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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 900x675, irish-hovel-octane-creative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55912813 No.55912813 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, we discuss ways to buy houses for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.55912828

mobile home

>> No.55912836

Just live in your car.

>> No.55912842

>Buy land and build yourself.
>Buy jacht
>Buy campervan

>> No.55912852

just move in to your gf apartment

>> No.55912857

Don't be fat, Anon. You're fucking lazy which is reflected in your flippant ways which is why you think I'll settle on a mobile home.

I have limited currency but I'm not gonna settle for less like you might. Why even reply. Gimme what ya got or fuck off.

-No trailers
-Not gonna squat or steal a title.

>> No.55912865

LOL what do you think I'm doing now? It's grind phase and I have just under 100K.

Give real answers or don't fuckin reply. Fuck your 2 to 3 word bullshit.

>> No.55912878

Do any of you assholes ever connect with another human being or are you just here to shit up the place for israel.

>> No.55912892
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That's my actual fucking plan.
>it will suck
It will suck less for the landlord not getting $1200 a month
Here's the thing, I can afford to pay rent.
I'm just not, because fuck landlords.
That means all of my income, is going to turn this motherfucker into the most badass mobile van unit ever conceived.
>but maintena-
I'm a mechanic by trade, shut up.
Soundproof the walls, cover them in plywood, paint, seal, do the same to the floor, rise it up about 2" for storage and for the backup battery. Let it charge up while I'm at work or over the weekends at my cousin's place. Get a comfy as fuck minimalist bed setup.
I'm stoked, actually, if you can't tell. I've got family and places I can shower for free and even if I don't, Planet Fitness, which I already go to.

>> No.55912897

1. House house. Not a van. Not a camper. Not a trailer. Not land

2. Not retail. No niggers. No girlfriend. No roommates.


>> No.55912918
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>shitting into 5 gal bucket while looking at your bed

>> No.55912927

Where will you get a place to plug in ur tools dood

Car outlets pop fuses on simple loads. You won't be able to plug anything in except your DeWalt batteries, which take forever. Engine wear & tear.



>> No.55912928

Steam deck and a dock for entertainment/boredom. Fucking hot girls in the back like it's Quagmire's Winnebango from Family Guy.
It's a fucking van.
1. Put on pajamas
2. Walk into sheetz
3. Shit
4. Leave

>> No.55912940

i further stand by my case humans like u need institutions to live

>> No.55912945

>Car outlets pop fuses on simple loads. You won't be able to plug anything in except your DeWalt batteries, which take forever. Engine wear & tear.
10A from the light socket, is that what you're doing?
lmao, christ.
I said I'm a mechanic. This is getting additional batteries, nautical ones.
You think I'm going to sleep in this like it's my prelude from high school?
Fucking hell, child.

>> No.55912963

Step 3 gets really old and tedious. I've been doing that for 18 months. Shower at the gym 10 miles away because it smells like feet 'n bleach at the city gym. You'll need to use the same shitters around town. There's indignity cleaning up after someone else before every shit. You don't know.

>> No.55912976

live on a boat. If you get one that is smallish with an outboard 4stroke motor it'll be fuel efficient and last a long time. You can put solar panels on the roof. You could probably find an island to turn into a garden.

>> No.55912980

>i further stand by my case humans like u need institutions to live
I wake up every morning to piss off people like you, and I do, and I have the biggest shit eating grin on the inside of my cursed fucking soul every waking moment of my life.

>> No.55912981

Why aren't you doing it now, mr. gutmensch?

>> No.55912991

>Why aren't you doing it now, mr. gutmensch?
Recently got out of a big medical situation regarding some gastrointestinal issues. Clear, so the doc says but it's been a few years of treatments. Finally starting to feel 100% again, so lets do it.

>> No.55912992


>Why are all of you such pieces of shit?

>> No.55913002
File: 494 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20230524-224240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, I'm about to start living in the woods like you. the people on this website are not like you and me. stop being a drunk asshole.

wait for prices to crash. it's not sustainable because 10 years ago when a shithole 1 floor 2 bath house was going for 100k it was unaffordable for average joes. now that same house is 215k, and wages havent increased at all for the middle class.

be patient, keep building your talents. my mantra since college has been 'some day, this pain will end' and i still believe in it, despite that being 8 years ago.

any advice for a future bridge troll?

>> No.55913007

Enjoy shitting in the car seat and then not having a way to clean it up.


