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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5593124 No.5593124 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.5593161

It's gonna moon so hard man you wouldn't belive.

>> No.5593223

You are welcome guys, sold yesterday.

>> No.5593819
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Thankyou for your cheap bags

>> No.5594233

are you having fun yet?

>> No.5594271
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>> No.5594382

I bought a nice amount of ripple months ago, and have made excellent gains from it. But it’s my FUN bags which will make me rich.

>> No.5594401

thx brother we are all going to make it

>> No.5594424

bought at absolute atl 150 sats. sold at 250. fuck me

>> No.5594515

I honestly predict $1 mid next year. Will be pumped hard with the product release.

>> No.5594553

This. The sky is truly the limit tho. FUN tokens are burned so there’s no reason this coin can’t be $100 or $1000 one day.

>> No.5594596





>> No.5594628

Oh yes. A lot of dipping in your future. Get nachos.

>> No.5594693

Your mom's fun bags will make me rich.

>> No.5595361

Holding 10k will I make it?

>> No.5595434

ETF u mean? It's up 8% who cares??

>> No.5595519

>he doesn’t know
Stay poor

>> No.5595533

I’m on 50k, and aiming for 100k. 10k may get you a nice sum, but you won’t retire on it.

>> No.5595548
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>> No.5595592

500k here
I'm ready to have some fun
playing blackjack on their showcase meanwhile

>> No.5595599

>retire on it

How high do you excpecct FUN to go?

>> No.5595609


>> No.5595683

> no texas holdem
seriously? why?

>> No.5595715

That's not for eoy 2018, right? More like 2019-2020

>> No.5595716

Something about it being a little trickier to figure out or something, but it's possible/coming in the future. Making slots/bj/roulette is much simpler

>> No.5595750

>40 days to accumulate
>Jesus fasted for 40 days
>God flooded the world for 40 days
This is gonna be biblical

>> No.5595764

Shit house edge and shit game

>> No.5595838

Bought 20k of fun at 384 Sats and planning to accumulate more once the New Year hits I am feeling motherfucking /comfy/ right now.

>> No.5595885

You clearly don’t understand marketcap or have not read their actual volume plan for burning. This is the literal state of normies coming into altcoins

>> No.5595911
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The hype train will start it's engines in January

>> No.5595965

>don’t understand marketcap
I love how you reddit fags post this as if it’s some secret rocket science formula that anyone with a third grade education couldn’t figure out. It means nothing.

I’ve read the fucking white paper. Coins will be burned for two years.

>> No.5595984

Was this on discord or telegram?

>> No.5596034


>> No.5596050

>b b but marketcap means nothing I bought fun a month ago I’ve been in crypto a long time

I think fun is the biggest shill normie coin in binanoobie, not sure why.

>> No.5596082
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Funster reporting for duty.
They will launch the platform at ICE Totally Gaming 2018 in London(one of the biggest B2B gambling related expos):

>> No.5596100

because its the most appealable to degenerate gamblers

>> No.5596151

Can’t wait till this implodes after a shitty news release launch and shows itself for the pnd coin it is. To be clear I have bags of this shitcoin but it’s funny hearing how normies who got in like three months ago talk about this coin like it would ever make them rich unless they have 1mm of it

>> No.5596165

Do they have their own wallet? Or do you keep them on an exchange?

>> No.5596169


>> No.5596170

Fuck i hope you're wrong and normies stay far away from Funfair.
But i can see the appeal,i mean they have an actual product and they are operating in an industry where you can generate fantastic revenues if you know what you're doing.

>> No.5596195

any ERC20 wallet

>> No.5596202

okay thanks

>> No.5596224

If even 1 casino adopts itll make for some nice pocket change tho

>> No.5596249

>implying our lord and savior jez san would make a pnd coin

>> No.5596310

Again you’re going off of what if’s, I’m not saying the team isn’t solid but you need to reference other coins to really see where this is going. I’m not sure why normies think coins with these market caps can shoot up so high. When they don’t we get 100 pink wojack threads. This coin has maxed at 7 cents. Whales aren’t dumb if they thought this coin was worth it, it would already be higher. Trust me.

>> No.5596312

Professional as fuck and will appeal to boomers. This coin is going to do well.

>> No.5596438
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>Trust me.
yeah sure let's trust a random /biz/raeli instead of these guys who do Quant analysis for a living:
Coin has massive potential.I'm not saying it will reach whatever random figure brainlets are shouting but i fully believe somewhere in the 0.50-1.50 usd range in the next 2 to 3 yrs is possible.

