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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55918656 No.55918656 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>self taught webdev at shitty company for 1 year
>decide to get new job
>spend a week coding little app for the job opening in my free time
>technical interview
>build this feature in 30 minutes
>built it within the timeframe with speed and good practices
>interviewer is impressed
>well anon, you clearly know what you're doing, you built the feature, used good documentation, and all within the timeframe, my review is positive
>next day
>We are sorry to inform we have selected a candidate that more closely aligns with our needs.
>guy in the company viewed my profile 20 minutes ago

Why is getting a job so hard?

>> No.55918692

no one wants to employ some feature building autism monger

>> No.55918703

You probably applied for a position that was never open


or Nepotism


They literally found another codemonkey

You should have applied to 5 other companies in this timeframe rather than waiting on that recruiters reply like a dogbrained gorilla ape giraffe

>> No.55918731

Who the fuck are they employing then? This was literally a technical interview with live coding, to see if I can fucking code. And I clearly could, the interview liked what he saw.

Maybe my qualifications are off (I have none, just my brain).

I am applying to shitloads now. I can't get shit on Linkedin though. All my jobs I got from openings on Discord or some shit like that.

>> No.55918756

excellent. Keep applying. keep coding.

how many languages are there ? infinite. learning and teaching is infinite. The more bored you get the better and the more you can learn. never stop learning. you will get hired soon, probably by eo this month. Be patient.

>> No.55918783

whoever was making the actual hiring decision likely already decided on someone else. Shitty but you were probably late or the last interview in their hiring cycle.

Linkedin is decent if you have an alright profile. Get chatgpt to write some description for your account based on postings you want to include the keywords recruiters search for. Use this to complete skill assessments and you should appear in searches/bubble to the top when applying https://github.com/Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes

>> No.55919162

You guys are a dime a dozen. Oversaturated market, and in recession. Lots of codemonkeys can do exactly what you do, you’re not special by any means. They simply went with someone who was more likeable, a better ‘cultural fit’. ChatGPT will also disrupt this particular job very fast because its the easiest tech job after data entry.

>> No.55919189

They had another candidate at the time they liked better. Numbers game.

>> No.55919203

Yeah that's why you didn't get hired, you still think everything is just "coding" and typing really fast on a keyboard trying to hack into the matrix or whatever.

You need to think of it as "developing" or building things. If all you can do is write lines of code then you're not very valuable.

>> No.55919215

>muh codemonkey
Dunning Kruger midwit.

>> No.55919242

>self taught
uh oh

>> No.55919324

OP, the job market is extremely bad right now. I have a decade of experience in IT as a systems administrator for a university that has over 10k users and over 50k computers. I have exemplary performance and my old boss is one of my best friends. He's received 0 reference call checks despite several employers asking for them and one specifically saying that he talked to my references and they gave a bad review.

This never happened because I put my burner phone number as a phone number for one of my references. Specifically the first one.

Employers are fucking themselves over as tech industry folks with experience leave the industry or become competition. They're also limiting their talent pool by nearly 99% as they try to force people to live near areas they work.

>> No.55919341

it's like asking a retarded person why they're retarded. they can't tell you, because they don't even know that they're retarded.

i have about 5 years of experience in my profession. i've been applying to higher paying jobs for the past few months. i've been rejected from several jobs where my experience lines up EXACTLY with what they're asking for. i've been rejected from several jobs where they inform me (via automated email) that the role has been cancelled. i've been invited to interview for roles where it's immediately obvious that i'm not qualified for the role which demands specific technical experience. i've been invited to interview for roles where the brain dead roastie recruiter can't even remember to send me a zoom video interview invite.

i truly believe that western society is going through some sort of competency crisis. you see it everywhere: companies being unable to hire or innovate, wagies fucking things up left and right, governments destroying economies, and so on. blame it on long covid, the vax, brownoid demographics, social media fried brains -- whatever you want to call it, there is something wrong with society.

>> No.55919390

Interviewing is itself a skill. Keep applying, approach every interview as if you want the job, and you'll be as polished as an actor doing his 100th performance of some play soon enough.

>> No.55919437
File: 52 KB, 1133x428, Screenshot 2023-08-23 094718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck are they employing then?
sorry bro

>> No.55919449

>i've been invited to interview for roles where the brain dead roastie recruiter can't even remember to send me a zoom video interview invite.
When I went through an interview cycle to see if I could find something better I got interviewed by Square.
>roastie sends invites, forgets, books another, forgets AGAIN, sends one more I show
>tells me the technical will be front end related
>I study FE specific topics
>interview is a generic algorithm question, interviewers clearly just get some invite for an interview and pick from a bank
>no follow up
The worst interview exp I had and this was at a "big" tech company. The only offer I could get was for the same salary, 6 month probation before benefits/vacay and it was hybrid. So I declined, im gonna start again in sept since I think some people might hire for the fall.

