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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1000029440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55989205 No.55989205 [Reply] [Original]

buy toad to get your ticket to the moon. Also toad will make you smarter, stronger, faster, and make you live forever. And the TOAD team is in the process of developing a *real* room temperature superconductor. This is a no brainer buy folks.

>> No.55989273

I'm going to sleep call me if we poompa

>> No.55989285

BAD AI contract copycat. You can check it by yourself.

>> No.55989310

shut up fag

>> No.55989326

You mean Neal Armstrong? Either way, NASA never went to the moon and space is fake and gay

>> No.55989396

I eat the SOUP so I can poop
I like to poop and poop and pee
pooping is my specialty
buy toad to poop with me
it will make me so happy
toad soup is the best meal
but just wait until you feel
the soup poop come out of your butt
it feel so good it make you nut

>> No.55989655
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>> No.55989663

get out of my thread you toadless nigger

>> No.55990096

$10 million mc is the new floor, fudders completely btfo

>> No.55990149

More like 12.5 m
We’ll see 20 mill purdy soon

>> No.55990300

Is 100b enuff?

>> No.55990610

Wake up

>> No.55990626

Yes my friend

>> No.55991534

A coin shilled on /biz/ is NOT supposed to succeed. You fags never mentioned bad ai once. That's why it mooned. Your little toad is about to slowrug just like all project /biz/tards hype up and buy large amounts of.

>> No.55991571

A lot of 100-500x were shilled here last bullrun

>> No.55991672

50-75b is probably suicide stack. This thing has an amazing chart and it’s still early.

>> No.55991689

Bad AI is tanking. TOAD is the play sorry for your BAD AI loss.

>> No.55991753

6th of September, 4:20 PM EST. Remember this date toadies, the soup is almost ready.

>> No.55991810

shibaswap wallet bought more yesterday shib.dev eth og shib wallet bought symbolic 77777 toad killer NOT got transferred literally bought it. What more you want anon those wallets literally have millions of dollars worth of assets. Shytoshi mentioned toad in shiba conference opening speech and it has only 2050 wallets holding. Literally a best bet on a moonshot. My speculation is that shibarium ecosystem needs a shining star which will make all of the shib ecosystem pump and get headlines and attention.

>> No.55991886

Occasionally biz gets it right. This is one of those times

>> No.55992061

What happens on the next schizo date?
So september 11 was just a meme ?

>> No.55992164

proof that shibaswap wallet bought more yesterday. the retarded soup nfts have been sending it shit everyday. fag

>> No.55992433

Like a mother fucking broken clock, two times only ever and it takes like a year for our clock to cycle.

>> No.55992602

qrd? where's this date from

>> No.55993752

Lol and the retard that runs it gets the absolute SHIT front run out of him every single buy for the burns. Like what the fuck man. He's only buying 1 eth at a time now once a certain amount of his soup scams get sold and he's getting mev botted for like .1 of that eth. I think it's his own mev bot because there's no fucking way he could be that fucking retarded to not set 1% slippage when it's been happening every time.

He also claims to have gotten "hacked" and lost the eth earlier this month before he could burn it. Obviously he stole it lol. Now he's leeching 10% off the burns with his own mev bot.

>> No.55993854
File: 177 KB, 400x400, Fuckmytoadup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cryptoad posts some bullshit
>Shiba Inu scam admin comes in and posts soup
>Coin pumps
>Devs dump
>Two more weeks
>Thanks for playing
Lowest IQ bagholders in crypto. You're Scamtoshi's ATM.

>> No.55993951
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>> No.55994008

Top kek

>> No.55994041

This is the most compelling argument I've heard - that shibarium needs a 'golden boy' to point at. "See what happens here? See how awesome we are?" That can't happen organically.

>> No.55994121
File: 74 KB, 1739x310, Shibdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is my speculation not we. US elections are coming in 2024. Trumps mascot is a pepe remember 2016 but on steroids. Buying pepe and pepe killer version in shib could have massive upside. Pic related shib dev og wallet purchase of toad killer.

>> No.55994151

Awe, only 1.8B? How much is that in monopoly munny? I was hoping he was making a whale maneuver

>> No.55994188

It’s symbolic of toads future market cap once we exceed pepes highest market cap

>> No.55994214

Pepe will be irrelevant before Toad gets going. This shit is doomed.

