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55999423 No.55999423 [Reply] [Original]

I quit video games and now i am looking forward to go outside, drive to place etc. Before whenver i was outside I was STRESSED and always couldn't wait to get home it felt like SHIT

video games are the worst thing for you and you can't even tell just like drugies

it only worked out for me after being 1 year video games free, it was harder than I thought it would be but now 1 year later. life is so nice, going out feels amazing and I look forward to it and have 0 pressure/stress to get back home from work or when I am out. it's so nice.

I wish I never played video games before I lost so many years to to vidya

>> No.55999465

where lambo?

>> No.55999482
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videogames and porn are just as bad as stuff like crystal meth and heroin

it will take over your whole life, numb you to the world, fuck your body and mind up, and even worse society will tell you its great for you

Ive quit both and never felt more calm of mind and less like an addict craving his shitty keyboard tapping fix

to make things even worse, games used to be at least sort of worth wasting your life on. runescape 2005, cod4, counter strike, old fighting games

all perfect games with a lot of SOVL. I mean i wish i played a team sport instead of wasting my time with these in high school but at least they were perfect games.

now gaming is just a soulless shit show, yet still people waste their life and health on them

>> No.55999489

still in the dealership but I am aiming for different car anyway

>> No.55999521
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World of warcraft was my durg. It was fun when growing up i skipped school for it. I had INTENSE pressure/stress whenver outside to get back home asap and nolife the fuck out of it.
I thought It was fun but life is better without it for sure. If I could go back I would not relive it and instead chose IRL lifestyle even tho I do have good memories from it. Id say it's eassier today when the games are all soulles with DLCs and payt2everything bullshit.
It's actually the PERFECT time to quit games now. I can't think of any other time when it was this easy

>> No.55999546

That sure is pathetic and sad. I play video games and I still love going out etc. Always have.

>> No.55999597


youre a casual then. casuals are the worst. not dedicated enough to nolife, but still waste their time on some shitty soulless slop anyway

>> No.55999779

So is 4chan.

>> No.55999836

>he missed out on gotd, Demons Roots

>> No.55999884

>quitting video games was the best thing ever for me
key words: for me
>you can't even tell
if you have no bills to pay and are a super-human who doesn't get tired, sure
this is what it's all about; people can overdo it when it comes to work and going out as well

t. started playing video-games when I couldn't go play outside

>> No.55999888

sounds gay anon going out where kek

>> No.55999909
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I'm a millionaire thanks to videogames and they are probably the best thing on my life after getting a morning swim and sex with my BPD wife. MMOs are fucking trash though.

>> No.56000831

4chan is one of the last bastions of free speech though and I'd rather get my social interaction here than with cucked NPC's

>> No.56001887

Bumping out of interest

>> No.56001962

It is better than watching tv.

>> No.56001988

how the fuck do you remain happy with a bpd wife? I canned mine knowing I would probably never have sex again in my entire life and I never regretted the decision

>> No.56001996

>decide to play just one round of War Thunder while I’m sipping my latte before starting on productive stuff
>6 games later I realize I just spent 2 hours getting tilted trying to grind some stupid tank using a stupid tank that I spent days grinding before

>> No.56002021

I quit video games long ago but traded one bad video for internet addiction and now I am stuck here with you niggers

>> No.56002033

Video games are not the problem. You have typical ADHD symptoms.

>> No.56002129

>All video games bad
I have had negative experiences with anything online pvp, even chess.
Single player games with a clearly defined ending are fine. I still play fromsoftware and some indie games.
I argue that mindless TV like reality shows and sports are a larger collective waste of time than vidya.

>> No.56002151

>video games are the worst thing for you
I’d say porn is even worse. I’ve been looking at porn damn near my whole life. When I was a kid, I accidentally found that shit on an old satellite dish setup we had back in the early 90s and that’s when it all started. Of course the internet only made it worse. I can’t recall a year where I didn’t fap. I have no hope. It’s fuckin over

>> No.56002155

i downloaded warthunder once a couple years back, played for 10 minutes, then uninstalled forever. it could tell it would have this effect on me as well

>> No.56002174
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There is nothing to do outside. There is nothing worth seeing out there. Every single thing that WAS worth seeing has been turned into a tourist trap with dozens of pajeets and chinks roaming around it taking pictures and jews trying to sell you their gift shop t-shirts ands mugs. The library is boring and has no books of value in it. The bowling alleys are dead. Bars are filled with broken degenerate boomers. The internet is a far better world than the real world and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.56002179

Also this.
Ultimately it comes down to dopamine addiction and escape from reality.

>> No.56002409

Go to church, anon.

