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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56031616 No.56031616 [Reply] [Original]

>"By the way, I don't know if you know this but banks.. have a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the money. They have it. They're banks." - Serey Nazrov

I was literally shaking from happiness back then I'll never forget that!

>> No.56031662

but how much is a lot...? Sergey really is fat

>> No.56031709

Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the money

Just imagine brav

>> No.56031865

was this from keynote?

>> No.56031876

Easily the most cringe he has ever been, which I think is what you're getting at.

>> No.56031887

He's not wrong tho

>> No.56031899

He finally adjusted his speeches to the IQ of linkies baggots, good.

>> No.56033198


>> No.56033309

>I don't know if you know this but banks.. have a lot of money.
i DO know this.. yay! i am smart like sirgay! UwU

>> No.56033318

How will this improve the monetary value of the chainlink token?

>> No.56033497

That’s the funny thing. It won’t teehee

>> No.56033730

Can someone post the talk?

>> No.56034313

Yeah, not his best talk.
But here he is being based and inspirational again:
It was just a little bump in the road. Can't be 100 every day.

>> No.56034326

Knee How Sers is this from Korea Brockchain ?

>> No.56034336

Singapore, but same tour.

>> No.56034359

I don’t know if you know this, but McDonald’s…has a lot of fries. A lot. Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the fries. They have them. It’s McDonald’s. I’m lovin it.

>> No.56034360
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Never forget that

>> No.56034370
File: 540 KB, 1125x1409, 1693781596444874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will literally never get a ROI with your linkcoin as Sirgay keeps dumping every single week until the project is over

>> No.56034563

Hahahahaahahahahaha did this really happen? Does anyone have a link

>> No.56034992

>"You see, our proof of stake is an immutable object for smart contracts. Machine learning on the dark web enables cloud security.
>The technological opportunities in the the metaverse will be both multimedia and multiexperience. By using deep learning and mobile analytics, we'll have a better idea of where our liquidity synergizes with other low hanging fruit.
>Lets circle back on this and take it offline, now is the time to pivot and think outside of the box.
>Valuations, insurance, portfolio, asset, ebitda, you name it we got it"
-Sergey D Nazarov - Shark Tank 2020

>> No.56035019

Dude talks all this shit and delivers a... *checks notes*

Market rank 22 shit token. It's incredible how tone deaf the man is. It will be rank 24 after sibos and smartcon deliver "m-more tests to come!"

>> No.56035055

who gives a fuck about rank lmao i can't retire based on rank. weirdest thing to fud ever. If link was rank 300 but $10k I promise nobody would be seething

>> No.56035057

literally any vc or whale could change the rank of chainlink with one buy order but instead they get huffy, dump btc, and pump the bags to entice retail retards with big numbers so they can dump. cool flex bro but out of the tens of thousands of scams vcs have dumped on retail retards which has advanced the crypto space?

>> No.56035284

Linkies bought in a while ago so he was a- ohhh i see what youre doing here.

>> No.56035781

>who gives a fuck that link used to be market rank 5? and now heading for the shitcoin grave

which has advanced the crypto space? kek, the answer is none of the above. chainlink is a grifter special, all to enrich the founders and nothing more. name one enterprise using chainlink in production, TODAY

>> No.56035833

Which episode is it?

>> No.56035857

>Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the money
Is this the power of a philosophy degree bros? This is truly an Albert Einstein level intellect we are dealing with. FUDbros I'm scared. He's right....banks have a lot of money, like a lot a lot, like all over the place money coming out of their whatever.

How do we respond to this?

>> No.56035864



What joke this has become. Like banks need this shit, they don't.

>> No.56035871
File: 67 KB, 1024x904, 1692409921931561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah that's odd I wonder why they choose not to go all in on the literal fourth industrial revolution most important invention of the past 200 years (Chainlink.) You'd think at least some bright minded investor would sweep in and buy up all of the circulating supply. Instead the founder himself seems to be dumping the token.