>> No.55994229

Amount is irrelevant connection matters. It gives legitimacy. This is not your average uniswap shitcoin. Point is im not gonna miss out the potential shiba inu type of gains again.

>> No.55994239

Hardly. Pepe is posted hundreds of times per day on here alone. Whether the coin rugs is ultimately irrelevant. Toad will exceed Pepe

>> No.55994275

Mfs believe shib devs got a plan, they are clearly improvising

>> No.55994321
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Two more weeks baggies!

>> No.55994352
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>> No.55994387

fudkek cope
should've bought when it was shilled pre 5x

>> No.55994436
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>4 months later
>Can barely hold 10 mil mc
Real success story, retard

>> No.55994442

If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn teh heat on low, gradually, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.

>> No.55994449

>>Can barely hold 10 mil mc
don't give a shit when i bought at 2mil mc. fuddies can cope but you're only talking to anyone who didn't buy in june

>> No.55994480

Why should anyone new buy then?

>> No.55994487
File: 337 KB, 1500x2048, 1691085908802228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooo boy a whole 5x, lower your tone if you don't hold a make it stack of hp0s10i

>> No.55994532

There’s hundreds of thousands of NPCs that are waiting for direct orders from the shib team to buy toad. Only the few bizraelis that pieced it all together and took the risk early on got in under 5 mil while shib tech normgoloids vowed to only buy shib, bone and leash until further instruction

>> No.55994675

We should be taking a page from the DNC playbook and meme them into thinking TOAD is TREAT even if its not. God knows the shib team would just go with it.

>> No.55994844

That's done hundreds of times daily lol

>> No.55994861

It really is tho

>> No.55995024
File: 145 KB, 512x512, 1692351865096578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toad TG has devolved into bag holders spamming slot machines and gifs. It is DBI all over again. Toad = DBI 2.0
It really is not. They make that painfully clear because Toad is their little side hustle for ETH.

>> No.55995049
File: 32 KB, 500x500, joever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toad TG has devolved into bag holders spamming slot machines and gifs

>> No.55995075

Pepe’s ATH was 1.87 bil get wrecked

>> No.55995082

Even if it was a shib project which it most likely is not, shib is still going down the toilet. Shib lost all of the real devs and they started AVI, it’s a no brainer why they can’t get anything to work. You can google the entire shib fallout and read about on Reddit or twitter. Or you can believe a few conspiracy theories about 100 shitcoins showcased at a crypto convention that might elude to toad being involved, but like I said either way shib is dead.

>> No.55995130
File: 183 KB, 480x480, top_kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek, telegram slot machine spam is the kiss of death for a shitcoin

>> No.55995576

Lol you kikes that shilled avi right at the toad bottom of .000000008 before it went parabolic and started holding 10m marketcap literally the next day should all be executed.

There are ACTUALLY a few people on /biz/ that sold toad right at the bottom and bought avi and are still holding it right now and are going to lose everything. They fumbled their bags at the zero hour.

>> No.55995654

>lower yo…..

>> No.55995752
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2 more zero hours!
Seething Toadie baggie.

>> No.55995838

The amount of cope in these toad threads by fudfags who sold early and immediately got priced out is ducking classic

>> No.55995885
File: 202 KB, 736x577, Angry Bag Holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The amount of cope in these toad threads by fudfags who sold early and immediately got priced out is ducking classic

>> No.55995895

What is the biggest proof that toad is actually linked to the Shib team?

>> No.55995986

Shytoshi is Elon! Someone said it in another thread goys! Still don’t know what it has to do with toad though.

>> No.55996023


>> No.55996123

some litterally who twitter screencaps

>> No.55996235

nvm, said in the shib tg that toad was a scam and my messages got deleted

>> No.55996333

Telegram is pretty fun with gifs but the casino spam is too much. As if this token wasn't already unbearable, JM tranny is back starting drama and pretending he didn't. Honestly, do these Shiba admins add a single solitary fucking thing to the Telegram or the project? I think not. Whenever we hype they smack it down. When they open their mouths it's two more weeks or fud that conflicts with evidence.