>> No.55913024

refer to

Hey, while we're arguing, BTC is under $25k right now. How about that... damn. Glad I'm not holding any, lol.

>> No.55913047

Do you have a job? You'll need to find a way to get clean. A good shower can change your whole outlook, I heard.


>> No.55913056

Bring a hammer. Diamond in the rough.

>> No.55913059

County tax auction. You buy and cover someone’s property tax default, and if they don’t pay you back you get the title to the property. Be careful to not buy bad properties that you’ll never sell, like land that has no access or can’t be built on and you’ll just be stuck paying the tax forever. The good property’s debt is sold in a lottery; they draw straws basically and whoever gets randomly selected gets the chance to buy it (the debt).
You can charge like 18% interest on the debt, and if they don’t pay it you sue for the title.

>> No.55913073

So you recommend buying a rehab property and then live in it?

>> No.55913092

Thank you, brother. This is the sort of reply I want.

I'm in Illinois. Is it a tax lien sort of a hustle?

>> No.55913102
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20230701-163135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i have an anytime fitness membership already, and a car. all i really need is a good tent with air flow.

do you do freelance work? my only specific question would be, from your experience, where do you go to work all day on a laptop for internet and AC. do public libraries work? or a cofee shop? i don't want to spend 8$ a day for a cofee and then feel anxious all day about paying only that much for a day's worth of internet.

>> No.55913117

Find a little old lady in the country where you can live on her back acerage and put up a yurt or something. Things are 3x the price they should be. It’s absurd on so many levels.

>> No.55913118

Hey also, if I buy their tax debt which may only be $10K for 1 or 2 years in arrear, then what about their mortgage? What can the bank to to me? I'm not interested in taking over someone's payments.

I'm interested in buying a house house free-standing dwelling with cash.

Prices never will come down because of all the mexicans.

I am scared all my work is evaporating. I don't have assets. ONLY CASH.

>> No.55913135

It’s the Zillow description for OPs rotting shed. Zoomers have parts of their brain missing.

>> No.55913142

holy fuck hoomers and aspiring hoomers cannot shut the fuck up

>> No.55913145
File: 505 KB, 1900x1901, roman_wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the time of Caesar, Marcus Crassus (his dear friend and ally) was known as 'the richest man in Rome'.
Crassus made his wealth by buying up burned out buildings (sometimes setting fires the cheeky fucker), demolishing them and rebuilding them using cheap slaves as was Roman culture.
2000 years later, search for fire damaged buildings in your area and be amazed at the opportunities you too will find

>> No.55913151

If you want to pay. They expect more than coffee. Then you get a reputation. Otherwise, YOU SIT IN YOUR CAR AND TRASH THE ENGINE SO YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PHONE CHARGED. It's not a good life. It's not freedom. It's retail living to sleep in a fuckin car. Rent might be cheaper, plus your engine isn't fucked.



>> No.55913153

I moved to one of the states with 95%+ white people and extremely cheap property. The downside is weather.

>> No.55913162

Public libraries are filled with diseased addicts playing games. No. It sucks. Get it through your thick skull. I want to live somewhere.

>> No.55913168

Not sure what you mean. I’m in Colorado, and that’s how it works on my county. It’s all very legal and extremely kosher, you just have to have no compassion for people.
You would only be liable for mortgage payments if sue for the title and get it. You’d want to be sure there is equity in the house. Of course you’d have a lien so if they try to refi or sell and flee, you’ll have to be paid first.

>> No.55913178

I looked up "hovel" and posted a picture, you weirdo. Also, this isn't Ireland.

>> No.55913186
File: 10 KB, 224x224, F3seduRXQAAuo31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a real estate in Maui
>ship a few crews of mexicans over

>> No.55913194

>where do you go to work all day on a laptop for internet and AC. do public libraries work? or a cofee shop? i don't want to spend 8$ a day for a cofee and then feel anxious all day about paying only that much for a day's worth of internet.
Use a co-working space you idiot, some of them even have showers and lockers so you don't need pay for a gym membership. Internet is way faster than a coffee shop and people will leave you alone all day. They also have kitchens where you can do limited cooking to save on goyslop.

>> No.55913205

Any examples from like, this year?

Fire damaged buildings must be brought back up to code in order to live inside of them at all. Assuming they're not condemned. I want a livable place, even if I have to work on it to stay ahead of inflation. Fire damaged doesn't sound doable. Unless you know better.