Pic related is the mindset link holders have to put themselves in to explain this phenomenon

>> No.56035885

What a slob. His voice sounds like a pig squealing

>> No.56035889

Not fudding, this is the defining moment where I sold my large portion of my stack for BTC.

I just dont see alts stopping their bleeding again BTC. Chainlink fundamentals are great, yes, but the price action AGAINST BTC is abysmal. If you want to keep any portion of your captial go into BTC, at the halving choose any alt. Its that easy.

>> No.56036481

Fucking kek

>> No.56036717
File: 95 KB, 1022x1024, 1693297932938427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"By the way, I don't know if you know this but banks.. have a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the money. They have it. They're banks." - Serey Nazrov
I guess I'm keeping my money in banks, then. Seems to have the most liquidity and safety. Thanks, Sergey!
No crypto scams for this kitty!

>> No.56036749

Listen carefully to what he’s trying to tell you.

>> No.56036816

>he’s trying to tell you.
and what is that?

>> No.56036849

He doesnt know how long will it take

>> No.56036853

Incredibly cringe talk by Sergey

Like if you dont know his context youd think hes a scammer

>> No.56036923

Hey Adem. If, as part of a cheeky prank, it became known in your local neighborhood among less savory types that you are a "crypto investor," how do you think that would turn out?

>> No.56037005

Is there a video for the latest Korean conference

>> No.56037387

Holy shit I thought people were joking. That is embarassing. The only thing I can think of is he was trying to dumb down his talk for the Chinese people there who dont speak great English. Or maybe there were some high schoolers there on a field trip

>> No.56037394

Good point. Shortly after the mumbling he concedes that no banks are coming on anytime soon, if ever. In true Serg fashion he talks around it (mentions legal issues), but this is him setting the narrative to delay another 10 years

>> No.56037464

The dude is an aspie and has to speak in public like every week, and has been doing so for years. I'm actually surprised he does pretty well most of the time.

>> No.56037540

Was he drunk?

>> No.56037584

Serious question, but what happens to Chainlink when Sergey dies? Look at him, he's clearly what medical experts would class as "at risk", living up to the McNastyslob title. He's sacrificed his health and fitness to dedicate all his waking hours in pursuit of his noble vision - an honest, all-encompassing oracle network.
Chainlink needs someone dedicated to an honest vision (like Sergey) at the helm. When he bites the dust (could be sometime soon if he doesn't start looking after himself) will some VC take-over like a vulture? They'd run the project into the ground overtime. CL needs a philosopher-king. Who fits the bill?

>> No.56037635

Maybe that cuck Ellis would come out of the shadows, or maybe someone like Kemal

He's a fat fuck that should've cared more about maintaining link in the top 5. He'd be a light lighter on his feet with the additional wealth

>> No.56037802

valid question... for the most part it seems like he's surrounded himself with worthless staff. I'm there's a few people that know what's going on though.

This was discussed a lot this time last year, but it would make sense to bring in a more polished salesman and let them be the face of the company. Give them a president or CEO title, whatever it doesn't matter. Sergey still runs everything behind the scenes. This would take some pressure off of him and he could take care of himself better. He is not suited for speaking to banks, especially when he wobbles in wearing that same ol sweat soaked flannel.

>> No.56037821

why are you faggots still shilling this obvious grift/scam? sergey is a midwit at best

>> No.56037831

>if we want to grow we need new money
lol so it's literally just an admitted ponzi scheme now and not about muh tech?

>> No.56037849

>dude is an aspie
you faggots with your sunk cost fallacy cannot even see that he is clearly a midwit and has no intelligence, let alone autism

>> No.56037878

cool so when does token value go up?

>> No.56037942


Why are all Link niggerfudders so mentally ill?

>> No.56038276

Look at that guy. He is not as socially challenged as Vitalik, but it is very obvious he was not made to get on stage for large groups of people. Why does me pointing that out make you angry?