>> No.55996654

Nah we shilled AVI right before you got jeet rugpulled on the first pump when you should have sold. Now you’re just getting slow rugged by the same jeets. No way you can pump again from here unless you start getting twitter and Reddit on board, majority of biz got fussed on this one.

>> No.55996687

Shytoshi has hundreds of thousands normies waiting to give signal to buy

>> No.55996691
File: 190 KB, 720x480, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No soup for you!

>> No.55996719

Fucking ugly whale, I bet she cleans her ass from the front.

>> No.55996730

Why are they so fucking coy about everything? She clearly knows about the "toad soup" thing, nobody would just go in there and happen to mention their lunch for no reason.

>> No.55996870

Toad is treat, deep inside you fuckheads already know it

>> No.55997227

HOLY trips of truth, fuck that tranny

>> No.55997241
File: 203 KB, 500x374, pvtQ5fK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing to support what you're saying
telegram mods tease shit, that's all it is, it's bullshit

this shitcoin is heading to zero. get out if you have a big bag, get out now.

>> No.55997252

No its a scam you retard

>> No.55997264
File: 239 KB, 1242x1534, 1688252406338148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this. They tapped out biz with their rugged pumps and moonbois don't realize this, going to be dog eat dog on the way to the bottom.
So they can pump the shitcoin and then sell on you, who do you think the insider whales are?

>> No.55997557

>Honestly, do these Shiba admins add a single solitary fucking thing to the Telegram or the project? I think not
srsly, they ban us in their trannygram rooms and do nothing but talk shit and act coy in toad's

>> No.55997627

Man the fuckin harpoons.
Ban hammer that bitch and never look back.
Literally never talks unless it's to start somethin.

>> No.55997649

Is she even part of the project? Who the fuck cares. Why are all these beta males acting like women because of the actions of a woman?

>> No.55997659
File: 413 KB, 962x1379, prakesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOAD is the next SHIB and TOADISHI is a GENIUS!

>> No.55997665
File: 64 KB, 600x920, oversmuggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They let toadoshit back into tg too its ogre

>> No.55997670

What evidence that toad could be the next shib, shytoshi wasnt even behind shib

>> No.55997711
File: 5 KB, 204x180, Anon.i..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shytoshi wasnt even behind shib
You're right, he is a grifter who has only been behind slow rugs like...Anon I...

>> No.55997724
File: 50 KB, 600x602, CHECK-EM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW that GET

>> No.55997762
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checked, oof baggies, 4 of a kind dubs says scamtoshi dumpsama is at it again w/ toad, big oof

>> No.55997798

>Check Toad Telegram after few days vacation
>2000+ messages
>Did we moon?
>Good news?
>It's all slots
>It's 100% Mumbai in Toad Telegram
Sell signal. It's dead Jim.

>> No.55997896

It’s not him buying it, it’s him burning the 1 ETH through the toad soup contract, the interaction causes maximum slippage (50%). On the plus side, the MEV bots give pretty healthy chart volume, which is important for future CEX listings.

>> No.55997905

What's funny is they act like they could reveal at any time and send TOAD to the moon...

...But they don't send it, they just keep farming ETH...While "lesser" shit-coins moon all around them...

...In that sense TOAD really is just like DBI..

>> No.55997913

The last message in the SHIB tech TG before it was muted for a while was “TOAD is TREAT!” and it didn’t get deleted. It stayed up the entire time, tons of people saw it when they checked the chat. And TOAD was on the projects board at the ETH conference in Toronto. Pretty bullish IMO

>> No.55997918

I should note I don’t really think TOAD is TREAT, but it might be. No one really knows.

>> No.55998177
File: 1.48 MB, 1242x1556, toadkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toad has nothing to do with shib
Turns out toad is a part of shib
>AVI is better sell toad buy avi
AVI dumps to oblivion while toad pumps and holds the floor
>Shytoshi is not gonna mention toad in the conference
Gets mentioned in the opening speech
>Toad is not a treat
Toad becomes treat
>Toad doesnt pump
Makes 100x and kills pepe ?

>> No.55998217

ok, sui/make it? in dollars if possible, please be realistic, I deserve a chance at making it.