>> No.55919456

Coding is hard? Every college student has a coding course nowadays
Its a mandatory skill almost everywhere

>> No.55919469

>think it is all about proficiency and experience
>tfw they just wanted a nice dude to work with and cooperate with and you failed the test because someone had these qualities

also autists usually make some kind of social mistake during the call and they are completely oblivious to it because they have no idea lol

>> No.55919528

>self taught

Oof big yikes

On another note, the retards that shit on webdev clearly never seen what webdevs actually do.
I think webdevs should be paid more than any other shitty c#devs or whatever. It's a fucking pain in the ass to do web dev because everything is fucked and the front-end nowadays is more complex than the backend

>> No.55919547

>Who the fuck are they employing then?
A chatgpt like AI built specifically for coding like Tau. Sorry bro, reality is there will be even more lay offs of practically everything

>> No.55919569

incompetent roastie recruiters is very common. i almost didn't get my current job because of a fuckup that mirrors your experience. after like 5 emails the brain dead cunt finally rescheduled the cancelled interviews.

a year after getting the job i helped with interviewing and hiring 2 open slots on my team. same story. roastie fucks up and posts the job as hybrid in the wrong city, it's actually fully remote. roastie identifies candidates for our review who have no relevant skills. roastie recruiter finally identifies good candidates, we approve the interview request, roastie drops the ball and never schedules them. finally have a few good interviews, we tell roastie to make the offer. she drags it out over multiple days, increasing the risk that the candidate drops us due to competing offers.

it's absolutely insane that hiring is de facto bottlenecked at every major US corporation by predominately clueless, brain dead, non-technical, low IQ retard women in their mid to late 20s with absolutely no clue and a complete inability to adhere to any sort of deadline driven process.

>> No.55919623

he was just polite, faggot
and stop blogging on /biz/, dumbass

>> No.55919905

you didnt get the job because you are white.

>> No.55922089

Hang yourself you fucking nigger retard.

Some more niggerlicious HR bullshit happened after they rejected my application.
>blablabla feel free to reach out for some feedback on your application!
>yeah sure, I'd like some feedback on my application. Is there anything specific to improve?
>sorry, we can't give specific feedback for an application at the moment, but take it as a learning experience.

Behead HR, judo throw HR into an active volcano, slam dunk HR babys into a basketball hoop, etc etc

>> No.55922102

Working frontend fucking sucks, and it's why I'm switching to backend. Can't take doing React/Next garbage codemonkey work forever. Backend is so much more easy, and that's not even counting ChatGPT.

>> No.55923712
File: 62 KB, 684x193, tech_workers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not much, there are 12M tech workers

>> No.55923822

Focus now is hiring niggertrannies for the good boy points

>> No.55923897
File: 52 KB, 782x788, 11142C8F-8204-4E94-A111-8399B1A292F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front end is not more complex even with json and react tools…

>t. Full stack dev

>> No.55924043

This. Autists fail to realise that we don't live in a pure meritocracy, and that things like charisma, being likeable, looks, neurotypicality and being able to fit in are just as important if not more important. Everything in life is like a club. If people don't like you for whatever reason then you aren't included.

>> No.55924155

Consider the possibility that there was no job opening. You just coded a feature they wanted for free. Every other "applicant" was assigned some other feature that they also needed. It's fucking cutthroat out there.

>> No.55924285

that's pretty smart

>> No.55924324

So what's the solution for those seeking employment ?

>> No.55924336

3D chess ?

>> No.55924369

Maybe you should run solo, As a Dev aim at getting a royalty fee rather than working for a low-life

>> No.55924505


>> No.55924625

But this is a fantasy, it is total BS

>> No.55924628

Hey I can shed some light on what's happening:

Basically they closed the position but it will give the standard response to all applicants that the position has been "filled"

But you're right in that they were never hiring in the first place. They're basically data farming. And, yes, you should be pissed off about that by giving your hard-work out for free.

Whether they're data farming for nefarious purposes, i.e., to give to a third party or for their own purposes to possibly give you a job offer when they're actually hiring will depend on the company but no doubt tons are doing the former since all tech companies now see the value in acquiring what is, essentially, free data for themselves.

Again, yes, you should be pissed about this. Even us meek programmers should not be taken advantage of in such a way.

>> No.55924697

Don't act like a retard, try researching before spilling out dirt, QAN will off royalty fee

>> No.55924736

Are you a white guy?
Here is what happened. He wanted you to get the job. He showed your profile to management and talked highly. But Shaniqua also applied. She can't spell good and has no coding experience. But she is a nigger. And you are not. So she got the job. The manager kept recommending you instead, but Elizabeth in HR thinks they need a big fat female nigger in the office.

>> No.55924748

>larping as a Chads

>> No.55924788

>there is something wrong with society
>other people are being paid more than me and that makes me mad!!!!

Cooe rentoid

>> No.55924798

>why are things going to shit?

>> No.55924805

Are you a white man?

>> No.55924976

suicide or rebellion

>> No.55925009

Shouldve told him you were gay. Unironically. Clown world gonna clown.

>> No.55925167

you'll make more as an OTR trucker and you can still game with a lappy and starlink internet.

>> No.55925263
File: 188 KB, 1200x801, DSC06531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did something like that for the job I'm about to leave but it landed me an instat offer lol
I specifically mentioned that I feel uncomfortable disclosing my gender and I hope they offer a safe environment where everybody respects that. Got the mail with the offer at the end of the day. Don't fight the clowns. Adapt, improvize, overcoom.