>h-he is a midwit!
Anyone saying that and truly believing it is in fact a midwit. But I know you're just saying that because you're an angry little lad.

>> No.56038322

He's giving off trump vibes with that sentence.

>> No.56038352

Why does he need to be made to get on stage? Absolutely no tech pioneer ever wants that, if they do, they're a salesman in disguise (not to be trusted)
I'd much rather trust the guy that's fighting every urge not to be there, but does it anyway because what he has to say needs to be heard
And as usual, biz hasn't got 2 braincells to run together to figure it out, never change post-2017 biz

>> No.56038371

>Why does he need to be made to get on stage?
I don't know, I guess fuddies just like grasping for straws. If he was a slick salesman type or a snotty banker type like the QNT guy they would find flaw with that too.

>> No.56038502

i think it's just arrogance, he has to control everything because nobody else can be trusted, so he's a giant bottleneck to everything. he's the chris roberts of crypto

>> No.56038573

Being good at one thing and sucking at rest while also sucking jewish cock is the definition of a midwit. Lots of really smart dudes in their fields are midwits.

>> No.56038647

Spoken like a true /pol/cel with questionable intelligence

>> No.56039449

Chainlink likely would've failed without his leadership though. As I've pointed out before a project like Chainlink needs an actual visionary to lead it, which Sergey is. If you let some chump be in charge who will chase short-term profits at the expense of long-term success then we'd never hit the golden moon mission.

>> No.56039538

you should never trust a fat person with important matters like money, and this is because they cant take care of themselves, don't believe me? watch how SBF became disgusting fat slob that didn't change his clothes, didn't take showers, fucked Caroline's HPV ridden pussy, they cant handle themselves, imagine what they will do with your money

>> No.56039548

Link to vid?>>56031616

>> No.56039963

That's what I'm saying above. He doesn't need to be the one on stage. They can have someone else do that. But there does need to be someone that can sell, that's just business.

I think so too. He doesn't want anyone else stealing his clout


Sergey has made a lot of mistakes that could've been avoided. He let a lot of people in the space walk over him and CL. We need a younger Eric Schmidt. A killer. Eric pretty much all but said that in the talk last fall.

scroll up in the thread

>> No.56040523

>He let a lot of people in the space walk over him

No shit, he even invited them to headline his shitty conferences. No respectable engineers or tech guys ever show up to Smart Con, it's all grifters like Mashinsky and Bankman

>> No.56041668

My Property Valuation is $3m (after the dip) and I'm wearing a Daytona Cosmograph 2018 right now worth more than the average wagey makes in a year.

Cry yourself to sleep, you are poor. Told you to buy ETH when it was $200, didn't I?

>> No.56041705

imagine telling an anonymous crypto board what you're wearing lmao

>> No.56041757
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there are retards on this board that buy this shit
hahah im leaving /biz/ goodbye

>> No.56041773

>no Philip patek

Kys poorfag

>> No.56041789
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>You should see these banks they're huge. And they love us by the way they say... "Sergei... what a guy... possibly the best guy we've ever seen". I tell them, you know, they come up to me afterwards, and we've seen this at all the banks, Chainlink... I mean you might as well call it thebestlink you know I tried to get them to change the name, but they come up to me and they say "we've never seen anything like this" they say. But we work with the biggest banks. By the way, I don't know if you know this but banks.. have a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot more than anyone else, in the whole place, ever, forever. All the money. They have it. They're banks. If there's money then... well they probably have it. So we're going to get these banks and we're going to make crypto great again. Yep, it's true. Now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting with the CEO of McDonald's. He's very excited about what we're doing, he says to me "you know, Sergei, our burgers are the best burgers on the planet, they're everywhere, just like we think chainlink will be one day". You know they're even thinking of naming a burger after me they love me so much. It's true, yep, it's true.

