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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55913866 No.55913866 [Reply] [Original]

- listen to this 3 min video, or just from 2:15 to hear anz's nigel dobson talk about carbon credits
- he describes blockchain as "revolutionary"
- anz's carbon credits (represented by nfts) are being transacted through ccip (see attached)
- anz's stable coins are being transacted through ccip
- sergey is opening sibos with dobson: https://twitter.com/ChrisBarrett/status/1692546139222921532
- chainlink has two other talks at sibos

- anz is sending a representative anurag soin to smartcon: https://smartcon.chain.link/our-speakers (ctrl + f: anz)
- he has spoken with a sibos representative here about chainlink: https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1682389971427270657

>> No.55913868
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- anz's stable coins are being transacted through ccip

>> No.55913891

XRP has been working with CBDC for years big whoop

>> No.55913901

Okay but looks like Chainlink actually did something.

>> No.55913903

ripple =/= XRP. show me a single on-chain evidence of XRP being moved by any institution

but you already know all this so 2/10 for making me reply

>> No.55913941

did you watch the 3 min video?

>> No.55913998
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Nuff said

>> No.55914025

thomas we know the chart is rough but what do you think about the material provided?

>> No.55914038

It’s irrelevant. Doesn’t give price action

>> No.55914042

Things are looking great even if it seems like the BTC whales are prepared to kill BTC in their quest to suppress the price.
We may have to go through another episode of market dump before this can fly.

In the mean time looking at all the new development and banks finally using CCIP to do what Chainlink aimed to do half a decade ago is a good way to wait.

>> No.55914164

thomas, it's a very new market, speculation everywhere. this is a major bank testing multiple products which we can view on the ccip explorer
if it goes to production then you can be sure that speculative price action will follow
remember that ccip will be secured by chainlink staking going forward

>> No.55914205

Don't engage with thomas. He is a toilet bug.

>> No.55914213
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DR;NR (didn’t read, not replying)

>What does this mean?

It means you're not getting any you's.

>B-b-but... then how will I get paid?

Thats the point. You wont get paid. Your village will starve. I will never reply to a FUD cuck post again. Never.

>> No.55914227
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yeah i guess but i think all long term holders can identify with him
this fucked up scam market can easily make you go crazy

>> No.55914253

respond to me, bich

>> No.55914256

6 years… nuff said

>> No.55914265

Thanks, but I much rather buy QNT (BIS + Bank of England).

>> No.55914287

QNT is everything link WISHES it could be

>> No.55914294

good to have some of both, it's a battle
clear that qnt is frozen out of swift but the "track two" through bis could bear fruit too

>> No.55914325

im new to crypto and jesus christ thats a nasty looking chart. only on /biz/ do i see this coin being advertised. its all an inside joke on here isnt it?

i was going to buy but yea.. ill wait a few months...

>> No.55914345

wait a few years
then just forget about it

>> No.55914346

it's a similar chart to everything expect for eth and btc from the last cycle really:
but remember that memories are short, in 2018 and 2019, ethereum went down 94% against usd and 90% against btc

>> No.55914351

ETH and link are basically the same age… holders would have been better off in ETH than link

>> No.55914365

this :}
are you starting to feel bad, stinkies?

>> No.55914378
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Don't care, still not buying your jeet coins where the founder has escaped to a third world country living of your investments.

Just remember: any other coin you could've bought that is heavily shilled on /pol/ would've actually net you a positive investment by now.

These jeets are shillis from a paid discord server telling you that it would have boomed by now, but they only post on /biz/. You never hear about LINK outside of /biz/, simultaneously anyone can post on /biz/ so it's a breeding ground for this type of institutional level shilling.


>> No.55914383

ethereum's ico was in 2014
chainlink's ico was in 2017
people who bought chainlink in 2017 are still up 10x vs eth from that time
but no doubt that taking some profit into usd, eth or btc in 2020 and 2021 was a good move
i took profit into usd but not enough into eth

>> No.55914394
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>> No.55914403
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>dude just 10 more years!!!!!
Fucking linkcels

>> No.55914417

at the chainlink ico in sept 2017 one eth bought you 2600 link
currently one eth buys you 267 link

in the presale (which many here bought into) one eth got you 3200 link

>> No.55914422

fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! Quantrannysista's... why aren't the banks using us for interoperability solutions? We've got Project Rosalind and all Chainlink had was a "Proof of Concept" which wasn't supposed to go anywhere... did we lose?

>> No.55914436

i think it's important to watch the 3 minute video
quant is focused on cbdcs, the anz guy is instead focused on smart contracts, with their a$dc stablecoin an aside (but still vital)

>> No.55914440


Get fucked.