>> No.55913219

Unironically yes

>> No.55913232

Alao, there was a tree damaged house nearby, sold at auction for 25K. Has a barn. The buyer tore the house down and is selling the lot right now for 30K. So you get a fucked up leaky barn for 30K.

No it's not fire, but that's an example. Links are coming.

>> No.55913243


>> No.55913275
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Sorry lad, they already beat you to it

>> No.55913286

somebody post the copypasta of the guy cumming all over the girl he brings "home" to his van.

>> No.55913301




That's thirty-thousand dollars for one acre and a theft risk.

>> No.55913313

You've obviously never spent time on the water. Have f un shitting in a bucket.

>> No.55913327

Move to Fargo or International Falls, MN. I'd do it before winter sets in. Great cities. Great people.

>> No.55913382

Too fuckin humid. Too fuckin cold. If I want humidity I'll just stay where I know every road in the entire tri-county area.

Buy the one in Bigfork. Ideal gnome home but it'll flood because it was built in the fuckin river. Basement is black mold hell. And although you may find the sex distribution desirable, just know most of those females are over 55 years old.

>> No.55913385
File: 2.81 MB, 4160x2336, 1231202243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt a bum thread? i could have sworn in your 3rd reply you said you only had 100k and in your 6th post you said you live in a prius. if this isnt a bum thread, i dont know what is.


my advice to you is to keep drinking and take a long nap in a cold stream.

>> No.55913396

Shut up.

>> No.55913436

oh bro, you better start up with some more all caps or you wont get any attention

>> No.55913613


>> No.55913717

This is the /biz/ equivalent of "DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city"

>> No.55913837
File: 1.20 MB, 1904x961, bay city homes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move with the rest of the white trash to Bay City.

City is 84% white, 3% black.

Median home value is 104,845.

>> No.55913848

This guy sees the nuts and bolts of it all. Vanlife is just creating future homeless people. Maybe that's why it's being glamorized. Destruction is the goal, obviously. Drugs, porn, digital life, etc etc etc Making you less than human.

>> No.55913929

>need institutions to live
Need The State to live.
Welcome to communism.

>> No.55914259

You can use blackswan to long the news when china legalize crypto and buy your house with that

>> No.55914322
File: 195 KB, 363x363, 1613250412277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a guy who did this; he's 32 and his total lifetime job experience probably sums up to about one year. Meanwhile his girlfriend has been working consistently for ten years, and after living rent-free in her apartment for most of that time he just recently convinced her to buy a house, so now he lives in a house rent-free.

>> No.55914486


Foreclosures. When people fail to pay back mortgages, the bank gets the house so they auction it off for cheap, or something like that. Have to be cautious because may come with baggage, might have a furious soul-crushed family in it that refuses to leave, etc.

Otherwise you have to maintain a 'radar' a find when someone who wants an asap sale is willing to undersell.

Alternatively, find a trashed house with good location, and fix it up.

>> No.55915490

decent idea but there's talk of the land being toxic now because of all the shit that burned leaching into the top soil. not sure if you want to buy literal toxic land.

>> No.55915500

based saveMAXXer

>> No.55915512

unfathomably based saveMAXXer
everyone else can stay poor

>> No.55915522

Two words: Odessa, Ukraine

>> No.55915536

I owe 30k on a 6 year vehicle loan. I realized I probably fucked up and should had just saved up to buy a house. Now I’m stuck with paying almost 900$ a month on payment and insurance for a vehicle.

>> No.55915554

Can’t you just call the police on them? How cheap are we talking ?

>> No.55915568

I love /biz/ because of posts like this. I hope you fags never change.

>> No.55915586

You got a $65k loan on 6 yrs and bought when housing was at pico-bottom with god apr rates. Imagine paying $900 for a mortgage instead of your top of the line dodge charger srt w/scat pack.

Some people are destined to be poor and as car guys always say you just sleep in your car.

>> No.55915654
File: 257 KB, 960x539, E9F9F8F6-EBDF-44AB-84B5-EE76D0F57D92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 2019 dodge ram 1500 5.7 hemi. But honestly fuck this materialistic bullshit. I watched my mom struggle my entire life I just want a nice home that her and all her cats can live out the rest of their lives in. This is the only thing that will truly give me inner piece. I work 6 days a week, just bought a dog off my brother I will be able to breed next year, I will hopefully trade in this truck for a cheap little shitbox, stack as much money as humanly possible, make atleast 20k from the first litter and be able to afford a house in around a years time.