>> No.56002644

Good for you, I remember naturally letting go of video games in uni as the other shit I had to do increased and I don't even find them fun anymore, can't even get myself to play
Ignore all the angry GOOMERS ITT. They're not gonna make it, they literally live in pretend worlds.

>> No.56003070

MMOs specifically are the worst. Most other games aren't as addictive at those. Like I can play an hour or two of Armored Core 6 and not feel like I have to continue playing. MMOs are just designed to keep you playing and paying.

>> No.56003214

That's funny. I'm trying to force myself to get back into playing videogames but I loose interest so damn fast

>> No.56003379


I hate seeing blacks which makes avoiding modern games easy.

>> No.56004455

This is what porn and videogame addiction does to an incels mind

>> No.56004514

Stop playing games and embrace gateway to high-stakes poker and real winnings awaits.

>> No.56004526

Videogames and porn is great, in moderation. I'm not an addict so I enjoy both. Just ordered a PS5 yesterday evening.

>> No.56004569

You ordered a ps5 because you don't value your life or time

You want to play games meant for onions my males and ywnbaws

>> No.56004742

There is nothing to make you realize pussy isn't that great like a bpd girlfriend

>> No.56004766

To those who stopped playing video games... what do you do with your time? I'm in my mid 30's and I already traveled the world, banged lots of chicks, seen many natural wonders etc. I already have friends (that are busy with work/kids) and have no desire to meet new people. I prefer vidya to watching TV. So wtf do you do?

>> No.56004858

Yep I had to readjust how I viewed my hobbies
The bing bing wahoo is primarily for kids and cripples, of which I am neither
It CAN be enjoyed by normal working adults, but not all games can be, that's the adjustment a lot are unwilling to make
Competitive multiplayer games are just like sports now, it's dominated by the youth, and unless you have a special talent, as you age your ability to stay with the game falls behind simply due to the fact that young people have the time to learn and master these games.
The games that adults can play are the ones that can be played like an episodic TV show. 30 minutes to an hour or so per week, easy to follow progression, and the ability to just click the power button at any point.
Game design that forces you to stay on the game, time based events (think ARK) or games that never go offline in general reward time investment over everything else. As an adult you simply do not have that time.

The only way some can continue to enjoy those games is if they maintained a solid group of friends through the years. I play rust but I don't. I join onto a few groups and friends that I know, I build them a base, I wire it for electric, maybe I screw around a bit, and then I log off. But as also mentioned, if I didn't spend the time getting good at rust when I was younger, it would objectively be an impossible game for a normal adult to play out of the gate and enjoy it.

>> No.56005097

I like to do yoga/stretch and listen to audiobooks before bed

>> No.56005114

Weird, I'm the opposite, picked up vidya while waiting for 2024-2025, there's nothing worth doing outside if you're piss poor.

>> No.56005165

>quit vidya
>become addicted to porn

I’m ready to just end it bros.

>> No.56005213

I make levels for games like doom, quake, blood, etc. Highly recommend it. You can flex your creative architectural skills and share it with people to enjoy.

>> No.56005270

Speak for yourselves fags. Unlike you weaklings I’m actually able to control my hedonism.

>> No.56005298
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I quit my video game addiction and replaced it with a crypto addiction. Now I lost my entire life savings.

>> No.56005307

Literally how hard is it to make a schedule an go ‘these 4 hours a week are my designated gaming time’. You can have the best of both worlds.

>> No.56005322

Have children

>> No.56005353

14 months free from the alcohol devil! I've done so much in that amount of time. Anons you should quit drinking too.

>> No.56005357

There is nothing wrong with an occasional playthrough of patrician games like death stranding (Kojima has an autistic attention to detail - the collab with Acronym for the costumes was a really nice touch)
However, if you waste your precious finite lifetime with slop games like valorant or overwatch then it's really over for you

>> No.56005399

>I played to the point of becoming a vegetable, but if you play responsibly noooooo you are the worsssst >_<
This is /biz/ fuck off

>> No.56005509
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I stopped playing video games and now I get laid and have a job

>> No.56005672

Same here kek. Sold 23 of my PS4 games to Gamestop for like $113 in-store credit (used it to buy Pokemon cards). I don't regret it.

>> No.56005901

Don’t care, once you have a full time job there’s hardly any room for gaming outside the weekend so it’s no big deal. Personally, the only games I play are osrs and maybe apex legends every now and then because they’re free.

>> No.56005925

I loved getting love bombed. Her pussy was nice too. I still miss her and its been a year

>> No.56006094
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My best friend is 30 years old and has no hobbies outside of video games. He's always been a gamer, but recently he's gone deeper into gaming as a form of escapism and now he basically doesn't do anything outside of work except play video games now. He's constantly miserable when he's away from home, and he never goes outside or cleans during his time off.
I'm concerned about him, because he's gained a lot of weight, and he's let his apartment become a trash filled mess. He doesn't want to clean or exercise because that would take away from his video game time. He eats like shit, orders doordash every day so he doesn't have to go outside, and he's depressed all the time.

What motivated you to actually make the change?

>> No.56006107

In 10 years he can totally check out into VR fantasy land. He'll only be sad he couldn't do it earlier.

>> No.56006125

>Grown ass man
>Dedicated gaming time


>> No.56006129

Wow was something else.
I got the same feeling from it too. When yoy play too much of it, it makes everyday interactions so much fucking harder. It actually got to a point I had trouble keeping a conversation.
When I quit wow all those feeling disappeared after about a month.
They put something in wow or it hits specific receptors that absolutely FUCK UP your social ability

>> No.56006136

T. NPC goyslop addict

>> No.56006146

RuneScape was even worse for that

>> No.56006177

Anon the thing about video game addiction is that it truly does affect people like drugs and alcohol on a "priorities" level
The priority is maintaining the addiction by all means necessary, the doordash dirty house stuff also follows alcoholics and junkies. If a junkie had a full bundle and still had money he'd absolutely order doordash because well he needs to get high in the meantime and it has to be right now.
And just like addicts, he has to come to the conclusion on his own and admit "I have a problem".
If he can't admit he has a problem then it will just continue, for NEETs what kills them is how they let minor health issues turn to major ones before seeking attention, and by then they are already almost gone.
Knew a guy who sounds like your friend, terminally online and he died during COVID (not of COVID, septic shock), he was 34

>> No.56006601
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Yeah, I think you're right. I wish this guy would see that video games are wasting his time and holding him back in life, but if anything, he seems to think his life would be so much better, if only he had more time to play video games. He works 40 hours a week doing helpdesk and he says that leaves him burnt out and exhausted which is why he spends all his free time gaming since it helps him "wind down". He used to talk about wanting to get fit, learn foreign languages, draw and be an artist. Now he just games while neglecting basic life responsibilities. I'm glad I quit video games years ago

>> No.56006697

Based point anon, not a fan of the first but I do my gaming in moderation. I even came across a platform recently that lets me experience VR gaming on road trips without motion sickness.

>> No.56006830

Reading books on my porch with my cat is amazing, going to the gym is a necessity, and buying groceries of course. Otherwise I never leave home cause you’re right, what’s there to do?

>> No.56006854
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Absolutely, Disco Elyseum, Nier, Elden Ring, Resident Evil remakes were great.
League of Legends, Valorant, gacha, these are wastes of time. There’s nothing to be gained playing these games, but not all games are bad.

>> No.56006893

Do you not have any friends?

>> No.56006904

>If he can't admit he has a problem then it will just continue, for NEETs what kills them is how they let minor health issues turn to major ones before seeking attention, and by then they are already almost gone.
what do you mean by this? what minor health issues become major ones?

>> No.56006933

Free speech isn't perfect. A lot of time free speech is just time wasting bullshit, like people here complaining about women endlessly. I was just thinking this morning about all the stories my dad has about the crazy shit he did in his youth + all the women he had in the 70's/80's. What did i do all that time? Browse this fucking site, arguing about shit that didn't affect my life in any way or trying to act "based" to a bunch of intetnet posts. Essentially a youth wasted compared to my dad.

>> No.56006947
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If I quit video games I would have to spend all my free time exercising, studying Japanese, reading books & working on my business.

Why do that shit when I can just mindlessly play league of legends for a quick and easy dopamine hit?

>> No.56006952

Why not just play games in moderation?

>> No.56006974

Most of people here aren't on their mid 30's. But yeah i guess in your case the only thing left to do is try to find the right one to start a family with and then contribute to yiur community trough work or other means.

>> No.56006979

I think occasionally vidya is fine, but so called 'hardcore gamers' are cringe. Saying you are a 'hardcore gamer' is just a fancy way of saying you are a loser who probebly won't get laid until about 37 years old or at all. I think it's better to have other more healthier hobbies then video games though.

>> No.56007010

He got a cut on his leg, and it got infected, he let it go let it go and it wasn't going away so he goes to the hospital, it turned into a staphylococcus infection that was apparently aggressive and resilient (mrsa), and one day I get a text from another friend who informed me anon was in the ICU for septic shock, he was dead within a few weeks.
I mean sure there are other factors, but let's be real, he played video games up until the very last second, he told his discord friends "man this shits really hurting I'ma go to the hospital when I get back on tomorrow I'm gonna do xyz when I get back". He left that day with the intention that this would be a simple road bump in his bing bing wahoo escapades.
He was pretty good at rust too, was sad to see him go, really put it into perspective that as you age your body doesn't have the same ability to fight off the things it used to and that you must be proactive about any health problems even if it feels minor.

>> No.56007012

I spent a few years AJATTing in high school, and now 10+ years later, I still know Japanese whereas all the time I spent playing WoW might as well have not even happened at this point

>> No.56007042

check 9gag.

>> No.56007059

>incels on /biz/ really acting like listening to Sam Hyde and jerking off all day makes them superior to anons who play video games


>> No.56007067

We already agree that any form of staring at a screen is wasting your youth.

>> No.56007086

same here bro, I invested all that time into skills that became a career

>> No.56007095
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i still have irl friends because of my cod4 clan
if i didnt have that game i wouldnt have these friends
it made it worth the time i "wasted" in my teens
i love you all wagmi
shoutout [HERO] clan

>> No.56007096
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I like playing Simulators like picrel. Might get a job in farming soon

>> No.56007103
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>implying there has been any good Videogame release since 2011

>> No.56007111
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There's nothing wrong with playing video games and good for you if you do it in moderation, but if you're so addicted to them that you stop getting anything else done, then that's a problem. Is your desk covered with empty soda cans right now?

>> No.56007124

>i cant control myself
>so now i avoid it at all costs
ur like the alcoholic who cant have 1 recreational drink

>> No.56007423
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Let this addiction, like any other, run its course and be ready for when he hits rock bottom (health scare or something like that). He'll need you by his side to motivate him during his transformation.

>> No.56007487

home gym and deliveries

>> No.56007607

Same but my problem is social media instead. It's even harder to kick than video games because it's everywhere, and unlike video games, it's necessary in today's world.

>> No.56007624

i installed rdr2 crack some days ago and literally forced myself to play for some hour then i didnt give even bother to start it again
seriously am i depressed or has entertainment gone down the drain past few years or have i just grown out of this shit
there are no good shows,anime,games fuck

>> No.56007639

>videogames and porn are just as bad as stuff like crystal meth and heroin
It's all about perspective, anon. I get what you're saying, lots of peeps get hooked on games.
But me, I just chill with games like Into the beach, Einstein brain trainer, and personal zen to destress and unwind

>> No.56007674

Thanks for the pic, the left is literally me right now.

>> No.56007690

How about diving in on LOC poker games to earn AceStakes NFTs while having fun doing what makes you happy.

>> No.56007713

Video games plateaued over a decade ago. There is no innovation and new games are catered to zoomers who need to have their hands held throughout the entire game so they can feel like winners.

>> No.56007728 [DELETED] 

Don't be a retard, The potential for liquidity provision, staking, and indexing on Astradao can offers steady earnings , hope you won't snooze on this.

>> No.56007753

Cope. Those have real world benefits with skills that amount to a better life long term. Playing vidya 12 hours a day is going to do jack shit for you unless you're a streamer.

>> No.56007757

>Single player games with a clearly defined ending are fine. I still play fromsoftware and some indie games.
There I agree with you. I tend to be addicted to video games, but solo and indi games are the one you can jump on casualy while going on with your life.
This is called moderation.

I wanted to add that videogame are a good way to save money, once you have your platform and your 10$ indies games a month, you save a lot of money compared to many outdoor activities.

>> No.56007767

>Basketball - one time $20 purchase
>Almost every neighborhood has a court or a hoop
This is how I know your coping ass doesn't go outside. Go outside you fuckin loser.

>> No.56007794

I've already gone through this cycle of being sick of gaming and returning. I don't have the urge to game in the day but an evening playing old strategy games is comfy.

>> No.56007810

Getting hooked on the original vanilla classic wow back in 2004-2006 and TBC from 2007-2009 was the shit.

If you missed out on that I feel sorry for you

>> No.56007849

I don't even enjoy the internet, I just get really horrific repetitive thoughts and have to escape back online.

Wild how normal people even bother with TV and bibleo games.

>> No.56007907

i wish i still enjoyed vidja, but at 25 et herd to have fun with it

>> No.56008055

I'm already addicted to games and thinking of making good gains from it, owning AceStakes NFTs is on my mind now.

>> No.56008080

I guess maybe for people with no self-control? Might be an addictive personality thing. I only game when I'm waiting for my pre-scheduled times when I do things. I don't stay awake past my bedtime to play them or anything. The only thing I'm really addicted to is the gym and I really like my work.

>> No.56008092

Literally this. In college I replaced my previous video game time with the gym and never looked back. Just not fun and pointless now. Doesn't make me more money.

>> No.56008110

Don’t tell these retard racist incels how to escape. Delete this.

>> No.56008132

Yes usually adults have their time managed and plan their days. You're a loser buddy.

>> No.56008163

Ugly people need something to do. Not everyone grew up having positive experiences doing socializing.

>> No.56008221

being in my early 30s i enjoy dark souls, elden ring and valheim in my free time. hard to game when you have responsibilities as an adult.

>> No.56008358

video games, porn & 4chan. the forever alone trio.

>> No.56008483

there is even less to be gained playing the same recycled mechanics single player casual slop

>> No.56008572
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I play videogames around 10 to 16 hours a day since I was 15 or so, now I'm 35 and still do it.
Never bothered going to uni or getting a job or becoming the provider for some roasthole.
Funny thing is I was for the most time poor but thanks to 4chan I lucked out into generational wealth so all my problems are solved now and I can videogame, fap, smoke weed and browse 4chan until the sun burns out.
Cant imagine my Life to be any other way, the way it is now it is perfect.

>> No.56008614

sounds like cope

>> No.56008690

Get well soon

>> No.56008758

Wagecucks butthurt because less people start giving a shit contributing to their nigger loving roastie whorshipping society.

>> No.56008805

>This is the amount of seethe a lifetime of porn, balding and video gayming does to you

Sad. Many such cases!

>> No.56008814
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Just remember. These are the type of people you are interacting with on 4chan.

>> No.56008816

go binge watch netflix fagot

>> No.56008889

I feel good for you OP, but to be honest you had to be retarded in the first place to play vidya.

>> No.56008907

Tbh I would have been jealous as a dumb 18 year old because this is the lifestyle I wanted back then

But Its not sustainable in the long run. I neeted it up hard for a few years, games got boring, I became desensizited more and more to porn.

Fast forward many years i can't even focus on shitty nu-videogames and once you start experiencing a healthy lifestyle and fucking irl pussy/ having amazing relationships, porn just can't match it

>> No.56008996

Yeah I remember when I was an 18 year old 12th grader I always played video games and was just waiting to graduate high school because of how introverted I was. Dropped out of college within a week. Four years later I'm a virgin at 23. Recently got a part time job a couple months ago and am applying to colleges for a second chance at a normal life.

>> No.56009029 [DELETED] 
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Based op, i stopped using drugs and eating junk food altogether and holy shit my life has drastically improved. Not only do i feel like im at full strength and energy the whole day, i can also stay focused for long periods of time. Idk if its fate or whatever but suddenly diet pepe launched and now everyone is "fit" so i guess we're all making it together and maxing out on those muscles

>> No.56009101

the only seething here is you and the other wagecuck slaves, not me.
>pls rejoin society and pay taxes pls provide betabucks for holes pls bro
no thanks
>second chance at a normal life
all you will become is a wageslave loser earning breadcrumbs, maybe you get to fuck some hole that had 5000 miles of dick before you.
keep coping buddy

>> No.56009108

yes, and?

>> No.56009128


Cope ur just bringing souless void of life upon urself

>> No.56009155

>here watch muh jewish youtube grifter for 10 minutes

>> No.56009200

>I quit video games and now i am looking forward to go outside, drive to place
Used to shit on online gambling, now glued to Dplay casinos for that jackpot

>> No.56009316

Sounds like sweaty incel cope

Have a shower and cut your fingernails. is it dilation time yet?

>> No.56009324

sounds like wagie rage

enjoy your short weekend and make sure you get enough sleep so you can slave away Monday to Friday.

>> No.56009331

No one is asking you to "rejoin society"... It's like seeing a homeless loser in the street.. do you think I care if he rejoins society or not?

Lmao. We just laugh at you

>> No.56009390

>a homeless loser
I have my own house and have more money than you will ever earn in your pathetic job.
from my point of view you are the homeless loser.
so back to the cagie wagie.

>> No.56009403

>Monday to Friday

Those are rookie hours. You need to pump those numbers up

My big titty girlfriend already made me breakfast, lunch and rode my cock until my balls were empty

Now off for a comfy night shift of sleeping and shitposting

Gotta get those big wagie bucks. Don't wanna be an incel gaymer in my late 30s (just IMAGINE lmao)

Meanwhile you need to wash your bed sheets. They smell of dirty neckbeard flakes and gamer sweat.

inb4 infinite cope + seethe from poverty incel

>> No.56009416

>I have my own house

Your poverty ssri government accomodation is far from what i would call a house. I guess it doesn't matter when all you do is play blue hair sjw bibeo gaymes as a 40 year old

Is your hairline still intact?

>> No.56009424

>making up pathetic lies
>lies about his wage (its pathetic in reality)
I'm a millionaire thanks to crypto, what are you? besides a pathetic wagecuck eating out at McDonalds?

>> No.56009445

>Omg you have sex and a great life? You are the loser!!!
>I'm the winner because I NEVER have sex and always cope with porn and bibeo gaymes!

Imagine coping this hard

>> No.56009456

your life sucks wagie, why pretending here it doesnt? you think you can fool me?

>> No.56009457

>He thinks a wagies standard morning is a lie

You are completely removed from reality

>> No.56009471

Im a long time neet in my 20s and I played games daily for years, mostly league of legends and it was all I did, my life revolved around it
I stopped playing it a few years ago and while I did get better after stopping, my life obviously didn't get fixed as I need to replace it with something better,which I tried and I'm still trying to do, exercising going out, studying, trying new hobbies and activities.
my issue is I don't have a single friend irl, so every time I go outside its torture, and I'm reminded of me being alone, and every time I study or workout on the back of my mind I think what is the point noone cares it makes no difference its too late for me Im worthless
but I still try, because I guess I'm either hopeful or deluded

ahah I tried it too, multiple times even, and I just can't play it, same with other games,the only thing I can play these days is sekiro and even there my sessions aren't that long

>> No.56009486

I married a woman that plays vidya too. Pretty nice getting your cock sucked then playing games together. Currently playing valheim.

>> No.56009505

I'm all about that comfy Tetris grind and flexin' my coding chops over on QanPlatform. Normies can't relate.

>> No.56009529

I like getting paid whilst dabbing on butthurt losers (you)

>> No.56009532

I make more money than you

>> No.56009537

I only regret not playing more games. 4chan is what wastes my time.

>> No.56009566

I quit games years ago and I used to be an avid gamer.
It got to a situation where I would look forward to playing a game but when I loaded it up I'd play for 15-30 minutes then completely lose interest and turn it off. Even for a new release I had waited for.
After a while of doing this I just gave it up. Sold all consoles, uninstalled Steam, etc. Don't miss it one bit.

This place I need to give up next, but I'm a loner, so unless I get a lot more social this will be hard to leave.

>> No.56009607

But you don't have sex or anything good in life?

>> No.56009610
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similar shit, i was poor as fuck i literally grown up in a favela, i got a job in 2012 so my mom would stop bothering me and after upgrade my pc and consoles i put the rest of my money in crypto, sold in 2017 and then put it all in real estate
not rich for firsties standards but i make like 5kusd a month which is a lot of money here, doing absolutely nothing but collecting the rent
all i do is lurk 4chan, smoke weed, play video games and fuck a prostitute every weekend, its a simple life but i like it

honestly feel bad for people like OP who have to give up their hobbies just to stop feeling like shit and fix their lives

>> No.56009819


>The worst thing for you

Says the guy who hasn't spent nineteen years jerking off to interracial porn. Daily fapping to Black dick to the exclusion of all else has given me early onset Alzheimer's.

>> No.56009940


Gaming is like metal. At the age of 16 its so exciting and you think you'll never get bored of it.

Fast forward a few years and you can't stand it

>> No.56009947

How did you become a millionaire with video games?

>> No.56009952

It's good you made it financially but unless you have a loving loyal girl in your life and a family you are only coping long term

>> No.56009963

Not who you replied to but that's awesome. I envy you.

But yeah nothing wrong with playing vidya if it's not impacting you negatively. I'm 34 and I still play. There's way worse and more expensive things to waste time on.

>> No.56009975

>Rotting your brain with onions nu-gaymes as a lifelong addiction is great for you

The absolute state of NPC's

>> No.56009976

You can just play old games if you want

>> No.56010110

friends are overrated anon
just interact more with people some might stick some wont.set aside some goals to obsess over not people as they will come along the way
and there is always a problem in the back of your mind i have my own brand new issues to deal with no matter how fulfilled i have become or obstacles i have crossed over the years
its fucking hard being a sentient species and the lack of kino entertainment isnt making it easy to numb the pain heck i dont even drink

>> No.56010112

Why do that when I can do some training or listen to music/read/watch stuff and actually relax my mind instead of coping with the tired shitty bibeo gaymes

>> No.56010310

Because video games are a more enjoyable use of your time than listening to music or watching TV/Youtube. Can't be training or reading important things all day, you're going to have downtime at some point. For example, you're shitposting on 4chan rather than doing anything productive. Might as well be playing a good game instead.

If you think about it, 4chan is just a video game anyway. You play on a screen and try to get (you)s.

>> No.56010338

Talking to gamers is really like talking to zombies. They’re desensitized to all human life, yet want to devour everything.

>> No.56011103

Except they're not. Porn and videogames rot your brain. Bibeogaymes arguably worse because you waste 1000s of hours or in many cases 10000 hours doing dopamine Skinner box shit

Or recycled mechanic games. Music and films enrich your life, games ruin it like hard drugs

You are a hopeless coping addict though so you won't understand this until your hairline has fully receded

>> No.56011138

Lmao really good analogy

>> No.56011319

Video games didn't stop you from doing that; fave the truth that you wanted to want to do all that stuff but none of it was ever really appealing enough for you to just dedicate time to do it.

>> No.56011395

You need to remove the easy distractions in order to gain the bigger wins in life

>> No.56011450

This same anon probably thinks playing chess is a noble pursuit. A good competitive video game is better for your brain than any film or music can be.
>because you waste 1000s of hours
I've wasted precisely zero hours playing games, because I've enjoyed every moment of it. You don't seem to value your time much anyway, as shown by you still posting in this thread hours later. Try playing something challenging for an hour a day, it will enrich your life.

Semper games.

>> No.56011482

Video games are fun but can be dangerous if you're not careful. Stop hating video games and start controlling yourselves you stupid faggots.

>> No.56011487

>Video games are great in moderation
>Porn is great in moderation
False, kill yourself.

>> No.56011490

>The bing bing wahoo is primarily for kids and cripples, of which I am neither
Retard, if you're fit, have a car, have a job, have your own place and not a social inept retard then you're allowed to play video games as much as you want. Who the fuck cares if it's "childish" just have fun in life.

>> No.56011525

This is the true answer
After being addicted to porn and wow in high school I got rid of both and really turned my life around
But, after 10 years sober I started getting back into gaming.
Been gaming healthily for several years now. It’s not like before. I get bored after 30- an hour. And I really only do it to make listening to educational YouTube/podcasts more enjoyable.
Avoid mmo’s and you’re probably good.

>> No.56011538

>Music and films enrich your life, games ruin it like hard drugs
You're right to an exent, but I think it depends on what you play and how much. Sinking you life into some endless PvP is a waste of time, yeah. But aren't games with a definitive end and an intriguing story at least similar to books, music and films?
There's goyslop films, books and music as well as slop games. Being abe to differentiate between them and not waste your life on them is what's important.

>> No.56011680

I'm shitposting from work whilst being paid the big wagie bucks

I've played csgo to a high level 2012-2014

I played the shit out of COD4 In 2007

Ultra Street fighter 4 to a decent level

Don't talk to me about "competitive bibeogaymes" you moron. Those games were at least good before they became ruined in updates or sequels. Now modern gaming is shit.

Yeah i had "fun" but if I could go back I'd do better things with my time desu, than sitting in a chair for hours on end and clicking at stuff which is the ultimate low effort dopamine addict activity

>> No.56011689

Can’t say it counts as social interaction anon

>> No.56011695

>Hurrrr durrrr just rot your brain it's fine bro as long as its fun just watch porn bro it feels good and smoke crack too it's soo fun

>> No.56011700

low iq response

>> No.56011719

Games especially single player pretentious slop are very clunky and ham fisted when compared to kino films or amazing music.

It's cut scenes and then the same tired old gameplay and genres we have had since the 90s. Now they are worse than ever because they all look the same, utterly soulless

>> No.56011731

>Gaymer talks about low iq


>> No.56011885

>waging on a saturday
lol sad

>> No.56012024

>Muhhh weekend! Muh drinks!!! I'm gonna sooooocialise!!!!!!

And this is why you live in poverty. I got that lame shit out of my system when I was 18-24

Now I work to make the big bucks so I can stay away from poors like you and other poverty people

I want that big house paid off, family, and to be retired by mid 30s

>> No.56012044
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I want to sell my games. I have probably a grand worth of mini consoles and switch games. I also don't want to give eBay my SSN. Right now, I would be running a shop if not for that.

>> No.56012153

Hey Anons, did you know being on this shithole is cutting in to your video games time?
You're trying to justify liking video games to faggots who are posting in a video game thread on /biz/
Are you avoiding playing video games? Do the games you play actually suck? You didn't buy Starfield, did you?

>> No.56012918

He was probably browsing some board about vidya then ETH came up and he got interested and invested.
T. Have a similar experience but not a millionaire because of ETH (wish inwemt all in lol)

>> No.56012924

If you can't handle playing games and jerking off to porn you're a faggot. I not only fuck my wife regularly I also jerk off to dumb sloots because lust is hot. I play games and have fun with friends. I can do all this while holding down a job, relationship and having outdoor hobbies because I'm not a fucking loser. Suggestion is to GeT GOOD

>> No.56012967

This is cope. There is barely any quality discussion on this board nowadays.

>> No.56013103

>runescape 2005, cod4
Stopped reading there, you have shit taste, stopping Vidya doesn't make you better. Everywhere you go, you bring your shit taste with you.

>> No.56013176

>A harmful sin is good

Okay degenerate

>> No.56013183

T. Goyslop addict

>> No.56013188

>to be retired by mid 30s
I already have this, so I guess I feel less guilty about playing games. Thanks crypto.

>> No.56013559

Half the thread is "teehee I got rich off crypto so I can indulge in my vices all day" like a goldfish with too much food in it's tank and the other half are seething addicts in denial.

Bros...just work 60 hour weeks and get motivated instead of playing path of exile or tarkov wipes over and over again :^^^^)

>> No.56013673

exactly what the fuck this fags are even doing when they are NEETING?
> watch tiktok
> play vidya
> shitpost online
> consoooooom social media

yeah like 90% of works are more enjoyable than this. at least you socialize with actual people and not with bots like a MORON

>> No.56013734

Okay let's not cope too much guys. Im a proud wage goy but we all know waging is only worth it to get a lot of money to stay away from poors and give your family a comfy life. As well as keep your dopamine receptors from getting fried with degeneracy overload

>> No.56013764

Video games, porn, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, gambling, sex, sports, social media, etc etc
All of them are just hobbies to cope with the stressful day-to-day life. They are used for the release of endorphins, but too much endorphins will poison your mind and body, doesn't matter which one is your hobby.
Do everything in moderation.

>> No.56013772

While I agree that this is good why do you keep making this thread?

>> No.56013792

I literally started reading because new video games are so shit lol.

Any recs?

>> No.56013802

>Porn is the same as sports


>> No.56014290

>key words: for me
if he hadn't included those words you'd have said 'yeh, well that's just YOUR experience'
He was correct to include them.

>> No.56014422

quitting 4chan would probably be more beneficial. this place is dogshit and generally is the last stop for the LCD to have any social interaction.

>> No.56014427
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I am going to keep griefing fall guys streamers, feel free to join me, it is really fun. If you want to sacrifise all your free time to grind a career to maybe retire one day and maybe have children then enjoy.

>> No.56015023

Jack Reacher ? I enjoy them.

>> No.56015038

sirs please do the needful and deleet this thread, it is off topeek. our token dogbonkX will be announced on this 4chan forum please do the needful and make room for us by ridding of this thred. bless u mod and janny for making the board better!!!

>> No.56015318

i have more time off than i work

>> No.56015327

Okay I can see how he put off things because of that game. One of the most addicting games ever

>> No.56015816
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>in a chair for hours on end and clicking at stuff
are you against gaming, or computers?

>> No.56016211

thanks for this thread biz, i just deleted my mmo accounts and sent mails to have them remove my data. you are right this is fucked, i checked my gametime and i got 2300 hours in one game, i could have learned a language in that time.

>> No.56016226

you need to skill up wagie

>> No.56016459

I played Baldur's Gate 3 for 8 hours yesterday until 5 in the morning and I'll do it again today. Video games are great, tied with anime for the best way to spend your time in this wicked fucking world.

>> No.56016481

>stop playing vidya
>start disc golfing
>just as distracting and time consuming
at least bow im tan when my boss comes into my office to tell me I lost another customer due to autistically being obsessed with a game

>> No.56017963

>>56005399 is most right, if you get things responsibly, not going full-in some Genshin Impact or retarded another gacha/MMO shit you're probably fine.
Session games are the best for endless multiplayer, you can always cut them off without any losses.

>> No.56018864

create more wageslave children asap

>> No.56019162

Single player games are fine and it's all I play but online multiplayer either with or against others are usually awful experiences. I'm surprised there are people exclusively playing those.

>> No.56019191

Go to church. Also, reading. There is this list I've been trying to finish of the "West Great Books" from Mortimer Adler. Sound like chudism, but all of them are classicals, everyone should read them.

>> No.56019224

Video games are a good way to save money though, super cheap form of entertainment. I still play games from 15-20 years ago and get a kick out of it, hell I play OG Doom sometimes and am entertained

>> No.56019241

I really like playing video games but it's such a waste of time nowadays. Besides, working on IT and staring into a computer for 6 hours of work and then staring into another screen for 2 hours of entertainment is weird. I've been trying to minimize this time on screens.
Although, I like the feedback loop of games. Some have good gratification mechanisms and that's why people get hooked.
I've got so used to them, that I have to use an app called Habitica which is a "gay-mified" task/agenda. It's pretty cool and works well. Better than google agenda for me to be honest.
Anyway, if you are hooked on videogames, try playing life. This Habitica helped me a lot so far. I have 60 streaks of unmissed goin gym.

>> No.56019253

"Don't you know who I am"
dr Ramani

You'l thank me latter

>> No.56019541

True. We must continue the cycle of confusion and pain.

>> No.56019571

after the covid lockdowns ended i simply couldnt play them anymore, they are so obviously a distraction from real life, its easier to just start seeing real life as a video game esp when youre into crypto trying to run up your net worth.