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File: 381 KB, 1751x1488, 1692930937773022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55935890 No.55935890 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from being a circumcised male?

>> No.55935898

Absolutely evil.

>> No.55935913

Can’t believe Jews got goys to do this to their children. Unreal

>> No.55935918

>that image height...

>> No.55935922

That kid is gonna have the irreversible scared mentality of an anti social school shooter if he's treated unwell in his youth,it almost becomes a self fulfilled proficiency he didn't choose to fufill poor kid

>> No.55935926

arent half u niggers like christian larpers? jesus was circumcised so it cant be that bad

>> No.55936005

The exact reason Jesus was crucified is so that his followers don't have to anymore, read your bible.

>> No.55936008


>> No.55936023

Biblical circumcision was a little knick

>> No.55936025

Pain. Suffering. Poor baby's precious foreskin was taken from him. Thankfully it was a white baby, so he deserves this pain. Now he'll grow up to be a cuck cage enjoyer so he can work hard for his wife while Tyrone fucks her pussy good with his intact BBC.

>> No.55936054

Jews make psychopaths like themselves out of normal people...

Never vote for a canditate that supports Israel, ever

>> No.55936057

Financial freedom is in the foreskin. Why do you think it was taken away from you? That's right. Think about it.

>> No.55936066

Who cares it's just some white kid. Another worthless trash in the world.

>> No.55936072
File: 106 KB, 1014x734, feet fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are too busy worshipping BBC

>> No.55936073

I forget. Doctors and nurses live in houses and eat at places for lunch, right?
Or am I thinking of parrots? Its either parrots or doctors, nurses, and politicians that eat lunch.

>> No.55936089

loose circumcision? its still practiced.
i never said they had to get circumcised, im saying your god was circumcised and all his grandparents that u guys look up to apparently, so it cant be that bad.

>> No.55936094

i would also argue that if it wasn't for the bible, circumcision would have never became a socially acceptable practice in the western world. protestants in canzuk & us only do it because god liked it, same with ethiopian christians

>> No.55936776
File: 365 KB, 736x500, the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55936787

Visible brain damage. My parents have a photo like this of me in their house.

>> No.55936795

americans are retarded

>> No.55936811


Am I being baited or why is 4chan so against circumcision? The benefits are literally proven by science. It's the responsibility of the parents to do this to their kids.

>> No.55936821

0/10 bait

>> No.55936824
File: 2.26 MB, 2208x2781, You Will Never Be A Schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncircumcised schizo vagabond here. Take your dick cheese meme back to the oven moshe

>> No.55936825

if it was bait why the fuck would 90% of humans do it?

>Noooo we are so edgy here and if you disagree you must be baiting!!!


>> No.55936829

>literally only western nations do it

>> No.55936833

Yeah this. the health benefits are literally proven by science. And if that is not enough no fucking girl is ever gonna put her mouth close to a disgusting uncircumcised penis. If you aren't cut I assume you've never had a decent blowjob kek

>> No.55936838

>Wow, 3rd world black shitholes without basic science or healthcare dont do this

you say that like its a bad thing kek

>> No.55936843
File: 41 KB, 512x512, aXaagY05_7002w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


obvious bait,retard

>> No.55936855

>masonic digits
>retard thinks im supporting his cut dick = good health argument
Oy gevalt your shekel pay is being docked by my uncut penis

>> No.55936859

>replying to bait is...LE BAD
I don't care

>> No.55936861

80% of the population of the planet doesn't do it. 3rd world black shitholes are actually some of the places that do it. That's where all the "satisfaction" and disease studies are conducted.

>> No.55936870

Literally no girl is gonna get close to any man who isn't cut

if you weren't obvious alt-right baiting virgins you would know this

anyway, I rest my case, enjoy your dick cheese and phimosis and lack of sex for the rest of your lives faggots

>> No.55936872

fuck meant for this retard


>> No.55936893

Post email and I'll send you my Italian horse cock with no dick cheese outside of my tent with muh JB(ased)L headphones dangling off the shaft

>> No.55936900
File: 358 KB, 401x388, fatherwhyhaveyouforsakenme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my dick flap is now part of a youth serum for celebrities

>> No.55936902
File: 50 KB, 1200x675, POST IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's uncut so I know you kikes crave it. Email. Now.

>> No.55936905

The jewish man literally tricked you american people into being "clean" for him. How does it feel, knowing that the jewish blood-ritual of scalping your mandom is associated with cleanliness and "benefits" in your country?

Keep on coping brother, or realize that you were the victim of a psy-op. Break the cycle and keep your sons away from the knife

>> No.55936962

imagine carrying the mark of jewish/muslim ownership for the rest of your life

>> No.55936966

Where'd you go rabbi aren't you hungry for pure uncut COCK?

>> No.55936967

Americans were men once

>> No.55936976

Seriously, what kind of monster starts slicing off the flesh of their newborn infants? Only jews and their slaves do.

>> No.55936987

they never were. the men stayed and fought in europe over the centuries while the weak ran away to the new world to hide. once you understand this many things about american "culture" make a lot of sense.

>> No.55937039

>It's H-hygeni-ACK!
Wow, I never knew soap and warm water was behind a foreskin paywall, retard.

>> No.55937162

lmao bizarre take. Americans fought the (at the time) greatest military at the time (britain) and won. Kinda embarrassing lmao

>> No.55937196

Oh relax, circs are accompanied with local anesthetic. The worst part for the neonate is the actual injection as it tends to be a burning sensation

We don't push circs on parents and circs don't make much money anyway. The parents willingly sign. Blame them

A high paying procedure in the neonate population would be a frenulectomy which is a quick less than one min snip

T. Doctor