>> No.55915700

just get a trailer and haul it behind bro at your point you better off keeping it (truck market is shit) and just getting a nice tow behind trailer. Fuck a mortage at these rates and you can plug into any lot for utilities. Ultimate freedom pill and better than a fuckin van or double wide.

>> No.55915823
File: 529 KB, 434x250, ClearcutPerfectBullfrog-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Maybe that's why it's being glamorized

It's not.

>> No.55915834

You must love niggers unconditionally and you will never work your entire life.

>> No.55915835


>5.7 hemi

> not the 6.7L Cummins turbo diesel


>> No.55915889

Trump did the same with his economic zone act where the BLM riots happened.

>> No.55915923

Got denied financing

>> No.55916056

Anyone here have experience purchasing with the VA Home Loan? It's a zero down payment and zero interest loan which is good because I'm nearly broke.

>> No.55916122

Inherit a house from your parents/grandparents

>> No.55916154

Housing co op. I paid only 3000$ for my place and pay less in monthly housing charge than many pay in taxes

>> No.55916235
File: 96 KB, 1024x800, 1690877844300143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure the USD shitcoin will be worth more in the future!
1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

Houses haven't even kept pace with debasement, incomes have just fallen even faster, we're been hyperinflationary since '71, the only winning move is to dump the shitcoin as soon as it hits your bank account

>> No.55916350

>> 55916329
surprised /biz/ doesn’t know about this…

>> No.55916362

You still have to pay interest I'm pretty sure. Go on investopedia and see what docs they want but you gotta have income and a dd 214, don't need to put money down.

>> No.55916364


>> No.55916372

you can get a hightop for some 3-5k
(much cheaper if you have the tools, space and experience to do it yourself

It will vastly improve your quality of life, and highly recommended (even for a poorfag) if your gonna be living in that van for 2+ years.
being able to stand in there is the difference between a home and a pod

>> No.55916591

Buy house in war-torn ukraine for 5 grand or less, wait for war to finish, ezpz japenesy

>> No.55916619

You might want to remake your chart, The United States didn't have a single currency until after 1965.

>> No.55916778


>> No.55916847

Learn how to stop being a soft paw and do some propper man's work? I.e. building.

>> No.55917822

How does he do it? By being a Chad?

>> No.55917827

Don't they have a moratorium on foreign land owners? At best you can lease land there now

>> No.55917837

Buy bitcoin while it s cheap. Multiply money. Housing market is due for a correction anyway. It's only a matter of time before I can buy a neighboorhood

>> No.55917896


>> No.55917940

this. i live with my gf and her mom, I also drive a semi truck so am gone a lot. i have no rent or mortgage. the cheapest way to get housing is simply do what ant black man recently fresh from the pen does.

find some chick who pays rent

>> No.55918050
File: 540 KB, 676x520, Intro-Image-Fire-Emergency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that van shot bro. If I were you, I'd get one of these. I've seen a couple used on craigslist going for like, 3000 dollars. Much bigger and more livable

>> No.55918093

that house is in the uk and would be a minimum 200k because the existing building is the only way to develop in a rural area

>> No.55918217

>just bought a dog off my brother I will be able to breed next year
the dog, your brother or you?

>> No.55918366
File: 78 KB, 648x1000, art of the deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you read this.

Mr.Trump is the unopposed God of Real estate deals and maybe if you read all his books, watch all documentaries about him, maybe you might get a small idea that might work.

>> No.55918380

Buy one in Japan for 0¥

>> No.55918381

I bought a condo with $100k down, and will refinance every time interest rates go lower.
I’m also planning on finding an abandoned home to fix up and rent out under a corporation.
Housing is so bad that fixing a house for $10-20k and renting it out is a viable option. I’ll make my money back within two years, then almost all of it becomes profit.

>> No.55918412

For any van dwellers in this thread:
>Live in van
>Find an abandoned property, with no recent tax history.
>Start to fix it up, and most importantly start paying property taxes on it.
>Fix the house up over time
>Within 5-20 years (depending on your state), the home becomes yours because of ADVERSE POSSESSION LAWS which are 100% legal.
All the dumbasses living in their vans on the side of the road are completely insane for not taking advantage of these laws.

