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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55995342 No.55995342 [Reply] [Original]

Given how stressed the economy and population are from Jerome being terrible at his job, how many people can he count as his body count? At what point can we call him a mass murder?

>> No.55995349

Gtfo faggot. Powell if anything didn't raise hard enough. Still too many tech bruhs have a job

>> No.55995363

This. Raise full throttle. Anyone deserving of life has savings to endure a depression OR they work through it.
$750k for a 2 bed 1 bath in flyovermerica is unacceptable

>> No.55995364

I hope you make it into his count.

>> No.55995413

I sit on 600k in cash

>> No.55995420

Actually 550k. Borrowed 50k to people

>> No.55995435

you missed the bottom

>> No.55995445

Seethe, boomer. I hope you lose even more. This does not affect Z or Millennials at all. Welcome to being poor.

>> No.55995454

Wypepo dindu nuffin

>> No.55995464
File: 295 KB, 1080x1146, 1687321991163130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really you desperate baggie
Higher for longer
See you in 2025

>> No.55995483

Now vs money supply

>> No.55995490

I hope it’s in MM accounts. You’re not getting that 50k back. Sorry.

I’m not sure what you’re going for here. You’re poor for life… congrats? You’re definitely making the count.

>> No.55995514

seems like you're the desperate one here buddy boy

sure yes you and every poorfag dreaming about an apocalyptic crash surely will happen and then everyone buys and WAGMI am I rite kek

>> No.55995534

Monetary base is hard deflating. M2 is negative yoy
I will, else I keep the passports and there arr going to be a seizing of asset mob style with broken knees
That's not apocalyptic crash, that's a regular correction

>> No.55995557
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>Monetary base is hard deflating. M2 is negative yoy
You sound like an avax shill explaining how "its deflationary"
M2 double during your chart time.
So again, do vs m2
Also it makes the recent downtrend even stronger then anyway

>> No.55995568
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>> No.55995583

I correct myself m2 went x5 during the time
So every chart vs dollar is worthless

>> No.55995588
File: 14 KB, 500x411, Puppet stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there's recorded audio of Jonestown and you can hear people screaming in pain in the background and urging their children to drink regardless

>> No.55995596

Where do you think those loans went to? Paris? No, they were used to buy assets on credit, often enough loans collaterized with those assets, like all the top buyers who got themselves into real estate for passive income. It's a liquidation catastrophic event in the making for those people, for everyone else its a regular correction

>> No.55995614

>how many people did Powell kill
not enough

>> No.55995626

So you refuse to chart vs m2 i see

>> No.55995630

Growth, not absolute numbers you drooling mongoloid

>> No.55995646

What’s that

>> No.55995653

What it went from 22t to 21t?

>> No.55995678

Need higher rates.

>> No.55995691

Yes. Sorry you got fucked in the head by the sins of 2008. That's not the norm, that was in retrospective a giant mistake that is going to be corrected. Line not always go up zoomer. And I hope you are ready to hold your bags forever because you are likely never going to break even in the Japanification of the west

>> No.55995697

Im not a zoomer
You are MASSIVELY deflecting from the fact you wont chart vs m2

>> No.55995708

Unfathomably based

>> No.55995709
File: 53 KB, 1413x510, 43zw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lets discuss retard.
This is the real chart
Yes this correction was due
Also we are way below 2000 levels
There is no bubble anywhere

>> No.55995711

You got really fucked in the head
Are you afraid of the return to the mean?

>> No.55995721

I won't discuss with you anymore interviewing advertising baggie. Hold tight. See you in 2025

>> No.55995723
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>> No.55995732
File: 14 KB, 500x590, q3t3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got really fucked in the head
Why do you say this, kys
We are at the mean
Also i feel i discussed you today already kek

>> No.55995737

You need to be at least 18 years old to post on 4chan.