>> No.55998303


>> No.55998308

you want to make it? all in $cocks at cockfights.org is the only play right now, this board has an infinite $cocks pump in it for at least the next few months. 100x min if you get in on the ground floor. dont listen to the FUD

>> No.55998338

bro just shut up and buy $cocks...im in a group chat with elite shitposters...we are about to moon $cocks...dont miss the train...thank me later

>> No.55998346

sure bro the best way is to join our elite telegram group at cockfights.org where we hold pumpamentals for $cocks and do mass buys together. when I say elite group...I mean elite as we literally control the entire chan board, even the janitors are on our pay rolls. I would advise you to buy this token, you would be so stupid not to at this price.

>> No.55998353

i've gotta respect a man that recognizes the power of $cocks. $cocks will save the world.

>> No.55998575


>> No.55999202


>> No.55999208

bro, what are you talking about? i am in the elite pump group and i know the inside scoop. i can't say too much but just know that soon $cocks is gonna rocket to the moon and make us all rich as hell it's called the $cock pump group by the way and we always dump on the poors

>> No.55999236


you're an idiot, i bet you bought $toad at $1.50 and you're salty because you are bagholding that scam

>> No.55999264


lmao bro it's all good, this anon is entertaining even if hes a bit of a negative Nancy. he does have valid points sometimes too, I actually learned about toad from him when it was still at $1m MC so we all win some and lose some. in my view he's more of a contrarian and that's ok too, makes us ask ourselves if we are all in an echo chamber, he's doing more for the community than most

>> No.55999309

its like women arent even allowed to do anything these days - they certainly arent allowed to influence the pump of $cocks. this is a mans game, leave the women out of it

>> No.55999314

With all this retarded shilling you guys are doing I've never even once considered buying your shit. And I've bought some stupid shit.

>> No.55999337

it's not and he's not! $cock is the next SHIB, the only token that we should be talking about here you nigger

>> No.55999376

you mean toad is going to dump again from here? damn, im happy i sold mine for a profit but at the same time im really pissed i was too weak to hold for longer, oh well im up 10x on $cocks you filthy faggot

>> No.55999427

$cocks is not just the next shib, its the next ethereum. cockfighter has proven himself to be an amazing developer capable of delivering and the team behind $cocks has a solid community, a fun and entertaining telegram and an army of supporters ready to spread the word of the great $cocks.

>> No.55999431
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>> No.55999433
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>> No.55999474

you don't get $cocks, you just don't...i bet i've been in the elite $cock pump group for weeks. if you don't believe me, just ask cock bro in tele if he knows me. we are gonna go so high you will be left wondering why you missed all those signs.

>> No.55999524

toad is dead. the elite $cock pumpers are taking this board over and theres nothing you can do. dont listen to my bro, hes full of FUD. $cock pumpers cant take over this board, we wont let them!

>> No.55999540

Oh look another gay homo shitcoin. Just go suck a fuckin cock and stop alluding to your homosexuality with crypto faggot.

>> No.55999566

$cock is actually way better than toads in every way, its going to be the future of defi because it will cure cancer and get you rich. Im honestly shocked that we are seeing this much resistance to buying $cock from your community.

>> No.55999580

its an actual business unless the crypto scams OP was talking about we are raising fighting cocks and its a fast growing industry. once streaming and bettinggoes like next week this is gonna 10x overnight. stay poor tho with coins that have no revenue or value

>> No.55999590


If you don't respect the cock farm then you deserve to stay poor dummie. this is an EZ buy

>> No.55999770

Nope, you guys are just fags and you’re projecting your latent homosexuality

>> No.55999816

you need to take the cock pill I'm so excited to see $COCK pump. I hope I can make back the money I lost in Squid Game. All hail $COCK.

>> No.55999873

that's fair, we dont really know what it is...but its definitely gay af

>> No.55999936

you are a retard and deserve nothing.

>> No.55999981

you're a genius. $cocks is gonna be the next big thing, no lie. you'll know you're a pro at this game when you're balls deep in $cocks like me and my homies. and dont worry if it doesnt pump just yet, its going to be huge in just a few short weeks. the bull market is coming back and its bringing $cocks with it

>> No.56000058

$cocks is the future of defi, a top meme token is about to do a 100x, you dont want to miss this. i can 100% guarantee your mom will finally love you once youve made your first million from $cocks. dont trust me, trust the elite $cock pump group im in, we are going to moon a token to 100x in a few weeks

>> No.56000066

Based cockspammers

>> No.56000102

i'm already in the group and have been part of elite pumpamentals campaigns over there. it's all part of the plan for us to control the entire board and moon this token. and it doesnt even stop there...we have influence over most of the other meme tokens on here. im telling you if you buy $cocks now you'll have a lambo in a month guaranteed.

