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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55942731 No.55942731 [Reply] [Original]

Bearsposting has finally broke me to the point where im looking at this and thinking its my only hope this year.
Please talk me down off the ledge.
I need out of this cage you fucking brown pieces of shit put me in

>> No.55942759
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Well it’s liquidity is deep enough at 1million, locked, audited, dao for all decisions, literal army of memetic retards to push it. Literally the safest meme play by far. Do the math

>> No.55942761

Dogbat on ETH will go to 50b eoy checkem

>> No.55942765

Kys baggie

>> No.55942800

Wallet distribution is fucking awful

>> No.55942813

Literally every memecoin that goes to the stratosphere has this though. Jesus CHRIST is this it
Is this really what it's going to say on my grave

>> No.55942818
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Based, biz missed Pepe missed HPOS and is going to miss dogbat. Cited reasons are wallet distribution or being fag

>> No.55942822
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Kek he thinks the cex wallet and dao are personal wallets.

>> No.55942973
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I can get behind this I guess

>> No.55943241
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>Nobonker thinks the dao, marketing and cex wallets counts

Good, more for me at this mc

>> No.55943685

Did anyone catch the pure meme magic in the contract address? Look at the last 4 characters.

>> No.55944450

People are fudding it but this is an OG /biz/ coin through and through. I was here for the original magic in October 2021. I'm sitting very comfy right now

>> No.55946183

Is that a coincidence or actually planned? I can’t possibly imagine that it’s just a crazy coincidence.

>> No.55946283


>> No.55946296
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Yep. Lots of sour people didn't get in and mocked people when they got told to get in because they were early. I still have screenshots laying around somewhere, its happening exactly as before.
M E M E M A G I C I S. R E A L

>> No.55946785
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I am a previous missor but now have learned to bonk

>> No.55947285
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Only fools don't change their mind

Do the math, 1+1 boobie = ?

>> No.55947311

who are these whores?

>> No.55947327
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>> No.55947335
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Into to gulag if you horni post

>> No.55947355

liquidity on bsc is too big, it can't pump

>> No.55947402

Just do the math anon. Its not hard

>> No.55947443


This is about freshly launched ETH dogbat. BSC is död afaik

>> No.55947538

Do you anons think this can at least match hpsoi's performance? Both have the same origins and are backed by pure autism and meme magic.

>> No.55947573
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Kept you waiting huh

>> No.55947685

More. Just check what happens to their BNB counterparts. hpso have a hard cap on their Mc because 1. Their memetics and humor is way too hermetic and can turn off many, even if they get it their aesthetic turns off people 2. They already have Warner Bros watching them for copyrights, and the only thing they tried to do against it was to rename their the forum to "HPSO" lol. They can't change their name, and their name is their memetics. If they grow too much it's over. Cease and desist and huge fines. Game over

I say that and personally I'm a big fan of their humor. But you have to go with the realities of the market

>> No.55947710

Is this why Hpsoi is not listed on CEXs yet? I find it hard to believe a token with this much volume and popularity isn't listed on any CEX.

>> No.55947773

Honestly have no Idea but that's fair reasoning I guess, it might be a reason yes. CEX wants a clean image these days, associating with a legal hot potato that you can see from a mile away might turn them off yeah

>> No.55947892

Do the math niggers

>> No.55948111
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>> No.55948132



>> No.55948176

Your only hope is plebbit dot com

>> No.55948335



>> No.55948401

Daily friendly reminder the telegram/this token "community" is full of indians, pakis and mexicans.

>invest in a turd scam coin by turd people


>> No.55948653
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Holy shit its going global

>> No.55948733

hpos had a lot of good influencer chads early on. d0b0 community is more genuinely autistic and antisocial so that part concerns me but they did already get cmc and a yahoo news article. in the end the coin is more simple and normie friendly but that might not play as well in this market which is mostly crypto people

>> No.55948788

>the coin is more simple and normie friendly
This means deaux beaux should perform very well during a bullrun doesn't it?

>> No.55949117

I would not be surprised if CEXs refuse to list it because they would get copyright notice in every western coutnry, and the ticker BITCOIN is misleading on a CEX website so they don't want to list something that their users would accidentally buy thinking it was BTC and then sue them when they lose money

>> No.55949140

do not fucking redeem

>> No.55949311
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The ticket also seen problematic

There's only so much you can be stupid with crypto until you shoot yourself in the foot.

