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File: 484 KB, 903x935, 1686795216243797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56007676 No.56007676 [Reply] [Original]

Higher muscle MOG on incel job applicants.
Get Higher position jobs and look like you belong in those positions.
Higher T motivation causes you to take the risks you always needed to.
Higher T makes you more confident and be a better sales men in all aspects of life.

>> No.56007686

worked for jeff bezos

>> No.56007731

does it also make you post shirtless men online for other men to look at? that's a bit off-putting

>> No.56007741
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this only works if you're not a manlet.
he 'upgraded' to a bogged goblin. not exactly a great endorsement for T

>> No.56007752

it makes you infertile because your body stops producing endogen T. you WILL get bald and your balls will shrivle up. if you take fina to fight the baldness you will be double infertile and can't reproduce.

everything has its side-effect good luck bro.

>> No.56007789 [DELETED] 

Let me tell you something. Masculinity in itself is formed by _independence_.
If you hop on external T you make yourself dependend on a drug for lifetime. You essentially castrate yourself and throw away what differs you from females in front of the nature.
For the rest of your life you need to able to organize and store dosages of hormones.
Add to this the psychological body dysmorphia, which will make it impossible for you to ever accept your natural state again.
Also your desire to still progress will never stop, and you will up the doses continuously, at which point your arteries and other organs are already fucked.

It's a one way ticket, .. you want quick and results, then pay for it a high costs.

Roiders will never speak about the downsides, because they know its over for them, and its better to cope around it

>> No.56007790

Is this an actual con when you're over 50? I'm not planning on having more kids anyways, I'm good with 3

>> No.56007793

you dont need that, just workout and eat right, sleep well. jeez

>> No.56007802

Testosterone does nothing. I tried Enclomiphene monotherapy and then AI (Anastrozole) monotherapy. Both doubled my free and total testosterone, proven by blood tests. But I didn't feel or look any different. Waste of time.

>> No.56007809 [DELETED] 

You T-receptors might be insensitive or you may have a low amount of recepts to bind the T

>> No.56007821

Holy fuck, i am 'mirin. Guess there is hope afterall.

>> No.56008052

Is there anything I can do about that?

>> No.56008188 [DELETED] 

its some years ago when i read into that stuff, but it didnt seem like there was a solution yet, as its a pretty undiscovered field in science. maybe there's been some progress though, just research a bit for test receptor sensitivity / amount of receptors i guess

>> No.56008275

He took 5 years off his life at least and looks way older now
Fittards cope

>> No.56008341

Significantly increased risk of stroke and heart disease. It's not worth it, especially at 50.

>> No.56008409

You're expecting people on a board for get rich quick scams to have patience and put in effort towards something worthwhile instead of taking the risky half-assed shortcut?

>> No.56008427
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I'm in my 50's and the benefits VASTLY outweigh the risks.
You've made valid points, but you have to counter the fact that if your body doesn't produce T naturally, you feel EVERY ache and pain, you are depressed and your body falls to shit. You can argue 'that's nature, bruh' and thats true...but if you can take something to mitigate that, YOU WILL do it.
There have been side effects...I've developed back hair (lol), my testicles are smaller and my hematocrit (blood work) has gotten high. But I've mitigated that by donating blood every 4 months. I haven't gone bald or got acne.
The benefits? Many..more than I can list...no more depressive fog, better sleep, ability to do workouts and NOT have 'nickel and dime' pains (I don't bulk lift, just keep in shape), lost 50 lbs and kept it off, now able to get erections without viagra (even that didn't work well before T), better overall feeling. Works can't express how much better things are on it.
But like you said, some people can't tolerate it and that's unfortunate...but when you get older (you will), keep this therapy in mind...it only costs me ~$150/mo for tests, meds, doc visits. Look into it if you want to.

>> No.56008467

In that case, it might be worth it for you. I hadn't realised you suffer hypogonadism - if the benefits outweigh the risks, then you know what to do. I do think people should make sure they've assessed the decision from a rational and not emotional standpoint. If a prospective TRT recipient has kids, those kids would prefer their father be here for a long time rather than a good time - both from a financial and mental perspective.
I'm of the opinion that life is suffering, and if the road ahead seems easy - it's probably the wrong road.

What is your opinion on ceasing TRT now that those benefits have been realized? The longer you continue treatment, the more likely your endogenous testosterone production ceases to function.

I had a friend who quit TRT a few years back; he lost some QoL for a while but managed to get back into a good position after doing weird things like sunning his balls and cage fighting lol.