>> No.5596463

Should I put 100 dollars in this right now or wait?

>> No.5596473

The absolute state of no FUN.

Cmon anon we're hust having FUN. We are starting a casino. Get in or get left behind.

>> No.5596585

Or, whales know the roadmap and know that they have time to play in different coins for some gains before the FUN starts.

>> No.5596591

Jesus Christ normies have ruined this place
Ya 2-3 years that MSU be accurate if their products get backers. And I said trust me to whales not being oblivious to coins with potentials

>> No.5596610

Jesus Christ normies, yup they would wait 40 days before a news release and risk having to pay millions more for their bags.

>> No.5596619
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Whales are already accumulating. I'm all in.

>> No.5596682

guys, why am I getting like... free money when converting to FUN?

>> No.5596701

The potential for FUN is unreal. Most coins make promises of being the next big currency, with no real focus. FUN has a clear and obtainable mission. Using it's tech as a win-win for gamblers and casinos. Imagine getting in on the ground floor of a new casino that could revolutionize the way casinos are run.

>> No.5596887

I believe everyone not in fun hates making money...

>> No.5596912

This, exactly this is why I bought this coin. They solve a real problem.

>> No.5596929

There is no house in hold'em. The house just rakes the table. It's great for the house because all they do is collect money and never pay out.

And millions would beg to differ about it being a shit game.

The reason it's not there is p2p interaction is much harder to implement.

>> No.5596990

they said its not here yet because they need to fix teaming in poker first. They are planning to add it though.

>> No.5597047
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Close enough.
the real reason it's not planned at this stage is risk of collusion between players,money laundering and the stringent KYC/AML requirements(especially since regulators would be foaming at the mouth when they hear blockchain is involved- muh terrorists).

>> No.5597063

I would dump now and rebuy at 370for easy gains

>> No.5597149

>dumping FUN before an obvious media pump


>> No.5597490


>> No.5597574

Nice just gambled away 100k

>> No.5597753

Wait what? Where are you converting?

>> No.5597778

This isn't a drill

>> No.5597782


I converted 1 LTC worth 245USD to literally 300 USD worth of FUN

>> No.5597822

Damn bro. Nice. Keep doing it. Go back and forth with a different exchange I love how everyone else glosses over a literal free money glitch

>> No.5597931

I did, but now Exodus disabled trading between LTC and FUN

did that really just happen? did we just make money out of thin air? was anyone else in on that?

>> No.5597973

I didn't do it I have never used exodus. One time I was trading bch for btc on changelly and they sent me the btc 4 times on accident. Instead of 700 dollars of bitcoin I should have got i got 2700

>> No.5598000

How many times did you get to do it? You rich bro?

>> No.5598235

Pajeet shills

>> No.5598409
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>gives valid reason for long-term potential
>pajeet shill


>> No.5598874

That's up to you m8. The only way this coin could fail is government regulation of gambling. Which is quite ironic because investing in this coin is basically a gamble now.

>> No.5598932

This is true. Online gambling is big in Europe, but as Europe becomes transformed into a Muslim Caliphate, it will be Harem.

>> No.5598989

From what I understand FUN isn't going to run real money casinos, only provide the platform and token system to do so. They're essentially licensing their technology in return for the potential casinos to buy up their FUN supply to run the casinos. The government would have to go for the casinos.

>> No.5599179
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so full of lusty concubines ready to pleasure us?sign me up.
It's Haram you spaz, know your enemy
if anything is this should please regulators as the games would be provably fair and easily auditable.
damn right anon,plus they are getting licenses as a gambling software supplier(not gaming operator)in Uk, malta and gibraltar so they're pretty covered.
I don't see Malta easily giving up on the casino industry even if pressured by the rest of the EU,it's a massive cash cow for them.

>> No.5599250

Absolutely harram!

It doesn't matter if it's real money or not, the government wants a monopoly over gambling typically through state lotteries.

You're implying regulators want things fair or easily auditable. They want a state run monopoly on gambling.

>> No.5599401

>implying the government will be able to stop the thousands of online casinos all around the world

there will be casinos that the gov wont be able to track i bet. Plus privately run casinos and shit will start popping up too.

>> No.5599464

You're absolutely right. I'm not saying they can stop it, what I'm saying is that just because this coin comes out won't make the state all of a sudden love gambling. The state still wants a monopoly on gambling.

