's work

>> No.56054729

anon spoke the truth

>> No.56054751
File: 171 KB, 1328x961, 1682135156724308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink Labs routinely dump on holders
whoa, is Chainlink Labs the one who keeps dumping Bitcoin?

>> No.56054775

Why don't we set the kek fuddies onto pyth? Adem and co will have to make new twitter handles but they have much better material to use. Exploits, VC bullshit etc

>> No.56054800

>CL Labs dumping on that CCIP news
It was Bitcoin that dumped.

>> No.56054816
File: 868 KB, 1114x1668, 1683275248553243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuddies will praise Pyth to high heaven no matter how many failures and exploits it has.
Not necessarily because they love Pyth so much, but simply because Pyth is a Chainlink competitor.

>> No.56055100

Literally no praise of pyth in this thread. Just the usual cum brain link fud. Curious.

>> No.56055108
File: 707 KB, 787x830, 1694118048603230829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Link even win against the VCs and market maker Fud?
They've been killing Link for 6 years, what's stopping them from just bankrolling Pyth so that it wins.

>> No.56055120

Because it's so shit it will fail even with infinite capital backing it.

>> No.56055126

Yeah those guys deserve to be skinned alive

>> No.56055194

Well at the very least they won't fud it, not even to .0000001% of Link fud.

>> No.56055200

Nobody cares, they hold bags, worthless bags that can't be marketed.

>> No.56055202
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>Nobody cares

>> No.56055204

Nobody cares about advertising and marketing paid for by the scammers
They are the greatest fools

>> No.56055211

listen up sunshine this is literally VC bread and butter. If you are against greater fools, VCs dumping, and scams well you can find yourself a new industry gosh darn it!

>> No.56055216

They are the greatest fools
There is no fool bigger than you.
Pay more advertising agencies, that will help, certainly

>> No.56055240

turn 360 degrees and walk away to find a mirror anon you might find an even bigger fool

>> No.56055243

>use random oracle network with half ass security
>use chainlink and get access to liquidity from banks
Wow what a hard choice

Jesus Christ linkies already foresaw all of this. We literally went over this exact scenario in 18-19.

Even before ccip we knew oracles were the right play, so the next question was, of course, can someone come along, copy chainlink and eat our lunch?

Our first mover advantage was everything. It’s the same reason a dev is going to use aws instead of some rando startup to power their multi million dollar application.

The amount of overhead I’m willing to pay for the name brand solution with the proved track record is exemplary.

>> No.56055246

You are desperate, one can smell it through the screen, trying to cover it with humor like a dead piece of wood. Enjoy your skinning

>> No.56055254

i liek skin

>> No.56055257

No oracles failed in their entirety, crypto failed in its entirety, the tech is not needed. aren't the desperate advertisers trying to (((meme))) enough to realize that there is nobody who cares?

>> No.56055275
File: 907 KB, 1608x1801, 1693602642885544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's why Pyth is better than Chainlink!
>According to this VC dog who works at Pyth!
>He reiterates the same lies he's been saying for years that's been corrected multiple times.
>Hag gets called out
>Oh I'm sorry I was """sick""" so I didn't do my research
Those fuckers are paying everyone. For some reason, Ari follows this old lady.

>> No.56055283

The cornell mafia is in on it. Ari, is as much of a criminal as the rest

>> No.56055284

Just because your particular crypto and/or oracle shit the bed and has no real adoption doesn't change the fact that Chainlink has never failed once, and is deep in bed with the world's financial institutions.

>> No.56055287


>> No.56056612

You're a midwit if you think cone inflation matters in the slightest. It's th equivalent of a high-growth tech company distributing (selling) unissued shares from the treasury. How do you think no / low-revenue tech companies sustain for 10+ years until they finally are turning significant profits?

Literally all that matters is growth, and you fuddies didn't have any whatsoever in your height or your brain growing up, you retarded, despicable manlets.

>> No.56059454

How do you even buy this thing?

>> No.56060505

>Andre rugged after SBF overleveraged
>Sergey rugged after his team was happy with earnings
>all of your 'friends' projects you bought into also rugged
>Satoshi hasn't moved a single token and has gained 6figures Bitcoin tokens from auth taxes

>> No.56060721

Damn that dude got insanely wrecked in his own thread literally no one came to his defense and it's just post after post calling him a scammer. He didn't even try to defend HIMSELF. Is he just a bot or something?