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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1223x801, house pricing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56053213 No.56053213 [Reply] [Original]

Americans complain they cant afford houses, but theey have the most affordably houses in the world when you take american incomes into account. are americans just whining about nothing?

>> No.56053221

>please buy my plywood boxes
>Sirs my Airbnb isn't going so well
Lol boxies

>> No.56053423

true, young americans are just entitled and think its unfair that that they can't afford a 2500sqft single family home built in the year 2000 or later 15 minute drive from a major 1 million+ population city center on a single's person income with a starter level job when they're in their mid 20s

only exceptions where it's truly unaffordable are nyc miami sf and socal where you legitimately need to have inherited wealth or be a doctor to buy non shit housing there

>> No.56053486
File: 100 KB, 1257x628, boomer wages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56053570
File: 1.45 MB, 1450x1294, fuck this cuntry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but theey have the most affordably houses in the world when you take american incomes into account
Our banking institutions enforce the 28/36% rule.
It means that 28% of my pre-tax income is the maximum amount I can afford for PITI, and that my PITI + monthly debt payments cannot exceed 36% of my income ($3,600 per month)
I make $120,000 per year, and I have zero debt. This means my maximum housing expense is $2800 per month
Let's take a look at what $2800 a month buys you in my area...
Keep in mind that trailers still require >$2000 per month in land rental, so your total out of pocket is >$4.5k lmao

>> No.56054119

Housing + transportation is a more important metric than housing alone. People in other countries pay $40 for a public transportation pass while Americans pay $1000 for a car payment, insurance, maintenance, and fuel.

Also American houses are big and built cheaply, so there’s more home maintenance costs.

>> No.56054582

How about you save more than 20% for a down payment then you dolt

>> No.56054797

>t. Retarded zoomer who thinks like how >>56053423 describes