>> No.56008633

I have never been hornier than when taking test, was the main effect for me. I also put on 30 pounds of muscle in 1 month.

>> No.56008647

shrinks your balls. Roidbeasts like this aren't real men, they're vain eunuchs willing to destroy their manhood permanently to look good for a few years before age and roidgut set in.

>> No.56008656

She probably worships him and does whatever he says. Women are raised to be disrespectful entitled little cunts today. So if you find one that gives you the respect you deserve, keep her.

>> No.56008663

Nigga I got 3 kids already bring on the infertility

>> No.56008665

You need to fill some thots with cum before you trt boomer mog because it destroys your dick

>> No.56008668

What does it matter if it makes you lose hair and shrinks your balls? It'll turn you into a bald, fat titted lady boi. Heart attack is a plus because you don't have to live out the horrible result.

>> No.56008669

Not only for him. Rogan, every fit male actor above 50. TRT let’s you have the body chemistry of a high T 20 year old. However, there are downsides, a good doctor is a must

>> No.56008679

Imagine the government cuts your supply you're either going to the black market or you're a tranny for life

>> No.56008691

How did T regain his hairline?

>> No.56008701

If you seriously consider it do not conduct or listen to bro science look up a good doctor who knows TRT well. Ideally does it himself. It’s a package of ups and downs and you will be dependent on weekly hormone shots for pretty much the rest of your life. Never go beyond the healthy max limit of T blood levels. Don’t go full roider. The ups are stunning, you will have T and other hormones of a healthy high T 20 year old

>> No.56008703

>bring on the infertility
And early death. I'm sure your kids would prefer you stay around a bit longer than be a symbol of masculinity.
TRT for people without idiopathic low endogenous testosterone production is a psyop to decrease birthrates and therefore increase immigration and by extension cheap complicit labour. You might not be the target audience for this particular psyop but you're still falling for it.

>> No.56008731
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>tranny for life
No, they become the 42%. Lolololol.

>> No.56008966

If you take physiologic doses and add in enclomiphene you will preserve most of your natural testicular function. Most who need T have already had kids anyway. Also, once you come off your natural sperm and T production recover in 6 months - 2 years.

>> No.56008985

You obviously have not read any of the recent studies. Even if someone has existing heart disease, it won’t increase their risk of heart attack

>> No.56009011

HCG is a miracle drug that raises sperm count even from 0. Look into
It. As long as you still have balls you can be fertile.

>> No.56009036

>not generalisation amongst the male population
>not applicable to asians
>not applicable to those over 50
I think it's clear you've read this paper - why leave out the parts that undermine your claim you disingenuous faggot?

Nigger, I was third author a "recent study". You should look at who funds the studies claiming there is no link, and consider their vested interests. There's little consensus on this thus far, but from my assessment there is a strong case to suggest TRT in men over the age of 50 suffer higher incidences of heart disease and stroke.

>> No.56009099

anon, why do you hate TRT so much? Is it because you are on and now that everyone else is on the same playing field you dont have the same advantage at life you had before?

>> No.56009118

I have always been a muscular dude, most athletic in my class etc. The idea of taking testosterone is so gay to me. You either have passable genetics or you do not and should not reproduce. The gene pool is a mess of cope

>> No.56009125

>dont use tech to level the playing field or advance at life.
let me guys you're anti gun too and are a lanklet?

>> No.56009126

Most people get there T from compounding pharmacies. I’m sure local compounding pharmacies are really eager to fund millions of dollars for studies to help them sell $200 testosterone vials.

>> No.56009143

Level the playing field? It's biology. If you're weak, you're weak. That's like saying makeup is a woman's real face. I own guns and have maintained an 8 pack since the 1st grade.

>> No.56009212
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Almost every male in the fitness community and just general upper echelons of life are on some form of testosterone now. It all started in the last 15-20 years, but we've got a situation where all these geriatrics are holding on for their life with these Testosterone drugs and that puts younger men in a position where they almost need to take it just to compete at this point. Throw in everything about modernity that tanks your natural test and it's easy to see why these drugs have exploded in popularity.

>> No.56009225

Young men who get on T will not be passing on their genes even if they tried.

>> No.56009260

too much muscle and body building is lower class. upper class people do endurance sports like biking 1000 miles uphill or whatever because they are insane. I recommend endurance sports if you want to raise your perception.

