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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55910790 No.55910790 [Reply] [Original]

>AVAX has always been intended as a long-term hodl
>total supply is permanently capped unlike most other vaporware "DeFi" platforms (Ethereum included), making it deflationary
>insitutional adoption & on-chain metrics keep on increasing despite the bear market (just check staking ratio)
Avalanche is the most obvious moonshot of our decade, though this is only noticeable if you're not mentally challenged (i.e. done proper research).
If you can't handle bear market & shakeouts you might be better off selling & sticking to some new DeFi project that definitely isn't some ponzi vaporware MEV clone, right?
>inb4 telegram pajeet FUD squad arrives
Bullish as Avalanche remains the most threatening crypto platform.
Simple as.

>> No.55910855

You don't understand, Avalanche is great but we sell because we've zero confidence in the space to value it properly. In crypto you should only look for maximum clown potential.

>> No.55910907

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.


Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%

>> No.55910970
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I don't agree, crypto won't always remain a clown market, especially now that TradFi is dying under its own weight.
Again, it's about understanding it takes time for ground-breaking proposals to get properly valued, this has been repeated countless times throughout history.

>> No.55911227

>Bagholder bingo
Price is the only thing that counts and Avax is tanking for eons already. Fuck off cuck.

>> No.55911231

Are janitors going to do something about this someday? Fuck off

>> No.55911250

>value it properly
Its a top 20 coin you deluded nigger

>> No.55911260

>Price is the only thing that count
what a fucking retard
what do you think it'll happen when your vaporware has 8 outages in a row after it gets some tiny mainstream adoption?

>> No.55911306
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Once janitors do their job and remove the paid advertising that is 95% of AVAX threads, my pasta won't be needed. I'm happy knowing I've saved many anon's monies from this scam. I'm doing valuable service for my /biz/bros and I will keep doing so (even though I don't visit /biz/ that often anymore)

>> No.55911320

Can't be much worse than the 95% dump that left 99.5% of Avax cucks in the red.

>> No.55911458
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Oh fuck no! delete this shit OP i wanna buy a deeper dip

>> No.55912163

AVAX price won't bottom out until Tjoma ropes

>> No.55912525
File: 150 KB, 1080x720, avax towering over every single other alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(even though I don't visit /biz/ that often anymore)
ahahahhahahahha ofc poomar sure
first bear market newfag?
>'99.5% in the red'
>fud source: twitter
thanks for proving you're indeed a retard, i hope you're just paidfudding because otherwise, you're far beyond repair.

>> No.55912806
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>I don't agree, crypto won't always remain a clown market
straight to the point on why youre a retarded

>> No.55912864
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>> No.55913046
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lurk moar poomar, english not bery good yet
lmao just like I called it
also stop samefagging Poomar, or at the very least don't make it so obvious

>> No.55913155
File: 74 KB, 703x703, snowhands-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly one of the few that made money off this shit despite all the defi rugs. while u dont know shit but how to be poor

>> No.55913258

>file: snowhands-meme.jpg

>> No.55913333

>Avalanche is the most obvious moonshot of our decade
>might be better off selling
>threatening crypto platform

>> No.55913440
File: 95 KB, 640x652, 6C7F2C5A-9AE3-4275-813F-5F5D7B3F2497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got more of the glorious time of 1000000000% aprs

>> No.55913761
File: 64 KB, 720x686, 335068318_1462277264581356_6185495263275563446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really miss the old biz, newfags are ruining this board with all the hysteria

>> No.55913786

No need creating fud around AVAX. A lot of people dumbed their bags already.
>institutional adoption
Their time is now and projects driving this will see increase for sure. Polygon, SpoolFi, Bitcoin OG, are going to kaboom. MakreDAO and OndoFinance are strong movers.

>> No.55914107

Well guys, you know there is algorand right?
take a look at c3.io a new dex, which works as a Cex, but with self custody. trade eth,bnb,btc,avax,polygon and a few other FEELESS

>> No.55915372
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digits wasted by a pajeet serves to prove what >>55913761 pointed out
kys unironically

>> No.55915397

mad assfaggot destroyed that quads proved him wrong


>> No.55915514

imagine getting into the cryptomarket and not expecting to have a bad time

>> No.55915531

>tfw part of the 0.5%