>> No.55918449

Accumulate altcoins and build a solid portfolio in this market. Altcoinistdao picks is a great start

>> No.55919098

legal auctions

>> No.55919264

Tax lien hunting is retarded just go to a deed state

>> No.55919712
File: 174 KB, 1124x850, 1610177812325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope he's a fat indian guy who spends his girlfriend's money on weed, cigarettes, and beer and plays video games all day

he just happened to find a girl with social anxiety and low self esteem

>> No.55919759

where were you when biz turned from crypto containment board to buying fucking houses

>> No.55919988

This, some people even give them away for free, but require transport which is expensive and then you need to hook up all utilities and stuff like that which is expensive, plus pour a concrete pad for it to sit on and have your own land

>> No.55920055

This van will cost you as much as a house you dumb fagg.

>> No.55920335

You say: pure luck.
I say: skill.

>> No.55920612

used van = 5-15k
old house 250-750k

>> No.55921125

More like 15-20k if you don't want to spend another 10k fixing it the first year. New one is 40-50k. Plus where the fuck are you going to park that thing to sleep at night?

>> No.55921480

Look at the price of houses in the north of England and compare it with the south. It's half the price in some cases. Is < £150,000 the value of a house minus it's land? Should I find the shittest house I can, like in the OP, knock it down and build a new one?

>> No.55921980


I lived out of the back of a pickup truck for about 2 months. One major problem is taking a dump. You always have to be near a library or a Wal Nart etc. every time you had to crap. Annoying as hell and quickly becomes unfun. Little businesses begin to recognize you if you come in and don't buy anything and just use their toilet. Another problem is the weather. In winter, it could get get quite cold where I lived. I had a propane heater (with a safety shutoff), but still... Something to consider. Finding a place to park at night was also a daily routine. I remember once I had police tell me to leave on one occasion from the back of a Goodwill parking lot. They weren't upset at me but some nearby houses called the cops on me. Another time in a public park one time, there were gang members that pulled up at night and did a drug deal. I found a bunch of heroin needles beneath my tailgate when I woke up. I felt like it was a sign for me to leave. Not fun.
Not having running water, a kitchen, a fridge, or a normal electrical outlet/power source also got old.
But actually, the worst thing about it was feeling isolated from society. I don't mean in a romantic Henry-David-Thoreau type way, or a typical 4chan way. I mean, you felt like a total outcast. Constantly having to find places to sleep, take a dump, park, etc. This was the hardest part in my opinion about being homeless.
Showering was not an issue. I used a local truck stop for that. Laundry was done at a laundromat. Internet was easy enough to do with a mobile hotspot on a smartphone. The toilet issue was a real problem though.

>> No.55922071

Fun facts about squatting
>squatting (aka adverse possession) is a legal way to gain property for free
>the process of squatting requires you to live on the property for a period as few as three years to as many as 40
>it needs to be obvious to anyone that visits the property that you are living there
>it is also helpful to make improvements and pay property taxes
>remote areas work best for this since fewer people come near the property
>rules for taking possession vary by state so it makes sense to do your homework
>even if the owner finds out you are there they will need to get a judgment in court to get you removed
>since squatting is not a criminal offense police can not keep you from off the property
>in fact without a judgment the owner can not enter it
Squatting is a fun way to have a nice home and potentially get it for free. So rentoid why aren't you squatting? It's the only way you'll ever get a zestimate.

>> No.55922257

This is actually a good idea. There are many empty houses that were bought up by the corporations just squat in them.

>> No.55923399

People in Fargo are pieces of shit. North Dakotans have suicidal tier anger issues because their entire existence is a dead end.
Moorhead's pretty nice though.

>> No.55924611

Why the fuck would you want a cat lady and her cats in your house? Get that bitch to psych hospital asap.

>> No.55924882

I did this for 2 years - not out of a van but I lived in an 05 Outback fresh out of high school. You save so much money it's unreal, but I would recommend going to a real (i.e local, non-corporate goyslop) gym and getting comfy with the owner. My local gym had a really cool owner, not only did he not call the cops on me and let me sleep in the parking lot, but I got to lift for free and use the showers as well - all I had to do in exchange is help him open up in the morning; cleaning benches and other equipment, setting up shit around the office area - took about an hour a day but it was super worth. I had the best physique of my life and I had a ton of cash. Now I'm married, broke, and fat. Good luck to you anon.