>> No.56009263
File: 49 KB, 432x355, IMG_4758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll give my 2 cents because I was thinking about hopping on gear not too long ago. I decided not too because a lot of anons in here already said it, you’re on it for life (or damn near). It’s not worth it if you don’t meet these conditions.

It’s probably worth hopping on if you’re older (40+), have lower T levels, go to the gym religiously for years, have a decent income, and already have kids.

A lot of anons in here say that it castrates you and that’s true, but there’s drugs you can take to keep fertility. That being said, I wouldn’t risk it to avoid genetic defects in reproduction.

>takes years off your life
Anons. That’s if you blast it. If you cruise it at a moderate level you probably won’t lose much of your lifespan. Stress also takes years off your life.

>but muh quick progress
A lot of people don’t mention this, but your ligaments do not grow as fast as your muscles even on gear, so if you hop on test and outgrow them, you put yourself at a huge risk for severe life altering injury (think torn pectoral muscle).

Also think about this.
>be you
>trt for years
>war starts
>test supply shrinks
>doctors are out
>feeling like shit
>months since last pin
>still feel like shit
>concoct some in bathtub
>it’s not sterile
>pin it
>get massive infection
>die from infection
Does that sound like the life to you? Almost every world economy is in the shitter right now, I would hate to be reliant on medication at this current moment in time.

>> No.56009268

I don't know, hopefully that's true. I do see alot of older dads on testosterone, and their sons are spaghetti armed twinks.

>> No.56009271

Only if you're well past the point in your life where you naturally produce T yourself. Doing it anytime before your mid-30's and usually even later is absurdly unhealthy and disgusting.

>> No.56009298

I don't hate it; it has incredible benefits for people with idiopathic endogenous T production problems. If the problems arent idiopathic; the identified cause should be treated first. If there are no problems, TRT should not be administered.
That said, everybody has a right to put whatever they want in their body - but there are problems with the way information is disseminated online. Lots of inconclusive studies spun to minimize the risks and maximise the benefits; the literature around this topic is a fucking joke.
Men's desire to achieve masculinity is being taken advantage of to line the pockets of pharmaceutical suppliers, this is clear as day. Most discussion online around this topic appeals to emotion rather than reason - this thread is testament to that.
Hormones are not to be trifled with.

I see you are a man of integrity, just like myself.

>> No.56009376

Based. I'd rather be free of meds than prolong some delusional vanity that fronts as masculinity. Put me on an island with a bunch of roiders and fintards, I will be the only functional man within a few months of our isolation.

>> No.56009379
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forgot my image

>> No.56009417

yes, but only boomers and female trannies can get T

>> No.56009432

Better than being low t

>> No.56009450

I’m 46 and while I doubt my T is low enough to get a prescription, I don’t have the energy I need to complete tasks daily and it can’t recover from my workouts anymore. I already have two children and I’m considering going on it but most guys need viagra afterwards

>> No.56009491

Cool but it’s not a proprietary medicine. Anyone can make it and sell it from a compounding pharmacy. Who is to benefit from “fake” studies?

>> No.56009506

You can come off and go right back to normal. I’ve done it. don’t be so fearful

>> No.56009517

Can you not just do light cycles to minimize risk? All I would want is my T levels to be like when I was 18 years old again. I don’t need to be 3x that like most riod junkies do

>> No.56009519

Lmao no.

I am pretty jacked myself and natural. It's not that hard bros.

Lots of legs. Eat eggs and sleep.

As soon as this guy drops the T he will explode into a fat fuck or become mega extra weak soi man.

>> No.56009743
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this. Don't you think it's funny how a lot of people promoting hormone replacement therapy came out of nowhere?
The ones talking about seed oils were developing a goyslop synthetic olive oil lol.
Anyone promoting shrooms or mind altering drugs have a severe karmic debt against them for leading you to demons and entities beyond your understanding.

>> No.56009853

have the same issue. I went on TRT at 170mg/weekly dose and still looked dyel after years on it. Either dudes are extremely sensitive to regular doses of TRT or they're taking like 500mg which is a mini steroid dose

>> No.56009870

>He took 5 years off his life at least and looks way older now
you're just noticing that he has grey in his beard. I guarantee every person in the room is looking at him when his shirt comes off. you're transparently jealous.

but yeah, young men should avoid dependence on any substance or product

>> No.56009872
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>tfw skinny as fuck
>tfw manlet near his mid 20’s (5’8)
>tfw got bloodwork done and was at 920 ng/dl
Dude looks pretty good though, but personally I wouldn’t go anywhere near that shit unless your T levels are borderline nonexistent to begin with. If you’re at that age then it wouldn’t really matter because the fuck else do you got to lose, but if you’re a younger guy you’re basically selling out your own endocrine system that will become dependent on said drugs like a diabetic on insulin.