>> No.55995744
File: 291 KB, 1447x1437, t4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bring m2 charts up
>you are scared
Like clockwork

>> No.55995757

>frog and wojack
You should say your week line shill

>> No.55995759

So m2 scared you away from arguing

>> No.55995780

No you identified yourself shill. Gtfo. Go leech somewhere else

>> No.55995787

Yes i shill the s&p 500 on a dead mongolia goat farmer forum, so the 50 people that see this buy 100 dollar each

>> No.55995799

I told you shill leech, to say your week line, not the medication defense line when called out. Maybe call me a glow niggers, you leech

>> No.55995806
File: 30 KB, 656x679, grwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have the last word in this thread tho, you can call yourself what you want

>> No.55995814

Post more frogs leech. That is after all how according to your script 4channers communicate

>> No.55995818

You are not a 4channer?

>> No.55995825

There is nothing like a 4channer mouth breather. There is no set, there are only fuzzy sets

>> No.55995827

Also all you had to do was discuss the S&P 500 vs m2 charts i posted here but for some reason you refuse
Makes one thinking

>> No.55995829

Leech gtfo. Go leech data somewhere else.

>> No.55995839


>> No.55995848

Leech gtfo. Tell your coordinator you fucked up

>> No.55995860


>> No.55995863

Leech you need to leave. You are just poisoning your own datasets more and more the more you annoy me

>> No.55995873

strg f5 leech
8 times

>> No.55995877

Try it with observational instead of unscientific interview and data baiting

>> No.55995886

Ok lets discuss this then >>55995723

>> No.55995893

No. I just poison your data. That's all I do on 4chan until you get it leech
Go play leech somewhere else amateur

>> No.55995899

I dont collect data
Do you?

>> No.55995909

You do you obviously do.. it's so painfully obvious you do. And it's quite fun to poison all the data your kind is interested in fucking up your models more and more, making them useless

>> No.55995929
File: 60 KB, 397x388, 1522796569062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lettuce not infight, my 4channeler brothers

>> No.55995932

I cant even tell if your trolling, need meds, or are paid

>> No.55995936

Another frog faggot appears. You need to learn a lesson. You need to be fired

>> No.55995938

why not all 3

>> No.55995941
File: 99 KB, 768x532, hdst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm right we should come together

>> No.55995945

Fired from where?

>> No.55995952


Trying to deflect leech. It's really fun to come up with great larps and just poison the entire datasets, watch the results and switch larp

And from time to time call you leeches out

>> No.55995973
File: 434 KB, 305x205, grds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called yourself leech

>> No.55995974

You should really try it with observational. The data is better than provoking people to poison your data by trying to force data

>> No.55995978

Ok leech

>> No.55995982

Then never make a thread again you faggot data leeches

>> No.55995987

I did not make this thread

>> No.55996003

That includes trying to interview anons, leech

>> No.55996013

You should maybe find out the definition the term thread. It is not just the opening post

>> No.55996032

Oh I remember it now

>> No.55996042

Make the thread means do the op newfag

>> No.55996055

No it doesn't. You are really just an amateur or extremely badly trained and prepared

>> No.55996060

Yes it does mean that newfag

>> No.55996068

Look up the definition of thread, there are a few authors from the 1990s that did actually good work on the subject with bulletin boards

>> No.55996074

Make a thread here means do the op

>> No.55996076

You on the other hand, useless. You should feel ashamed and find other subjects, you are not cut out for online interview of anon

>> No.55996088

Doesnt sound like fun true

>> No.55996102

But I suppose your study lead is an idiot because there hasn't been any methodological not retarded studies on online communities for the past 15 years

As said, all models are poisoned and useless

>> No.55996110

I doubt that

>> No.55996115

I know it, I read them, and they are all bullshit. Methodological bullshit
Again, maybe try observational

>> No.55996119

Japanification but with negroid characteristics.

>> No.55996124

I can't believe Jpow had sex with all those people. What a beast.

>> No.55996125

Read the entire threads itt
I'm fucking around with amateur interviewers

>> No.55996130

You both realize that you're probably about to get hit with a banhammer and all of your posts deleted, right?

>> No.55996134

Hmm maybe someday i read them but its not a field im interested

>> No.55996138

So? Beside being a hobby social scientist, that fucks around with paid social scientists, I am also a real anon

>> No.55996143

You are really bad if you think im paid lol
Why do you think that?
Because i refused to give a long time chart vs dollar meaning?