My guess is the US government will fight it for a few years before realizing they can't stop it, and then just make laws to tax the winnings.

>> No.5599576

> what I'm saying is that just because this coin comes out won't make the state all of a sudden love gambling. The state still wants a monopoly on gambling

Eh, this technology actually makes it more likely that states will adopt online gambling at a faster rate. Provably fair goes a long way in gambling. It's something that's next level as fuck we don't even know the full ramifications of it. The tech itself could be something way more amazing than we know.

They'll still make money on capital gains. It's not like they're going to miss out on anything. You still have to pay them in the end because it's still crypto. This just opens another gateway into making money.

>> No.5599670

Again, I don't disagree with anything you have said. In fact, because of FUN may be the only reason states ever legalize gambling eventually. In its current state there is no way the gov would ever legalize it.

What I am saying is that the government will be heavily hesitant because they think they can still have a monopoly on gambling. Eventually they will realize they can't control nor contain it and then tax gambling winnings.

>> No.5599739

Hahaha, so true. Except it's not a gamble.. guaranteed 10X returns

>> No.5599762

>and then tax gambling winnings.
They already do though lol
This will just make it easier to track, as well as more legit overall. I only see things going up from here, I wish I went all in earlier.

>> No.5599859

I think we will see great returns on this. Wish I could spend more money but of course coinbase has a limit for some inexplicable reason.

Yes, I know they do. That doesn't mean it's endorsed nor encouraged by the state. As it stands right now governments hate gambling because it's a real easy way to launder money. FUN would easily change that, but it will take time for the gov to realize it.

>> No.5599899

For sure, which is why if you get in now ez money ez millionaire if u buy enough.

>> No.5599931


Online gambling is absolutely huge in the UK and East Asia.

>> No.5600027

Btw, we're probably going to hit 430 sats today.
/biz/ if you aren't in already and you're looking for a moonshot, it's staring you right in the face.

>> No.5600102

>buying FUN when you can already gamble with RaiBlocks with no transaction fees

>> No.5600130



How high do we legitimately think it will go?

>> No.5600153

Funfair stands for Fucking Unfair.

>> No.5600175

It might get pushed back by that huge sell wall. I think ~430 is a decent estimate for today unless some big players start hopping on the train after realizing the value potential.

>> No.5600178
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>> No.5600186

.50-1 is reasonable. Law of Median probably .75 cents by q2

>> No.5600205


Long term I mean.

>> No.5600213

I think based upon xrp and other recent mooners, since fun has a legit use and is a great coin, upwards of 1000 sats by end of January

>> No.5600311
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topkek, they only want degenerate money flowing into dumb state lotteries amirite?

>> No.5600320

1$ q4 2018

>> No.5600331


Fuck it anons. I'll jump on this ride for the fact alone that FUN seems to have some pretty great memes.

>> No.5600365
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>> No.5600371
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>Least profitable game for casinos
>biz asks why this game isn't included

This place is hopeless.

FUN 1 dollar early 2018, probably 5 dollar by mid 2018

That's about 10 times your money

>> No.5601039

Who would’ve thought that I’d actually get rich off gambling on gambling. It’s pottery

>> No.5601063

ironically this is actually what we're all doing with this shit.

>> No.5601113

fellow pajeet here probably going to snap up 50% on this and then the other half on tron #hodl
my heart is dead

>> No.5601119

my dick is ready

>> No.5601255

I’m 90% FUN and 10% SALT

As soon as SALT hits $20+ I’m selling and going all in on FUN

>> No.5601407

I fucking hope it dips once more, not done accumulating, only have 27k.

>> No.5601746

LOL im only going to be able to get 4k
do i add some more money on eth and buy some more?

>> No.5601879

>>Capital gains on gambling wins

Oh dear, even in Bongistan we don't pay any tax on gambling winnings, including multi million pound lottery jackpots.

>> No.5601892

Meta gambling

So comfy

>> No.5601954

I have 200k I need to buy more

>> No.5602034

Yeah, burgerland is pretty fucked sometimes
comfy af
200k is pretty comfy man. 1 million is definitely rich territory

>> No.5602083
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allright i'll try to have some fun.
just bought 2k with my daytrading account.
when comes the giggles?

>> No.5602121

This is a long term hold but you should see some big gains in a month or two.

>> No.5602141
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