>> No.56009901

The reality is that he could have been in great shape if he just worked out instead of juicing. Pic on the left is him without any effort at all. He didn't need T to get in great shape, but he will need to stay on T to remain an ape. Not a good financial decision at all.

>> No.56009933

If you look like you are on steroids nobody will take you seriously.

If you are older and your testosterone is actually naturally low, then TRT is something to consider.

Otherwise fuck off and live a healthier lifestyle and lift heavy weights. If you are under the age of 40 you have no business whatsoever taking roids.

>> No.56009935
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>A lot of people don’t mention this, but your ligaments do not grow as fast as your muscles even on gear, so if you hop on test and outgrow them, you put yourself at a huge risk for severe life altering injury (think torn pectoral muscle).
Exhibit A - Bezo tore his right bicep already

>> No.56010326

cool so does everyone else in the states. When i see arguments like yours its usually from faggots who have the upper hand. In your case you think you are genetically gifted

>> No.56010343

The amount of faggots walking around with bitch tits and depression when the world goes to shit and you can no longer just freely get the gear will be hilarious. Imagine making yourself dependant on something on purpose. LMAO

>> No.56010357

You forget that there will be stockpiles of test in every house for the 10 year olds who decided to transition.

>> No.56010507

i bet she seems pretty fucking tasty whispering filthy spanish in his ear. also she got mad ass yo. also consider how nigh impossible it is find someone anyone who can deal with all that high vis drama in stride and not fuck up the vibe.

>> No.56010563

Women have life on literal baby bitch easy mode. ALL you have to do is genuinely show (aka fake) love and affection to a guy and you can literally land a billionaire lol.

>> No.56010588

My brother was on trt and hcg when he had his first kid.

>> No.56010621

Nobody gives a shit about muh birthrate, our countries are all already pajeet-negroid favelas.
Fuck off and let people have fun.

>> No.56010647

are you suggesting jeff isnt loveable?

>> No.56010652

pro-tip: girls in their prime (18-25) wont date either pic in OP. once youre 40+ its over, steroids or not

>> No.56010661

you know the rules whore...

>> No.56010929

Yes, Take it, I'm 3 weeks in, 250mg split in 2 injections Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, feeling great, I feel like I can do everything, libido is up too.

>> No.56011020

you just need a passport

>> No.56011025

thinking 25 is still "prime"
think again, roastie

>> No.56011181

How do you concoct it in the bathtub?

>> No.56011522

Is that why you are jealous..? Being pissed off at other dudes' lifestyles is beta af, lol.Just a quick tip tho, "roidgut" is caused by insulin and HGH abuse, not testosterone, hehe.

>> No.56011539

you are welcome to link to studies investigating the masses of men who have suffered early death on TRT dosages.. I mean, this sounds SERIOUS

>> No.56011555

Boomers are styling on us, both on the housing market and on the beach!

>> No.56011576

>ohh, muh DEMONS
it's not like anyone took your opinions seriously but here you ruined it for yourself

>> No.56011604
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His original wife was probably a better choice, considering she got with him before he got rich, raised his children, and looks like a dork (he also looks like a dork).
If I had to be married I'd take the plain nerd wife over the goblin any day.

>> No.56011619

are you on creatine already? i'm only 37 so i won't pretend to know what you're going for, but getting on it gave me back the same energy levels as when i was 17

>> No.56011627

She is way sexier than that cheap slut he left her for.

>> No.56011652
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She is very cute! He threw away an autist tomboy wife for a goblin. I don't understand why.

>> No.56011769

They push creatine on you even as a teen hence you see a lot of early 20s gymcel hairlets

>> No.56011799
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>> No.56011847
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Enjoy having to self-administer a blood let every two months.

>> No.56011867

What’s up with people going bald from creatine? I’ve taken that shit my whole life and never lost any hair

>> No.56011920

That guy is doing more than TRT and 687 is nothing special. the general scale goes from 100-990 with most non-s*o*yed men having ~700
I want anons to be fit too but use real pics ffs

>> No.56012419
File: 2.11 MB, 2361x2371, WIRED_703_Jeff_Bezos_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worships him and does whatever he says

Jeff's a square book nerd.