>> No.55914460

Bis thinks Oracles are important


>> No.55914469

So we've seen actual on-chain evidence of both Australian and Singaporean dollar CBDCs being transferred across chains with CCIP. If they're already using CCIP for CBDCs why would they pivot to Quant Overledger?

>> No.55914476

>Due to the experimental nature of the project, these assumptions and design recommendations or endorsements of any specific CBDC design choices.
Wooooooop Wop

>> No.55914477
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Link not needed https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/xrp-ledger-innovation-new-github-proposal-unveils-xrpls-native-oracles/

>> No.55914492
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>> No.55914494

XRPL Native Oracles.

>> No.55914502

Yep sorry linkcel

>> No.55914510

>The proposal
Let me know when they exist.

>> No.55914516

>Instead of replacing Chainlink, existing oracles protocols, including the likes of Chainlink and Flare Networks will be leveraged

kek you guys suck so bad

>> No.55914522

no you're not you've been here every day for years

>> No.55914524

"Incel" means "involuntary celebate"
What does "linkcel" actually mean? Being too poor to buy a link token?

>> No.55914532

Don’t even spend one cent on this scam just buy something with fundamentals like QNT

>> No.55914600
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Remember when Gilbert Verdian accidentally gave a scammer 40,000 $qnt when he tried to pay for an exchange listing

>> No.55914653

Yeah that was years ago let’s compare QNT and Link price now

>> No.55914840

zoomers love pastiche anon its a portmanteau especially for zoomers who have no real culture of their own just fleeting memories stitched together from yesteryear. The good old days they will never have.

>> No.55914850

Right. Sure. Gilbert will stay stupid for ever. Dont be blinded by his fancy resume.

>> No.55914944

i lost so much money with chainlink

>> No.55914984
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Well that ended the party quickly kek

>> No.55915024

Yep. These linkcels never refute the chart

>> No.55915117

A hollow tower of memes of memes of memes of memes, with any original meaning is long forgotten.

>> No.55915152
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It is incredible to remember 2018-20 though. The LINKBTC chart looks outrageous over that period. I hope they get some kind of salvation in the next 2/3 years but there's no disputing that its chart looks like a stock-standard alt bubble pop. Base theory is it just doesn't recover, would be lucky to see ATHs again. Big bet to place otherwise. I expect a puke though, like one more deviation below the range and will pay attention. I'm open to my bias changing on link. Good luck, stinkers.

>> No.55915408

Ausfag here, I'm with Commonwealth Bank but I'm going to move to ANZ purely because I like what they're doing with Chainlink.

>> No.55915786

Bros…I was thinking all last weekend about exchanging my cardano bag to link on my quest to complete 5000 LINK. Couldnt pull the trigger over the weekend and asked for sign from god. Today was a field day at work and I was downloading a fuck ton of data in the desert and again was thinking about link and calling for a sign subconsciously. Was thinking about this and then looked over at my data progress screens:
>reports downloaded 216

When I got back to the office, I immediately made the swap. Call me schizophrenic (I am) but I will make it.

God is good. Chainlink wins. Simple as.

>> No.55915798

Good call. If my interview goes well tomorrow and I get the job I’m immediately throwing all of my savings into Link.

>> No.55915821

Godspeed anon

>> No.55915838

we're not your bros

>> No.55916368

>but remember that memories are short, in 2018 and 2019, ethereum went down 94% against usd and 90% against btc

>> No.55916394

these are not cbdcs are they're issued by anz
however, yes, it's trivial for cdbcs to be issued in the same way
what you have here is a competition between two differing approaches in quant and chainlink
however, chainlink offers a point of difference in that smart contracts are at the core of their solution with currencies (either stablecoins or cbdcs) simply one of many use cases
we could well have a situation where multiple systems exist for years or decades, a bit like the video format wars of the past decades

>> No.55917970
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>> No.55919452

If the bullrun ends up delayed or btc fails to reach new ath due to dumping to stop link as it gains steam from delivering on all we've waited for I will take it as conclusive proof that each link token will be worth more than each btc was at its bear market bottom in this past cycle of roughly 15k as it would be the only way this behavior makes logical sense considering it upends a trend that has been established over a decade of btc halvening cycles.

>> No.55919523

Eth went to 4 digits though, link didn't even reach triple digits.

>> No.55920821

Hmm... I guess the token not being needed was true all along

>> No.55920895

Eth is up 66,000% from ico
Link is only up a paltry 3500% in practically the same timeframe.
Link was always a cope by former newfags who came too late and watched eth moon from $20 to 1k, so link was heavily shilled as "the nect ethereum"
but eth ran from $.50 to $1400 in 2 years
While link barely went from .20 to $20 in the same time frame

>> No.55920938
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Qnt chads... I kneel

>> No.55921303

I hate when people try to conceal this. Anyone early to ETH had to wait like 5 minutes to get rich whereas Link is now a 20 year hold that'll probably never even happen