>> No.55996145

Sure buddy. Go and try to get your feet wet first on platforms like Facebook and co. Before you enter anon space

>> No.55996161
File: 4 KB, 250x206, qt32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M2 is the subject
According to you its HARD DEFLATING

>> No.55996189

More frog posting. Cristofaro et al. Is imo to blame for the giant shitshow currently happening in studying online communities. Those idiots from london really fucked the subject up

>> No.55996194

M2 is the subject
According to you its HARD DEFLATING

>> No.55996197

And most of their data was faked. But psst nobody should seriously peer review it

>> No.55996207


>> No.55996213

Nigger you can't force data gathering. Go back to Facebook loser and do observational studies.

>> No.55996215


>> No.55996217

Because you lose your funding then? Maybe get sued. Well that sucks for you

>> No.55996222


>> No.55996223


Give me 18% and then we’ll talk.

>> No.55996225

Didn't I told leech you should say the weeks line

>> No.55996236

Two more weeks?
That would not fit to anything you said

>> No.55996237

Go back to Facebook and do observational studies, you are poisoning your own data with your amateurish methods

>> No.55996247

You are fucking the already totally fucked up canon up just more

>> No.55996256


>> No.55996263

Look it up. Scientific canon. The canon of literature on a subject

>> No.55996280

he isn't cranking rates up fast enough we need volcker style madness

>> No.55996292

And in my personal opinion your entire field needs to be killed for the unethical methodology you applied for years. And you better hope that the world stays in order because there is a social scientist out there that knows your names, your sins and would kill you for your sins

>> No.55996396

You are seriously schizophrenic dude

>> No.55996419

>This does not affect Z or Millennials at all

Zoomers will be fine. Millennials are going to bitch and moan about it being impossible to make ends meet while they drown their sorrows in $20 craft beer. Fucking insufferable, way worse than boomers ever were

>t. zoomer supremacist

>> No.55996463

Say the line. Two more...
Seriously the niggers are too obvious

>> No.55996470
File: 74 KB, 1077x677, english - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerome is undeniably based, kys you little faggot

>> No.55996544

>over 1 hundred posts of pure COPE by 2 ids
you guys are both very convincing. I will [ buy | sell ] immediately.

>> No.55996586

Thats not a shill line
How many hours per day do you post here?

>> No.55996625

It's a shill line, just enter the sentence into the archive search, very interesting results.same goes for the shill lines of take your meds, shizo and glow nigger. They are all defensive shill lines

>> No.55996636

No these are things to point out
If people say. Muh collapse in two weeks it needs to be pointed out. You are insufferable and have no friends

>> No.55996659

No. But you are obviously trying to deflect from the truths on the fucked up operation running on here told in this threads. I hope you let all the feedback enter your models, the day of reckoning isn't far

>> No.55996705

You think you are doing something when I'm literally one guy wanting to correct you on m2

>> No.55996717
File: 353 KB, 2152x1178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need volcker style madness

>> No.55996736

It's too obvious. No anon is so hard on trying to interview. Also the
Line gave it away
You need to leave and never return to anon space

>> No.55996775

And I mean it you disgusting perverted sub human scum. Never post on any imageboard ever again

>> No.55996847

Thus whole side is fir discussion retard

>> No.55996862

You don't get it. Not surprising. Leave. Demand for discussion somewhere else. I heard shitter gets rid of the block function. Maybe there you can demand discussion

>> No.55996879

I won't leave
You can leave if you don't like to discuss me

>> No.55996929

That's why you will never be or understand anon you arrogant leech and shill. You can't demand for anything you don't have any power

>> No.55997749
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>> No.55999017

English please

>> No.55999262
File: 415 KB, 1301x2047, 1662916885818250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he hikes it until the pips fucking squeak.
Then he should do another 100bps just to make sure.
Fuck rentiers and fuck you.

>> No.55999321

>I some faggot data leech DEMAND that you plebs discuss what I tell you to discuss
Gtfo worthless leech

>> No.56001400

I said english please