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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56030653 No.56030653 [Reply] [Original]

>team is over 20 people
>I have a vague bureaucratic job but the team leader dgaf about me
>job has become useless
>manager is a boomer on another team who doesn't know what's going on

I always feel like I'm a week out from being found out as a fraud who does nothing. My manager knows things aren't set up well for me but he maybe doesn't know how much.

I looked at some suggested training courses and they were so irrelevant and boring, I almost fell head first on to my laptop monitor.

>> No.56030669

that sucks to be useless and helpless. maybe get on adderall and sort yourself out

>> No.56030674

all office jobs are worthless and nobody cares. personally, i write python scripts when i pretend that i'm working.

>> No.56030710
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You need meds to walk in line

>> No.56030716
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Don't try to find purpose in a job, anon, you'll lose that fight. It's just a job, after all. Do the necessary amount you have to and get paid. Keep saving/investing and stacking sats, then do something you want to do on the side, even if it's education/training related.

>> No.56030719

Managers generally are like you - they just don't want to be bothered and aren't looking to bother anyone. As long as whatever work you need to get done gets done they're not going to worry about whatever you're doing otherwise.

That's why most companies are horribly inefficient.

Until someone comes to your manager and says "how do we cut costs?" they give zero fucks about waste and will keep letting their team be bloated and inefficient as long as they can also basically do nothing all day as a result.

I used to have jobs like yours. They seem boring and worthless but ultimately they're comfy. I now have "important" jobs trying to whip companies into shape and honestly I work hard on stuff I care so little about. I wake up questioning what I'm doing with my life every day. Just posting on this frog board is giving me anxiety because I know it's just a distraction from the mountain of work I have on my plate right now.

I wish I had nothing to do and was just carefree frog posting all day. That is a good life, anon. Be happy.

>> No.56030995

>I wish I had nothing to do and was just carefree frog posting all day.
my life has been doing nothing the past 3 years and its been such a blessing. staying at my dads and investing in bitcoin made me free. i've been travellin ever since. if I ever had to go back doing a "carreer" i would literally kms. thank GOD bitcoin exists so i can focus on more meaningful things.

>> No.56031166
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Based, well done anon