>> No.56041958

He's trying to spell it out to retail because they're too retarded to figure out that once banks get involved in defi the whole industry will grow and Chainlink stakers will profit from every transaction.
>if it's so good why would he need retain interest
Simple answer is he needs to bootstrap the project until banks are all in.

>> No.56041993


>> No.56042127
File: 81 KB, 279x389, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look faggy and normies don't even know what they are, Rolex is always the better choice for a bagsfag

>> No.56042170

Might as well be called a fucking Patel

>> No.56042826

>larp larp larp larp
are you dumb enough to think that would work? fucking moron lmao

>> No.56042929
File: 1.35 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230907_105757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you dumb enough to think that would work? fucking moron lmao

Yeah bro I am dumb enough to think that would work hahaha! Now feast upon my blue eyes blonde arm hair, Daytona Cosmograph worth 100x your jeet annual salary, and 2x 24k Gold bracelets gifted to me by a real women against my non-crypto portfolio, and remember that you will always be poor and you will never slay Korean pussy or make it like Keith !!i1x0V2JuFg/

Mmmm yeah, fuck you poor niggers, mmmmm. Got a tee time in an hour and gonna do an 18 hole, have fun at work.

>> No.56042942
File: 90 KB, 828x907, 1692384455008861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is equally unforgettable

>> No.56043022

KEK, always the best post

>> No.56043201

you have fat small little hands but congratulations on having money namefaggot

>> No.56043211
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>> No.56043313
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His knowledge of economics let alone tokenomics is on display above. What do YOU think?

>> No.56043331

>disgusting weird hands
>hello kitty mousepad

>> No.56043369
File: 2.80 MB, 498x277, Fats Destroyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monkey wrist
>hello kitty mousepad
>every tab is 4chan
You are Fats

>> No.56043588

Kek please be real

>> No.56043661

Checked and its like Michael and Simeon had a baby and then that baby made a baby with Adem.

>> No.56043679

Nice jewelry faggot

>> No.56044625
File: 122 KB, 657x768, 1693023096810191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mousepad is a product of my wife and daughter, didn't think anyone would even see that kek.

I never realized people don't have arm and hand hair until I you de-emasculated faggots teased me for it but I guess it isn't for normies.

>> No.56044912
File: 20 KB, 512x512, 1673443112600519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be trying to trans and taking some hormones hello kitty
>talks about how manly he is
>injects gay hormones
>hello kitty

>> No.56044950

Why is your wife and daughter's mousepad at your high powered trading station and not at their own computer?

>> No.56044997
File: 80 KB, 1093x596, 1692514084338260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a mouse pad, wife is Korean (and hot, by the way, not like most WMAF who have a dog tier 3/10 parasite) lmao they love this cute stuff. I fucking hate anime and trannies and never cared much to buy a high intensity gaming mousepad because I don't fucking pay vidya you stupid faggots.

anyway cya

>> No.56045061

you are the worst tripfag in the history of tripfags and their tripfaggotry kill yourself

>> No.56046285 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 638x638, 85791128707152709747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo my main man, no need to harsh my mellow my guy. Not a vibeskill! All I'm doing is trying to raise awareness on the greatest token in existence - Scorch Coin. Read the white paper and thank me later king

>> No.56046421

Lmao bilbo baggins doing damage control over here

>> No.56046466

bump for baggies

>> No.56047602

>Link niggerfudders so mentally ill?
They're mentally ill but then there's you the linktard who keeps sucking Sirgays wrinkled red dildo. Fucking move on, research and find bluechips. Altcoinist, DeFiLlama and apeoclock are where to begin desu

>> No.56048252 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 638x638, 19325160851922211936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word up dawg, we are buying as much scorch as possible because this dev team will take us all to the promised land. Scorch is literally unstoppable. The future of finance is here. There’s plenty of room on this rocket ship and we are all taking off. Get your tickets while it’s still low. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity