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55997033 No.55997033 [Reply] [Original]

Just think... not even like 50 years ago a chocolate bar used to cost cents.... whats happening... have we really let the us economy tank this bad? is there somebody deliberately doing this? How come salaries arent proportionally going up with prices? It used to be even for those making 50 dollars a week a meal would cost maybe 60 cents with groceries coming in at maybe 3-5 dollars a week and before you ask SoUrCeS you should really go out and talk to an older person... chances are they or their parents or grandparents can recall a time like that. Regardless wtf has happened to the US? no bullshit answers or racists who know nothing about the history of us and us immigration and labor.

>> No.55997042

Jews. They’ve been doing this for centuries

>> No.55997090

We could seek to blame someone or something but it will fix nothing. If we focus on how we can fix it.

>> No.55997119

because you chose not to get paid in bitcoin

>> No.55997133

jesus christ you stupid racist dumb fuck

>> No.55997138

thats not how it works... economically this has been happening over a period of time... its nefarious in nature

>> No.55997167

most naive comment yet

>> No.55997188

Perfect number to end your post. kys

>> No.55997207

I see instead of intelligently conversing we'll just resort to childish antics... in that case... shucks youre fucking stupid

>> No.55997215

not bc of your opinion but bc of your obvious inability to articulate and convey your thoughts on the matter

>> No.55997268

>no bullshit answers or racists who know nothing about the history of us and us immigration and labor.
Nice bait.

>> No.55997334
File: 96 KB, 1024x800, 1690877844300143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicaid? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that this also suppresses incomes of higher paid workers by convincing them the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why boomer dominated fields (mechanical engineers etc) get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the mantle.

Even illegal immigration, seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think the goblins come here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.55997433

jesus christ... dude jews could give a fuck about this. this isnt some jews fault where the fuck do yall get off just finding random fucks to blame instead of looking at the policy makers and people in charge of setting agendas and change? Dude you sound like my friends jew hating high school friend this is such a low iq game youre playing blaming religious sects and minorities. It literally shows you know nothing about what youre speaking of

>> No.55997445

the policy makers are jews or being paid by jews, faggot.

>> No.55997462

shut the fuck up you short dick fuck. this is the most ignorant shit ive read. this is embarrassing. walk away with your tail tucked you stupid fuck

>> No.55997471

Nigger. Fuck jews.

>> No.55997481

My Foreskin is longer than your entire shaft, cutdick jewlicker.

>> No.55997485

bro i dont think you understand... this is like getting insulted by a kindergartner who doesnt understand how to articulate their thoughts

>> No.55997493

Exhibit B: why the average american is getting fucked by the government

>> No.55997690

>Exhibit B: why the average american is getting fucked by the jew

>> No.55997756

nice troll bud

>> No.55998411

The cia really wants everyone here to kill themselves

>> No.55998652

>hundreds of different civilisations, separated by huge swathes of time and space, all decided to exile the jews for no reason
>no reason at all
It's not racist because
a) theyre not a race
and b) it's factual

>> No.55998712
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, D2E78785-0102-4D68-B542-BB849EC27FA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are an ethnically close nepotistic group with a superiority complex, run institutional banking through a millenium of european banking control (which is barely a secret); and have an internal justification for opressing others (persecution complex)

It's not hate or anything like that, just like the roman elite dominated plebians who greatly outnumbered them, just like the billionaries tend to control politics rather than the masses, so too are the jews amongst other peoples-- they are shrewd, competitive, nepotistic, religiously driven, and use all means to achieve their goal.

You talk like a woman by the way.

>blaming religious sects and minorities is wrong
why would that be? throughout all of human existence powerful and driven minorities have dominated others, its the same now. You're just cowed like a dog.
>this is embarassing
again, woman moment, filtering things through obedience to social norms is a very feminine character trait, go lift bro

>> No.55998761


>> No.55998764
File: 340 KB, 720x934, Screenshot_20230901-052213_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps saying my post is spam after I type up this whole ass paragraph. They really dont want us talking about it bro

>> No.55998771

Haha! Cant stop me you evil fuckin jews! I win. You lose. Suck it. I posted my paragraph and you couldnt stop me. Suck a dick you demonic fuckin jews. You will never stop me. Never forget that.

>> No.55999409

and you talk like a retarded fuck who cant understand complex words like macroeconomics

>> No.55999426

holy shit am i talking to a bunch of fucking kids? ive got to be.. theres no way any adult on gods green earth is this fucking retarded holy shit.

>> No.55999478

yaaa ive come to the conclusion you all must be trolling because there's no way you can take a conversation about economics and misdirect the blame from policy makers to a religious group unless youre simply uneducated, but not only that and i mean this in the most literal way... Retarded fucks whom cannot use their mental faculties to navigate simple issues.this has to be a troll i swear. because im heated and im heated about stupidity so thats how i know youre joking for the love of god

>> No.55999512

i was being sarcastic, dumbass.
>How come salaries arent proportionally going up with prices
my point is that the average normalnigger suffers from absurd amounts of cognitive dissonance. they see prices rising disproportionately with their wages yet they RESOLUTELY believe in government lies regarding unemployment, wage growth, inflation, standards of living, etc.

you want to know how or why it's happening? because the everyman normalnigger is a drooling fucking retard who deserves everything that's happening right now -- and far worse.

>> No.55999544

still racist but at least not completely absurd... whew dodged a bullet there. Honestly man its a shitshow I just watched a politician blame the state of things on economic science. Literally lol, i read a comment that something something like blaming the economy on economic science is like blaming global warming on environmental science. Theyre done trying man lol and its a hilarious shit show.

>> No.55999984

>complex words
woman confirmed

>> No.56000029

okay... since when have women been considered the more articulate sex? (alot of big words I know, to simplify it means since when have girls been smarter?)

>> No.56000065

go ask the average pig ignorant nigger retard voter if they know what the federal reserve is, or what the federal reserve does. ask them if they understand what the CPI is, how it's calculated, and what adjustments are performed to raw pricing data to arrive to final calculations.

i'm sure you can already imagine how this will play out. these are the """people""" controlling your destiny as a middle class wageslave. these """people""" are the reason why costs are spiraling out of control, why middle class standards of living have taken a nosedive after the 1990s.

>> No.56000130

Seems not only your vocabulary is lacking; but also your comprehension.
Macroeconomics is not a complex word. Women are not the more articulate sex. Girls test higher than boys due to developmental differences. Go have a period and cry about something.

>> No.56000143

so you're a fucking idiot because i can guarantee 76% of college graduates dont understand that shit and 70% of the general population dont understand the nuances of actual macroeconomics so you're really just a racist fuck who probably read these words in some thread and decided they sounded good enough for you to use. no need to hide it bro. you got a small member (;

>> No.56000166

obviously youre trolling. 1st that was a rhetorical question 2nd "testing" as you put it in todays day in age means dick. 3rd go take an anatomy and physio class before commenting again 4th stop being a troll and response baiting

>> No.56000181
File: 2.36 MB, 320x240, 48a3d27f8d889276042d1c06b427b332bde2f185020fbd3250f47bc12adcd9bc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"actual macroeconomics"

>> No.56000240

yessir big black and proud hows it feel being dumber than a nigger LOL

>> No.56000283

i dont care and im not actually racist. i hope this has been a useful lesson on chan culture.

>> No.56000343

the player has been played... good shit

>> No.56000780
File: 1.00 MB, 1870x1401, 1690042211552683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave a macro explainion for both the why of debasement (pumping the oligarchs asset bags) and the how of wage suppression through social spending, I also gave the solution: capital flight into trustless money (BTC), but you ignored the post in favor of crying like a woman over the image that accompanied it.

>> No.56001009

the problem with the gold reserve is that now there is way too much money in circulation for money to actually be backed by gold

>> No.56001041 [DELETED] 

this is from 800 years ago lol history literally repeats itself

>The reputation of Jews as extortionate money-lenders arose, making them extremely unpopular with the Church and the general public. While an anti-Jewish attitude was widespread in Europe, medieval England was particularly anti-Jewish.[5] An image of the Jew as a diabolical figure who hated Christ started to become widespread, and myths such as the tale of the Wandering Jew and allegations of ritual murders originated and spread throughout England as well as in Scotland and Wales.[9]

>In frequent cases of blood libel, Jews were said to hunt for children to murder before Passover so that they could use their blood to make the unleavened matzah.[10] Anti-Jewish attitudes sparked numerous riots in which many Jews were murdered, most notably in 1190, when over 100 Jews were massacred in York.[10]

>> No.56001078

*pulls up completely false and bogus source*
*continues to embarrass himself by saying "history repeats itself"*

>> No.56001604

Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.


>wikipedia editing

>JIDF shill recruitment video

>jew shill operation center



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1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
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3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek own everything ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007) ]

>> No.56001977

I'm not trolling, I'm telling you your shit's all retarded and you argue like an estrogen golem
I agree testing doesnt mean dick; because the differences are down to development rates and do not hold on the long term. The average 30 year old man is more articulate than the average 30 year old woman. You're undermining your own "rhetorical question" here.
Why are you still here? Don't you have tampons to buy or something?