Dogbat solves that problem

>> No.55949312

Give dogbat a decent little market pump right now and it'll hit 100m

>> No.55949322
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This is the gulag chat sir

>> No.55949365

Isn’t there like a huge holder that sniped the launch with 40k that has like 10% split over multiple wallets? And why the fuck is nancypelosi one the top holders?

>> No.55950338

How long will deaux beaux crab in this range?

>> No.55950364

26. Nice trips.

>> No.55950370

Until a whale will dump His nice profit
Then maybe we crab at 1 milli

>> No.55950375

Insider her
Also there is no CEX in talk with us
We dont want you fuckers dump your presselers stack on us, we want to keep the chart floating

>> No.55950380

Does deaux beaux have a bright future?

>> No.55950418

Insane liquidity and godawful holder distribution will prevent this from taking off anytime soon. If you buy this be prepared to be holding until we go peak retardation in 2025. Hope nothing bad happens during these 15-20 months.

>> No.55950421
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>> No.55950422

Insider here
We need to dump on you fags for marketing funds
Sorry for that

>> No.55950428

>holding until we go peak retardation in 2025
This was my plan anyways, meme coins do very well during post-halving bullruns.

>> No.55950468

Softshilling on biz reeks of desperation

>> No.55950489

They are desperate, one dump and its over

>> No.55950934

I will buy if it dumps

>> No.55951130

IDC if it moons. You faggots were so incessant with your obvious shilling that they had to make a fucking word filter just for your shit coin. At a time when 90% if the post on this board were from hired jeet monkeys. It was very annoying. For that reason alone, I will never buy your shit coin.

>> No.55951228

Sure you will

>> No.55951279

The thing just launched a week ago. Most degens and retards that are still holding their 2021 and 2022 crypto bags know damn well we're going to be waiting another 2 years for redemption on everything we have. This bear market is brutal in the sense that it'll last a lot longer than the ones that came before, but that gives you an opportunity to accumulate a little longer otherwise. Holder distribution improves with time as whales either get impatient and sell or take profits after a massive pump which hasn't happened yet because the thing just launched a week ago.

>> No.55951356
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Don’t care. Mid wit over thinkers will never make it. Spite won’t get you rich

>> No.55951627

time to buy the OG then while everyone is hoodwinked

>> No.55951915
File: 19 KB, 215x297, 1672430039099782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Never too late to either BTCmaxx or buy alts that will obviously pump real hard in 2024 (POND, KASPA, etc).

>> No.55952236

Nah, eth is king.

>> No.55952901

Huge sells are required

>> No.55953354

Also the "meme" is just not funny. It seems really desperate and forced, which makes sense because it was obviously an attempt to ride on the dog coin mania hype train.

>> No.55953366

I'll post Amy nudes at 69m

>> No.55953383

I am from the team, murphis and co are done for, they cant hold the support at 2 million mcap because all the marketing funds are wasted. All sells are insiders right now.
Enjoy bagholding all the way to the bottom

>> No.55953508

>Also the "meme" is just not funny
I seldom see a meme token and even smile, and yet a number of them do well. If harry obama whirlpool spatula token can do it, this can too.

>It seems really desperate and forced
It's an easily transferable/usable meme (unlike most others) which might be what drives this impression.

>> No.55953606

This is absolutely going to 50b
But not before going to 50k

>> No.55954085

Right now it will test 1mil mcap, and bagholders are desperate.

>> No.55954270
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I'm not desperate like you anon. I still favor long-term coins like Krest and Peaq that contribute to the economy of things. Practical real-world utility is important to me, and the team will showcase DePIN use-cases at the IAA Mobility event in Europe next month.

>> No.55954329
File: 66 KB, 740x555, IMG_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on
Nothing from this place will ever make you money dummy. New groups have surfaced and they dictate what shitcoins go up. Besides anon bnb dog tokens are done, get with the times and move on to the new thing on crypto twitter

>> No.55954519

>I am from the team
No you are not

>cant hold the support at 2 million mcap
Literally still above that right now

>all the marketing funds are wasted
Blatantly false

>> No.55955165

I literally am, and most of sold for a nice x10, just look at tg activity, its dying.

>> No.55956091

Telegram slow on a Sunday who could've thought

>> No.55956150

CT will buy bags from presale poorfags until only diamond hands are left then moon

>> No.55956289

67 bonks

>> No.55956922

They filtered out the harry potter coin too, guess you missed out on that too, damn. Imagine being this midwitted