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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56011819 No.56011819 [Reply] [Original]

Wasted. I was 19 and full of Hope now i'm 24. Still no girlfriend, no friends, no house, no car, no money.

Now the reality is kicking in, I think I have to get a job.

>> No.56011836


trust the plan don't fall for the fud

>> No.56011842

How many you hold

>> No.56011843

>I think im smarter than everyone and will never have to work

>> No.56011845

why didn't you sell in 2021?

>> No.56011853

link is going to $6 then bloody $1000 eoy!

>> No.56011861

I remember buying this shit for like 13 cents


>> No.56011863

Bulgarians won...

>> No.56011875

wow what a heart breaking post, "fellow OG"
definitely going to sell 100k now

>> No.56011903

I feel sorry for anyone that listened to ChainlinkGod, Crypto_Oracle, Catfishy, and DrakeLink over the last couple of years. Those 4 convinced so many people to hold from the top all the way down, resulting in tens if not hundreds of millions of losses for bagholders. Literally the worst people to get advice from.

>> No.56011933
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You should sell if you feel like this.
Still comfy over here.

>> No.56012015

Pretty crazy that LINK delusion has probably genuinely ruined some lives on here.

>> No.56012022

Need more info, what does link have to do with your bad life choices?

>> No.56012029

also i held icp from 21 to 23. lost so much money on that garbage. however it was somewhat absorbed by the nearly 7 figures i made off dogcoins. shit is cap fr fr
t. 2021 newfag

>> No.56012045

I hold chainlink and unironically think this

Because I already don't work, sitting on close to 70k, average buy in of $0.195. Yes I took profits in 2022. Yes I actually traded up to more than I originally had in 2018. Yes, I'm quite the exception. Keep seething and painting linkies with a broad brush, faggot. YWNBAW, and YWNMI

>> No.56012061 [DELETED] 
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You have like 400k in crypto lol

>> No.56012096

>that pic
why does he pretend that it would cost a lot of money to deal with a pindick stacklet like him if someone felt like it lmao
its not like he was hard to find and if someone paid a rapefugee to screwdriver him in the eye it would just be written off as a "cultural diversity" incident over there

>> No.56012562

I know, it's not enough. But it's honest work.

>> No.56013003
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5 years of my life gone and i lost most of my friends and sanity along with it. even it if goes up to $1,000...wouldnt even matter.

>> No.56014189

2026 was always the end goal
remember that

>> No.56014194

if you sold the actual top in 2020 and put it into btc/eth you'd have been wealthy in only 3 years
and then even wealthier in 5

alts aren't for the long term, you just got played.

>> No.56014199

>just wait for 10 years and miss out on the last early crypto cycle you'll ever get to hold an already forgotten alt

>> No.56014206
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>> No.56014208

imagine buying this below a dollar and not selling at 50

>> No.56014229

when you are lying on the internet, doesn't it feel hollow?

>> No.56014270


>> No.56014993

Can someone explain me why linkies keep defending Nasty Slob, despite him dumping millions of tokens each week?

>> No.56015101

Admitting Sergey is a scammer is admitting they bought into a scam (he is, they did)

>> No.56015105
File: 82 KB, 1018x640, swiftwegoonby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWIFT oversaw $150 trillion in transaction volume in 2022.

>> No.56015128

these guys have no idea what they have done
even after getting doxed

>> No.56015374

Is that a lot? how many sats?

>> No.56015391

because they're high estrogen "investors" who have literally fallen in love with this run of the mill russian schemer. not even because of anything he did, only because of the sad little community that formed on 4chan.
if link didn't become an emotional support group for weak-willed "males" most of them would have noticed the top was in 3 years ago and saved themselves.

why hold for 3 years and give back 90% of your gains even if you believe in chainlink? it became the fifth largest coin in the market including bitcoin, ethereum and tether. it was an incredibly obvious sell.

>> No.56015433

I fell in love with Ari, not Sergey. Still not selling by the way.

>> No.56015445

i don't expect any capitulation now not in the shadow of that 90% drop. the usual for these alts is once it misses another bull market, when it's only lower highs the reality sets in.

>> No.56015464
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>> No.56015514

>tfw it’s all so tiresome

>> No.56015570

what am i looking at exactly?

>> No.56015603

Stinkies are so irrational they resort to violence when someone makes fun of them. Truly the nogs of crypto

>> No.56015931

the result of the high level of female emotions bagholders have of this 2017 ico

>> No.56016519

Most linkies should already be employed desu because they never sell.

You didn't invest, you joined a cult.

>> No.56016531
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dont worry about it join us or die

>> No.56016539

Do whatever you need to do. Just don't sell.

>> No.56018005
File: 23 KB, 619x362, 311700075_482813687210029_2814543545811201771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my own personal tech promise land hell is $POND, never bought $LINK
>It's been two years already and of course these tech dreams haven't materialized yet
should i just get out while i still can?