He most likely worships her for how cool and hip she is (her ex was Tony Gonzalez). She's the one dressing him up every day, btw. Also, he probably thinks Tony is cool too and potentially worships him as well. Bezos has time and again claimed that football is his favorite sport. Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez spend weekends with her ex and his kid all the time.

>> No.56012431

ofc it is just make sure you get the appropriate dose

>> No.56012449

I was already a chad before I started taking Test, getting on T granted me access to gigachad status.
It's been a huge positive so far (6 months in).
More energy, sex drive , motivation I feel mentally sharper- Confidence through the fucking roof.
It's worth it OP.

>> No.56013079

Hey lads I recently got my blood work back and I had a T level of 390 (I don't know what the free T was) and I know that's tragically low. I'm going in to a T clinic JUST to talk about my results (for now). I feel tired and depressed all the time and my brain feels like it's not working at all anymore. Anyone have similar symptoms that went away once your T increased? I'm already working out and eating right but it's not enough.

>> No.56013187

i've been on trt for like 6 months and have never had to do this

>> No.56013319

Never let the opinions of insecure men hold you back from a technological advantage

>> No.56013377

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.56013430
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I don't know if Jeff ditched her. It seems like Mackenzie had another guy lined up that she had already married to and divorced from after Jeff.

>> No.56013441

You can use it for a while and go back. But I endorse your post, most people think they can fix their life just using a drug.

>> No.56013512

The modern environment fucks our T levels to the point we're about a 1/3 of what it should be when compared to historical data from WW2. All by design. And the elite want to keep it that way. There's nothing diet or lifestyle related you can do to fix it the pollutants that kill T are everywhere and persistent (plastics for one). Most men have to get on TRT just to match what their grandfathers had naturally. Think also the benefits of a sharper mind and the reward vs risk factor higher T gives you in your work. It's not just a physical benefit.

>> No.56015397

no doubt she is a better wife, but i also understand the horny. you are a billionaire who can literally experience anything and you've been having the same sex for 20 years. is that not a difficult temptation?

>> No.56015409

6 fuckin 3 that dudes literally spartanmode

>> No.56015507

dude is overweight in both pics. needs to fix this right away

>> No.56015822

How do you train a women to not be awful and instead be submissive and subservient?

>> No.56015893

Why the hell would I take hormones, I ain't no tranny

>> No.56015999

This goblin is really the best a billionaire can pull?

>> No.56016150

Try 18-20

>> No.56016222

Without doubt our poisonous environment and food (Sneed oils and eating carbs and other processed crap) means men's test has been destroyed. The online push that everyone is taking 'trt' is pushed by dunning Kruger faggots like that Derek more plates more dates. Types like him need to be shot in the head for the damage they are doing thinking they should be discussing bullshit papers funded by the people paying them.

For sure there are reasons to get it but doing a few testosterone blood tests at the doctor won't give you enough actual useful data to make a proper decision.

Also I really wonder if the bezos thing isnt some play to get around selling stock or who knows what's going on there. He could have 100 19 year old models in a line on his yacht and dip his cock in each of them in a row. Makes no sense so

>> No.56016225

As with most things in life, it boils down to anal.

>> No.56016470

Why fina if you have minoxidil? Also using pills is retarded, you have to use topically

>> No.56016706

kek based

>> No.56018033

actually trt at that age decreases stroke and heart attack rates if dosage is not high

>> No.56018081

Prove it

>> No.56019776
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Supplementing pregnenolone might be safer.

>> No.56020461

>4 retarded posts in a row responding to different people
>doesn't even acknowledge the spiritual experiences of numerous people who have documented the effects of taking hallucinogens
lol, lmao even

>> No.56020819

Just giving you a (You) since the asshole above me refused to do so

>> No.56021274

>benefits of a sharper mind and the reward vs risk factor higher T gives you in your work
Your high-T grandfathers trundled through the XXth century so that the little faggot that you are, could become a willing slave and a NPC
Sharper mind indeed

>> No.56021299

You're probably about at that point. If you get breathing problems it means it's time. Pay attention to the symptoms.

>> No.56021727


>> No.56021739
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>tell biz how dangerous test is and you will instantly get kidney failure if your test goes over 600
>price goes down
>buy more

>> No.56021915

you can homebrew most roids, and i would low dose DBOL 5mg for an androgen replacement, and doing a low dose cycle of 10mg for 4 weeks during the weekdays has shown to rebound T levels to produce higher than baseline before the cycle