>> No.56000147

$cocks will revolutionize not only defi but the entire world, trust me. you're a part of the elite pumpamentals group so you know how it all works. dont miss out because we are all gonna be eating steaks, lambos, big titty gfs soon!!!

>> No.56000209

$cocks is the future, if you had half a brain youll start taking it seriously. $cock is going to end world hunger, cure cancer and get you laid. if you want to keep being poor and miserable then dont take my advice, or maybe you already do, you sound like a depressed virgin. go back to your shitty life and keep buying $shib like a fomo loser. if you ever want to get rich and finally get laid, come back here and buy some $cocks

>> No.56000508

This board has the worst jannies on the site.

>> No.56001621

Quick question for you faggota’s, BAD AI pumped should I convert that to TOAD?

>> No.56001826

Buy = Toad goes 100x = you retire drinking tequila from girls tummies
Dont buy = Toad goes 100x = you kys and become a worm food

Ez choice AI anon

>> No.56003213

Human females mention their food all the time. Nobody knows why.

>> No.56003238

Toad is treat

>> No.56003245

10m mc floor is unbreakable

>> No.56003247

never a bad idea to take profits

>> No.56004073

Cryptoad posting verses again. Schizos scrambling to find another date.

>> No.56004125
File: 51 KB, 922x1024, ryok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how TOAD Just bounces off the 10m level. It just can't be bothered to go lower, that or people are realizing anything below 22500 is an amazing deal. It just gets instantly slurped. Are you ready for our next spike and inevitable break out to 20m.

>> No.56004184

Yea let’s do it this weekend. Flip the switch ser

>> No.56004257
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Here we go. Moved up my buy orders to 23800.

>> No.56004274

Is that why chads are all craving for the long anticipated private blockchain launch? Looks like something huge will be happening in QANX

>> No.56004292

Nope, endeavour to own AceStakes NFTs, this may kick some asses in the next bull.

>> No.56004466

Can this shit dump already? Where are the fudders?
Help me buy at 5 or 6mil mc.
I have $1000 left to throw at this shit.
I want cheapies reeeeeeee

>> No.56004572
File: 20 KB, 200x151, snapshotisdefiningpaststakersyafeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


small dips under 10m are your only chance now. I would get in soon if I were you.

>> No.56004714

Don't worry. It will start trending down if nothing happens within a few days, which seems likely since literally nothing has happened in the four months this shit has been out.

>> No.56004812
File: 88 KB, 750x815, Toad chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty good to me. I wish more things were trending like this.

>> No.56004813

Another idiot who sold too early or got priced out. Sorry for to our loss anon.

>> No.56004839

healthy af

>> No.56004889

It's the most beautiful cup 'n handle I've ever seen desu

>> No.56004911

Wtf are you talking about cryptoad posted today

>> No.56004982

Are you dumb? Look at what happened the second half of July. That's what will happen if there's no news. I'm not saying it can't pump again at some point, but this shit trends down when there's no hype.

Nobody gives a shit about Cryptoad anymore. You can't lead people on forever.

>> No.56005073

Cryptoad aka comic aka toadoshi aka September aka ragnar aka kaal aka ecosystem token aka toad is treat

>> No.56005441


>> No.56005468

>Lance Armstrong
So a lying cheater druggie? Even his name is a lie, should have been Lance Legstrong

>> No.56005771

That's very funny.

>> No.56005805

literally nothing is the next shib. The only people dumb enough to pump a pile of shit scamtoken to 40 billion dollars already did so and they all got fucking rekt. TOAD is obviously a scam too

>> No.56005824

What's the Frog Soup Cafe thing about? Same devs or what?

>> No.56005951

That’s comics NFT project. Some believe he might also be lead toad dev

>> No.56006744

Take a break from shitcoins before you get rekt newfag. I for one won't touch it with a 10ft pole when there are based gems in the space like Itheum and Gods, alongside Ride with its burn mechanism for the long term.

>> No.56007009
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